Genferon Light spray, 1 piece, 50000 IU+1 mg/dose, dosed nasal spray

Genferon light

Genferon light (interferon alpha + taurine) is an immunomodulator used for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children under 14 years of age and has a whole “bouquet” of pharmacological effects for this purpose, such as: antiviral, antibacterial, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, local regenerating and membrane stabilizing. Interferon alpha blocks the replication of viruses even at the stage of synthesis of specific proteins and prevents infection of “healthy” cells of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which is the “entry gate” for viral invasion and the primary inflammatory focus in acute respiratory diseases. The immunomodulatory effect of the drug is expressed in the activation of cell-mediated immune reactions, which ensures an enhanced immune response against viruses and bacteria. The drug “inspires” killer T-cells, NK-cells and B-lymphocytes, increases the production of antibodies, stimulates phagocytosis and increases the likelihood of identification of affected cells by cells of the immune system. Activation of leukocytes located in all layers of the mucous membrane guarantees their active participation in the elimination of pathological foci. In addition, due to the pharmacological “passionarity” of interferon alpha, restoration of the synthesis of immunoglobulin A is achieved. The antibacterial effect of geneferon light is based on a pool of immune reactions catalyzed by interferon. The second component of Genferon Light - taurine - normalizes tissue metabolism and promotes faster regeneration of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity affected by inflammation. With the intranasal (through the nose) route of administration of the drug, due to the high concentration of active substances in the infectious focus, it is possible to achieve a quick and fairly powerful local antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. Systemic absorption of the drug is very low: the low systemic bioavailability of intranasal Genferon Light is due to the presence in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity of a special class of proteins, which are a kind of biological “doormen” and strictly control the movement of any molecular and cellular objects through the mucosa. Nevertheless, a certain amount of interferon penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, which suggests that geneferon light has a systemic immunostimulating effect.

When the drug is administered through the rectum, its high (over 80%) bioavailability is noted, which provides both local and systemic immunomodulatory effects. With the intravaginal (and there is such a) method of administration of the drug, due to the high concentration of active components in the infectious focus, a local antiviral, antibacterial and antiproliferative effect is achieved. As for the systemic effect, due to the extremely low absorption capacity of the vagina, it is practically absent.

Genferon light is available in three dosage forms: nasal drops, nasal spray and vaginal and rectal suppositories. Drop dosage regimen: children from 29 days to 11 months - 1 drop in both nasal passages 5 times a day, children from 1 to 3 years - 2 drops in both nasal passages 3-4 times a day, children from 3 to 14 years - 2 drops in both nasal passages 4-5 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5 days. After instillation, you should gently massage the wings of the nose with your fingers to evenly distribute the active substances in the nasal cavity. Spray dosing regimen: one dose (equivalent to one short press on the dispenser) into both nasal passages three times a day for 5 days. When in contact with a person with signs of acute respiratory viral infection or immediately after hypothermia, Genferon Light is administered one dose into each nasal passage for 5-7 days. If necessary, the medication course can be repeated. When spraying the spray, the aerosol can must be kept strictly in a vertical position. Suppository dosage regimen: adults and children aged 7 years and older are prescribed 250,000 IU of interferon alpha per suppository; children under 7 years old - 125,000 IU interferon alpha per suppository. The route of administration, dose and duration of the drug course depend on the age of the patient and the clinical picture of the disease. Genferon light fits well into complex treatment regimens for ARVI. In combination with antibacterial, antimycotic and other antiviral drugs, an increase in the effect of each drug is observed.

Genferon light Spray, 100 d, 50000 IU, nasal


Genferon Light spray is the only antiviral nasal spray for the treatment and prevention of ARVI and influenza with a maximum dose of the active substance* for adults and children over 14 years of age.
Approved for use in pregnant women. Genferon Light spray - maximum 1 dose. Comfortable, modern, convenient.

Genferon Light is the only combination of interferon and taurine** in Russia for the treatment and prevention of ARVI and influenza. Tested in 9 large clinical studies on 1579 patients.

Advantages of the drug Genferon Light spray.

1. Actively fights viruses and bacteria at the site of their invasion - the nasal cavity.

2. Has a universal antiviral effect.

3. Activates protective local immunity.

4. Contains glycerol*****, known for its moisturizing properties***,****.

5. Contains mint oil*****

Advantages of the release form.

1. The dosed spray nozzle Genferon Light in the form of a spray ensures comfortable use and dose accuracy: 1 press - 1 dose of 50 thousand IU of the drug

2. Genferon Light in the form of a spray provides a fine (“fog-like”) spray of the drug to create an even distribution over the entire surface of the nasopharynx, helping to block viral invasion.

3. The special design of the bottle with a pump ensures full use of the antiviral agent without residue.

4. Cost-effectiveness of Genferon Light spray: one bottle of antiviral spray contains 100 doses. Can be used for several episodes of colds or for prevention throughout the cold season.

5. An opened bottle of Genferon Light can be used until the end of the drug’s shelf life.

6. Can be combined with other drugs (symptomatic, etiotropic).

7. The spray form is not characterized by stomach side effects typical of oral medications.

*The maximum dosage of IFN alpha 2b is 50,000 IU in 1 dose, among nasal interferons, according to GRLS March 2022.

**According to GRLS data March 2022.

***Raymond KR et al. Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients. Sixth edition. 2009 (Raymond C Rowe, Paul J Sheskey, Marian E Quinn. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. Sixth edition. 2009).

****Marie Loudin et al. Dermatology: Clinical and Basic Science Series. Dry skin and moisturizers. Second edition. 2006 (Marie Loden, Howard I. Maibach. Dermatology: Clinical&Basic science series. Dry skin and moisturizers. Chemistry and Function. Second edition. 2006).

*****Auxiliary component.


Transparent colorless or light yellow liquid, without visible mechanical inclusions.

Genferon Light is an antiviral barrier and targeted activity precisely at the source of infection!


OTCPHARM JSC informs partners, clients and consumers about the resumption of commercial shipments of the previously popular antiviral spray GENFERON® LIGHT .

GENFERON® LIGHT spray is a unique1 combined antiviral drug that provides the possibility of complex therapy, as well as prevention of the development of influenza and ARVI in adults, including pregnant women, as well as in children over 14 years of age.

The combination of two active components in one dosage form allows for a wider spectrum of action of GENFERON® LITE in comparison with other nasal forms of interferon presented on the Russian pharmaceutical market. In addition, the presence of taurine in the composition helps to preserve the biological activity of interferon and enhance the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Compared to other existing analogues, GENFERON® LITE is also distinguished by the highest content of interferon1 (one dose of spray contains 50,000 IU of interferon α-2b), which ensures the creation of its higher concentration at the site of infection.

GENFERON® LIGHT spray is indicated for the first symptoms of ARVI, as well as for hypothermia during the seasonal increase in incidence or in case of contact with a patient (for prophylactic purposes).

Using GENFERON® LIGHT spray for therapeutic purposes at the first symptoms of a cold allows you to stop the development of symptoms of the disease or reduce their severity, speed up recovery and reduce the risk of infecting others. In addition, in the study, bacterial complications did not develop in patients treated with GENFERON® LITE ; in contrast to the group of patients receiving placebo3.

Among others, the following advantages of GENFERON® LIGHT :


  • a unique complex effect due to the properties of the drug components: antiviral - suppression of the activity and replication of a wide range of respiratory viruses (both influenza and ARVI); Moreover, the antiviral activity of interferon is not associated with a specific strain of influenza virus that has caused an epidemic increase in seasonal morbidity
  • immunomodulatory – activation of the mechanisms of cellular and humoral immunity directed against influenza and ARVI viruses, as well as recognition and destruction of cells infected with viruses; restoration of the production of secretory immunoglobulin A by the nasal mucosa, which performs a protective function
  • antibacterial – aimed at reducing the risk of bacterial superinfection and preventing the development of bacterial complications of influenza and ARVI
  • anti-inflammatory – helps reduce the severity of the local inflammatory process, which usually accompanies rhinitis of viral etiology, reduces the degree of swelling of the mucous membrane and vascular permeability2, indirectly reducing the need for symptomatic vasoconstrictors
  • reparative – acceleration of restoration and regeneration of the nasal mucosa damaged due to the activity of viruses and the inflammatory process
  • the possibility of combination with other drugs (both symptomatic anti-cold and etiotropic antiviral and/or immunomodulatory)
  • excellent safety profile – possibility of use, incl. in pregnant women

    • creation of a high concentration of active substances and targeted action directly at the “entrance gate” and the site of introduction of influenza and ARVI viruses (with intranasal use, a pronounced local antiviral and immunostimulating effect is achieved);
    • implementation of antiviral activity and readiness for action from the moment of use of the drug;
    • predominantly local effect: active substances are practically not absorbed from the surface of the nasal mucosa into the systemic bloodstream - as a result, there is no systemic undesirable effects on the body and minimal risk of side effects characteristic of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs intended for oral administration (tablets, capsules, etc. );
    • the absence of a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the absence of exposure to aggressive enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract on the drug, in contrast to drugs taken orally;
    • the possibility of using the drug in cases of nausea/vomiting, in case of impaired swallowing, in severe diseases of the digestive system, as well as in situations where the use of oral antiviral and immunotropic drugs is contraindicated (for example, during pregnancy)


    • uniform distribution of the drug over the entire surface of the mucous membrane due to fine spraying, as well as maximum penetration of the drug into the nasal cavity and nasal passages
    • dosed spray nozzle ensures precise dosing of the drug with every use
    • the activator pump ensures a stable jet force and solution supply with each press
    • the rigid design of the bottle, equipped with a pump, ensures full use of the antiviral agent without residue
    • spray form, convenient for use in both adults and active teenagers (1 spray = 1 press = 1 dose)
    • compact bottle size
    • economical - one bottle of antiviral spray contains 100 doses
    • possibility of use during several episodes of colds or during several epidemic seasons - the shelf life is not limited from the moment the package is opened.

    With the resumption of spray production, the GENFERON® LITE is able to satisfy the needs of a wide range of consumers of different ages who need to purchase drugs for the treatment of influenza and ARVI or their prevention:

    • suppositories 125,000 IU - to combat colds in children from the first days of life to 7 years;
    • suppositories GENFERON® LITE 250,000 IU – to combat colds in children over 7 years of age (this form of release can also be used in complex therapy of pregnant women with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract);
    • GENFERON® LIGHT drops – for targeted local control of colds directly at the “entrance gate” of viral infection in children from the 1st month of life to 14 years;
    • dosed spray GENFERON® LIGHT – for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI in children over 14 years of age and adults, including pregnant women.


    1. Based on GRLS data as of August 2022.
    2. Alpenidze D.N., Borzanova M.V., Maklakova E.V., Romanova M.V., Chernyaeva E.V. Modern approaches to the treatment of ARVI in adults - experience of clinical use of interferon alpha nasal spray / D. N. Alpenidze [et al.]. - Practical Medicine, 2012. -N 6. - P.138-142.
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