Beconase - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews

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Manufacturers: Glaxo Wellcome sro

Active ingredients

  • Beclomethasone

Disease class

  • Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis

Clinical and pharmacological group

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Antiallergic

Pharmacological group

  • Glucocorticoids

Medicinal properties

The main problem solved by the spray is allergies and inflammation in the nasal cavity. This effect is achieved by beclamethasone, the main active substance.

The active element inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators, accelerates the production of the phospholipase A2 inhibitor annexin (lipocortin), which leads to a decrease in the production of arachidonic acid and its metabolites.

Beclamethasone suppresses:

  • Synthesis of prostaglandins, cyclic endoperoxides and the cause that activates platelets
  • Chemotaxis production process
  • Rate of development of allergic manifestations.

Beconase also stimulates mucociliary transport.

Under the influence of the main component, the level of mast cells in the paranasal sinuses in the nose, the concentration of the marginal accumulation of neutrophils decreases, swelling disappears, and the production of microphages is inhibited.

The processes described above are the main reason for the formation of allergy symptoms.

The number of beta-adrenergic receptors increases under the action of the main component.

The medication differs from other glucocorticosteroids in that normal doses and the correct method of use will not lead to side effects.

The therapeutic effect appears gradually, over 7-10 days, if the drug is used regularly.

The suction rate reaches 44%.

The maximum concentration in the blood has not been determined, because the components of the spray are eliminated very quickly.

The protein interaction rate is 87%.

Composition and release form

Price: 800 rub.

According to the instructions for use, one dose of Beconase spray contains 50 mg of the main active element - beclomethasone.

To ensure full operation it was necessary to join:

  • Water
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Phenylethyl alcohol
  • Pulp
  • Sodium carboxylmethylcellulose
  • Benzahexonium chloride
  • Polysorbitol.

The drug is available in the form of a water-based, opaque white nasal spray. There are no impurities or sediment.

Packaged in white plastic bottles (for 200 doses). On which a blue and white label is applied. There are also paper instructions inside the box.

Similar drugs:

  • Dexamethasone Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration
  • Calcium gluconate Chewable tablets
  • Pulmicort Suspension for inhalation
  • Cetrine Oral tablets
  • Sodium cromoglicate Substance-powder
  • Diprospan Solution for injection
  • Mometasone furoate Substance-powder
  • L-cet Oral tablets
  • Dexamethasone Solution for injection
  • Adrenaline (Adrenaline) Solution for injection

** The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; Before starting to use Beconase, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

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** Attention! The information presented in this medication guide is intended for medical professionals and should not be used as a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Beconase is provided for informational purposes and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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Directions for use and doses

To avoid undesirable consequences and maximize the effect, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  • Administration only intranasally (in the nose)
  • Dose for adults: 2 inhalations into each nostril twice a day. The first injection should be directed to the lower part of the passage, and the second to the upper
  • Dose for children: 1 spray in each nostril 2 to 4 times a day
  • You can take 1 inhalation into each nostril, but you will need to increase the frequency to 3-4.
  • Maximum dose per day – 1 mg
  • Regular appointments

Rules for the procedure:

  • Before first use, you need to press the device 7-8 times to expel excess air. This will allow you to adjust the dose of the medication.
  • If the drug has not been used for more than 14 days, then an additional preparation procedure is carried out.
  • Empty the nasal cavity
  • Shake the bottle vigorously to mix all the ingredients
  • Insert the drug spout vertically
  • The second nostril must be closed with a finger
  • At the moment of injection, the head should be slightly tilted forward, and inhalation through the nose should be maximum
  • Exhale through your mouth.

For pregnant and lactating women, the drug is prescribed strictly under the supervision of a doctor, if the risk of side effects is lower than the benefit to the mother.

Contraindications and precautions

Contraindications include only high sensitivity to the components of Beconase.

The medication should be taken with caution if there is:

  • Amoebic dysentery
  • Glaucoma
  • Liver disorders
  • Persistent decrease in the level and effect of thyroid hormones
  • A heart attack that occurred in the recent past
  • Bacterial and fungal infections
  • Ocular herpes
  • Deviated nasal septum
  • Nose surgeries
  • Nose injuries
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.

No particularly significant cross-drug interactions were identified.

Beconase nasal spray

Instructions for medical use of the drug

Description of pharmacological action

Helps reduce the number of mast cells in the mucous membrane of the bronchi and nose, reduce swelling of the epithelium and secretion of mucus by the bronchial glands. Causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, reduces their hyperreactivity, and improves external respiration. Compared to systemic action, inhalation significantly reduces the risk of side effects. Does not have mineralocorticoid activity. Restores the patient's response to bronchodilators, allowing to reduce the frequency of their use. For hormone-dependent bronchial asthma, it allows you to reduce the dose of oral glucocorticoids.

Indications for use

Allergic rhinitis - year-round and seasonal (prevention and treatment).

Release form

Beconase – spray for nasal use dosed 50 mcg/dose; bottle (bottle) plastic box (box) 1


Quickly absorbed into the nasal mucosa. Part of the administered drug is swallowed. Absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is low. Communication with plasma proteins - 87%. T1/2 - 15 hours. The main part of the drug (35-76%), regardless of the route of administration, is excreted within 96 hours with feces, mainly in the form of polar metabolites, 10-15% - by the kidneys.

Use during pregnancy

Acceptable, but the expected benefit to the mother and the possible risk to the child should be assessed.

Other special occasions at reception

Use with caution in case of Amebiasis, glaucoma, severe liver failure, hypothyroidism, recent myocardial infarction, systemic infections (fungal, bacterial), eye herpes, ulceration of the nasal septum, recent surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, recent nasal trauma, pulmonary tuberculosis, pregnancy, lactation period.

Contraindications for use


Side effects

Attacks of sneezing (immediately after inhalation), perforation of the nasal septum (isolated cases).

Directions for use and doses

Intranasally. Adults and children over 6 years old: 2 injections into each nostril 2 times a day (400 mcg/day) or 1 into each nostril 3-4 times a day, but not more than 8 per day. To obtain the full therapeutic effect, regular use is necessary, because... the effect occurs only after several inhalations.


When inhaled in high doses, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function may be suppressed. You should continue to use the drug in recommended dosages, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function will return to normal after 1-2 days.

Interactions with other drugs

Interactions with other drugs of the drug BeconaseTM have been described. The effect of beclomethasone may be enhanced when used with other glucocorticoids or beta-adrenergic receptors.

Precautions for use

For infections of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses, appropriate treatment is indicated. It is recommended to carefully transfer patients from general steroids to Beconase if they have impaired adrenal function.

Storage conditions

List B.: In a place protected from light, at a temperature below 30 °C. (not in the refrigerator).

Best before date

24 months

ATX classification:

R Respiratory system

R01 Preparations for the treatment of nasal diseases

R01A Decongestants and other preparations for topical use

R01AD Corticosteroids

R01AD01 Beclometasone

Side effects and overdose

Undesirable effects include:

  • Frequent sneezing immediately after inhalation
  • Nasopharyngeal irritations
  • Disorders of the taste buds
  • Nosebleeds
  • Cough
  • Paradoxical bronchospasm
  • Glaucoma and cataracts
  • Increased pressure inside the eye
  • Allergies in the form of rash, itching, Quincke's edema and others
  • In rare cases, perforation of the septum.

An overdose over a long period of time can lead to candidiasis, osteoporosis and stunted growth in children.

Beconase spray nasal suspension for allergic rhinitis, 50 mcg/dose, 180 doses

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses are not a specific contraindication for the use of Beconase, but in this case appropriate therapy should be carried out.

Beconase should be prescribed with caution to patients who are transitioning from treatment with systemic steroids, keeping in mind the possibility of adrenal dysfunction, as well as to patients with adrenal insufficiency.

After recent surgery in the nasal cavity and trauma to the nose, and in the presence of ulcers of the nasal mucosa, for an increased risk of perforation of the nasal septum, you should consult your doctor before using Beconase. Systemic effects of nasal corticosteroids may occur, particularly when large doses are used over a long period of time. Such a systemic effect is less likely than with the use of oral corticosteroids and may differ both in individual patients and with the use of different corticosteroids. Systemic effects may include Cushing's syndrome, Cushingoid features, adrenal suppression, cataracts, glaucoma and (less commonly) mental and behavioral disorders including psychomotor hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression or aggression (especially in children).

Treatment with higher doses than recommended may cause clinically significant adrenal suppression. If it is established that the recommended doses of beclomethasone are exceeded, additional systemic corticosteroids are required during stressful periods or elective operations.

The drug contains benzalkonium chloride, which can cause bronchospasm and local reactions.

This drug should not be used continuously for more than 1 month without medical supervision. If the patient is using other medications in any dosage forms that contain corticosteroids, as well as drugs for the treatment of asthma, you should consult your doctor before using Beconase.

If the dosage of intranasal beclomethasone is exceeded, due to individual hypersensitivity, or due to recent systemic steroid use, systemic effects, including growth retardation, may occur.

Although Beconase controls the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis in most cases, in some particularly severe cases associated with the presence of allergens during the summer, additional treatment may be necessary, especially for ocular symptoms.

Visual impairment

During systemic and local use of corticosteroids, cases of visual impairment are possible. If a patient experiences symptoms such as blurred vision or other visual disturbances, they should see an ophthalmologist to evaluate possible causes, which may include cataracts, glaucoma, or rare diseases such as central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC), which has been reported during systemic and topical application of corticosteroids.



Teva Czech Industries s.r.o., Czech Republic

Price: 600 rub.

Nazofan is a decongestant and antiallergic drug that was created on the basis of fluticasone, the main active component. Available in the form of a nasal spray.


  • Convenient packaging
  • High efficiency
  • Easy to find in pharmacies.


  • High price
  • Hormonal remedy
  • May be addictive.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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