Triderm - the gold standard for the treatment of skin diseases

Main active ingredients, description

Triderm is a drug for local use with a complex effect. Available in the form of ointment and cream. 1 g of ointment includes:

  • antifungal agent clotrimazole – 10 mg;
  • antibiotic gentamicin – 1 mg;
  • hormonal anti-inflammatory component betamethasone – 0.5 mg.

Additionally, liquid and soft paraffin are present to give the mass its shape. The substance has a uniform structure, translucent white or yellowish color, no pungent odor. Packaged in tubes of 15 or 30 g, each is sold in a box with instructions.

Triderm cream in the complex treatment of pustular psoriasis

The significant prevalence and insufficient effectiveness of existing treatment methods have necessitated the further development of methods for treating psoriasis [5]. Great difficulties arise when choosing methods for treating the pustular form of the disease [1, 3]. In external therapy, glucocorticosteroids and antibacterial agents are often used [6]. Meanwhile, taking into account the characteristics of the microbial flora of the skin and local immune changes [4, 7–10], it is advisable to act not only on bacteria, but also on fungal microorganisms.

The purpose of our study was to study the effectiveness and tolerability of Triderm cream (Schering Plough) in patients with pustular psoriasis. 1 g of cream contains 0.64 mg betamethasone dipropionate, equivalent to 0.5 mg (0.05%) betamethasone, gentamicin sulfate, equivalent to 1 mg (0.1%) gentamicin base, and 10 mg clotrimazole (1%). Previously, the effectiveness of the drug was shown for seborrheic dermatitis, yeast balanoposthitis, and allergic dermatoses.

We observed 21 patients with pustular psoriasis aged from 42 to 54 years, including 14 women and 7 men. In 20 patients, the lesions were located on the palms and soles (psoriasis pustuposa palmaris et plantaris Barber). On the hyperemic areas of the skin, intraepidermal pustules the size of a pinhead were located, partially merging. The pustules gradually shriveled into brownish-brown crusts without opening. The predominant localization of lesions is the area of ​​the thenar and the inner surface of the metatarsus. All patients were diagnosed with psoriasis vulgaris 2–4 years before the present observation.

In one patient, we observed widespread foci of erytherma with pustulization on the skin of the trunk and extremities (psoriasis suppurativa Zumbusch). Psoriasis was diagnosed 18 years before the present examination (previously there were manifestations of seborrheic psoriasis and psoriatic onychodystrophy).

All patients were prescribed oral calcium supplements, antihistamines, and sedatives. Triderm cream was applied in a thin layer to the lesions twice a day. The duration of treatment ranged from 14 to 21 days, with an average of 19 days.

The results obtained were compared with data from a group of patients who received external cream “Belogent” containing 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate and 0.1% gentamicin sulfate. This group included 20 patients aged 43 to 53 years, including 14 women and 6 men. 19 patients were diagnosed with Barber pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles, and one patient was diagnosed with the common form of Zumbusch disease. All patients were previously (for 2–5 years) observed for vulgar psoriasis. Like the patients of the main group, they received calcium supplements, antihistamines, and sedatives orally. Externally, Belogent cream was applied in a thin layer to the lesions twice a day. The duration of treatment ranged from 14 to 21 days, with an average of 19 days.

After treatment among patients receiving Triderm (21 people), significant improvement was noted in 12 patients, improvement in 8, no effect in 1 patient with widespread pustular psoriasis Zumbusch.

After therapy among patients receiving Belogent (20 people), significant improvement was noted in 5 patients, improvement in 5, no effect in 10 patients.

Treatment was well tolerated in both groups; no adverse reactions were recorded in any case.

The results obtained indicate the preferable use of Triderm cream in the complex treatment of pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles compared to Belogent cream. For a final assessment of the feasibility of using Triderm cream for a common form of the disease, it is necessary to increase the number of observations.

    In conclusion, we can say the following:
  • In the complex therapy of pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles, it is advisable to include Triderm cream, the therapeutic effectiveness of which is higher than that of Belogent cream.
  • Triderm cream is well tolerated and does not cause adverse reactions.

Literature 1. Treatment of skin diseases: A guide for doctors // Ed. A. L. Mashkilleyson. M.: Medicine. 1990, p. 560. 2. Mashkilleyson A.L., Golousenko I.Yu. // Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology. 1995. No. 1. p. 48-49. 3. Mashkilleyson L.N. Private dermatology. M., 1965, p. 174-179. 4. Noble W. K. Microbiology of human skin. Per. from English M.: Medicine. 1986, p. 496 Per. ed.: England, 1981. 5. Skripkin Yu. K., Samsonov V. A., Selissky G. D., Gomberg M. A. // Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology. 1997. No. 6. p. 4-8. 6. Shakhtmeister I. Ya., Shimanovsky N. L. // Ibid. 1998. No. 2. p. 27-30. 7. Aly R., Maibach HI // Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 1976, vol. 31. r. 931-937. 8. Noble WC, Willie JA // J. of Medical Microbiology. 1980, vol. 13. r. 329-333. 9. Price PB // J. of Infectious Diseases. 1938, vol. 63. rub. 302-307. 10. Schmid MH, Korting HC // Dermatology. 1995, vol. 191, No. 4. r. 276-280.

What effect does Triderm ointment have?

The instructions for Triderm ointment indicate that the drug belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial agents.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent components:

  • clotrimazole – has antifungal activity, promotes the destruction of cells of pathogenic dermatophytes, yeast and mold fungi;
  • gentamicin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is harmful to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (staphylococci, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Proteus);
  • betamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid that has antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects, relieves itching and swelling at the site of injury.


Triderm (clotrimazole+gentamicin+betamethasone) is a combination drug from SCHERING-PLOUGH LABO (Belgium), used in dermatological practice for the treatment of dermatoses, incl. complicated. The therapeutic effect of the drug is determined by its constituent components. Clotrimazole has an antimycotic effect, which is based on the ability of this active ingredient to disrupt the formation of the cell membrane of fungi. Its activity extends to trichophytons, epidermophytons, mycospores, candida, and pitirospores. Gentamicin is an antibiotic with a wide therapeutic range of the aminoglycoside series. It has a bactericidal (destroys microorganisms) effect and allows you to effectively eliminate primary and secondary bacterial infectious foci. Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus are sensitive to it. Betamethasone is an external glucocorticosteroid that has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiexudative (prevents the release of pus into the intercellular space) and antipruritic effect. The visible effect of using Triderm can be observed already in the first days of pharmacotherapy. The drug eliminates all known manifestations of dermatoses. In the vast majority of patients, the drug causes complete relief from dermatological symptoms or a significant improvement in the clinical situation by the end of the fourth week of drug therapy.

Triderm is well tolerated, has a favorable safety profile and does not contain parabens that can cause malignancy. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been confirmed in a series of laboratory, clinical and post-marketing studies. Its structural and mechanical properties remain stable under body temperature conditions. The medicinal product is manufactured in Europe in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice protocols. Possible side effects, as well as therapeutic effects, are a reflection of the composition of Triderm. Betamethasone can cause itching, dry skin, burning sensation, acne, and dermatitis. Clotrimazole – skin redness, blisters, skin irritation, hives. Gentamicin – erythema, skin itching. Triderm is not intended for the treatment of eye diseases. With long-term use of the drug, given the presence of an antibiotic in its composition, one can expect the appearance of gentamicin-resistant bacteria at the site of installation. In such a situation, it is recommended to pause the medication course and switch to another treatment. When applying the drug to large areas of skin, betamethasone may enter the systemic circulation, which increases the risk of side effects typical of glucocorticosteroids. Long-term use of Triderm requires its gradual withdrawal in order to avoid the so-called. "rebound syndrome"

In what cases will Triderm help?

The drug has a wide range of applications. The ointment can be applied to dermatoses with existing signs of infection or to prevent bacterial complications in dermatological diseases.

The manufacturer indicates the following list of indications:

  • dermatitis, simple or allergic in origin;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis syndrome, neurodermatitis;
  • manifestations of simple chronic lichen;
  • diseases of fungal origin, for example, candidiasis, lichen versicolor, located in the groin area and large skin folds.

Contraindications for the use of ointment, possible side effects

Triderm ointment is not used in case of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to any of the substances in the composition.

Also, the medication is not used:

  • skin lesions due to tuberculosis;
  • with syphilis;
  • chickenpox;
  • skin reactions to vaccine administration;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • chicken pox;
  • open wounds;
  • in the treatment of children under two years of age.

The ointment can be used with caution during pregnancy, in pediatrics, when using bandages, for long courses and on large areas of the skin.

Adverse reactions occur rarely. These are mainly local unpleasant sensations - burning, itching, severe redness, wetting of the skin at the site of application.

The manufacturer also points out the possibility of side effects that have been recorded when using glucocorticosteroids:

  • stretch marks;
  • prickly heat;
  • feeling of dryness;
  • increased hair growth;
  • acne;
  • secondary infection;
  • swelling or atrophy of the skin.

Due to the action of clotrimazole, the following may occur: tingling, blisters, swelling at the site of application, peeling and itching, redness, and urticaria-type rashes.

Triderm - the gold standard for the treatment of skin diseases


Reznik Irina

6 minutes


Almost every family today has an allergy sufferer: according to the World Allergy Organization (WAO), the increase in the prevalence of allergic diseases is so serious that it should be recognized as a global public health problem. Atopic dermatitis alone among children in economically developed countries occurs in 10-28%. In Russia, the official incidence rate of atopic dermatitis is two to three times lower.

However, experts believe that the real incidence in our country is much higher. Due to the lack of specialists, low availability of diagnostics and their own carelessness, a huge number of Russians have been self-medicating for many years. Meanwhile, skin allergies have a variety of manifestations - from painful, but relatively harmless urticaria to life-threatening conditions. For example, with the most dangerous form of toxicermia - Lyell's syndrome, which occurs mainly as a reaction to medications - extensive toxic necrosis of the skin develops, which in 40% leads to the death of the patient

The most common are dermatitis, neurodermatitis and eczema of an allergic nature. The inflammatory immune skin reaction to the usual external environment is protracted, accompanied by redness, rashes and itching, which cause not only physical but also psychological discomfort. Initially, the rashes are concentrated in places of direct contact with the allergen. But since the disease affects the entire body as a whole, secondary foci of damage can be localized in any other place.

Irritants and allergens

There are a great many factors that can provoke allergic dermatitis, and they are widespread everywhere. This can be food, household dust and pollen, cosmetics and household chemicals, chlorinated water, and various medications. And at the same time, allergic reactions are dose independent. For example, even a small amount of peanut butter can cause anaphylactic shock. And, by the way, in American films you can often hear people talking about peanuts in this context. In our country, thank God, this is not relevant, we do not eat peanut butter in such quantities. Russian experts most of all dislike honey and bee products.

The general mechanism of allergic inflammation is as follows: an allergen entering the body of a sensitive (or, in medical terms, “sensitized”) person binds to immunoglobulin E (immunoglobulins are a special type of antibodies). And this compound affects certain cells that release highly active substances into the surrounding tissues, causing this unpleasant condition. Stress, diseases of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract can contribute to the development of neuroallergic dermatitis.


For specific diagnostics to determine what exactly an allergy is developing to, there are two main examination methods. The first and most common method is skin testing, which involves direct contact with the allergen. A drop of allergen concentrate is applied to the patient's skin and either a puncture of the skin with a special needle or a microscopic incision is made. In addition to allergens, drops of special substances are used to control the reaction. The specialist then assesses the size of redness and swelling at the site where the allergen drop is applied.

However, skin testing is not advisable in the presence of clinical symptoms of allergy. In this situation, the second method is preferable - a more complex modern test for determining specific antibodies to certain antigens in the blood or molecular diagnostics. During an exacerbation, laboratory changes can be seen: for example, an increase in the level of total immunoglobulin E (IgE), an increase in the values ​​of allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (that is, IgE antibodies to a specific allergen), an increase in the number of a certain subtype of leukocytes (eosinophils) in a general blood test . Some patients experience activity in a marker such as eosinophilic cationic protein, which may indicate that the body is struggling with allergies.


The best treatment is to remove the allergen. But this is not always possible; almost everything that surrounds us can become an irritant. Therefore, it is possible to cope with allergic dermatitis only using complex treatment, including diet, general (taking antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs of systemic action) and local therapy. Moreover, drug therapy. Dermatitis, as a manifestation of an allergic reaction, is not just skin irritation, and this problem cannot be solved with the help of cosmetic preparations, even special ones.

Depending on the effect local products have on the skin, they are divided into several categories:

  • drying agents (zinc ointment, Desitin cream),
  • antipruritic ointments with antihistamine components (for example, Fenistil),
  • Ointments that improve trophism and tissue regeneration (D-Panthenol, Bepanten),
  • hormonal - these include all glucocorticosteroid drugs (for example, Advantan) and ointments that contain dexamethasone.

It is hormonal drugs that can form the basis of drug therapy associated with the suppression of a special inflammatory reaction that develops during allergies. Combined products combine the qualities of hormonal, antimicrobial and antihistamine or other drugs.

In case of complications associated with infection of the affected areas of the skin (this can happen when dirt gets into the affected area, when scratching), topical antibiotics may be required. Unfortunately, dermatitis is almost always complicated by the addition of a secondary infection (bacterial or fungal), when just hormones may not be enough and complex help is needed (Celestoderm, Triderm).

According to experts, today Triderm is the gold standard of treatment among three-component drugs.

It contains the hormone betamethasone, the antibiotic gentamicin, which acts on many bacteria, including staphylococci and streptococci, and the antifungal drug clotrimazole. Thanks to its triple mechanism of action - anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial, Triderm is used in the treatment of inflammation associated with dermatosis or dermatitis complicated by a secondary infection (for example, eczema, pityriasis versicolor or versicolor, candidiasis, dermatomycosis).

At the onset of the disease, with acute inflammation, which may be accompanied by swelling, weeping, the appearance of blisters, redness and severe itching, Triderm cream is more suitable. It is also more suitable for oily or baby skin. If the disease becomes chronic, requiring deeper penetration of the drug, ointment is used. Of course, Triderm is also not a panacea; the drug has clear indications for use. In addition, such potent drugs cannot be used randomly when any pimple or “unexplained” rash appears. They are also not suitable “for prevention”. A specialist should prescribe them and determine the duration of treatment.

Nutrition for allergic dermatitis

Treatment of any allergic disease is impossible without following a diet. Dietary restrictions are introduced to exclude allergenic substances and to reduce the food load on the digestive organs. The method of preparing food is also of great importance - during illness you should avoid smoked, fried and pickled foods. You can keep a food diary to identify the allergen that is causing your skin reaction. To do this, carefully note everything eaten during the day and monitor the body’s reaction to these foods.

The basis of the diet for allergy sufferers is porridge, which does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and is quickly digested, fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, butter and vegetable oil, and boiled beef. Salt should be limited as much as possible. It is also not recommended to consume alcohol, citrus fruits, eggs, nuts, milk, chocolate, coffee, honey, mushrooms, strawberries, melons and watermelons, fish, poultry, mayonnaise, mustard and other seasonings, spices and sauces.

Treatment with folk remedies

A distinctive feature of the Russian mentality is the sacred belief in traditional medicine. This is something that specialists who are trying to exclude all herbal remedies from the list of medications are not at all happy about. There is even a joke among them: “no herbs, only chemistry and supersynthetics.” However, there are some exceptions. Thus, in combination with taking medications, it is allowed to use cucumber or apple juice to moisturize the skin and reduce itching. Decoctions of oak bark and string are a good antiseptic. Aloe juice combats skin rashes well, and various vegetable oils (linseed, corn, olive) promote skin healing.


There are many ways, if not to protect yourself from allergies, then at least to reduce their manifestations. For example, such non-standard ones as the constant presence of a dog in the house. There are studies that explain why children who have been in contact with pet dogs since birth are much less likely to suffer from various types of allergic diseases.

As for classical non-drug prevention, the patient’s lifestyle is also very important here. And the first rule is to eliminate or minimize contact with “your” allergen. Clothing, bedding, and hygiene products should be as natural as possible, hypoallergenic and not have a strong odor. You should remove all potential dust collectors from the apartment (carpets, large plush toys, fabric curtains), regularly do wet cleaning and open the window. It is also recommended to pay attention to the material of jewelry that comes into contact with the skin and use oxidation-resistant metals (titanium, platinum, gold, silver), avoiding cheap alloys, especially those containing nickel.


Additional recommendations

The ointment is not used for infectious diseases of the organs of vision. With long-term use of a local antibiotic, pathogenic microorganisms may develop resistance to it.

Do not apply the product to open wound surfaces or severely damaged skin. The use of dressings and application of the product to large areas of skin contribute to higher absorption of gentamicin and glucocorticosteroids, resulting in an increased risk of adverse reactions.

If use has been long-term, then it should be discontinued gradually.

Triderm ointment - reviews


For many years, during exacerbations of atopic dermatitis, I used Triderm. But a year ago, my doctor recommended me a new cream - Tetraderm. I was very surprised by the price, since it was cheaper than the drug I was used to. I didn't expect much effect. Imagine my surprise when the itching and redness disappeared after just a couple of days of using Tetraderm. Now Tetraderm is always in my medicine cabinet, it quickly relieves symptoms, has a very pleasant texture, and does not stain laundry. I am very pleased. I recommend.



greasy, has a regenerating effect, really helps, removes blisters

Good day.

I have never suffered from an allergy to anything, but everything seems to come to an end. One day I had a spot on my arm and it was very itchy. It itched so much that I even woke up at night from scratching this place. For a long time I couldn’t understand why I had this. and then I began to notice that as soon as dust gets on my hands, they begin to itch wildly and become covered in blisters. I tried a lot of things, from anti-allergy pills to folk remedies, and nothing helped. and somehow I heard an advertisement for this product. I decided to buy. the price was about 600 rubles. I came home, applied it overnight and by the morning my surprise knew no bounds - the stain didn’t itch! the spot was approximately 2-3 cm in diameter and completely healed in just a few days.

After this I will not part with Triderm. he always saves me. Now that I already know exactly what I’m allergic to, dust, I always try to lubricate my hands with protective silicone cream - this helps by 70%. If I have red spots on my hands and it starts to itch, then I apply Triderm at night and in the morning nothing remains. the affected areas do not stop itching immediately, but after a few minutes. The most interesting thing is that I only have this allergy on my hands.

A package of this ointment lasted me 1.5 years. I recently bought a second one. I buy ointment rather than cream, because ointment is more economical and you only need a little of it, as it is greasy and spreads easily over the skin. I think the price - 600 rubles for 1.5 years is simply ridiculous. I definitely advise you to try this remedy if you suffer from any allergies.


I have demodex (skin mite) and for the past 3 years I have been constantly applying it, everything is fine! Of course, I don’t apply the full course of treatment, as I don’t have enough patience, because on the second day, after even very neglected skin, all the redness, itching, pimples go away and the skin pleases me with its perfection for about a week. It’s probably worth continuing the course to the end, maybe I’ll be cured forever.


I have been suffering from eczema for decades, no matter what I have tried over the years. Previously, we were treated with several medications in a row, because each of them had its own effect, often we had to use not two, but three medications, but now it has become very convenient - one Triderm replaces three medications, and it does not need to be applied often, and it helps no worse . I am very glad that such progress has occurred in medicine.


Triderm ointment - reviews


  • eliminates skin problems
  • efficient


  • chemical composition

This ointment is very famous in Israel, and Israeli dermatologists and family doctors often prescribe it to patients.

Personally, I have not used this ointment, but my husband uses it. He has a small eczema on his leg, and when it gets worse: it turns red and itches, my husband applies this ointment to the sore spot.

It removes the itching, returns the normal condition of the skin, and the skin on the leg is practically no different from the unaffected leg.

This ointment has also proven itself to be effective against various fungi, as well as rashes of various types.

The best thing about it is that it relieves unpleasant sensations: itching, scratching, unsightly appearance.

Bactericidal ointment. It is better to store it in the refrigerator. The tubes are usually small, but it lasts a long time, as it is rubbed in and absorbed well, and has a very delicate and pleasant consistency.

It's good to have such a rescuer. After all, experiencing discomfort in your skin is very bad and unpleasant.

The composition of the ointment is, of course, chemical, but in small quantities and infrequently, it will not cause harm to health.


Triderm is an ointment that is always in our first aid kit.





Recently, Triderm ointment has been constantly prescribed in our first aid kit, namely ever since my husband has an itchy rash on his hands from time to time. This rash, as analysis showed, is of fungal origin and it may be possible to get rid of it forever, but we have not yet succeeded.

Triderm in the form of an ointment copes very effectively with this kind of rashes; if used according to the instructions twice a day, the rashes and peeling disappear within a week, and already on the third day the skin condition noticeably improves.

Triderm is available in the form of a cream and ointment, we tried both - the effect is the same, only the cream is absorbed faster and costs a little more (for us, at least).

Triderm ointment successfully fights dermatitis of various origins, including allergic and atopic dermatitis, lichen rashes and even eczema.

We must not forget that Triderm ointment is hormonal, so you must take breaks in use so that the skin does not get used to it.

Triderm ointment is good for everyone, except for the price - a tiny tube of ointment with a volume of only 15 grams now costs about $15, although recently the price for it was around $10.

The high price is the only significant drawback of this ointment, although, given the effectiveness of the drug, you have to put up with it.

Irina Yurievna

Review: Ointment for external use Schering Plow "Triderm" - One of the few remedies that helped remove psoriasis plaques


Quick effect, visible to the naked eye


small container (if there are a large number of affected areas of skin, then this is very noticeable) + hormonal drug

Triderm ointment works really quickly and effectively. My husband has psoriasis, and in 4 years I have not seen him without any peeling of the skin. We tried different drugs (salicylic ointment, Belosalik cream and many others), but to no avail. Plus seasonal exacerbations. Vitamins do not bring any special effect. Plus, seasonal exacerbations increase the area of ​​these plaques and they appear on the face and on those parts that cannot be easily hidden with clothing or hairstyle. And then I asked at the pharmacy: “What other options are there?” This ointment was recommended to us. The price may be high for such a small tube, but there are more expensive drugs. The result is visible to the naked eye, there are obvious improvements, peeling stops and begins to quickly smooth out and heal. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend it to pregnant or lactating women (it’s still a hormonal ointment), but otherwise I highly recommend it.

General impression:

One of the few remedies that helped remove psoriasis plaques.


Triderm cream cured foot fungus. There was terrible itching, my nails were festering, no other ointment helped, but I was treated for two years, the nails were removed from my big toes 2 times. And as soon as I started applying Triderm, everything immediately began to subside, and then it went away completely.

Mikhail Zh.

I had allergic dermatitis, I spent a long time mending fur, and when painting the fur with one paint, this dermatitis appeared. Such red spots appeared in the armpits, in the bends of the arms and on the face. Sometimes they appear, sometimes they bloom brightly, especially when I start to paint them. They treated me with many ointments. The dermatologist said that it was an allergy and sent it to an allergist, and he said that he was crazy, but it was a skin disease and sent it to a dermatologist. They also treated me with triderm. I remembered this name because the ointment really helped me. I came across this medicine in the form of a cream and ointment, the ointment relieved the itching and the spots disappeared. But not forever. No one gave me an accurate diagnosis at that time, and I continued to study fur. I got used to triderm and the spots appeared again. I caused a scandal in my clinic and the dermatologist kicked me off to the dermatovenereal dispensary. There they instantly determined the cause of the disease, explained everything, and cured me with 10 injections. The fur had to be left behind. The memories of Triderma are wonderful, the ointment really helps.

Shadow Crystal


really helps



Hi all! I am very sorry that I do not have photographs to clearly demonstrate to you the work of this ointment, because I did not think of taking photographs of my spots, although they were of different origins and at different periods of my life. But first things first. So, what did Triderm save me from?

  1. Saved me from an unknown spot on my neck under my hair. There was some kind of horror with this spot; it appeared when I was 12 years old. It was red, and sometimes itched. I couldn’t walk outside with my hair up. I went to the dermatologist, prescribed an ointment (made right at the pharmacy), I called it “Goruchka”, because after applying it I ran around the apartment with bulging eyes and literally cried, my skin burned so much, the spot then turned brown and stopped itching. I forgot about it until I was 16 when it made itself known again. Then I went to a paid clinic, they did tests and prescribed Triderm. God, it was a miracle. So many years of torment and finally salvation. Literally before our eyes, this spot faded and went away. Now I’m 24 and sometimes there is a slight exacerbation, Triderm eliminates everything quickly and immediately for a long time!
  2. She worked as a nail extension specialist. After a long period of continuous work, I developed allergic dermatitis (whoever worked in this field knows about sawdust and chemicals), my hands became covered with terrible spots and itched so much that I could climb the wall, especially at night. Tests showed that it was dermatitis, and not some kind of infection (which I was incredibly happy about). And Triderm saved me again. I smeared it on these spots and felt better!
  3. The story is not about me, but about my friend. Before an important life event, a spot appeared on her right arm (on her cyst). Either on nerves or something. She said it was eczema. The spot itched, I recommended Triderm to her, and you should have seen her grateful eyes within a few days!

In addition, I know that some people treat acne with it. I tried, but I didn’t do it systematically, so I didn’t notice any results, and it’s a bit oily for problem skin.

The only drawback of the cream is the price. But I was ready to cover my spots with anything, just to quell the itching and remove the redness.

Triderm is always in my medicine cabinet.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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