Succinic acid for a hangover - relieving alcohol poisoning

Succinic acid is a useful additive that has antioxidant and metabolic effects.
  • How to take succinic acid
  • Can the medicine be given to pregnant women?
  • How to take succinic acid for weight loss
  • Contraindications
  • Adverse reactions and overdose
  • What are the benefits and harms of succinic acid?
  • Is it possible to take succinic acid with alcohol?
  • How much does succinic acid cost?

What is succinic acid used for?

The tablets are often prescribed to be taken as a dietary supplement. They are prescribed for functional asthenic conditions. Particularly effective during age-related ailments, as well as under extreme conditions.

Taking the drug allows you to fight excessive fatigue, stressful situations, improves memory and brain activity, and fights headaches. The supplement is taken for ischemia and vasospasm.

Experts advise taking the medicine in addition to the main treatment for pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

With all the diseases discussed above, many people are forced to take medications for a long time or throughout their lives that help maintain the functioning of the heart, nervous system, and brain function. The use of succinic acid makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of such medications and the duration of their use. The result is achieved thanks to pharmacology, since the drug is able to enhance the effect of drugs intended for primary treatment.

Combination with drugs

As a rule, no negative reactions are observed when interacting with other drugs. However, properties such as acidity, the ability to stimulate the central nervous system and increase blood pressure must be taken into account. Accordingly, the effect of other substances or drugs will be neutralized or significantly reduced (for example, glycine or baking soda).

A popular detoxifier is activated charcoal. It has absorption properties that help neutralize toxins. However, along with them, it also binds other biologically active substances, so the simultaneous use of activated carbon and succinic acid completely neutralizes the effect of the latter, and is therefore pointless.

Due to the fact that not many people know , it is not always available in pharmacies. In this case, use any branded anti-hangover drugs, which most likely contain the same biologically active substance. They cost more, but they also contain a larger list of useful components, for example, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as other vitamins and microelements.

How to take succinic acid for weight loss

Succinic acid has proven itself well for weight loss. The active substance removes all harmful substances from the body, starting the work of the stomach and intestines and promotes the release of excessively accumulated water.

According to nutritionists, tablets can only be taken as an auxiliary substance to activate the metabolic process. At the same time, you need to maintain proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle, including physical activity. If you don’t follow these rules, the extra pounds won’t go away.

You need to drink 3 tablets per day for 3 days. Then take a 1-day break, when you also need to limit the amount of food consumed and physical activity, and then resume the three-day course.

Another option is to take 1 g of succinic acid every day for a month.

Mechanism of action

During the process of catabolism, ethanol in the body breaks down into various compounds, including acetaldehyde, a strong tissue poison. This is one of the factors of acute alcohol intoxication. By drinking alcohol, we are literally poisoning ourselves. Acetaldehyde paralyzes the functioning of vital organs and systems. The first to suffer are the brain, liver, stomach, heart and blood vessels.

Butandium acid protects the body at the cellular level. It acts as a natural catalyst for most metabolic processes. After drinking alcohol, the body is exposed to the negative influence of ethanol, as well as its breakdown products, and weakens. The functions of internal organs are impaired. The biologically active substance helps stimulate metabolism to speed up the neutralization and elimination of toxins from the body. It improves protective functions:

  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • supports intestinal microflora;
  • increases muscle tone ;
  • helps regulate cholesterol levels;
  • improves concentration;
  • maintains water-salt balance.

The beneficial properties of the compound can hardly be overestimated. It plays an extremely important role in maintaining the functions of internal organs and systems.

What are the benefits and harms of succinic acid?

The most important property of the supplement is its ability to help the body cope with stressful situations and protect it from the negative effects of harmful microorganisms. This allows the medicine to be included in combination with other drugs to treat various diseases.

Also, taking the supplement has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, helps eliminate rashes, and removes swelling. Succinic acid is added to the composition of many cosmetic products. They can be purchased ready-made or prepared yourself. YAC is also used to make head masks that improve the condition of hair and accelerate its growth.

If you use pills thoughtlessly and in large quantities, it can harm the human body. The drug has contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with before taking it. Also, succinic acid should not be taken continuously for several days. Usually it is taken for no longer than 28 days (day breaks are allowed).


Not everyone can be treated with succinic acid. It should not be taken by persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The acid causes an increase in blood pressure, so people with hypertension should not drink it.

Do not use acid right before bed. It tones and stimulates the body. After taking it you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

The medicine is cheap and available to everyone. There is no advertising for the drug, so few people know about its positive properties. The medicine can be bought without a prescription , but do not neglect the dosage and abuse this remedy.

Indications for hangover

Butanedioic acid (C4H6O4) is intended to relieve a hangover in the initial stages of poisoning by alcohol breakdown products. It is recommended to take it after binges in chronic alcoholism, but systemically and for a long period, since there is no improvement in the condition with daily use.

The biological supplement is indicated for use when the following symptoms appear:

  • dry mouth;
  • dehydration;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling depressed or tired;
  • chills;
  • tremor;
  • decreased mental activity accompanied by irritability.

To enhance effectiveness, the drug is often included in a comprehensive treatment program for alcoholism, combining it with other substances or medications.

Application in clinical narcology

The therapeutic effect of succinic acid is slightly exaggerated. It is only an adjuvant, but not a medicine. That is why the compound is classified as a dietary supplement and not a medicine. Narcologists actually prescribe it during the treatment of alcohol addiction, detoxification, before and after the coding procedure. However, this organic compound plays a supporting role. It enhances the effect of basic drugs and helps the body recover faster, as well as improve the functioning of internal organs and systems. It makes it easier to start and stabilize metabolic processes disrupted by ethanol and its metabolites. In the absence of contraindications, there will be no harm from using dietary supplements, but you shouldn’t count on a special therapeutic effect either.

Harmlessness and ease of use are the advantages of succinic acid. Two tablets before the event, as well as 2-3 in the morning, will help significantly alleviate the consequences of ethanol intoxication. And yet there is no need to try to treat an alcoholic with its help. This is impossible. Treatment of chronic alcoholism is carried out by narcologists using completely different means - medications, hardware, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, etc. The problem with uncontrollable pathological craving for alcoholic beverages is solved only in drug treatment clinics that use modern comprehensive techniques, guarantee anonymity and confidentiality, and take care of social rehabilitation of patients. Do not get carried away with drinking alcohol, especially often and in large doses. This is a direct path to chronic alcoholism with all the ensuing consequences.

Specialist who checked the article: Morozov Svyatoslav Gennadievich


Succinic acid has an antioxidant, antitoxic, and stimulating effect. A natural remedy helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system, cope with excess weight, strengthen hair and rejuvenate the face.

Every day the human body synthesizes approximately 200 grams of its own succinic acid. This volume may not be enough, especially when exposed to negative factors. To ensure vital functions, additional intake of succinic acid may be required.


Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich | Doctor of Medicine therapist

Preparation of a “sun cocktail” and tincture

Based on succinic acid, you can prepare a cocktail rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It can be taken to generally strengthen the immune system, to increase the level of strength, energy, and vigor.

To prepare you will need:

  • three tablets of succinic acid or 3-5 grams of powder;
  • 300 ml warm boiled water;
  • 3 teaspoons honey.

If tablets are used to prepare a cocktail, they must first be crushed to a powder state. Dilute with warm water, add honey.

The finished drink must be taken according to the following scheme: three days - intake, fourth - rest. Course – 14 days.

Another option is to make a tincture with alcohol. To do this you will need three tablespoons of crushed natural amber and a glass of vodka. Pour alcohol over the crumbs and leave to steep for at least a month.

It is recommended to take the tincture 8-10 drops daily. It will help the body cope with physical or mental stress, give a boost of strength and energy.

Indications for use.

As a means to increase the nonspecific reactivity of the body of pregnant women, improve its adaptive and compensatory-protective capabilities in order to prevent complications due to hypoxia, fetal malnutrition, and miscarriage.

As a “test breakfast” when studying the secretory and acid-forming functions of the stomach (the diagnostic significance of the drug Limontar® and histamine are equivalent).

To prevent alcohol intoxication; in the treatment of acute alcoholic intoxication of mild to moderate severity to reduce the toxic effects of alcohol and post-intoxication disorders; in complex therapy for the treatment of binge drinking in patients with chronic alcoholism.

During the period of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, for the complex treatment of asthenovegetative disorders (general weakness, decreased performance, appetite).


hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease (including angina), glaucoma, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, late gestosis (severe form).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding:

The use of the drug during pregnancy is possible in the first trimester (at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy), the second trimester (at 24-26 weeks of pregnancy) and the third trimester (10-25 days before birth), on the recommendation of an obstetrician-gynecologist (see Sections “Indications for use”, “Method of administration and dosage”).

The use of the drug during breastfeeding is not recommended (due to the lack of research results on the effectiveness and safety of the drug during this period).

Reaction to alcohol intoxication

When forming indications for succinic acid for a hangover, it is necessary to take into account that each person’s body reacts individually to the consequences of drinking alcohol. However, there are standard signs that are found in almost everyone who drank significantly more than normal the day before. In most cases, the next day after consuming significant amounts , a person faces the following problems:

  • dizziness and throbbing severe headache;
  • sound and light sensitivity;
  • prostration;
  • chills;
  • thirst, dry mouth;
  • heat;
  • increased sweating;
  • tremor of the limbs.

These are classic symptoms of acetaldehyde intoxication after drinking alcohol. The person will continue to feel overwhelmed until the liver completely removes the toxic acetaldehyde, which is what provokes these symptoms. Succinic acid can increase the speed of metabolic processes. Additionally, it supplies the liver with blood, which has a high oxygen content. This speeds up its performance. The patient’s well-being improves, he becomes toned faster, as his cells are saturated with additional energy. You can cope with a hangover much faster.

Contents in products

Some products contain succinic acid compounds. Their regular use will completely replenish the body's need for this substance.

It is recommended to pay attention to the following products:

  • fermented milk products, especially kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • flax seeds;
  • alfalfa;
  • Borodino or rye bread;
  • sauerkraut;
  • seafood;
  • turnip;
  • white grapes;
  • aged wines;
  • gooseberry;
  • rhubarb;
  • Brewer's yeast.

To meet the daily requirement, a person needs a very small amount of succinic acid. It’s easy to calculate: multiply the weight by 0.03 - that’s exactly how many mg of the substance are needed.

Conditions for weight loss

If you take succinic acid, then only as prescribed by a specialist, in recommended doses. It is important to follow strict nutritional rules, exercise regularly, and play sports. This is the only way to lose weight and stay healthy.

Dietary recommendations are as follows:

  1. Gradually reduce the caloric content of your diet so as not to expose the body to severe stress.
  2. Drink enough clean drinking water daily without added sugar.
  3. Reduce to a minimum the amount of fast food, semi-finished products, chips, snacks, confectionery, and flour.
  4. The diet should be based on lean meats, poultry, fish, dairy and fermented milk products, vegetables, and fruits.
  5. Keep track of calories consumed and spent per day. Also take into account proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and ensure that they are met.

As already mentioned, exercise is an important part of weight loss. At the same time, it is believed that people who take succinic acid endure exercise more easily, since it gives strength, vigor, and energy. But this fact is also not confirmed from a scientific point of view.

Reviews of those losing weight about the drug

Sofia, 32 years old, Syzran At first I started taking acid to improve my health.
I was worried about the beginning of varicose veins and elevated blood sugar levels. I started using the drug a year ago, in courses of 4 weeks every 3 months. During this time, most of the spider veins disappeared, the appearance of the legs improved, and heaviness in the limbs no longer bothered me. Decreased appetite. Lost 8 kg without much effort. This is not enough, but considering that I didn’t go on a diet or change my lifestyle, the results are impressive. I will continue to accept it. Vera, 38 years old, Astrakhan I read about the beneficial properties of acid and persuaded the whole family to drink it in courses once every six months for prevention. In the first month I lost 2 kg, although I have difficulty losing weight even with a balanced diet and exercise. I was surprised and didn’t immediately realize that it was related to the acid. During the next course the situation repeated itself. Now I take the product every 2-3 months to speed up weight loss. Over the course of a year, the weight has decreased by 15 kg and has not returned to its previous levels.

Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics

The drug Succinic acid provides an energy-synthesizing function. The active substance is rapidly biotransformed into fumaric acid and then into other metabolic products. Transformation occurs under the influence of succinate dehydrogenesis and coenzyme.

The final products of the decomposition of succinic acid are water and carbon dioxide.

Tissue respiration improves due to activation of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.

Thanks to the use of succinic acid, cellular rejuvenation of the skin occurs.

Pros of Succinic Acid:

  • Increases diastolic blood pressure
  • Improves physical performance
  • increases the formation of hydrochloric acid and the secretory function of glands
  • helps improve appetite
  • triggers adaptive, protective functions of the body
  • reduces the toxic effects of ethanol (as it cleanses the body of toxic substances)

Due to the above properties, the drug is widely used for medical purposes.

After oral administration, Succinic Acid (SA) disintegrates into metabolic end products within half an hour.

Why is it recommended for women over 40?

After turning forty, women experience a gradual decline in ovarian function and a decrease in estrogen synthesis. Estrogen receptors lose sensitivity to the hormone. Against this background, the aging process accelerates. Natural processes do not go unnoticed.

Premenopause and subsequent menopause are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  • Hot flashes.
  • Attacks of sweating and sudden tachycardia.
  • Menstrual cycle disorder.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Sleep disorders.

Medical observations have shown that succinic acid improves the health of women during menopause and alleviates unpleasant symptoms. One study involved 120 women in the age group of 42-60 years. Women who took succinic acid noted an improvement in their health in 13 out of 21 parameters characteristic of menopause. The results showed a decrease in anxiety, normalization of weight, and improved resistance to stress.

How does it work?

Natural succinic acid helps with hangovers due to its complex action. This natural medicine has many positive qualities that help get rid of the negative symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • reducing the time it takes to remove toxins from the body;
  • targeted effect on organs that need this particular substance;
  • increased energy potential - a person becomes cheerful , his mental activity improves due to the saturation of brain cells with oxygen;
  • replenishing the lack of vitamin C, which helps increase vascular tone;
  • stimulating the synthesis of serotonin, which relieves depression and depression characteristic of withdrawal syndrome;
  • improvement of oxidative processes, increasing the functioning of the liver and accelerating the removal of acetaldehyde.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

metabolic agent.

ATX code:



the drug
Limontar® is a regulator of tissue metabolism, enhances redox processes, the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which determines its antihypoxic and antioxidant properties, due to which the drug has the ability to:

  • - activate the functions of organs and tissues,
  • - increase the body's reactivity,
  • - improve the course of pregnancy, growth and development of the fetus,
  • - increase mental and physical performance,
  • - enhance the secretion of gastric juice, the formation of hydrochloric acid, increase appetite,
  • - reduce the toxic effect of alcohol.

The effect of Limontar® appears 10-20 minutes after ingestion.


succinic and citric acids are completely decomposed to water and carbon dioxide, and no accumulation occurs in the body.

Rules and methods of application

Depending on the form of release, the rules of application differ. For powders, the recommendations are as follows:

  • dilute one gram of powder with 200 ml of warm, but not hot, boiled water (usually the bags are immediately packaged in portions);
  • mix well until the particles dissolve;
  • drink half an hour before breakfast;
  • rinse your mouth with mouthwash or clean water - succinic acid can corrode enamel with prolonged exposure, which will lead to increased tooth sensitivity and the appearance of stains.

This composition has high acidity, which can be dangerous for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cause irritation of the walls of the digestive tract.

A safer way to take acid is to use capsules. They have a dense shell that does not allow acid to penetrate outward and cause irritation of the mucous surfaces of the oral cavity and esophagus.

Taking capsules or tablets can be done according to two schemes:

  1. Course up to 30 days. With this regimen, you need to drink one capsule every day half an hour before meals. It is better to drink it with cool or warm water, but not tea or coffee.
  2. Take with breaks. Three days, take a tablet before each meal, the fourth day is a rest, during which you need to do a fasting day: on kefir, apples, cottage cheese or any other.

It should be understood that these instructions differ from those provided by the manufacturer. As already mentioned, to prevent diseases or replenish minerals, only one capsule is needed daily. That is why this method of weight loss must be approached with caution, and do not take succinic acid without consulting a specialist.


Capsules or tablets can be easily found on pharmacy counters. Succinic acid is produced in pure form or as part of vitamin and mineral complexes. Its price may vary depending on the form of release:

Release form Amount of active substance, mg number of capsules/tablets in packaging, pcs. Cost, rub.
Capsules or tablets 50 10 30
100 10 50
100 20 40
100 100 150
Added glucose capsules 50 10 80
Vitamin-mineral complex 10 50-100 200-1500 (depending on the manufacturer)
Powder 20 100g 200
Cogitum 250 10 ampoules 2500-5900 (depending on the manufacturer, amount of active ingredient, other components)

When choosing a drug, you should focus on the manufacturer, choose proven, high-quality brands.

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