Red eyes after eyelash extensions

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The active substance is a sympathomimetic, stimulating alpha-adrenergic receptors , with virtually no effect on beta-adrenergic receptors . Tetrizoline has a vasoconstrictor effect, reduces redness and swelling. After instillation, the effect appears within 60 seconds and lasts from 4 to 8 hours.


When used topically, it is almost not absorbed and has no systemic effect. More detailed pharmacokinetic studies have not been conducted.

Vizin eye drops, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Eye drops are instilled 1-2 times per eye 2-3 times a day. Use for more than 4 days in a row is not recommended. To instill, you need to remove the cap from the bottle and turn it over. Without touching the surface of the mucous membrane of the eyes, drop the required amount and screw on the cap.

Is it possible for children to drip? The drug is approved for use in children over 2 years of age. It is prescribed for children under the supervision of a doctor.

Is it possible to drip with lenses? Contact lenses should be removed before instilling the drug and installed after approximately 15 minutes.

The instructions for use of Visin contain a warning that the drug should be used only for minor eye irritation. If the condition does not improve within two days, you need to discontinue the drug and carry out further treatment as recommended by your doctor. Drops are not intended for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis , foreign bodies in the eye or corneal injuries.

Visine for acne

Indications for use do not include its use against acne. However, if we consider the composition of the drug and the description of the action, we can conclude that a rapid, persistent vasoconstrictor effect and the elimination of redness can be used in this case. To do this, apply a cotton swab soaked in the drug to the problem area for 5 minutes. If the inflammation is severe and the size is impressive, you can repeat the procedure 2-3 times (effective on the skin for up to 4 hours). This is evidenced by reviews from visitors to some sites:

  • “...It helps a lot, I use it in emergencies”;
  • “... Even a cosmetologist advised me. You need to apply a cotton pad soaked in Visine. First keep the disc in the freezer”;
  • “... Stops bleeding if you squeeze out a pimple and makes redness less noticeable”;
  • “... It really does reduce pimples in a matter of minutes, but if you’ve eaten a lot of pimples, this won’t save you.”

You can use the drug for this purpose situationally, if you need to quickly “get your face in order,” but you cannot use it constantly, since it does not have a therapeutic effect on acne (antiseptics and agents that improve the function of the sebaceous glands are needed here) and, in addition, causes a number of side effects with long-term use. It helps to mask acne, rather than get rid of it. You can get rid of acne only with the help of professional cosmetics.

Red eyes after eyelash extensions

Red eyes after eyelash extensions

The application of artificial eyelashes is a complex process involving the use of chemicals in close proximity to the human eye.
Violation of technology, use of low-quality materials and failure to comply with aseptic conditions in the cosmetology department often causes redness of the eyes after eye extensions. What drops can help?
Red eyes after eyelash extensions occur for several reasons: 1. Toxic effect of eyelash glue on the conjunctiva 2. Foreign body (glue) in the conjunctival cavity 3. Infection in the conjunctiva of the eye 4 Allergic reaction
1. Toxic effect of eyelash glue on the conjunctiva
Artificial eyelashes glued to existing ones using glue.
The most commonly used are latex, rubber adhesive, rubber adhesive and resins. They all differ in their toxic effects on the mucous membrane of the eye and in the time of exposure due to different drying rates. You need to understand that any product, even the most high-quality and expensive, has a toxic effect on the mucous membrane of the eyelid upon contact. A toxic burn occurs and, as a result, vasodilation and red eyes. The occurrence of redness in this case directly depends on the literacy of the specialist and the quality of the glue used. In case of redness of the eyes for this reason, it is necessary to rinse the eyes well with warm water to completely remove the glue from the conjunctival cavity. Drugs containing the hormonal corticosteroid component will help stop the process of toxic inflammation. These include drops such as Dexamethasone, Tobradex, Maxidex
; for the simultaneous prevention of secondary infection, you can use
Tobrex, Maxitrol
To heal damaged areas of the eye, you can use eye ointments and drops: Solcoseryl, Citral, Korneregel
To quickly narrow blood vessels and eliminate redness of the eyes, you can use Visine
2. Foreign body (glue) in the conjunctival cavity
If glue gets into the conjunctival cavity and hardens there, a foreign body is formed that constantly injures the mucous membrane, causing inflammation and redness of the eye.
In this case, the red eye also hurts. My eyes are watering. In this case, it is necessary to remove it by washing with warm water; if this does not work, you must contact an ophthalmologist to remove the foreign body using microsurgical instruments under a microscope. 3. Infection in the conjunctiva
A violation of technology or an infected film used on the inside of the eyelid for eyelash extensions can cause an inflammatory process of the eyes with redness and often accompanied by discharge of varying consistency and transparency.
In most cases, the cause of redness is a bacterial infection. Treatment should be carried out using antibacterial agents, such as drops such as Tobrex, Tobradex, Maxitrol, Levomycetin, Albucid (Sodium Sulfacyl) 20%, Levofloxacin, Oftalmoferon, Vitabact.
Instillation of drops is recommended 1 drop 4 times a day for a week.
As an ointment, you can use T etracycline ointment
, which has a wide range of effects on bacteria. You need to apply the ointment behind your eyelids twice a day, morning and evening. It must be borne in mind that the base of any ointment is often an allergen and a possible source of bacterial activity. Therefore, we recommend the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in drops.

4. Allergic reaction
Allergic redness of the eyes after eyelash extensions is also a common cause of redness.
The base of any glue used for gluing artificial eyelashes is an allergen and, with increased individual sensitivity of the body, can cause an allergic reaction with redness of the eyes, accompanied, as a rule, by swelling of the eyelids of varying degrees. For the appearance of allergic redness of the eyes, simply evaporation of the glue is sufficient, the complete hardening of which occurs from several hours to three days. Redness can be eliminated by reducing the body's reaction through the general use of antiallergic antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Tavegil, Cytarizine, Ebastine
The following will help reduce redness of the eyes during an allergic reaction: Dexamethasone
1 drop 3 times a day for 2-3 days.
Or Hydrocortisone ointment
(twice a day, morning and evening), which contains a corticosteroid hormone that suppresses the body’s inflammatory and allergic reaction.

How to distinguish chemical burns from allergies after eyelash extensions?

You can distinguish a chemical burn from an allergy by the condition of the conjunctiva and swelling of the eyelids. Doing this at home is quite problematic, since the clinical picture will also depend on the degree of the burn. With a chemical burn, the conjunctiva loses its transparency and shine. Its surface becomes dull, and in some places there may be gray films that are easily removed. In an allergic reaction, the conjunctiva is much more swollen, its folds are visible, but at the same time it retains its shine. Detachable, no films. An allergic reaction, including after eyelash extensions, is usually bilateral. The eyelids of both eyes are swollen. While a chemical burn most often occurs on one eye. The eyelids may also be swollen, but to a lesser extent than with allergies. To avoid mistakes, it is enough to visit an ophthalmologist and perform a biomicroscopy

eyes, in which an accurate diagnosis will be made.

To find out the exact cause of eye redness after eyelash extensions and choose pathogenetic targeted treatment, we recommend that you consult with an ophthalmologist and choose the right treatment.


If you use the product in accordance with the instructions, the risk of overdose is minimal. In case of accidental contact with the stomach, nausea, dilated pupils, cyanosis , fever , increased blood pressure , convulsions , tachycardia , pulmonary edema , arrhythmia , impaired respiratory and central nervous system .

The risk of overdose is high in young children if the drug is swallowed. Treatment begins with gastric lavage and taking activated charcoal . Next, symptomatic therapy is carried out: oxygen inhalation, antipyretics and anticonvulsants. If blood pressure phentolamine is slowly administered intravenously , 5 mg in saline solution. Antidote unknown.

Visin's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Visine Classic



Among the drugs containing the active substance tetrizoline , we can name eye drops Montevisin , Spersallerg , Visoptic , Octilia , Naphazolin . The price of Visin analogues is: Visoptik 15 ml - 121-182 rubles, Montevisin 10 ml for 116-153 rubles, Octilia 8 ml for 203-364 rubles. Consequently, the cheapest analogue, taking into account the amount of substance in the bottle, is Visoptik , Rompharm Company (Romania).

Reviews of Visine

Decongestants are vasoconstrictors used topically. Tetrizoline is the active ingredient in Tizin nasal drops; Visin eye drops also contain it. The use of tetrizoline is accompanied by constriction of blood vessels (and not only local ones), a decrease in blood supply and elimination of edema - in our case, this is the conjunctiva of the eyes. Advertising for the drug contains this information and recommends using drops only for mild redness caused by allergies or irritating effects of dust, chlorinated water, etc.

Vasoconstrictor eye drops are used short-term, even situationally (for example, after exposure to chlorinated water in a swimming pool), since long-term use can cause side effects: dilated pupils, burning, even greater redness and drug-induced conjunctivitis .

Now that we have found out what Visine is, the question arises as to how advisable it is to use it for acne. Such cases occur, and consumers share their impressions of using this product. The effect is really noticeable and is due to the narrowing of blood vessels and a decrease in redness. The drug in this case is used for “emergency camouflage” of unwanted pimples, but it is not a treatment for acne .

Those patients who have used the drug as directed leave positive reviews about Visin drops - it acts quickly and eliminates redness in allergic conjunctivitis . However, it was used only for the first 3-4 days with severe swelling and inflammation and in combination with H1 blockers Allergodil and Opatanol drops . Patients with allergic conjunctivitis during the flowering period of plants refused to wear lenses, which increased irritation and inflammation.

  • “... Good drops, my irritation from chlorinated water immediately relieves, but I rarely use it - only in emergency cases.”
  • “...It does a great job with eye redness.”
  • “... I really like it, really for all occasions - if I don’t sleep enough and my eyes turn red, then I use it, I eliminate swelling of the eyelids by applying a drop of the drug, and it even helps with pimples.”

It must be remembered that classic Visine is not intended for constant instillation for fatigue and pain in the eyes after working at the computer. There are artificial tear preparations for this purpose. There are many reviews that the drug has side effects, and some have used the drug incorrectly.

  • “... It helps great, but it dries out the eyes and you get used to it.”
  • “... The doctor prescribed it and said you can’t use it regularly! Increases intraocular pressure."
  • “... I work at the computer and suffer from constant eye fatigue. I used Visine for a month and my vision dropped by 2 units.”
  • "… I like! But once I used it every day until they ran out, my eyes were in terrible condition.”

Reviews about Vizin classic

The vasoconstrictor effect of tetrizoline , the active ingredient of Vizin classic, manifests itself very quickly and is accompanied by a decrease in blood supply and redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes. This is evidenced by reviews of people who, for various reasons, resorted to their use:

  • “...I get irritated from chlorinated water, so I use these drops periodically. They give effect very quickly."
  • “... My eyes turn red if I work a lot and don’t get enough sleep. In the morning I drop it in and after 20 minutes the whites are white, it does a great job.”
  • “... I really like it, it’s suitable for all cases when the eyes are red - after the pool, with lack of sleep, stress on the computer.”
  • “... It’s very convenient to use Visine in ampoules—you can take it to work or to the pool. I always have it in my bag for emergencies.”
  • “... I take Visin ampoules with me on business trips, they always help out after a sleepless night on the train.”

Vasoconstrictor eye drops should be used for a short time, as adverse reactions may occur: dry eyes, dilated pupils. It is absolutely not permissible to use them if your eyes are tired while working at the computer. Many patients did not take this into account and used the drug incorrectly, resulting in unwanted effects.

  • “... After using it for two weeks, I noticed that dryness and pain appeared in the eyes.”
  • “... I used it every day for almost a month, my eyes turned even redder and were in a terrible state.”
  • “... I spend the whole day at the computer, my eyes get tired and red. I didn’t take into account that you can’t use Visine for a long time and used it for a whole month - my eyes got even worse. Don't repeat my mistake."

To eliminate dryness of the conjunctiva and pain in the eyes, which often occurs when working at a computer, you need to use artificial tear preparations.

Visine price, where to buy

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy. How much do these drops cost in the pharmacy today? The cost depends on their varieties and volume in the bottle. If we consider the classic Visin eye drops, their price is 238-289 rubles. for 15 ml. Vizin Allergy eye drops 4 ml is 228-249 rubles, and Vizin Pure Tear 10 ml is even more expensive - 469-605 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Visin Classic eye drops, pl.
    Bottle, 15 mlJanssen Pharmaceuticals N.V. RUB 404 order
  • Vizin Classic eye drops amp 0.05% 0.5ml 10 pcs. Laboratuar Uniter

    RUR 446 order

  • Vizin Alergy eye drops 0.05% 4ml Famar S.A.

    424 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

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  • Vizin Classic 15 ml drops Janssen Pharmaceuticals N.V., Belgium
    83 UAH order


  • Visine liquid Visine classic eye drops 0.05% 15ml Belgium, Janssen

    117 UAH. order

show more

Price Vizin classic, where to buy

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy. The price of Visine classic in ampoules of 0.5 ml No. 10 ranges from 262 to 433 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Visin Classic eye drops, pl.
    Bottle, 15 mlJanssen Pharmaceuticals N.V. RUB 404 order
  • Vizin Classic eye drops amp 0.05% 0.5ml 10 pcs. Laboratuar Uniter

    RUR 446 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Visine classic eye drops 0.05% ampoules 0.5ml No. 10Laboratoire Unither

    420 rub. order

  • Visine classic eye drops 0.05% 15mlKeata Pharma

    RUB 382 order

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  • Vizin Classic 15 ml drops Janssen Pharmaceuticals N.V., Belgium
    83 UAH order
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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