Atenolol nycomed 100 mg 30 pcs film-coated tablets


  • cardiogenic shock, hypovolemic shock and other shock conditions;
  • sinoatrial (SA) block;
  • atrioventricular (AV) block II-III degree;
  • severe bradycardia (heart rate (HR) less than 40 beats per minute);
  • decompensated chronic heart failure or acute heart failure;
  • sick sinus syndrome;
  • Prinzmetal's angina;
  • severe arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure (BP) during myocardial infarction below 100 mmHg);
  • cardiomegaly without signs of chronic heart failure;
  • simultaneous use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO);
  • pheochromocytoma (in the absence of concomitant therapy with alpha-blockers);
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age under 18 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It is recommended to prescribe Atenolol Nycomed with caution in case of AV blockade of the first degree, compensated chronic heart failure, diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, history of allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary emphysema, obliterating diseases of peripheral vessels (Raynaud's syndrome, intermittent claudication), liver failure, myasthenia gravis, chronic renal failure, pheochromocytoma (only with simultaneous use of alpha-blockers), thyrotoxicosis, psoriasis, depression (including history), during pregnancy, in elderly patients.

Side effects

  • from the cardiovascular system: often - cold legs, hypotension, bradycardia; rarely - arrhythmias, development or exacerbation of chronic heart failure, chest pain, AV block, peripheral edema, orthostatic hypotension, fainting, cardiac conduction disturbances, Raynaud's syndrome;
  • from the digestive system: often – abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting; rarely – cholestasis, dry mouth;
  • from the nervous system: often – muscle weakness, asthenia; uncommon – sleep disorders (insomnia, drowsiness); rarely - psychosis, headache, nightmares, depression, hallucinations, confusion, short-term memory loss, dizziness, anxiety, paresthesia of the limbs (with intermittent claudication and Raynaud's syndrome), taste disturbances, convulsions; very rarely - myasthenia gravis;
  • from the respiratory system: rarely - nasal congestion, bronchospasm, shortness of breath (while taking high doses, individual predisposition), wheezing;
  • from the senses: decreased secretion of tear fluid, conjunctivitis, blurred vision, soreness and dry eyes;
  • from the skin: rarely - itching, rash, purpura, reversible alopecia, exacerbation of psoriasis; very rarely - lupus-like syndrome, psoriasis-like skin rash, hypersensitivity reactions (including urticaria, angioedema);
  • from the endocrine system: infrequently - symptoms of hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia (with the use of insulin), hyperglycemia (in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus);
  • laboratory indications: infrequently - increased activity of liver enzymes; rarely – leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia, thrombocytopenia; very rarely - a positive test result for antinuclear antibodies;
  • other: rarely – decreased potency; very rarely - decreased libido.

The drug Atenolol - reviews



Before using medications, consult a specialist!


  • good hypotensive effect


  • not yet identified

My mother has been taking this drug for the past five years. A dosage of 25 mg per day is sufficient to provide a maintenance treatment regimen. The drug is suitable for this; taking it at the same time (in the evening) provides itself with a hypotensive effect for a day. The time was not chosen by chance, since previously rises in blood pressure occurred most often in the morning - taking the drug in the evening ensures the peak of its daily action just in the morning and thereby protects most actively during a possible rise. Mom did not feel any side effects, so she treats the drug with great confidence, which ensures her satisfactory well-being. However, I would like to remind you that the selection of an antihypertensive drug should be made individually by your attending physician!

Anna D.

Atenolol is an excellent remedy for hypertension and tachycardia, if your heart jumps out of your chest like a hare’s, when you feel every heartbeat and begins to throw you up, then you need to seriously start taking care of your heart. The effect of taking this medicine is noticeable almost immediately: shortness of breath disappears, with exertion the pressing pain in the chest simply disappears, and the pressure stabilizes. For the first two weeks of taking it, I didn’t sleep well and suffered from insomnia, but after a while my sleep improved. I heard that it has a bad effect on potency: I can’t say for sure, because I’m not a man. Atenolol works great for various cardiovascular symptoms, it costs just a penny at current prices, but like any drug Atenolol has its side effects and contraindications, so you first need to consult a doctor so that this medicine will help you and not harm you.


I do not have hypertension, rather I am still hypotensive, but there is a serious risk of tachycardia paroxysms. I tried to take ANAPRILIN, but the dose doubled in two months, and I also needed ASPARKAM or PANANGIN. I have been taking atenolol for 10-12 years. First, 0.25 mg 2 times a week, then 3, then daily. Now I forget (is it better?), but I don’t go anywhere without it.

I don’t notice any side effects (based on how I feel), but it’s better to lie down for half an hour after taking it.



  • Quickly reduces blood pressure.


  • It is inconvenient to break the tablet.

My husband suffered a myocardial infarction and now has to take many medications.

If his heart rate increases or his blood pressure is high, he is prescribed to take Atenolol. A very good product, it helps in literally 20 minutes.

My husband takes a dosage of 50 mg. After taking Atenolol, he always lies down and lies for a while, then when his condition returns to normal, he even forgets about his illness.

My husband does not take Atenolol every day, because his blood pressure is generally normal (other drugs regulate it), although the doctor advises him to take Atonolol every day too.

I also sometimes have pressure surges (I don’t take individual medications yet) and when the lower one reaches 90, I take an Atenolol tablet from my husband, take it (sometimes and most often 0.5 tablets), lie down and do my business further, no matter what. what never happened.

“Atenolol” relieves pressure quickly, but it’s not convenient for me to split the tablet (there is no dividing mark on it, but there is a risk on the 100 mg tablets).

We buy “Atenolol” from our domestic manufacturer, and the price is simply surprising - from 11 to 16 rubles.

My sister takes Atenolol daily - she has tachycardia.


Over the last year, my heart began to worry me - shortness of breath, strong heartbeat, pressing pain in the chest during some kind of physical activity, and when I have to walk for a long time, my blood pressure also jumps. I went to a cardiologist, they did all the necessary procedures and it turned out that I had coronary heart disease. The doctor prescribed me Atenolol. After reading his instructions, I was satisfied. I began to take 1 tablet without chewing and with a large amount of food, the dose was 50 mg. There are tablets of 25, 50 and 100 mg and 10 or 20 pieces per pack. After taking it for a week, I began to notice an improvement, my blood pressure became normal and my shortness of breath decreased slightly. The only side effect I had was that I didn’t sleep well and was bothered by insomnia. But after 2 weeks of taking Atenolol, everything returned to normal. Yes, there are contraindications, but I was lucky; I didn’t have any of the listed contraindications. Now I take it as needed.

(Yulia26) Julia

Restores heart rhythm


  • Effective instantly


  • I have swelling

What is the drug intended for?

It aligns the cardiovascular system. Lately my rhythm has started to pick up a lot. And out of the blue. It feels like I’m very worried and my heart is pounding non-stop. I went to the hospital and the doctor prescribed me this drug. It is sold without a prescription and costs 60 rubles.

How to use?

You need to take the pill only at the moment when your heartbeat is outside the normal range. I took it once a day, and sometimes I skipped it because the rhythm was normal. The drug is white in color and should be taken with plenty of water. Effective within 5 minutes.

Contraindications and side effects?

There is only one contraindication - frequent use. That is, you should take pills rarely and only when necessary. Drinking during the course is not recommended. If your heartbeat is constantly going off scale, you need to go to the hospital and look for a more serious problem. I began to notice that a couple of hours after taking the pill, my legs and fingers were swelling. Sometimes I even took off the rings. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor.


She was treated with atenolol after a hypertensive crisis. It was not suitable for me as a preventive measure, but after a pre-infarction condition it became simply necessary. The daily dose is very small, but it is convenient in terms of taking the medicine. Instead of a whole handful of tablets, just one, and taking it in the morning makes it much easier to use. My blood pressure dropped well and I had no side effects.


Inexpensive and very strong medicine. Side effects in the form of weakness and dizziness appeared only in the first week of use, after which they disappeared. The doctor noted an improvement in heart function (I have chronic angina), as well as a decrease in blood pressure. I haven’t finished the full course yet, but my dosage has already been reduced.



  • effective
  • great price


  • consultation with a doctor is required
  • there are many nuances to use

The Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for the discovery of this group of drugs in 1988. Namely, for the group of beta-blockers, which includes the drug Atenolol, one of my favorite emergency drugs. But it can also be taken constantly - as prescribed by a cardiologist, for example, for heart disease, arrhythmias or hypertension.

I take this drug very rarely, when my blood pressure rises due to stress, when my head hurts terribly, my heart rate increases, and my heart rate increases (increased heart rate in medical parlance - tachycardia). By nature, I am a very calm person, so this happens literally a couple of times a year. Unfortunately, no one is protected from stress. And always in such cases, a tablet or half a tablet of Atenolol saves me, depending on what the pressure is. Improvement occurs after 30-40 minutes, and the pressure begins to decrease after 20 minutes.

The cost in pharmacies is now approximately 5 Ukrainian UAH (about 15 rubles) for 20 tablets. In my photo the price is 3.50 UAH, since I bought the package back in 2012. As you can see, it lasts me personally for a long time.

Separately, I note that the effect of Atenolol, in addition to lowering blood pressure, also slows down the pulse. Therefore, if your resting heart rate is 60-70 beats per minute or less, you should not take this drug, it may get even worse. Therefore, the drug is not suitable for everyone!

Before using Atenolol, you must consult a doctor. It is advisable to see a cardiologist or a competent therapist, as there are many nuances in its prescription. And even if the drug suits you, you need to choose the right dose. It is not advisable to take it in case of chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, diabetes mellitus, or pregnancy. Or, depending on the extent of the disease, other drugs from this group of beta blockers may be prescribed. And with long-term use, the drug must be discontinued gradually, also under the supervision of a doctor.


The only drug that really helps with heart palpitations. When I was depressed, I thought my heart would jump out, my blood pressure was normal, but my pulse went through the roof. I tried everything, but this one helped, now if I drink anything I take half and that’s it


My husband often has high blood pressure; after an examination, the doctor prescribed the necessary treatment. But sometimes it happens that the pulse is high, and here we always have Atenolol for this case. He doesn’t drink as a course, but purely as needed, and it helps very well, bringing his pulse back to normal literally within half an hour. Really a very good drug.

Olga Vasilievna

I was diagnosed with hypertension several years ago. Although there have been rises in blood pressure before, when I got nervous. But then the pressure grew constantly, my heart trembled, spots circled before my eyes. At some medical examination, they measured it for me and sent me for examination. I went to a consultation with a cardiologist, where I was advised to change my weight, food and start treatment, otherwise there would be trouble. Atenolol was prescribed to reduce blood pressure. This medicine is a beta-blocker, which is prescribed to most patients and at different stages of the disease. Their main advantage is that they reduce blood pressure well, regardless of physical mobility. In addition, they do not get used to them.

On the negative side, I started to have a sore throat and my mouth was constantly dry, so I had to carry lozenges with me everywhere. Although it is written that this drug is better tolerated than other beta-blockers, because it selectively affects heart receptors.

The doctor said that you shouldn’t stop taking the pills right away, otherwise there could be a sharp drop in blood pressure. But I'm not going to stop just yet. I changed my daily routine, lost a little weight, drink Atenolol and constantly monitor my blood pressure numbers. And everything is fine with me. Therefore, you need to go to the doctor, find the right medicine, and not suffer from heart pain.



Before using medications, consult a specialist!


  • good
  • quick result
  • price
  • availability


  • side effects
  • contraindications

I don’t want to talk about pills on New Year’s Eve. But it just so happened... I didn’t know what high blood pressure was for many years. I generally have low blood pressure and I have learned to increase it. Of course, I had high blood pressure, but not very high. I only had high blood pressure a couple of times.

A few weeks ago I had a really bad headache. The pain was strange, incomprehensible. At this time I was at home and decided to measure my blood pressure. The numbers that the device showed made me feel even worse and scared. 148 by 103 is no joke. I had to call a doctor to my house. I was unable to reach it on my own. The doctor prescribed me several types of pills. Among them was this drug:

I don't know how much it costs. It wasn’t me who went to the pharmacy, but it certainly didn’t cost more than a hundred rubles.

The box contains detailed instructions for use. It turns out that this drug is prescribed not only for high blood pressure, but also for angina, heart attack, etc.

This drug is not suitable for everyone. There is a large list of contraindications: pregnancy, old age...

The dosage of the drug should be prescribed only by a doctor, depending on the disease. Atenolol Nycomed is sold without a prescription, but I do not recommend buying it or taking it without a prescription!!

I took the capsules before meals, washed them down with water, without chewing. Now my blood pressure is normal. My working pressure is 100 over 70. After I started taking this drug, my blood pressure jumps to a maximum of 110 over 70. So it helped me quickly and did not cause side effects.

Don't get sick and be healthy! Thank you for your attention to my review.

Release form and composition

Dosage form – film-coated tablets: biconvex, capsule-shaped, white, with a dividing line and engraving “AB55” or “AB57” (30 pieces in a plastic bottle).

1 tablet contains:

  • active ingredient: atenolol – 50 mg (“AB55”) or 100 mg (“AB57”);
  • auxiliary components: sodium lauryl sulfate, corn starch, magnesium stearate, magnesium carbonate, gelatin;
  • shell composition: titanium dioxide, propylene glycol, hypromellose E15, talc.

Directions for use and dosage

The tablets are taken orally before meals, swallowed whole and washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.

The frequency of administration is 1 time per day.

Recommended dosage regimen:

  • arterial hypertension: initial dose – 50 mg, a stable hypotensive effect occurs after 1-2 weeks of regular use. In case of insufficient hypotensive effect, the daily dose can be increased to 100 mg. Higher doses should not be used, they do not enhance the hypotensive effect;
  • angina pectoris: initial dose – 50 mg, in the absence of an optimal therapeutic effect after one week of therapy, the dose is increased to 100–200 mg per day.

In cases of impaired renal excretory function and in elderly patients, adjustment of the dosage regimen is required.

In case of renal failure, the dose is prescribed taking into account creatine clearance (CC):

  • CC 15–35 ml/min: no more than 50 mg per day or 100 mg once every 2 days;
  • CC less than 15 ml/min: no more than 50 mg once every 2 days or 100 mg once every 4 days.

Patients on hemodialysis are prescribed 25 or 50 mg; the tablet should be taken immediately after each dialysis procedure, in the hospital, since a significant decrease in blood pressure is possible. In elderly patients, the initial dose should be prescribed at 25 mg, then to achieve a clinical effect it can be increased under the control of blood pressure and heart rate. Since a daily dose above 100 mg increases the risk of side effects without enhancing the therapeutic effect, its use is not recommended.

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