With a regular cycle and no PMS symptoms, my life is under control!


  • 100 grams of Cyclodinone drops include 193-288 mg of dry extract of common twig . Additional substances: polysorbate 20, 70% sorbitol , povidone , mint flavor, water, sodium sucrose dihydrate, 96% ethanol.
  • 1 tablet of Cyclodinone contains 3.3-4.8 mg of dry extract of common twig . Additional substances: microcrystalline cellulose, indigotine, silicon dioxide, povidone , lactose monohydrate, starch, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, talc, iron oxide, macrogol 6000 , emethacrylic acid copolymer, ethacrylic acid copolymer.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Is cyclodinone a hormonal drug?

The medicine is obtained from raw materials of plant origin, so it is not hormonal, but has a normalizing effect on the content of sex hormones.

Mechanism of action

The main component is ordinary twig . The dopaminergic effects of the drug eliminate hyperprolactinemia prolactin production . An increased content of prolactin disrupts the synthesis of gonadotropins , which can cause disturbances in the development of follicles, the corpus luteum and ovulation , which leads to an imbalance of estradiol and progesterone and can cause mastodynia and changes in the menstrual cycle.

Prolactin demonstrates a stimulating effect on the development of cells in the mammary glands and can stimulate the appearance of connective tissue, as well as cause an enlargement of the milk ducts.

prolactin content causes regression of pathological processes in the mammary gland and reduces pain. Correct production and regulation of the proportion of gonadotropic hormones normalizes the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

Is hormone therapy the only way to cope with PMS?

There are several types of drug therapy to treat PMS. It is the doctor’s task to choose the one that suits a particular woman.

  • Vitamins and microelements: in the mildest cases, it is possible to reduce the symptoms with the help of vitamin complexes or dietary supplements with calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. But this is not a treatment, just a little support for the body, and therefore, if a woman really has PMS, vitamins cannot solve the problem.
  • Herbal dopaminomimetics: This compound word refers to herbal drugs that act in the same way as the neurotransmitter dopamine in the body. They improve mood, help stabilize the emotional background, and most importantly, reduce sensitivity to stressful events.

This is a good basic treatment for PMS. Today, the best available drug is Vitex sacred extract. In turn, the best drug based on vitex in terms of quality and production technology is the German “Cyclodinone”. It is classified as a medicine (not a dietary supplement) and has been sold in pharmacies without a prescription since 2022.

  • Combined oral contraception (COC): if a woman is sexually active, does not plan to have children in the near future, and has no contraindications, the doctor can prescribe a special COC that solves two problems. Firstly, it protects against pregnancy; secondly, due to one of its components (drospirenone), it relieves PMS symptoms. If a woman is afraid of the side effects of COCs, she can take Cyclodinone along with contraception.

Other treatment methods (GnRH agonists, SSRIs and others) are usually prescribed only for severe PMS, that is, for PMDD.

Instructions for use of Cyclodinone (Method and dosage)

How to take the drug?

The drops are taken orally, after shaking the bottle. When taking all forms of release, you must wash them down with water.

Instructions for use of drops

The medicine in this form of release is taken orally, 40 drops once a day in the morning, washed down with water.

Cyclodinone tablets, instructions for use

The tablets are also taken orally, 1 piece once a day, in the morning, with water and without chewing.

Treatment is usually carried out over the course of a quarter, without interruption during menstruation. After relief of symptoms and improvement of the patient's condition, therapy should be continued for another 2-3 weeks.

If after completion of treatment complaints reappear, you should consult your doctor.

On what day of the cycle should you start taking the medication?

You can start taking the drug regardless of the duration of your menstrual cycle.

What is premenstrual syndrome?

Let's start with one important thought, every woman should know this: normal menstruation comes unnoticed and painlessly.
If a woman has pain before or during her period or feels unwell, something has gone wrong. Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is one of the most common problems associated with menstruation. PMS is when a girl or woman’s condition changes before her period. For example, your chest begins to hurt, or your mood changes, or swelling or even a slight weight gain occurs.

And when menstruation begins, all these symptoms go away or at least are tolerated much more easily. About 60-80% of women simply sometimes experience unpleasant symptoms before their period. About 25% experience similar manifestations every month, and in another 8–10% premenstrual syndrome occurs in a severe form.

If you think about it and do the math, PMS is a very unpleasant thing. Let's say PMS spoils three days of every month for a woman: she feels worse. Three days a month is 36 days a year. It turns out that such a woman feels bad for 360 days in ten years, that is, a whole year is lost.

Menstruation usually starts at around age 15 and ends at around age 50. This means that if a woman suffers from PMS all this time, she loses 3 years and 5 months, that is, 10% of her youth.

special instructions

depression while taking the medication, you should consult a doctor.

Drops are not recommended for use after anti-alcohol treatment has been completed.

Lactose intolerance (the tablets contain lactose) may cause diarrhea and pain in the epigastric region.

Patients with diabetes are allowed to take Cyclodinone both in drops and tablets, since a single dose of this drug contains up to 0.03 XE.

Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

Which girls are more likely to experience PMS?

A girl or woman is more likely to experience PMS if:

  • her mother or grandmother also had or has symptoms of PMS;
  • anxiety, depression or other similar conditions occur;
  • little physical activity (sports, running, dancing, cardio training, etc.);
  • many stressful situations in life;
  • not enough vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium in the body;
  • excess coffee or other caffeinated drinks in the diet.

Cyclodinone analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:











Gynoflor E


Klimadinon Uno


The most common analogues of Cyclodinone are listed below: Prefemin , Agnukaston, Mastodinone, Bromocriptine, Indinol, Mastopol.

Reviews about Cyclodinone

Reviews from doctors about Cyclodinone indicate that the drug is quite effective when used to normalize the cycle. Reviews for mastopathy and menopause characterize the product on the positive side. Among the disadvantages, high prices and frequent negative effects on the skin with long-term use are often noted.

The online forum discussions do not reveal the difference in the clinical effects of different dosage forms (tablets, drops). It is also worth recalling that pregnancy is a strict contraindication for taking the drug.

Which specialist should I contact with psychological manifestations of PMS?

It depends on the severity of the emotional symptoms of PMS. In most cases, after the doctor prescribes therapy, these symptoms go away. But there are two exceptions.

First, the exception is women with a severe form of PMS called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Conventional therapy does not help them, and therefore gynecologists refer them to a neurologist or psychiatrist to stabilize the level of neurotransmitters in the brain and help get rid of the serious condition.

Secondly, the exception to the rule is women who have negative emotional experiences associated with menstruation itself. It is useful for such women, together with a psychologist, to identify this experience and work through the problem so that menstruation comes unnoticed and passes painlessly.

Cyclodinone price, where to buy

The price of Cyclodinone in tablets No. 30 (60 tablets per package is quite difficult to find on sale) in Russia is 430-640 rubles. The price of Cyclodinone drops 50 ml ranges from 450 to 510 rubles.

Ukraine gives approximately comparable prices: the cost of the indicated package of tablets reaches 340 hryvnia, and buying 50 ml of drops will cost no more than 260 hryvnia.

Despite the fact that Cyclodinone is not a hormonal drug, it is sold in pharmacies only by prescription.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Cyclodinone tablets p.p.o.
    30 pcs. Rottendorf Pharma GmbH RUR 726 order
  • Cyclodinone drops for oral administration 50mlBionorica GmbH

    RUR 664 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Cyclodinone (tablet No. 30)Bionorica

    780 rub. order

  • Cyclodinone (50ml drops)Bionorica

    RUR 631 order

show more


  • Cyclodinone N30 tablets Bionorica SE, Nimechchina
    280 UAH. order
  • Cyclodinone 50 ml oral drops Bionorika SE, Nimechchina

    214 UAH order


  • Cyclodinone liquid Cyclodinone drops 50ml Germany, Bionorica

    226 UAH order

  • Cyclodinone tablets Cyclodinone tablets No. 30 Germany, Bionorica

    278 UAH order

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