Ciprofloxacin-Solopharm eye and ear drops 0.3% 5 ml bottle 1 pc. in Moscow

Ciprofloxacin-Solopharm eye and ear drops 0.3% 5 ml bottle 1 pc. in Moscow

A broad-spectrum antibacterial drug of the fluoroquinolone group for topical use in ophthalmology and ENT practice. Suppresses bacterial DNA gyrase (topoisomerases II and IV, responsible for the process of supercoiling of chromosomal DNA around nuclear RNA, which is necessary for reading genetic information), disrupts DNA synthesis, growth and division of bacteria. Causes pronounced morphological changes (including cell wall and membranes) and rapid death of the bacterial cell.

It has a bactericidal effect on gram-negative organisms during the period of rest and division (since it affects not only DNA gyrase, but also causes lysis of the cell wall), on gram-positive microorganisms - only during the period of division.

Low toxicity for the cells of the macroorganism is explained by the absence of DNA gyrase in them. While taking ciprofloxacin, there is no parallel development of resistance to other actibiotics that do not belong to the group of gyrase inhibitors, which makes it highly effective against bacteria that are resistant, for example, to aminoglycosides, penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines and many other antibiotics.

Active against gram-negative aerobic bacteria: Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Citrobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens, Hafnia alvei, Edwardsiella tarda, Providencia spp., Morganella morganii, Vibrio spp., Yersinia spp., Haemophilus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Moraxella catarrhalis, Aeromonas spp., Pasteurella multocida, Plesiomonas shigelloides, Campylobacter jejuni, Neisseria spp.;

gram-positive aerobic bacteria:
Staphylococcus spp.
(Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus), Streptococcus spp. (Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae); some intracellular pathogens:
Legionella pneumophila, Brucella spp., Chlamydia trachomatis, Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium kansasii, Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
Moderately sensitive to ciprofloxacin (high concentrations are required to suppress them) Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis, Mycobacterium avium (located intracellularly).

Bacteroides fragilis, Pseudomonas cepacia, Pseudomonas maltophilia, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Clostridium difficile, Nocardia asteroides are resistant to ciprofloxacin

Most staphylococci resistant to methicillin are also resistant to ciprofloxacin.

Not effective against Treponema pallidum.

Resistance develops extremely slowly: on the one hand, after the action of ciprofloxacin there are practically no persistent microorganisms left, on the other hand, bacterial cells do not have enzymes that inactivate it.


oh, because the salads won’t cut themselves, and the guests won’t entertain themselves)).
So we decided to forget about the pain and hope that it would go away on its own. A day later, the situation worsened and the swelling turned red and increased slightly in size. Plus, the eye itself was watering all day and there was already a cutting, but quite tolerable pain. Immediately in the morning I ran to the pharmacy to a very smart aunt for “help”. So she gave me the treasured bottle with the hard-to-read name “Ciprofloxacin.” By the way, it cost only 28 UAH and kopecks (about 60 rubles). Which initially caused mistrust on my part.

But what surprised me most was that the drops are intended for both eyes and ears.

Everything was packed in a small cardboard box. It contained instructions (the size of a canvas; I didn’t even take a photo because the font was very small), the bottle of medicine itself, and a sterile pipette cap, which was separately packaged in a bag.

The bottle itself is initially sealed hermetically, similar to injection bottles. To open it, you need to remove the protective membrane and pull out the rubber plug.

Next, you need to open the package with a sterile pipette.

Disconnect the small cap with the holder from it. And put it on the bottle with the drug.

I was told to take 4 times a day, 1 drop into the sore eye. Which, in fact, is what I did immediately upon arriving home in the morning.

It dripped on its own. This is quite convenient to do with this pipette cap. I lay down in a horizontal position and directed the “nose” of the pipette into the corner of my eye, holding my head at such an angle that the drop, once in the eye, flowed over its entire surface. As soon as I feel that the droplet has reached my eye, I close it and VERY lightly and carefully massage my eyelid a couple of times so that the medicine disperses inside better.

When a drop gets into the eye, you only feel a chill for an instant, as if you just dropped some water. Doesn't burn or sting. The view is not blurred.

After the second application, or after the second drop, after lunch, a white tip (sorry) of an abscess appeared under the eyelashes. It started to hurt a little more. In the evening, before going to bed, I dropped the last drop.

The result did not take long to wait. The next morning, a barely noticeable trace remained of the swelling and redness, and the abscess was gone. It broke through at night while I was sleeping and everything came out through a tear. At the same time, the eye remained clean, without feeling any discomfort.

I have not observed any allergic reactions or side effects to Ciprofloxacin.

I really regret that I didn’t buy Ciprofloxacin drops on the first day. Maybe everything would have calmed down much faster and without severe inflammation. Now I will know that there is such a drug and keep it in the medicine cabinet just in case. Moreover, it can be dripped into the ears and is used even by children. It’s better, of course, to let it sit idle).

I have no right to recommend medications, since I do not have a medical education. I simply described my specific case and the effect of the drug on my body.

Don't get sick, healthy eyes and ears everyone! :)

Thank you very much for reading me, I hope it wasn’t boring).

ciprofloxacin for eyes

99 OF THE BEST MEDICINES. Be sure to save.


1. Ibupron is a strong pain reliever, it acts quickly, in the form of effervescent tablets it is gentle on the stomach, and in suppositories it is convenient for children. 2. Coldrex is an excellent vasoconstrictor drug. It works quickly because it is dissolved in hot water. 3. Nazol - relieves a runny nose and prevents the nasal mucosa from drying out, lasts 12 hours. 4. Nurofen is an ambulance, it acts quickly. There are suppositories for babies, but they greatly worsen the quality of the blood. 5. Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan) - an excellent antipyretic, indispensable for asthmatics. 6. Polyoxidonium - stimulates the immune system, is prescribed to children, suitable for emergency care and for prevention during an acute respiratory viral infection epidemic. 7. Ribomunil - restores immunity, recommended for children as the most effective remedy. 8. Sanorin is the fastest remedy for a runny nose with antiallergic components. 9. Flukol-B is a cheap and effective drug, but contains 8% alcohol and is contraindicated for drivers.


1. Antral is a domestic original drug, it has no analogues in the world, it protects liver cells from any microbial aggression. 2. Galstena - drops, an indispensable medicine for young children. 3. Lioliv - improves the condition of the liver in case of jaundice (low bilirubin). 4. Lipoferon - the drug is taken orally, it is 5 times cheaper than injectable interferons! 5. Potassium orotate - improves liver function, protein synthesis, and overall metabolism. 6. Silymarin-hexal is a herbal preparation. It contains much more active ingredient than its analogues: karsil, silybor, hepaben. 7. Cholenzym is an inexpensive choleretic drug that helps digest food and improves the production of enzymes. 8. Holiver is a choleretic drug of plant origin. 9. Hepel is a homeopathic German remedy without side effects. 10. Essentiale - for 20 years there has been no more effective drug for treating the liver.


1. Altan is a domestically produced herbal preparation, indispensable for peptic ulcers. 2. Acidin-pepsin - increases acidity in the stomach. 3. Gastritol - drops of plant origin, good for babies. 4. Motilium - normalizes gastric motility, improves the movement of food through the stomach. 5. Sea buckthorn oil - reduces inflammatory processes in the stomach. 6. Pariet - from the latest generation of drugs that are good at reducing acidity in the stomach. 7. Pilobact is the newest remedy for Helicobacter. 8. Renorm - a domestic phytoconcentrate with a strong anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes digestion. 9. Riabal - relieves stomach cramps well, it is prescribed to children. Available in syrup and drops. 10. Phosphalugel - relieves heartburn attacks well, less toxic than analogues.


1. Zovirax is an eye ointment, indispensable for viral conjunctivitis. 2. Quinax is the best preventative for cataracts. 3. Korneregel is a gel that effectively restores the tear film on the cornea of ​​the eye. 4. Xalacom - it combines two drugs xalatan and timalol. They enhance each other's action. 5. Xalatan (travatan) - effective for glaucoma, you can drop it once a day. 6. Systane is an artificial tear, the advantage is that you can drop it once a day. 7. Uniclofen is a good non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in drops. 8. Floxal - drops, antibiotic, acts on a wide range of microorganisms. 9. Floxal ointment - indispensable for bacterial conjunctivitis. 10. Cycloxan is a strong antibiotic in drops, a panacea for acute conjunctivitis.


1. Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that actively fights the main pathogens that cause ENT diseases. 2. Clavicillin-amoxicillin + clavulanic acid - in addition to microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin, the drug also has an active effect on some types of bacteria. 3. Otofa - ear drops, an antibiotic used for inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. 4. Otipax is a combination drug for topical use with a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The combination of phenazone and lidocaine reduces the time of onset of the anesthetic effect. 5. Nimesulide - has both analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. 6. Noxprey - when administered through the nasal cavity, it causes a narrowing of the mucous membrane, reduces its swelling, as well as swelling around the mouths of the Eustachian tubes, improves drainage in case of eustachitis and otitis media. 7. Ciprofloxacin is an effective local remedy for otitis, has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor effects, reduces swelling. 8. Cefaclor, cefixime, cefpodoxime, cefprozil, cefuroxime are second and third generation cephalosporins. They are prescribed to those who are not affected by ampicillin. 9. Edas-125 tonsillin - homeopathic drops, prescribed to children from 2 years of age for otitis media, adenoids, chronic tonsillitis with water or on a piece of sugar. 10. Erythromycin - prescribed to those who are allergic to penicillin drugs.


1. Venlaxor is an antidepressant with virtually no side effects and quickly relieves severe depression. 2. Busperon is a strong anti-anxiety drug and does not create the effect of inhibition. Can be used by drivers and students before the exam. 3. Gidazepam is a mild sleeping pill that does not affect the driver’s reaction. But you can get used to it - you can’t drink it for more than a month! 4. Zyprexa - has no serious side effects, provides immediate relief. 5. Imovan (sonap, somnol, sonavan) - the most modern sleeping pills. 6. Paxil is an antidepressant, it eliminates panic, fear, obsessive states (phobias), helps against anorexia, and also prolongs the course of sexual intercourse. 7. Pramestar - improves memory in general and makes it easier to remember information. 8. Rispolept - long-lasting, convenient - dissolves in the mouth like candy. 9. Sulpiride (eglanil) - simultaneously treats nerves and stomach. Another plus: I drank today - today is the result. 10. Finlepsin - treats seizures and neuritis, and also stabilizes mood.


1. Axef is an antibiotic, convenient because it can be taken as tablets or injected. It is sold individually, complete with solvent. 2. Blemaren is the most effective dissolver of kidney stones. 3. Canephron is a herbal preparation without side effects. 4. Movalis - suppositories, a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug that does not irritate the rectal mucosa. 5. Nephrofit is a combined herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Without side effects, prescribed to children over 5 years old and pregnant women. 6. Ofloxin is not aggressive to the stomach and rarely causes allergies. 7. Urosept - suppositories that act only on the urinary system. 8. Urolesan is a herbal preparation that removes sand well from the kidneys and is often prescribed to children. Available in syrup form. 9. Flemoklav solutab - a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, recommended for weakened patients. 10. Ceftriaxone is a broad-spectrum antibiotic with a minimum of side effects, approved for use even by pregnant women.


1. Azitrox is an antibiotic, convenient - one tablet per week. 2. Gatifloxacin is the newest, fast-acting antibiotic. 3. Zoxon - gives minimal side effects, convenient - one tablet at night. 4. Penisten - reduces the volume of the prostate, reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer. 5. Prostamol UNO is a herbal preparation without side effects. 6. Prostatilen (Vitaprost) - extract from the prostate gland of cattle, biostimulant. 7. Proteflazide is a herbal immunostimulant, effective for prostatitis. 8. Focusin - does not lower blood pressure. 9. Funid is an antifungal drug of the latest generation. 10. Unidox Solutab is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that penetrates well into the prostate tissue.


1. Aspirin is indispensable for gout. 2. Alflutop - improves blood metabolism and activates metabolic processes in muscles. 3. Dona - strengthens cartilage tissue. 4. Dicloberl is a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug. They are used in suppositories, but injections can also be given. 5. Diclofen - has fewer side effects than others. 6. Diclofenac is effective, but affects the condition of the blood. 7. Ketanov is an effective injection drug. 8. Olfen - convenient because it is in suppositories; it does not harm the gastric mucosa. 9. Osteogenon is an effective chondoprotector that relieves joint laxity. 10. Retabolil - improves peripheral circulation.

Throat 1. Anaferon is a good homeopathic remedy for the treatment of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. 2. Kolustan is an aerosol that relieves swelling and inflammation well. 3. Lugol's dissolved in glycerin is the best external remedy for laryngitis. 4. Proposol-N - has pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, does not have an irritating effect on the body. 5. Sinupret - has an antibacterial and anti-edematous effect, can be prescribed to children - available in the form of drops. 6. Tonsilgon is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic that helps reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. 7. Tonsilotren - increases the activity of the mucous membrane. 8. Flemoxin solutab is an effective instant antibiotic for purulent sore throat, used both internally and for rinsing. 9. Faringosept is an antiseptic that tastes good (dissolves in the mouth). Does not affect intestinal microflora. 10. Falimint is a product with a cooling effect for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. Indispensable on the eve of operations, during dental prosthetics and for lecturers.

Before use, be sure to consult your doctor; some medications have contraindications and may harm your health!

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