Spray "Genferon Light": instructions for use, where to buy in Moscow

For the treatment of a runny nose, drugs that eliminate not only the symptoms, but also affect the cause of the disease are very helpful. These products include the nasal spray "Genferon Light". It stimulates the immune response, strengthens the body's defense system, due to which the therapeutic effect is noticeable already in the first days of use.

"Genferon Light": description and pharmacodynamics

The drug is available in the form of a nasal spray (for the nose), drops (for the eyes) and suppositories (administered rectally or vaginally). The composition includes the active component interferon, which is of the alpha-2b type. Another active substance is taurine. The composition also contains additional components - water, sodium and potassium chlorides, polycarbonate, glycerin and others.

Interferon is produced by synthesis by bacteria using genetic engineering technology. It has a complex effect on the body:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial.

The drug triggers an immune response, enhances the cellular reactions of the immune system, making it better able to cope with viruses and other intracellular parasites. This is possible due to increased activity of various cells, including T-killers.

Taurine helps eliminate pathological foci with inflammatory processes. It is a strong antioxidant that destroys free radicals - dangerous molecules that destroy body cells. Taurine also helps interferon to be better absorbed, which enhances its therapeutic effect.

You can store the drug in a cool place in the temperature range from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, for example, in the refrigerator. Should be protected from direct sunlight and should not be accessible to children. The shelf life of the product is 2 years from the date of production, subject to storage conditions.

Buy Genferon light vaginal/rectal suppositories 250t IU No. 10 in pharmacies

Genferon Light Buy Genferon Light in pharmacies

DOSAGE FORMS suppositories for vaginal or rectal administration 250000IU+5mg


GROUP Antiviral - interferons

COMPOSITION Interferon alpha-2b, taurine.


PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION Has local and systemic effects. The drug contains recombinant human interferon alpha-2b. Interferon alpha-2b has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative and antibacterial effects. The immunomodulatory effect is manifested, first of all, by enhancing cell-mediated reactions of the immune system, which increases the effectiveness of the immune response against viruses, intracellular parasites and cells that have undergone tumor transformation. Activation under the influence of interferon of leukocytes contained in all layers of the mucous membrane ensures their active participation in the elimination of pathological foci; in addition, due to the influence of interferon, restoration of the production of secretory immunoglobulin A is achieved. The antibacterial effect is mediated by reactions of the immune system, enhanced under the influence of interferon. Taurine helps normalize metabolic processes and tissue regeneration, has membrane-stabilizing and immunomodulatory effects. Taurine helps maintain the biological activity of interferon, enhancing the therapeutic effect of the drug. With rectal administration of the drug, high bioavailability of interferon is observed, and therefore both local and pronounced systemic immunomodulatory effects are achieved; when used intravaginally, due to the high concentration at the site of infection and fixation on the cells of the mucous membrane, a pronounced local antiviral, antiproliferative and antibacterial effect is achieved, while the systemic effect is insignificant due to the low absorption capacity of the vaginal mucosa. The maximum concentration of interferon in the blood serum is achieved 5 hours after administration of the drug. The main route of elimination of β-interferon is renal catabolism. The half-life is 12 hours, which necessitates the use of the drug 2 times a day.

INDICATIONS FOR USE For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in children and women, including pregnant women. As a component of complex therapy - for the treatment of other infectious diseases of viral etiology.

CONTRAINDICATIONS Individual intolerance to interferon and other substances included in the drug. With caution: Exacerbation of allergic and autoimmune diseases. Use during pregnancy and lactation: Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness and safety of using the drug in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The safety of using the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy has not been studied.

SIDE EFFECTS Local allergic reactions (itching and burning sensation in the vagina). These phenomena are reversible and disappear within 72 hours after cessation of administration. Continuation of treatment is possible after consultation with a doctor. Phenomena that occur with the use of all types of interferon alfa-2b may be observed, such as chills, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle and headaches, joint pain, sweating, as well as leukemia and thrombocytopenia. In these cases, it is recommended to consult your doctor to decide whether to discontinue the drug or reduce the dose.

INTERACTION The drug is most effective as a component of complex therapy. When combined with antibacterial, fungicidal and antiviral drugs, mutual potentiation of action is observed, which makes it possible to achieve a high total therapeutic effect

METHOD OF APPLICATION AND DOSAGE The drug can be used both vaginally and rectally. The method of administration, dosage and course duration depend on age, the specific clinical situation and are determined by the attending physician.

OVERDOSE In case of accidental simultaneous administration of more suppositories than prescribed by the doctor, further administration should be suspended for 24 hours, after which treatment can be resumed according to the prescribed regimen.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS The drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving vehicles, machinery, etc.).

STORAGE CONDITIONS Store at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Side effects and overdose

Side effects are rare. They are mainly associated with allergic reactions and bloody nasal discharge. Such reactions in most cases are not complicated by long-term consequences, pass quickly enough, and therefore do not require additional treatment.

To date, cases of overdose have not been described. Taking the drug is safe if the dosages specified in the instructions are followed. You can take the nasal spray during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

Nasal spray "Genferon Light": instructions for use

The spray is intended for intranasal use, i.e. insertion into the nose. One dose corresponds to one short press on the bottle cap. During the first 5 days, the spray is administered 1 dose into each nasal sinus up to 3 times a day.

If there has been contact with a patient with a respiratory infection or in case of hypothermia, the spray is administered according to the same scheme 2 times a day, with the duration of therapy ranging from 5 to 7 days. After this, take a break and, if necessary, repeat the preventive course.

Using the spray is quite simple:

  1. Remove the protective cap.
  2. Blow your nose.
  3. Insert the cap into the nose and press for a second.
  4. During use, hold the bottle only vertically.
  5. After this, put the protective cap back on.

It is better to apply the spray individually. To avoid spreading the infection, it is not recommended to pass it on to others.

Genferon light Nasal spray dosed 50000IU+1mg/dose 100 doses

Registration Certificate Holder

BIOCAD (Russia)

Dosage form

Medicine - Genferon® light (Genferon light)


Dosed nasal spray

in the form of a transparent, colorless or light yellow liquid, without visible mechanical inclusions.

1 dose

interferon alpha-2b human recombinant* 50000 IU taurine 1 mg

* The composition of the substance “Human recombinant interferon alpha-2b (rhIFN-α2b), substance solution” includes recombinant human interferon alpha-2b (rhIFN-α2b) and excipients: sodium chloride, sodium acetate trihydrate, glacial acetic acid, d/i water .


: disodium edetate dihydrate, glycerol, dextran 40000, polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, peppermint oil, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water d/i - up to 0.1 ml.

100 doses - dark glass bottles (1) with a spray dispenser - cardboard packs.


  • prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults and children over 14 years of age.

Contraindications for use

  • hypersensitivity to interferon alfa-2b or other components of the drug;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

With caution: patients suffering from nosebleeds.

pharmachologic effect

The composition of the drug Genferon Light includes recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, produced by a strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli, into which the human interferon alpha-2b gene was introduced using genetic engineering methods.

Interferon alpha-2b has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative and antibacterial effects. The antiviral effect is mediated by the activation of a number of intracellular enzymes that inhibit viral replication. The immunomodulatory effect is manifested, first of all, by enhancing cell-mediated reactions of the immune system, which increases the effectiveness of the immune response against viruses, intracellular parasites and cells that have undergone tumor transformation. This is achieved through the activation of CD8+ T killer cells, NK cells (natural killer cells), increased differentiation of B lymphocytes and their production of antibodies, activation of the monocyte-macrophage system and phagocytosis, as well as increased expression of molecules of the major histocompatibility complex type I, which increases the likelihood recognition of infected cells by cells of the immune system. Activation under the influence of interferon of leukocytes contained in all layers of the mucous membrane ensures their active participation in the elimination of pathological foci; in addition, due to the influence of interferon, restoration of the production of secretory immunoglobulin A is achieved. The antibacterial effect is mediated by reactions of the immune system, enhanced under the influence of interferon.

Taurine helps normalize metabolic processes and tissue regeneration, has membrane-stabilizing and immunomodulatory effects. Being a strong antioxidant, taurine directly interacts with reactive oxygen species, the excessive accumulation of which contributes to the development of pathological processes. Taurine helps maintain the biological activity of interferon, enhancing the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Drug interactions

Not noted.

Dosage regimen

The drug is administered intranasally by aerosol administration of 1 dose (1 dose = 1 short press on the dispenser).

At the first signs of the disease, Genferon Light is administered intranasally for 5 days, one dose (one press on the dispenser) into each nasal passage 3 times a day (one dose is approximately 50,000 IU of interferon alpha, the daily dose should not exceed 500,000 IU).

In case of contact with a patient with acute respiratory viral infection and/or hypothermia, the drug is administered according to the indicated regimen 2 times a day for 5-7 days. If necessary, preventive courses are repeated.

Instructions for using the spray:

1. Remove the protective cap.

2. Before using for the first time, press the dispenser several times until a thin stream appears.

3. When using, keep the bottle upright.

4. Inject the drug by pressing the dispenser once into each nasal passage in turn.

5. After use, close the dispenser with the protective cap.

To avoid the spread of infection, individual use is recommended.


No cases of overdose of the drug Genferon Light have been reported.

Side effect

No side effects were observed when using the drug Genferon Light.

Storage conditions

Store and transport in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 2 to 8°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Shelf life: 2 years.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Restrictions during pregnancy - No restrictions. Restrictions when breastfeeding - No restrictions. Use is allowed throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Use in children

Restrictions for children - Contraindicated. Contraindicated for children under 14 years of age.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Special instructions and drug interactions

In case of long-term observation of side effects, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice. The nasal spray can be used in combination with various drugs, with the exception of intranasal vasoconstrictor drugs. In combination with Geneferon Light, they promote rapid drying of the nasal mucosa, which can have a bad effect on its condition.

The spray is safe for health, does not reduce the reaction, does not lead to drowsiness and does not affect performance. Therefore, it can be used by drivers and operators of moving machinery.

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