7 symptoms of progesterone deficiency in women and basic diagnostic methods

This hormone is produced by the corpus luteum in the ovaries every month after ovulation and is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle. Progesterone also helps the body prepare for pregnancy if the egg is fertilized.

After ovulation, the hormone progesterone causes the uterus to thicken and prepare to fertilize an egg. If the fertilized egg implants, it is responsible for maintaining the lining of the uterus throughout pregnancy. However, if the egg is not fertilized, the level of progesterone in the body drops, and this leads to the fact that women begin to menstruate. Progesterone is also responsible for breast growth during pregnancy. It also prevents lactation until the baby is born. Men produce a small amount of it, which contributes to the development of sperm.

The role of progesterone in the body

Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is synthesized in both female and male bodies. In women, it is secreted mainly by the corpus luteum, which is formed in each monthly cycle during the period of ovulation, that is, the maturation of the egg. Its main role is the synthesis of progesterone. In the absence of fertilization, the corpus luteum disappears and progesterone decreases. In addition, this hormone is synthesized in large quantities through the placenta.

Also, a small amount of it is synthesized by ovarian cells and the adrenal cortex. Recent studies indicate the possibility of progesterone synthesis by cells of the nervous system. The synthesis of this hormone by the corpus luteum strictly depends on the monthly cycle - the peak of secretion occurs during half of the luteal phase, while the follicular phase is characterized by low levels of progesterone. The amount of its synthesis is regulated by two other hormones secreted by the pituitary gland - LH (lutropin) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone).

The role of progesterone in a woman’s body is primarily to prepare the uterus for embryo implantation. Immediately after ovulation, the concentration of progesterone increases, which allows the implantation of the embryo in the event of fertilization. Progesterone promotes endometrial growth.

During pregnancy, it affects the body in the following ways:

  • limits the effect of estrogens on the endometrium, which reduces the excitability of its contraction and makes it possible to report pregnancy,
  • stimulates the development of mammary glands and lactation,
  • supports the secretion of nutrients through the endometrium.

Progesterone also affects the functioning of the entire body, normalizing blood glucose levels, regulating thermogenesis processes and protecting the brain from neurodegenerative processes. In addition, it protects the nervous system and has a positive effect on bones and muscles.

Progesterone deficiency. Risks.

Rules for posting Client data using online services

These rules contain the procedure for placing the Limited Liability Company CSM "Zdravitsa" (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) on the basis of an agreement for the provision of paid medical services with the Client, data from his electronic medical record: appointment history, research results and prescriptions, using online services , posted on the Internet and owned by the Limited Liability Company MC "Zdravitsa" (main state registration number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 1035403212734, legal address Derzhavina St., 28, hereinafter referred to as the Society, and access to such research results and appointments (hereinafter referred to as the rules).

1. Terms and definitions used in the text of these rules: Client - an individual who has full legal capacity in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, or the legal representative of a minor who has entered into an Agreement for the provision of paid medical services with the Contractor and has accepted these rules. User - an individual who has reached the age of 15, is a Client of the Contractor, has authentication data, and accesses online services using an Internet browser or mobile application in order to obtain information about the history of appointments, research results, and appointments. Online service - a service provided by the Company for the Client/User’s independent access to the history of appointments, research results, appointments located in the Contractor’s storage, accessed through the website www.zdravitsa.ru or the Company’s mobile application, including through the tools of the authentication service data. The Contractor is a legal entity (Limited Liability Company Family Medicine Centers “Zdravitsa”), which is a party to the Agreement on the provision of paid medical services with the Client, operating under the trademarks of the Limited Liability Company MC “Zdravitsa”. Society is a legal entity that has online services located on the Internet. Authentication data: Login - Client account identifier. A personal email address or mobile phone is used as a login. Password is a secret word or combination of characters generated and recorded by the Client using the service tools and intended to verify the Client’s identity and authority when accessing online services.

2. By accepting these rules, the Client: 2.1. Agrees with the placement by the Contractor of the Client’s data (including the Client’s data specified by him when concluding the Agreement for the provision of paid medical services, in online services owned by the Company, through the involvement of the Company for these purposes. 2.2. Confirms the knowledge of the concepts of personal data and medical confidentiality established by Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Basics of Protecting Citizens in the Russian Federation”, respectively, as well as the rights belonging to the Client in accordance with these laws. 2.3. Taking into account provisions of clause 2 of these conditions, for the purposes provided for in clause 1 of these conditions, gives consent to the Contractor and the Company to process the Client’s data, defined as personal data and/or medical confidentiality: 2.3.1. Specified by the Client when concluding the Agreement for the provision of paid medical services with the Contractor; 2.3.2. Presented in the form of a history of appointments, research results and prescriptions carried out by the Contractor within the framework of the Agreement on the provision of paid medical services concluded with the Client. 2.4. I agree that posting research results in online services presupposes the Client’s access to the Client’s data using a service hosted on the Internet (that is, in an environment that does not exclude the occurrence of software failures and does not have absolute protection from unlawful actions of third parties). The Contractor/Company undertakes to constantly monitor the confidentiality of the data provided by the Client and process it in accordance with current legislation, but on the basis stated above excludes guarantees to the Client of absolute confidentiality, as well as the safety/immutability of the Client’s data posted using the service. By accepting these rules, the Client authorizes the placement of his data in the Personal Account under his personal responsibility, using a personal password. 2.5. By agreeing to the placement of data in online services, the Client undertakes to comply with the following procedure for accessing the service: 2.5.1. To be able to use the full range of service tools, the Client must register before using the service in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 2.5.3. these terms and conditions. 2.5.2. Registration of the Client provides for the Client to receive access to the entirety of the service tools, without any restrictions. 2.5.3. Registration of the Client in the Personal Account is carried out in the following order: The Client must open the login form: - The Client must read these rules and express his consent to the placement by the Contractor of the Client’s data (including the Client’s data specified when concluding the Agreement for the provision of paid medical services) in the form of clicking the button “I have read the rules and agree to use online service; — in the “Login” section, enter your email or mobile phone specified in the Contractor’s electronic medical record during registration; — in the “Password” section, enter the password that was issued by the Contractor during registration; — press the “Login” button; — follow the link sent to the email address specified during registration or enter the password received via SMS; 2.5.4. After logging in, the Client/User must: - in the “Profile” section, check your personal data, if a discrepancy is detected, either send a message to make changes to your personal data, or inform the Contractor, by phone 362-02-00, about an error in uploading data; — change the password issued by the Contractor during registration in the “Change Password” item, enter the created password;

3. Final provisions, rights and obligations of the User: 3.1. The User undertakes to independently take all necessary measures to maintain confidentiality, prevent unauthorized use and protect his authentication data (Login, Password) from unauthorized access by third parties. The user undertakes not to disclose his authentication data to third parties. 3.2. The User understands and agrees that to collect information about the use of the Service, Yandex.Metrics and Google.Analytics counters (hereinafter referred to as counters) are used only for the purpose of collecting depersonalized (anonymous) (without reference to the Users’ personal data) data about the User’s use of the Service. 3.3. A user representing the interests of a minor has the opportunity to use the Service with all the functionality provided to a minor in his online service. 3.4. Upon reaching the age of 15, a minor is automatically excluded from the ability of the User representing his interests to use access to his online service. 3.5. For all User actions performed when using the online service, the time of their completion is set equal to Novosibirsk time.

4. Final provisions, rights and obligations of the Client: 4.1. The client is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided by him when using the service. 4.2. The Client undertakes to take all necessary measures to ensure the security and protection of information that becomes available to the User as a result of using the online service. 4.3. The Client has the right, in accordance with the procedure established by the informed consent provided to the Contractor/Society when concluding an Agreement for the provision of paid medical services, to withdraw such consent, including to the extent provided for by these rules. 4.4. The Client confirms that he understands these rules. 4.5. These rules can only be accepted by the Client in full, without reservations or any exceptions.

5. Final provisions, rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Company: 5.1. The processing of the Client’s data is carried out by the Contractor and the Company in accordance with current legislation and the Client’s consent, expressed in the Client’s acceptance of these conditions. 5.2. If the Contractor/Company suspects that third parties have unauthorized access to the online service using the Client/User’s authentication data, the Company has the right to block access to the Service until the Client/User changes their authentication data using the Service’s tools. 5.3. The Company has the right at any time, without additional notice to the Client/User, to change or supplement these rules, as well as to develop and implement additional measures to ensure the safety of using the Service. The Company places a notice on changes to these conditions and/or the introduction of named security measures on the service’s WEB site. 5.4. The Contractor/Society is not responsible for damage caused to the Client/User as a result of illegal actions of third parties, software failure, and/or as a result of the Client/User’s failure to comply with the requirements of these terms and conditions. 5.5. Changes made to these rules by the Company come into force from the moment the new version of the conditions is published, unless a different date for entry into force is additionally determined upon publication of the current text of these conditions.

Progesterone norms

Progesterone levels can be determined using a simple blood test. A progesterone test in men can be done at any time; the normal range is 0.2-1.38 ng/ml. On the other hand, progesterone testing in women should be done during a specific phase of the menstrual cycle.

Progesterone - role in the body, norms and excess

Progesterone levels in women are as follows:

  • follicular phase of the ovarian cycle: 0.28 – 0.72 ng/ml
  • periovulatory period: 0.64 – 1.63 ng/ml
  • luteal phase of the ovarian cycle: 4.71-18.0 ng/ml.

The rate of progesterone in women after menopause is slightly different - then its concentration in the blood ranges from 0.07 to 1.25 ng / ml. On the contrary, the rate of progesterone in pregnant women is constantly increasing, and at 40 weeks it can even reach more than 150 ng/ml.

Treatment for low progesterone

You may not need treatment if you are not planning to have a child. However, you can do the following things to naturally increase your progesterone levels.

How to increase progesterone naturally

1. Taking vitamins.

Increasing your intake of vitamins B and C (which are responsible for producing progesterone) may help. Foods rich in vitamin B include whole grains (brown rice, barley and millet), meats (red meat, poultry and fish), eggs and dairy products (milk, cheese), legumes (beans, lentils) and dark leafy vegetables (broccoli , spinach). Foods rich in vitamin C include black currants, citrus fruits - oranges, limes and lemons, berries, kiwi, chili peppers, broccoli, sprouts.

2. Consumption of zinc-rich foods.

You can also boost your progesterone levels by eating more zinc-rich foods, such as meat, shellfish (these are low-calorie sources of zinc), legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and beans, seeds, nuts, dairy products, eggs and whole grains.

3. Stress management.

Excessive stress leads to the release of cortisol (the stress hormone), which in turn reduces progesterone production. You can reduce stress and emotional tension in general by exercising, meditating, yoga, taking deep breaths, and avoiding caffeine and nicotine.

Hormone therapy

The use of natural or synthetic hormones may be indicated to treat certain symptoms of low progesterone, such as menstrual irregularities and abnormal bleeding. If you experience severe symptoms, you may be given a combination of estrogen and progesterone. Hormone therapy is also advice for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant sooner.

Rare and severe consequences of high progesterone

Many women tend not to pay attention to the manifestations described above. They are attributed to fatigue, stress, and other psychosomatic disorders. Indeed: with irritable bowel syndrome, treatment with folk remedies can be effective, even if the cause of the pathology was progesterone. But the hormone level will not drop.

The progression of hyperprogesteronemia leads to more severe consequences:

  • The feeling of hot flashes is the same as with estrogen deficiency. The reason is a strong drop in estrogen concentration: it decreases so much that estrogen receptors cease to detect this hormone. And the woman feels all the dubious delights of hypoestrogenemia.
  • Insomnia, severe sleep disturbances. This is also a paradoxical reaction, since we wrote above that women with elevated progesterone are characterized by drowsiness, but excessively high levels of the hormone disrupt brain function in the opposite direction.
  • Increased appetite. Here the reason is seen in attempts to “seize” anxiety and worry. Overeating leads to obesity, and fatty tissue absorbs and deposits fat-soluble estrogen precursors. Thus, the imbalance shifts towards progesterone even more, and the problem progresses.
  • Severe anxiety attacks, panic attacks. A predictable consequence if the main manifestation of increased progesterone was initially anxiety, restlessness. Over months and years, a psychological dominant for anxiety is formed in the brain, from here it is not far to depression. As a rule, conventional antidepressants for anxiety of hormonal origin will be ineffective.

Rarely, but there is a serious consequence of increased progesterone - autoimmune dermatitis. This is a very annoying pathology that worsens every month with the onset of the follicular phase of menstruation (22). And skin damage is only the first stage. The disease progresses over 5-6 years and greatly affects a woman’s health.

And, naturally, if the level of progesterone in a woman’s body is elevated, she will not be able to get pregnant and carry a normal baby.

Decreased progesterone, is it dangerous?

Both increases and decreases in progesterone levels require careful analysis. A decrease in hormone levels may indicate insufficient production of the hormone by the corpus luteum of the ovary, which can lead to termination of pregnancy. A decrease in hormone levels may also indicate feto-placental insufficiency, a burdened obstetric-gynecological history (history of miscarriage).

An increase in the level may indicate problems with its excretion, disruption of the placenta, somatic diseases of the mother, or multiple pregnancy. Therefore, a doctor examines each specific case. And, if necessary, recommends maintenance therapy.

Treatment and its features

Significant hyperprogesteronemia in non-pregnant women requires medical adjustment.

If a woman’s progesterone is higher than normal, the gynecologist individually, based on test results, selects a treatment regimen.

Initially, it all depends on how the elevated hormone manifests itself and what complications there are. If the cause is an existing disease, then the main efforts should be directed towards its treatment.

The following methods are used to reduce progesterone levels:

  • drug therapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • diet;
  • physiotherapy.

Drugs that can lower the hormone belong to a variety of pharmacological groups. The most commonly used pills are oral contraceptives , which contain a specific combination of hormones. They suppress the action of progesterone and lower its level.

Contraceptives Yarina, Zhanin, Diane-35, Anteovin can be used as a treatment for hyperprogesteronemia. Synthetic analogues of the hormone estriol, which are no less effective in correcting the hormone, have also proven themselves well.

Epostan (progesterone inhibitor) significantly eliminates the manifestations of hyperprogesteronemia. Therefore, it is often prescribed by doctors to correct hormonal levels. In some cases, gynecologists prescribe medications such as Mifepristone, Tamoxifen, Clomiphene , etc.

All of these drugs should not be taken during pregnancy because they can cause spontaneous abortion and intrauterine complications.

Usually a woman has to treat the underlying disease that caused the increase in progesterone.

If an ovarian corpus luteum cyst has been detected, the basis of treatment will be routine diagnostic observation or anti-inflammatory therapy.

In many clinical cases, oral contraceptives are also used , which are prescribed by a doctor. In severe stages of the disease, surgical removal of the cyst or resection of the ovary is performed if there are additional pathologies.

Malignant tumors that intensely produce the hormone must be surgically removed along with the ovary. The woman is then treated with anticancer drugs and chemotherapy.

If the pathology is caused by nephrotic diseases (adrenal dysfunction, renal failure), then special medications are used that restore the function of the kidneys and adrenal glands. For adrenal pathology, corticosteroid hormones are prescribed , the dosage of which is prescribed by the doctor.

For kidney diseases, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy. In any case, the doctor first diagnoses the patient, prescribes additional examinations and tests, and then individually selects a treatment regimen.

What happens if a pregnant woman has low progesterone levels?

Women who become pregnant through IVF do not have a corpus luteum that produces progesterone on its own. For this reason, patients take artificial analogues of the hormone. If there is not enough progesterone, pregnancy will not develop. Those. in this case, progesterone concentrations are very important.

During a natural pregnancy, everything goes differently - you need to take a hormone test before pregnancy.

Low progesterone even before pregnancy leads to the fact that the endometrium will not be capable of normal embryo implantation. The fertilized egg attaches poorly, which can lead to impaired blood supply and the risk of early miscarriage. Replacement therapy during pregnancy will not bring the desired result, so the problem must be eliminated before conception.

Which doctor should I contact if the hormone is elevated?

Hormonal problems are traditionally dealt with by endocrinologists , who can accurately diagnose endocrine pathologies and conditions.

Regular gynecologists and gynecological endocrinologists deal with hormonal imbalances in the female reproductive system.

These are specialized specialists who can treat both reproductive and endocrine diseases at the same time.

They work in any public and private clinic, so there is no problem finding such a doctor. When hyperprogesteronemia is detected, a thorough diagnosis is carried out in order to determine the causes of this condition.

No doctor will blindly prescribe medications, because otherwise the treatment will be ineffective. The list of diagnostic procedures includes the following studies:

  • analysis of venous blood for other hormones of the reproductive system (prolactin, testosterone, LH, estradiol, FSH, cortisol, ACTH, aldosterone, etc.);
  • blood biochemistry;
  • clinical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, kidneys, adrenal glands, abdominal cavity;
  • colposcopy;
  • MRI or CT examination of the pelvic organs, kidneys, adrenal glands.

The results of all examinations and procedures performed allow us to create a complete clinical picture.

It will be easier for the doctor to navigate the selection of the necessary medications and treatment methods, since each woman has her own reasons for the increase in hormonal levels.

In such a situation, an individual approach and treatment is necessary , since there are no unique drugs aimed only at eliminating the pathology.

On our website you will also find a detailed table with prolactin levels in women by age, and you will also find out what functions it performs in the body.

Do you know that an increased number of lymphocytes in a woman’s blood can signal various types of malfunctions in the body? Find out more details here: .

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