Arpeflu 100 mg 30 pcs. film-coated tablets

Throughout life, every person is attacked by viral infections to varying degrees. They often become a threat to human life, causing complications: bronchitis, pneumonia. It is generally accepted that antibiotics suppress viruses.

In fact, responsible doctors prescribe only when a bacterial disease develops against the background of a common cold. Despite the contradictory views among doctors, antiviral drugs are an indispensable salvation from influenza and respiratory outbreaks. The principle of influence on the body is grouped into two categories:

  • direct action - kills the virus directly;
  • indirect action or immunomodulators - drugs activate immune cells, so that the body copes with the disease faster.

Among antiviral drugs, there are drugs that combine different directions. The main task is error-free selection. Drugs with the main active ingredient umifenovir have proven themselves well on the pharmaceutical market.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Arpeflu is an antiviral drug for systemic use. Contains the active substance umifenovir , which suppresses influenza A and B . The specific effect is associated with the inhibition of the fusion of the viral shell with the cell membranes - thus preventing their penetration into the cells of the body. Also, umifenovir increases interferon . Refers to low-toxic drugs. When using it, there is a reduction in the duration of the disease, a decrease in the severity of influenza , ARVI and the frequency of complications.


When taken orally, it is quickly and completely absorbed and maximum concentrations in the blood are created after 1.5 hours. Metabolism of the active substance occurs in the liver. It is excreted unchanged by the intestines and a small part by the kidneys. The half-life is 17-20 hours; about 90% of the dose is eliminated within 24 hours.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: Lekpharm, Russia
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: umifenovir

Synonyms: Arbidol

Arpeflu has an antiviral effect by suppressing the fusion of the virus shell with the body cell. Helps reduce intoxication, duration of the disease, and the manifestation of catarrhal symptoms. The drug activates the immune system, increasing the production of interferon.

The medicine prevents the development of complications after ARVI and influenza, reduces the frequency of relapses of chronic diseases, and normalizes the immune system.

Is Arpeflu an antibiotic or not?

The drug is not an antibacterial agent. If necessary, it is used in complex treatment regimens, together with antibiotics for viral infections complicated by bacteria.

Arpeflu, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Arpeflu tablets are taken before meals with plenty of liquid. Treatment regimens depend on the severity of the disease and are determined by the doctor. The duration of treatment is also adjusted by the doctor depending on the dynamics of the disease and concomitant pathology.

  • A single dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 200 mg.
  • For influenza and ARVI - 200 mg 4 times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 5 days.
  • For influenza complicated by pneumonia - 200 mg 4 times a day for 5 days, and then once a week, month.
  • For recurrent herpetic infection - 200 mg 4 times a day for 7 days, with a transition to taking 200 mg twice a week for a month.
  • Preventive administration after contact with patients - 200 mg 1 time per day for 10-14 days.
  • During an epidemic - 200 mg 2 times a week for 3 weeks.

Arpeflu for children from 3 to 6 years old is recommended at a dose of 50 mg and 100 mg from 6 to 12 years old. For rotavirus intestinal infection - a single dose in accordance with age is taken 4 times a day for 5 days.

Description of the drug Arpeflu

It works in two directions: antiviral protection with an immunomodulatory effect. Among other drugs, Arpeflu stands out for its specific action. It increases the body's resistance through saliva, blood, lymph, with the help of hormones secreted by tissues, organs and cells. Thanks to its properties, the frequency of relapses is reduced, and the immunological index is normalized.

Arpeflu is a mildly toxic drug and does not have any negative effects in the prescribed doses. For influenza, it reduces the toxic effect, and the period of fever (high temperature) is shortened. The medicine is well tolerated even by hypersensitive people. There are no data on the safety of use by pregnant women and during lactation. It is prescribed to both adults and children.

After taking the tablet, the active substance is absorbed quickly, and reaches its maximum concentration after 1.5 hours.


Used for symptoms:

  • influenza caused by viruses A, B;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • herpes.

Arpeflu is prescribed as part of complex therapy for chronic forms of infectious diseases. Adults are also recommended in the postoperative period to stabilize immune parameters.

For children

In pediatric practice, Arpeflu is prescribed after 3 years. Children can drink no more than 50 mg. It is acceptable to take 2 times a day. The daily dosage is recommended by the doctor, taking into account age and symptoms.

For adults

When prescribing the drug to patients, the characteristics of the kidneys and liver are taken into account. Dosages are usually selected extremely carefully. The half-life is quite long, so it is taken no more than twice a day with an interval of 12 hours. Doses are also adjusted for age categories of citizens, even if older people do not have obvious disorders with the excretory system.

Pregnant and breastfeeding

No clinical trials have been conducted for this category, so data are not available. But due to the low toxicity of the drug, the doctor can prescribe the medicine both while the child is expecting and during lactation. Side effects may occur as a result of exceeding the doses prescribed by the doctor.

Arpeflu's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:














Anaferon for children






Arbidol , Arbidol Maximum , Afludol , Arbivir , Mednat , Immusstat , ORVItol NP , Arbimax .

Bottom line

It is known that many people use antibiotics to treat influenza, but they only act on harmful microorganisms and are absolutely useless for fighting viruses. Pharmacist-developed dual-action medications are most effective against seasonal outbreaks. On pharmacy shelves you can find a huge variety of antiviral drugs. The products differ in composition and mechanism of action, but they are all aimed at fighting infections. To relieve symptoms, it is difficult to determine which drug is best among the abundance. Only a doctor can make the right choice for a patient.

Reviews about Arpeflu

ARVI and influenza are a common group of infectious diseases. They often have a severe course and unfavorable outcomes. One of the reasons for this is reduced immunity . of endogenous interferon and immunomodulators , is relevant . One of these drugs is Arpeflu. It is especially relevant for children, since they have an increased susceptibility to viral infections and an insufficient immune response, which causes a protracted course of the disease. If we compare this drug with amantadine and Remantadine , then their spectrum of action is narrow - they act only on the influenza A virus and side effects are possible when taking them.

This drug has a direct effect on influenza A and B . The use of Arpeflu is also effective for herpes and rotavirus infections . The presence of interferon-inducing, immunomodulatory and antioxidant activity ensures high efficiency in the treatment and prevention of viral diseases, prevents complications and exacerbations of concomitant chronic pathology. The drug is well tolerated and is compatible with antibiotics if there is a need to take them. All these points are reflected in the reviews.

  • “... I think it helps. My husband got sick, his temperature was 39. He only took the antiviral drugs Arpeflu and Nimesil. In three days I got myself back on my feet and went to work.”
  • “... I was prescribed it for an exacerbation of chronic purulent bronchitis along with antibiotics, I tolerated it well. I recovered faster than usual.”

It is most advisable to use the drug for preventive measures before the rise in the incidence of influenza and ARVI in the fall. Its high effectiveness lasts for 2-3 months. According to observations, after the preventive course, the number of children who fell ill with ARVI was 1.4 times less. A sign of effectiveness is also a reduction in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections in adults with chronic respiratory diseases.

Indications for use of Arpeflu

Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of:

  • ARVI with bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • influenza A and B;
  • secondary immunodeficiency;
  • chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, herpetic infection - in complex settings;
  • postoperative conditions to prevent infectious complications;
  • viral intestinal infections.

Arpeflu with alcohol - is it possible or not?

The consumption of alcoholic beverages during the course of therapy is prohibited.

Arpeflu price, where to buy

You can buy Arpeflu in many pharmacies. The cost of 30 tablets of the drug 50 mg is 150 - 200 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Arpeflu tablets p.p.o.
    100 mg 30 pcs. SOOO "Lekpharm" 389 rub. order
  • Arpeflu tablets p.p.o. 100 mg 20 pcs. Lekpharm LLC

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Arpeflu ( 100 mg No. 20) Lekfarm LLC

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  • Arpeflu tablets 100 mg No. 30 Lekfarm LLC

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  • Arpeflu tablets 100 mg No. 20 Lekfarm LLC

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  • Arpeflu ( 100 mg No. 30) Lekfarm LLC

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  • Arpeflu table.
    p/o 100 mg No. 10 + Arpeflu tablet. p/o 50 mg No. 10 PROMOTION 104 UAH. order
  • Arpeflu capsule Arpeflu film-coated tablets 100 mg No. 10 Belarus, Lekpharm

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  • Arpeflu capsule Arpeflu film-coated tablets 50 mg No. 10 Belarus, Lekpharm

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  • Arpeflu table. 50 mg No. 10 Promotion 1+1 Ukraine, Lekpharm

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Brands, price

Tablets with the active ingredient umifenovir are produced by different companies, but the additional substances in each of them may differ. Consultation with a specialist is required when using a non-original drug. You can buy Arpeflu in Moscow for an average of 400 rubles, dosage 100 mg, 30 tablets. 50 mg costs less, from 260 rubles. Other names:

  • Arpetol;
  • Arbedol;
  • Umifenovir;

Doctors speak positively about the drug Arpeflu and its analogues. The medicine helps to quickly cope with illness, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the development of various complications. Doctors advise caution when using an over-the-counter drug, and uncontrolled use of any drug leads to unpredictable consequences.

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