Vasoleptin - description and instructions for use

Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Vasoleptin
  • Composition Vasoleptin
  • Release form of the drug Vazoleptin
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Vazoleptin
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Vasoleptin
  • Storage conditions for the drug Vasoleptin
  • Shelf life of the drug Vazoleptin

Vasoleptin instructions for use, customer reviews, official price Argo

Product manufacturer Apifarm LLC Code: 706


(vascular leptin) - a biologically active natural food supplement contains a unique set of components that can solve the assigned tasks: gently and permanently reduce cholesterol levels, stimulate metabolic processes and blood circulation in brain tissue, dilate and tone blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure.

The flavonoid complex included in the dietary supplement Vasoleptin improves cerebral circulation and protects brain tissue from ischemic damage. Hypericin, which is part of St. John's wort, has an antidepressant, anti-anxiety effect, and improves serotonin metabolism in the brain.

Ecdysterone, contained in the root of Leuzea safflower, promotes the restoration of brain tissue after cerebrovascular accidents, traumatic, infectious and toxic lesions of nervous tissue, improves the functional state of the brain, stimulates memory, attention, and increases the productivity of mental activity.

Chokeberry anthocyanins and propolis phenolic compounds normalize the tone of arteries and veins, as well as the condition of the capillary bed throughout the body. Thanks to this, Vasoleptin has a positive effect on cerebral circulation, metabolism in the brain and the functions of higher nervous activity. Has antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects. Helps relieve headaches of vascular origin, reduces dizziness, tinnitus, improves cholesterol metabolism and serves to prevent atherosclerotic vascular damage. Recommended by the State Scientific Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine SORAMN.

VAZOLEPTIN in questions and answers

Part one

The main properties of the drug VAZOLEPTIN from APIPHARM

About the creation of the drug VAZOLEPTIN

Vazoleptin is a joint development of the Department of Biologically Active Substances of NPF Medbiosphere LLC and the Laboratory of Atherosclerosis Immunology of the Research Institute of Therapy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (now the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Atherogenesis of the Research Institute of Therapy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). The duration of work is about 10 years. This duration of work is associated with selective stepwise extraction, a large volume of experimental pharmacological work, clinical studies, i.e. There are years of hard work behind this development.

What is the purpose of developing VAZOLEPTIN? What were the authors trying to achieve?

The goal was to create a drug that combines the properties of a number of drugs: - an effective regulator of the functioning of cerebral vessels - prevention of atherosclerosis - nootropic - i.e. a drug that has a positive effect on metabolism in the brain, enhances regenerative processes in nervous tissue, increases brain performance (memory, attention, intelligence) - protects the brain from damage due to cerebrovascular accidents - improves mood, relieves mental stress - full compatibility with drug therapy

How can VAZOLEPTIN help with cerebrovascular accidents?

This is a very comprehensive question, since cerebral circulatory disorders are different. The most dangerous is an acute cerebrovascular accident, known to everyone as a stroke. There is a transient disturbance of cerebral circulation, i.e. vasospasm. Mainly in old age, a big problem is chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency (the most common symptoms are dizziness, tinnitus, headache), which can be considered as one of the manifestations of age-related changes in the central nervous system. There is also a disease called migraine, caused by a violation of the tone of the veins of the brain. Cerebral circulatory disorders are often observed in such a widely known disease as vegetative-vascular dystonia. The variety of forms of cerebral circulatory disorders was the main problem when creating Vasoleptin, since there was a desire to make a universal drug effective for all these conditions.

Can VAZOLEPTIN be used for stroke?

In case of stroke, Vasoleptin is used at the rehabilitation stage to stimulate the processes of restoring the function of nervous tissue. The same applies to recovery from traumatic brain injuries and infectious diseases of the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis). Our studies have shown that Vasoleptin has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism and has high antioxidant activity. In addition, improving the condition of blood vessels prevents the deposition of cholesterol into their walls. Also, Vasoleptin, although it does not affect blood pressure, stabilizes its level in hypertensive patients, which also serves as an effective prevention of stroke.

Prevention of cerebrovascular accidents and VAZOLEPTIN.

Everyone knows that the treatment of one disease is simultaneously the prevention of another, that prevention is divided into primary (when there is no pain) and secondary (prevention of exacerbations of a chronic disease). For prevention to be effective, it must be about developing and consolidating the right household habits and timely eliminating the influence of harmful factors on the body. In this regard, Vasoleptin has significant potential. For example, when working in a stuffy environment, some sensitive people may feel lightheaded and even faint. Fainting is a transient disorder of cerebral circulation (reflex vasospasm), which was provoked by an increased content of carbon dioxide in the air and unpleasant odors. Prevention methods include ventilation, air conditioning, ozonation and air purification... or taking Vasoleptin, which will increase the body's resistance to harmful factors and ensure a more comfortable existence.

What else can VAZOLEPTIN protect against?

From motion sickness in transport. If you haven't gotten enough sleep, it will "wake you up" but without the stimulating effect of caffeine. If your work is not going well, you feel that you are “stupid”, that your brain is rejecting information, then Vasoleptin is also your choice. If you are, as they say, “on nerves” and there is no way to relax and rest, then Vasoleptin will also help you find peace of mind and focus on solving problems (and not on “experiencing” them). If you have a difficult session and time is short, Vasoleptin will slow down the onset of fatigue, increase the speed of memorization, you will be less distracted - and you will have time to do everything. And finally, if you are nervous or tired, or just have a headache, you can not swallow any “chemicals”, but take Vazoleptin. It helps with headaches in 90% of cases; when dissolved in the mouth, the effect occurs in 15-20 minutes and it has a completely natural composition. As a result, by helping the body and protecting it from various stresses, you prevent a bunch of different diseases - primarily cardiovascular and endocrine ones.

This is how, with the help of Vasoleptin, prevention can turn from something useful into something pleasant!

Part two

Speaking about dietary supplements, first of all, the attention of the potential consumer is drawn to the biological effects of the drug - improving the function of a particular organ or cell, but not enough attention is paid to the connection between the impaired function and the existing disease, which raises natural questions from the buyer. Therefore, this material will discuss the biological effects of the natural product VAZOLEPTIN and their connection with the benefits of this drug for a number of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

What diseases should you start with?

First of all, we should talk about atherosclerosis, given the extremely high prevalence of this disease and the fact that one of the critical organs in it is the brain. Vascular atherosclerosis is characterized by the formation of plaques in the walls of blood vessels, which are a kind of “storage” of cholesterol entering them from the blood. The higher the level of cholesterol in the blood, the faster the plaque grows and the more it deforms the vessel, impeding blood flow in it. With low cholesterol levels, plaques increase slowly, and deformation of blood vessels occurs gradually, and organs have time to more or less adapt to changes in blood supply. With this development of atherosclerosis in the vessels of the brain, it is asymptomatic for a long time, but over time a critical mass of tissue blood supply disorders is reached, which is already manifested clinically - headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, unsteadiness of gait, forgetfulness, decreased concentration, sleep disturbances and some other symptoms, i.e. symptoms of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. With further progression of the disease, disturbances in mental activity occur - in the form of senile dementia.

Can VAZOLEPTIN somehow affect this process?

Yes maybe. Vasoleptin lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and, due to its antioxidant effect, can inhibit the growth of plaques. But not only. Having a positive effect on the tone of cerebral vessels, it reduces the severity of symptoms characteristic of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency - headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, unsteadiness of gait, forgetfulness, decreased concentration, and sleep disturbances. Moreover, a number of effects, for example, headache relief occurs quickly - within 20-30 minutes, provided that 1-2 Vasoleptin tablets are absorbed in the mouth. Vasoleptin also improves metabolic processes in nerve cells, positively influencing coordination of movements, concentration, memory, thinking and inhibiting age-related changes in the brain.

Is there evidence of the effectiveness of VAZOLEPTIN?

Yes, on the basis of the Laboratory of Psychophysiology of the Research Institute of Physiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, studies of the clinical effectiveness of Vasoleptin in the complex therapy of dyscirculatory encephalopathy were conducted, i.e. disorders of brain activity arising from cerebrovascular accidents. Studies have shown that the addition of Vasoleptin to conventional therapy increases its effectiveness, in particular, the greatest positive effect was shown in the frequency of occurrence of symptoms such as headache and dizziness in patients, and to a lesser extent in relation to skin sensitivity disorders. Thus, in the group of patients receiving Vasoleptin, headaches completely disappeared in all study participants, and in the group without Vasoleptin, headaches persisted in 15% of people (at the beginning of the study, headaches were noted by all patients in both groups). These data were confirmed by positive changes in the state of cerebral circulation - according to rheoencephalography. Also, against the background of Vasoleptin, positive changes in the lipid composition of the blood were noted, and in psychophysiological tests - improvements in RAM and the ability to concentrate.

But when talking about cerebrovascular accidents, they most often mean stroke...

And this is natural, since stroke is the most dangerous complication of cerebral atherosclerosis, characterized by a very high mortality rate and a high probability of disability. Stroke refers to an acute form of cerebrovascular insufficiency. It develops in cases where there is an intensive accumulation of cholesterol in atherosclerotic plaques with their subsequent rupture and the formation of a blood clot. As a result of vascular thrombosis, part of the brain tissue stops receiving nutrition and dies, and clinically this is manifested by the “switching off” of those functions for which the affected area of ​​the brain was responsible. If the lesion affects vital nerve centers, then it is incompatible with life. And even in the most favorable scenario, restoration of lost functions requires long-term domestic and professional rehabilitation. Which is not always successful. Therefore, you need to pay attention to your blood cholesterol level - the lower it is, the less likely you are to have a stroke. Vasoleptin improves cholesterol control and helps prevent stroke. In addition, it reduces the likelihood of blood clot formation, protects brain tissue from damage, and at the rehabilitation stage accelerates the recovery of impaired functions.

Is arterial thrombosis the cause of stroke? What about cerebral vasospasm? Can a spasm cause a stroke?

In its pure form, cerebral vascular spasm is the cause of another form of acute cerebrovascular accident - transient cerebrovascular accident. This condition is characterized by a variety of brain symptoms, sometimes resembling a stroke, but disappearing when the spasm stops. Another thing is that a spasm can provoke plaque rupture, and in this case it can be regarded as one of the direct causes of a stroke. Vasoleptin normalizes cerebral vascular tone and reduces the likelihood of vascular spasm.

How does blood pressure affect the risk of stroke? Can VAZOLEPTIN regulate blood pressure?

The value of blood pressure plays a dual role. First, high blood pressure increases the penetration of cholesterol into the plaque, making it unstable and prone to rupture. Secondly, under conditions of increased pressure, the risk of unstable plaque rupture increases. All this makes blood pressure control one of the most important tools for stroke prevention. Vasoleptin does not affect systemic blood pressure, but it effectively regulates cerebral vascular tone, establishing an adequate balance between blood flow to brain tissue and its outflow. This looks like a moderate decrease in arterial tone and increased venous tone. It is this ratio that is optimal for supplying the brain with nutrients and oxygen and removing waste products. Those. For Vasoleptin, a typical situation is when taking it during a hypertensive crisis improves well-being and reduces headaches, although blood pressure does not change significantly. But in some cases, Vasoleptin even reduces blood pressure - if the cause of hypertension is cerebral circulatory failure.

Why did we do it this way? The fact is that people with arterial hypertension constantly take various medications that lower blood pressure. Our goal was to achieve complete compatibility of Vasoleptin with antihypertensive (i.e., blood pressure-lowering) drug therapy - their combined use does not require adjustment of previously selected doses of drugs. But at the same time, Vasoleptin will stabilize blood pressure and prevent the development of hypertensive crises.

How does hypertension affect the brain?

Hypertension significantly worsens the course and prognosis of atherosclerosis, significantly increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack, therefore, in addition to controlling cholesterol levels, the second main preventive measure is controlling blood pressure. But, in addition, arterial hypertension itself leads to changes in small vessels in the form of their deformation, which significantly complicates the exchange between cells and blood of oxygen, nutrients and cell waste products. With long-term arterial hypertension in the brain, chronic cerebral circulatory failure also develops, i.e. there is also a good reason to take Vasoleptin.

But brain problems are not limited to atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension? What other areas of application of VAZOLEPTIN exist?

Of the other most common diseases for which Vasoleptin can be used, it should be noted vegetative-vascular or, in other words, neuro-circulatory dystonia, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, migraine - these are those diseases in the symptoms of which the vascular component dominates. More rare ones include the consequences of previous neuroinfections (for example, tick-borne encephalitis) and traumatic brain injuries (bruise and concussion), the syndrome of increased intracranial pressure, which is a complication of many diseases and injuries, neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's syndrome, parkinsonism).

What I would like to dwell on in more detail is the topic of headaches. Headache is not an independent disease, but it is the most common symptom that every person experiences. Its causes are very diverse and their role can be played by various diseases and injuries, as well as some pathological conditions. Pain can be of vascular origin (hypertensive crisis, migraine, cervical osteochondrosis), traumatic, neurogenic (neuralgia, neuritis), psychogenic (depression, affect), as well as as a consequence of muscle tension, increased intracranial pressure, irritation of the meninges (meningitis, encephalitis ).

Despite the large number of causes, the most common (in more than 90% of cases) are headaches of vascular origin, muscle tension and psychogenic ones. And in all these cases Vasoleptin is effective. What is especially noteworthy is that the drug does not have any anti-inflammatory or analgesic effect. If we have already spoken in some detail about the mechanisms of influence on blood vessels, then we should dwell separately on the effect on pain of muscle tension and affective pain.

Vasoleptin contains components that eliminate excess negative emotions, have a positive effect on a person’s mood and eliminate the feeling of anxiety. Under the influence of Vasoleptin, tightness and stiffness of the muscles disappear, which leads to a decrease or disappearance of pain from muscle tension. Often, affective headaches and muscle tension pain coexist and support each other. Vasoleptin is a good chance to break this connection. Also, a valuable quality of Vasoleptin is that its anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects are not related to the actual calming effect (unlike, say, tincture of valerian or motherwort), i.e. Vasoleptin is a NOT SEDATIVE drug, it does not cause lethargy and drowsiness, it has no aftereffects or withdrawal syndrome.

What if you have a headache due to cervical radiculitis?

So that readers do not have the illusion of the versatility of Vasoleptin, it should be noted that the drug is pointless to use for pain caused by injuries, radiculitis or inflammatory processes. It does not have pronounced anti-inflammatory activity or direct analgesic effect. First of all, this is a product aimed at maintaining the health of blood vessels and brain cells, preventing atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and increasing the comfort of life. In addition, we should not forget that the use of Vasoleptin is not a reason to refuse drug therapy. We should not forget that during development the drug was designed to be fully compatible with generally accepted methods of treatment, and it is this combination that gives the best results.

Vasoleptin is used for prevention and complex therapy

  • transient disorders of cerebral circulation (cerebral vasospasm);
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • residual effects (rehabilitation) after strokes;
  • rehabilitation after neuroinfections and traumatic brain injuries;
  • with neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • diencephalic syndrome;
  • tension headaches;
  • migraine;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • weather sensitivity.

Instructions for use of Vasoleptin

It is recommended to use Vasoleptin - 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day with meals. The duration of use is 2–4 weeks for cerebrovascular accidents, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, vascular dystonia, after strokes and heart attacks, and also if the goal of treatment is to normalize blood pressure. Taking into account the chronobiological characteristics of blood circulation in the brain, the most effective use of the dietary supplement “Vazoleptin” is at 8-00, 12-00, 16-00, 22-00 hours.

Component Properties

  1. Propolis extract has powerful antioxidant properties, normalizes fat metabolism, while reducing cholesterol levels and preventing the formation of sclerotic plaques. In addition, it perfectly strengthens vascular walls, gives them elasticity, and reduces thrombus formation. And propolis is a well-known natural immunomodulator.
  2. Chokeberry fruit extract is a well-known remedy for normalizing blood pressure in the direction of reducing it. Helps propolis in the processes of normalizing fat metabolism, stimulating blood circulation and immunity.
  3. Rose hip extract vitaminizes the body as a whole, providing a general strengthening effect, reduces the permeability of vascular walls, and is a mild choleretic agent, thereby reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.
  4. St. John's wort extract has a moderate diuretic effect, lowering blood pressure, preventing the formation of sclerotic plaques, and improving blood circulation.
  5. Marigold flower extract is a natural sedative that normalizes blood pressure, cardiac activity and slows down the heart rate; stimulating the secretion of bile.
  6. Leuzea root extract is an excellent, side-effect-free psychostimulant that has an adaptogenic effect, increases mental and physical performance, and restores brain function.


extracts of propolis, St. John's wort, rose hips, marigold flowers, Leuzea safflower root, chokeberry fruits, as well as excipients - guar gum, methylcellulose, starch, lactose, glucose, magnesium stearate. Vasoleptin contains a wide range of biologically active substances of plant origin, which have a variety of effects due to flavonoids, coumarins, vitamins C, E, A, essential oils, choline, acetylcholine, salicylic acid, organic acids, tannins.


Registration certificate

Booklet Certificate of State Registration No. RU. dated 07/07/2016. Not a medicinal product.


Don't know how to cope with changes in atmospheric pressure? Do you have a headache, are you suffering from blood vessels?... Vasoleptin has already helped many people in this situation! This is an important product for each of us. Over the entire period, more than 50,000 copies of the Vasoleptin dietary supplement have been sold.

There are very alarming symptoms - tinnitus, headache, fatigue, weather sensitivity, dizziness, incoordination (if you suddenly sit up and stand up...). This all progresses with age, but unfortunately these symptoms also appear at an earlier age. If you feel that you are losing your memory, that it has become difficult to remember (you used to remember a lot, but now in the evening it turns out that you didn’t do a lot of things because you simply forgot about them...). All this is most often associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain. It is important to remember that as soon as you feel the first symptoms, this is a signal that you need to start taking Vasoleptin.

Immediately 30 minutes after taking Vasoleptin - relief from headaches, improved cerebral circulation, improved mood, reduced nervous tension.

On average, after 2 weeks - improvement in cerebral circulation, reduction in cholesterol, reduction in dizziness, tinnitus, stabilization of blood pressure.

The most important effect of Vasoleptin is on various blood vessels, as well as metabolism in the nervous tissue. Arteries and veins - everything is positively affected by the use of the dietary supplement Vasoleptin. Therefore, Vasoleptin can be used for a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, especially for venous disease. Headache, tinnitus, dizziness and other symptoms of cerebrovascular accident also go away well because Vasoleptin dietary supplement has an antidepressant and anti-anxiety effect.


Migraine pain is sudden and one-sided and can last from a few minutes to several hours. It occurs periodically and is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, sometimes dry mouth (less often drooling) and vomiting. This pain feels like a throbbing pain.

During a migraine headache, half of the face may change color, vision problems, sensory and hearing problems may occur. The choice of migraine headache medication varies from person to person, and treatment can prevent new attacks but requires patience.

How to deal with this type of pain?

During a migraine attack, drinking a cup of strong coffee, a warm compress, and applying pressure to the painful area can help. Migraines can be triggered by stress, lying down for too long, physical pain, or changes in weather.

To prevent new attacks: give up alcohol, remember to eat right, exercise, avoid large amounts of liquid and food in the evening. Polimedel film can help cope with migraines. You need to make applications on the forehead area. It is enough to do it twice a day for half an hour.

Is it possible to replace the Vasoleptin dietary supplement with just a set of herbs included in its composition?

Often people think that they can just go and buy the herbs that make up Vasoleptin at the pharmacy and get the same effect. But to get the effect of one Vasoleptin tablet, you need to brew 4 liters of this ordinary solution, and this will only be half of the desired effect. And you will need to drink these herbs for months and years to get at least some effect. Modern technology for the production of Vasoleptin is not just extraction, but when an extract is made - 96% of all useful substances are extracted, and then they are divided into fractions, only what is needed is extracted. That is, everything superfluous, unnecessary, allergenic, everything that interferes is removed, and only the active (medicinal) substances remain in Vazeleptin. These substances are not inferior in effect to pharmaceutical drugs, but do not have a single side effect. For example, with Citramon and Analgin, side effects include liver dysfunction, acute toxic hepatitis, kidney dysfunction, anuria, acute renal and liver failure, heart problems, arrhythmia, leukopenia, etc. - that is, very serious and deadly complications. Plus medical dependence and increased pain without taking medications. (Mironov A.N., general practitioner).

Best before date

24 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Yoshi Vitamin Jelly Drink (vitamin complex) (Liquid for oral administration)
  • Pantohematogen "Altamar™-4" (Oral tablets)
  • Oculist blueberry (Oral tablets)
  • Progaine, strawberry flavor (Powder for oral solution)
  • Orthomol Vital F (granules) (Capsule)
  • Goal T (Ointment for local and external use)
  • Gripp-Heel (Aerosol)

Description of vitamin Vasoleptin is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes about the prescription of the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

How acute is the problem of cardiovascular diseases now?

Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death for our compatriots and people all over the world... And, of course, complications of these diseases in the form of heart attacks and strokes. In this case, Vasoleptin is the prevention and restoration of blood vessels and vessels of the head, that is, it is the prevention of the most difficult complication - stroke. Why is a stroke scary? The average age of death from a stroke is 50 years. That is, these are still quite able-bodied people who have a family, children, who need to support their family. Men die more often than women. But even if a person survives a stroke, then 80% of post-stroke people become disabled, that is, this is a sharp limitation in their ability to work for the rest of their lives. This condition must be prevented by all possible methods. And Vazolpetin is an inexpensive, convenient and 100% effective method. Prevention of stroke and heart attack is an 80% reduction in the risk of these conditions. (Mironov A.N., general practitioner).

The dietary supplement Vasoleptin underwent clinical trials at the State Research Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in patients with chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, and its effectiveness was documented there. Patients began to feel better (Vazoleptin was taken along with traditional therapy), venous outflow was facilitated, and the level of atherogenic lipids in the blood serum decreased.

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