Is testosterone safe? What to expect from taking testosterone?

Drugs to increase testosterone are popular not only in the treatment of various disorders and diseases, but also in strength sports. The fact is that this male sex hormone performs such a large number of tasks in the body that the slightest lack of it immediately leads to disturbances in well-being and general physical condition. For medicinal purposes, drugs to increase testosterone are used to raise its concentration in the body to the required level. In sports practice, the purpose of using these drugs is somewhat different. Since this hormone accelerates the processes of protein synthesis, it can be used to build muscle faster, which is why it is valued in many sports, primarily strength sports. Thus, our task today is to figure out which pharmaceutical drugs increase testosterone for bodybuilding.


In the previous article, “Testosterone in Bodybuilding,” we examined in detail its role in the body of men and women, and also found out why it is so valued in bodybuilding. As for women, excessive levels of testosterone in the body are undesirable for them, which means that the use of drugs to increase testosterone may be necessary solely for therapeutic purposes. As for men, we can safely say that the higher the concentration of testosterone in their body, the more a man is a man. Thus, we logically approach our topic today. Pharmacy drugs to increase testosterone in bodybuilding can be used by men, but definitely should not be used by women.

Here, however, it is worth touching on such an important topic as personal hormonal levels. The fact is that drugs to increase testosterone are created specifically and only for therapeutic purposes. Taking them can only be recommended if you have been tested and your doctor has confirmed that this is the only way for you to increase testosterone. But if you do not have any disturbances in the secretion of this hormone, then in fact, additional intake of testosterone will lead to its excess in the body, which in turn will lead to the development of irreversible consequences. The main one will be the cessation of the production of your own testosterone. When the body feels that the hormone is entering it from the outside, it concludes that there is no point in producing it on its own and stops doing so.

Thus, it turns out that the use of testosterone in bodybuilding is a rather risky undertaking. On the one hand, you interfere with your hormonal balance, thereby disrupting it. On the other hand, you risk that the body will stop producing its own testosterone. One way or another, the author of this article does not advertise any drugs and does not encourage their use, which means whether to take them or not is a matter of personal responsibility for each individual person. But let's return to our topic. Pharmaceutical drugs to increase testosterone are used almost everywhere. Moreover, many of them are sold without a prescription at all. Actually, these drugs will be discussed further.

Types of testosterone for bodybuilding

Drugs to increase testosterone levels are produced in various forms of release. However, despite the form, each of these drugs is based on a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone - testosterone. The following forms of release of such drugs are known in pharmaceuticals: tablets and capsules, gels and patches, as well as solutions for injections. Each of these forms has its pros and cons. For example, tablets and capsules have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, and they are easy to take and digest. The disadvantage of these release forms is the short duration of the effect. That is, testosterone in tablets and capsules is quickly eliminated from the body, which makes it impossible to ensure a long-term effect of its effects.

As for forms such as gels and patches, their advantage is that they are able to have a local effect. That is, they are recommended to be applied pointwise, in those places where their effect is necessary or appropriate. Gel pharmaceutical preparations that increase testosterone are able to be absorbed faster through the skin and enter the bloodstream, which means faster than tablets have an effect on the body. This form of release has a much longer effect, but it also has its drawbacks. It lies in the fact that with frequent use, a gel or patch can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin in the place where they are applied, which means that the frequency of their use should be low.

Finally, the most popular form of drug release for increasing testosterone is injections. The main advantage of this form of release is the speed of its effect. Because the needle injects the drug directly into the bloodstream, the body does not have to spend time and effort digesting and absorbing the pill or absorbing the gel through the skin. The effect of injectable testosterone preparations is considered the most productive, including due to the fact that they are able to have an effect over a long period of time. The disadvantage in this case is considered, firstly, inconvenience, since injections require syringes, which must be purchased separately. Secondly, the disadvantage is the directly higher price relative to the same tablets, capsules, patches and gel.

The best drugs to increase testosterone

An increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood occurs medicinally, that is, through the use of special drugs. We have already examined the types of drugs that are produced for these purposes, but now it is time to describe their specific names. To be honest, not all of them are imported into our country, not all can be found in a regular pharmacy and not all are sold without a prescription. But, since there is a demand among athletes who engage in bodybuilding, there is also a supply. This means that such drugs to increase testosterone are often sold in online stores that specialize in selling sports supplements and other “auxiliary” substances, and very often, they are much easier to find there than in a pharmacy.

Testosterone tablets for bodybuilding


Andriol is a source of testosterone for oral use. The active ingredient of the drug is testosterone undecanoate, which is presented in the form of a fatty acid ester of natural testosterone. In its pure form, testosterone is inactive when taken orally, as it is quickly metabolized even before it enters the blood. In turn, the drug Andriol does not have this drawback and does not undergo primary hepatic metabolism, but is evenly distributed in the lymphatic system and thus retains its activity. The dosage is usually set individually. For therapeutic purposes, it starts at 40 mg per day. In sports practice, everything also depends on the athlete’s build, body weight and the purpose of using the drug.


Tamoxifen belongs to the group of antiestrogens - drugs that block the action of the hormone estrogen. Taking the drug increases the production of the luteinizing hormone prolactin and increases the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland, resulting in an increase in testosterone production in the body. Also on the positive side, Tamoxifen is characterized by its ability to reduce the level of bad cholesterol. The disadvantages include its relatively high toxicity, which often results in loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. This drug is the main component in post-cycle therapy. For therapeutic purposes, the average dosage is 10-20 mg per day.


Although this drug has a hormonal effect, it does not have a synthetic, but a plant base. This is a completely natural product, the composition of which is based on the herb extract of Tribulus creeping. The above-ground part of this plant contains organic steroid compounds, which cause stimulation of the human hormonal system. The drug activates the secretion of testosterone, increases endurance, helps build muscle mass, and also eliminates the symptoms of impotence. Thanks to these properties, it is highly popular among both amateurs and competitive bodybuilders. For therapeutic purposes, the dosage starts from 1-2 tablets per day.


This drug is positioned by the manufacturer as a means to stimulate and normalize potency. The drug normalizes libido, increases sensitivity and has a beneficial effect on overall well-being. The composition contains affinity-purified antibodies to endothelial NO synthase. The drug increases its activity, restores endothelial production of nitric oxide (NO), increases the content of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in smooth muscles, which leads to improved blood circulation. Despite the fact that this drug for increasing testosterone is considered homeopathic, that is, doubtful, nevertheless, it is in wide demand among doctors and patients, as well as among athletes.

Stimulant therapy

Stimulant therapy is aimed at increasing the production of a man's own testosterone in the testicles. For this purpose, human chorionic gonadotropin preparations obtained from the pituitary gland of cattle are used. They are analogues of male luteinizing hormone, produced in the pituitary gland of the male brain.

This group of drugs includes:

  • domestic Chorionic Gonadotropin (produced by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Endocrine Plant")
  • imported drug Horagon (manufactured by Ferring, Germany).

The dose and frequency of administration of the drug depend on the age, weight of the patient and the initial level of male testosterone.

Prescription drugs, dispensed according to a doctor's prescription.

Testosterone for bodybuilding in gels and patches


This drug is intended for external use. It must be applied in a thin layer to the surface of the inner forearms, as well as to the abdominal area. An average daily dosage of just 5 grams increases testosterone levels in the blood by 2.5 ng/ml. In this case, the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 10 grams. The advantage of Androgel is its high absorption rate. You can raise testosterone with a pharmaceutical drug in just 5-6 minutes from the moment it is applied to the skin. An increase in testosterone concentration leads to an acceleration of protein metabolism, a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue, the development of striated muscles, as well as the excretion of potassium phosphates, sodium chlorides, nitrogen and water by the kidneys.


This drug is produced in the form of patches. Each patch contains 2.5 milligrams of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Packages are available in packs of 30 and 60 patches. The patches must be applied to the shoulder, back or thigh. It is recommended to do this in the afternoon, towards evening, and must be worn for 24 hours. The advantage of this drug for increasing testosterone is the duration of its action. Testosterone, which is contained in Androderma, is absorbed into the vascular system through the skin and exerts its effect throughout the entire time the patch is worn. As mentioned earlier, applying patches to the same place is not recommended, as this causes skin irritation.

There are many myths about how to increase the male hormone testosterone!

Does frequent sexual intercourse increase testosterone?

Doubtful! Quite the contrary: a good level of male hormone in the blood maintains high libido and stimulates sexual activity. A naturally programmed decrease in the level of androgens in the blood by 1-2% per year in all men, without exception, inevitably leads to a decrease in sexual desire and sexual activity.

Drugs from the group of PDE-5 inhibitors (Viagra, Levitra, Zidena, Cialis) increase hormone levels.

Doubtful! The point of application for this group of drugs is the vessels of the male body, including the vessels and cavernous bodies of the penis, but not the hormonal organs. If androgen deficiency in a man is not treated, then the effect of taking Viagra will disappear sooner or later.

Overweight and obesity do not affect the male hormone.

Dangerous misconception! Adipose tissue contains the enzyme aromatase. Aromatase converts male testosterone into the female hormone - Estradiol. The more fat, respectively, the more aromatase a man has, the more testosterone will be converted into female sex hormones. An obese man, at any age, never has normal levels of androgen hormones!

Testosterone drugs cause prostate cancer.

The most persistent myth that migrated from the 20th century to the 21st century! Modern scientific research states the following: The risk of developing prostate cancer in men receiving artificial testosterone drugs and in men without hormone replacement therapy is absolutely the same. But the degree of malignancy of prostate cancer (if it occurs) in men without hormone replacement therapy is many times higher than in men receiving artificial testosterone!

The formula of synthetic testosterone is similar to testosterone from the testicles. Answer a simple question: Why didn't you develop prostate cancer at a young age when your male hormone levels were high? The risks of prostate cancer, like other forms of cancer, increase with age, not with blood testosterone levels.

Testosterone for bodybuilding injections


This drug is a solution for intramuscular administration. It is administered through a syringe, in the amount of one ampoule at a time. The ampoule contains 1000 mg of the active substance - testosterone undecanoate in 4 ml of injection solution. For therapeutic purposes, injections are made once every 3-4 months. During this period of time, Nebido maintains the required level of the hormone testosterone in the body, and does not lead to its excess at all. This over-the-counter bodybuilding testosterone is not used as often as the following injectables, but it has the advantage of being easier to obtain in some cases. This makes it quite popular among bodybuilders.

Sustanon 250

Sustanon is a mixture of four different testosterone esters. It contains 30 mg of testosterone propionate, 60 mg of testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg of testosterone isocaproate and 100 mg of testosterone decanoate. Such a diverse composition is explained by the fact that each form of testosterone presented above has a different absorption rate, which allows you to maintain a high level of anabolic hormones in the blood for a month. This eliminates the need for frequent injections. For therapeutic purposes, Sustanon is injected only once every three weeks. Despite the fact that this drug is often perceived as a combined course, in fact this is not entirely true, because each of its components is converted only into testosterone.

Omnadren 250

Omnadren is completely identical to Sustanon, as it has the exact same composition. It also contains 30 mg of testosterone propionate, 60 mg of testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg of testosterone isocaproate and 100 mg of testosterone decanoate. The only reason why athletes prefer this or that drug is simply because of its availability. In terms of application, the varied composition allows the dosage to vary greatly, from 250 mg of the drug per week to 1000 mg per day. Although the optimal dosage is still considered to be 500 mg once a week, intramuscularly. To achieve maximum effect, many bodybuilders combine Omnadren with various anabolic steroids, which, for obvious reasons, are not sold in pharmacies.

Testosterone propionate

This is truly the most popular pharmaceutical drug for increasing testosterone levels. All major pharmaceutical companies produce it. It is sold in every pharmacy, literally all over the world. This is because if you need to increase the level of testosterone in the body, then you will not find a better substance than one made on the basis of this hormone. The drug testosterone in bodybuilding helps improve nitrogen balance, increase the level of insulin-like growth factor in muscles, helps build muscle mass, reduces body fat, shows body contour, increases strength, reduces cholesterol in the blood and more. Its main disadvantage is its short period of action. Injections should be given every other day. The second disadvantage is the high cost.

Hormone replacement therapy

Androgen hormone replacement therapy involves replenishing testosterone deficiency with various dosage forms of artificial testosterone.

Short-acting testosterone preparations:

  • Sustanon-250 (manufactured by Organon , the Netherlands) – 1.0 ml. an oil solution of four testosterone esters, differing in the rate of delivery and duration of action.
  • Omnadren-250 (manufactured by Jelfa , Poland) – 1.0 ml. oil solution of two testosterone esters, differing in the rate of entry into the blood and duration of action

After a single intramuscular injection, a sufficient concentration of testosterone in the blood is maintained for no more than 14 days.

Long-acting testosterone preparation:

  • Nebido (manufactured by Bayer , Germany). Available in 4.0 ml bottles. testosterone undecanoate oil solution

After a single intramuscular injection, it maintains the physiological concentration of testosterone in the blood for 10 to 14 weeks.

Cutaneous form of testosterone

  • Cutaneous form of testosterone in the form of Androgel gel (manufactured by Besins International Belgigue, Belgium). Available in the form of a gel in 5.0 gram bags. It is applied to certain areas of the skin and provides a stable physiological concentration of the hormone in the blood for 24 hours.

All dosage forms of testosterone are prescription drugs and are available only with a doctor's prescription.

Today, drugs with a questionable effect on testosterone levels include numerous dietary supplements - dietary supplements based on plant raw materials.

The most well-known plants for their production are: Tribulus terrestris, Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, African creeping palm root, etc. They are produced under different brand names and have more of a general tonic effect than an androgenic one.

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