Finalgon 20g ointment for external use


Symptoms: when using the drug in doses exceeding the recommended ones, in isolated cases the occurrence of systemic side effects cannot be ruled out: headache; gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, pain in the epigastric region); shortness of breath.

A single case of the development of interstitial nephritis with functional renal failure and nephrotic syndrome is described.

Treatment: symptomatic.

If symptoms of overdose occur, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

Finalgon 20g ointment for external use

pharmachologic effect

Local irritant.

Composition and release form Finalgon 20g ointment for external use

Ointment - 1 g:

  • active ingredients: nonivamide (nonylic acid vanillyl amide) (PSVA) - 4 mg; Nicoboxyl (nicotinic acid butoxyethyl ester) (NSBE) - 25 mg;
  • Excipients: Diisopropyl adipate (Crodamol) - 120 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide - 20 mg; Vaseline (paraffin, soft white) - 822 mg; sorbic acid - 2 mg; citronella oil - 2 mg; purified water - 5 mg.

20 g or 50 g in an aluminum tube, closed with a plastic cap with a punch for the membrane. Each tube with an applicator and instructions for use is placed in a cardboard pack.

Description of the dosage form

Almost colorless or slightly brownish, transparent or translucent, homogeneous ointment.

Directions for use and doses

Treatment should begin by applying a small amount of the drug to a small area of ​​skin to assess the individual response. Individual reactions to the drug may vary significantly: for some people it will be enough to apply a small amount of ointment in order to cause the necessary warming effect, while for others the warming effect will be insignificant or absent. It is necessary to start using the drug with the lowest dose. To do this, using the supplied applicator, a column of the drug no larger than 0.5 cm in size is applied to the corresponding palm-sized area of ​​skin with light rubbing movements. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the area of ​​skin on which the drug is applied can be covered with a woolen cloth.

With repeated use, the reaction to the ointment may decrease, which requires an increase in the dose, which is selected individually. The maximum recommended dose of the drug is no more than 1 cm per palm-sized area (about 10 cm x 20 cm). If necessary, use the ointment up to 3 times a day.

To pre-warm the muscles before physical exercise or sports competitions, it is recommended to rub in approximately 30 minutes before they begin. If there is no desired effect within 10 days, you should contact a specialist.

After applying the drug to the skin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.



It is a synthetic analogue of capsaicin and has analgesic properties, which manifest themselves as a result of the gradual penetration of the substance into the peripheral nociceptive C-fibers and A-delta nerve fibers when the drug is repeatedly applied to the skin. Nonivamide has a vasodilating effect, which is accompanied by an intense, prolonged sensation of warmth, due to stimulation of afferent nerve endings in the skin.


It is a derivative of nicotinic acid, which has vasodilating properties with the participation of prostaglandins I2 and E2. The hyperemic effect of nicoboxil (nicotinic acid butoxyethyl ester) develops faster and is more intense than the hyperemic effect of nonivamide.

Combined action

Nonivamide and nicoboxil have complementary vasodilating properties, cause skin hyperemia, increase the rate of enzymatic reactions, and activate metabolism. The appearance of redness and an increase in skin temperature within a few minutes after application indicate rapid penetration of the active components of the drug into the skin. The action of FINALGON manifests itself locally. The effect of the drug develops within a few minutes, the maximum effect occurs after 20-30 minutes. The analgesic effect of a combination of 0.4% nonivamide and 2.5% nicoboxil was demonstrated in an efficacy study in patients with acute nonspecific low back pain. It was found that patients who used the drug FIIALGON (2 cm of ointment per application and used the drug up to 3 times a day for 4 days) experienced a clinically significant decrease in the intensity of pain in the lower back within 4 hours after the first use; on the last day of treatment, determined individually, a clinically significant reduction in pain was also observed. A clinical study found that pain relief began within 1-2 hours.

Indications for use Finalgon 20g ointment for external use

Arthritis, rheumatic pain in joints and muscles, sports injuries, bruises and damage to the ligamentous apparatus, muscle pain caused by excessive physical activity, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, bursitis, tendovaginitis, acute nonspecific pain in the lower back.

For preliminary “warming up” of muscles before physical exercises and sports competitions. As part of complex vasodilator therapy for peripheral circulatory disorders.


Hypersensitivity to nicoboxil, nonivamide or excipients of the drug.

Do not apply the ointment to sensitive skin, open wounds, inflamed areas of skin, areas of skin with increased permeability: neck, lower abdomen, inner thighs.

Children under 18 (due to insufficient data on efficacy and safety for this group of patients).

Application of Finalgon 20g ointment for external use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

No special studies of the drug FINALGON have been conducted during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

No studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on fertility.

special instructions

The drug causes hyperemia of the skin, resulting in redness, a feeling of warmth, itching and burning at the site of application. These symptoms may be more pronounced when applying an excessive amount of the drug or in case of intensive rubbing over the surface of the skin. Using excessive amounts of the drug or vigorous rubbing on the surface of the skin can lead to the formation of vesicles or pustules at the site of application of the ointment. After using Finalgon®, you should immediately wash your hands with soap and water. Care must be taken to avoid accidental contact of the drug on other areas of the skin or contact of the drug with another person.

Avoid accidental contact of the drug with your face, eyes, nose or mouth. This can lead to temporary facial swelling, facial pain, conjunctival inflammation, eye congestion, burning eyes, blurred vision, oral discomfort and stomatitis.

Before or after applying the drug to the skin, you should not take a hot bath or shower.

Sweating or applying heat to the application site may cause redness of the skin and an intense sensation of warmth even several hours after applying Finalgon®.

The drug contains sorbic acid, which can cause local skin irritation (for example, contact dermatitis).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

No special clinical studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car or use machinery. However, caution should be exercised when using the drug when driving a car or operating machinery.



The effect of skin flushing and the severity of dose-dependent side effects may be aggravated after the use of excessive amounts of FINALGON® ointment.

Using excessive amounts of the drug may lead to the formation of vesicles or pustules at the site of application of the ointment.

An overdose of the drug can cause systemic reactions (redness of the upper body, increased body temperature, “flushes” of blood, painful hyperemia, decreased blood pressure), because Nicotinic acid esters have good transdermal absorption.


When using an excess amount of the drug, the effect can be reduced if you remove the ointment from the surface of the skin using vegetable oil or a fat-based cosmetic cream, and from the mucous membrane of the eye (in case of accidental contact) using medical Vaseline. If necessary, symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

Side effects Finalgon 20g ointment for external use

In the course of clinical studies and long-term experience with the use of the drug, the following side effects were identified:

From the immune system: anaphylactic reactions, hypersensitivity.

From the nervous system: paresthesia, burning sensation.

From the respiratory system: cough, shortness of breath.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: vesicles or pustules at the site of application, erythema, local skin reaction (for example, contact dermatitis), itching, rash, facial swelling, urticaria, sensation of heat at the site of application.

Drug interactions

Interactions with other drugs used locally or systemically have not been identified.


will respond with unpleasant osteochondrosis pain.
In principle, apparently, Finalgel could also be prescribed to me for myositis, as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory medicine. However, I can estimate its effectiveness only in a 50 to 50 ratio. At least, I had such impressions from its use before, but even now, with pain of unknown etiology in the area of ​​​​the metatarsal bone of the right foot (translating into Russian - it hurts on the right sides of the foot, the pain manifests itself during walking or a massage performed by the spouse) it only relieves the pain by half, but it does not disappear completely. I can’t say anything at all about the relief of inflammation, since I have never observed such a particularly strong and visible inflammatory process on the body. Although most likely there is still some effect, since treatment with Finalgel goes much faster than without it. Actually, the range of actions and indications of Finalgel is quite extensive. It can be used not only by those who have joint problems or severe injuries, but also by athletes with bruises and sprains. To be honest, as a former amateur athlete, I would not recommend such drugs as a pain reliever after physical activity. If you use such medications frequently, you may inadvertently end up with more serious problems.

I don’t remember whether the box included additional instructions for its use (most likely I disposed of it a long time ago), but even if it is missing, you can rely on the cardboard container that comes with the gel.

It also contains basic information about the composition, manufacturer, storage conditions, and expiration dates. Moreover, the last ones squeezed out on the box, no matter how much I tried to photograph them, stubbornly did not want to show themselves to the public, but in vain - the gel is good until September 2022, of course, provided that it has not been used and it is sealed. In other cases, after opening, the manufacturer recommends using it for no more than 6 months. Although, to be honest, after opening it, I obviously use it longer and it has not lost its medicinal properties. But throwing away even a half-sized tube of gel somehow suffocates the toad, especially looking at the price tag.

The gel itself has a pleasant jelly consistency, is applied well to clean skin and is absorbed quickly, unlike other drugs (sorry, I won’t demonstrate it on my leg today... it hurts). It has practically no color, although if you look at it from a different angle, it gives off a slightly greenish tint, but unlike Nise, it does not stain clothes, therefore it can be used immediately, before going somewhere. There is a smell, but it is not specific, the same as all pain-relieving gels and ointments, but what is significant is that it is not sharp, not persistent and not repulsive. Although I still recommend washing your hands after using Finalgel.

If price is not the most important factor for you, then I recommend it, but I still think that if you want, you can find a cheaper analog with such efficiency.

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