
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Combined drug with local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects .

Phenazone is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, an analgesic with anti-inflammatory action. Blocks cyclooxygenase and inhibits prostaglandin synthesis.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic. It disrupts the conduction of pain impulses due to antagonism with sodium and calcium in the nerve fiber membrane. A successful combination of two active substances promotes rapid analgesic action, increases its intensity and duration. The drug stimulates the liquefaction of mucus and its removal from the middle ear cavity through the Eustachian tube and eardrum.


If the integrity of the eardrum is preserved, it does not penetrate the body.

Indications for use

  • otitis media in the catarrhal ;
  • otitis barotraumatic;
  • otitis media after the flu.

Otipax for children

In childhood, an infection from the nasopharynx often enters the middle ear and causes otitis media. The safest drug for catarrhal otitis is Otipax for children, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

In addition to catarrhal otitis, it is used for ear congestion ( eustachitis ) in children, for external otitis, some forms of purulent otitis and after removal of foreign bodies. They are used in children to relieve pain in the preperforative stage of otitis media , starting in infancy.

Instructions for Otipax for children

The drops are preheated to 38-40 °C. It is better to instill drops onto a turunda made of cotton wool or gauze inserted into the ear. Children under one year old use 1-2 drops, from 1 to 2 years old - 3 drops, children of preschool age and schoolchildren - 4 drops 3 times a day.

After instillation, you need to seal the ear canal with cotton wool, lubricated with Vaseline - the drug will not evaporate and its effectiveness will be higher. A one-time use of the drug gives a short-term effect, so its course use is necessary. The anti-inflammatory effect is observed on days 2–3.

How to drip Otipax

The medicine should be dripped into the external auditory canal of the ear.

For an adult, it will be enough to drop 4 drops into each ear 3 times a day.

The maximum duration of treatment is 10 days. Before starting treatment with Otipax, you need to ensure the integrity of the eardrums. Therefore, you must first be examined by a doctor and study the instructions in detail.

Before dropping the medicine, you need to hold the bottle in your hands for a while so that it warms up. This will prevent the discomfort that usually occurs when cold liquid enters the ear.

First you need to remove the cap from the bottle, then turn it over and point it into the ear canal. After this, you need to press on the center of the dropper and squeeze out the required number of drops (depending on age). After the manipulations, you need to tightly close the bottle and put it back in the packaging.

Otipax's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:



The pharmacy chain widely offers drops for topical use for otitis media. Structural analogues are Folicap and Otirelax , similar in action to Sofradex , Otinum , Anauran , Uniflox , Tsipromed , Garazon , Polydexa .

The price of Otipax analogues differs significantly. Thus, Otirelax 15 ml can be purchased for 100-200 rubles, Sofradex 5 ml for 190-500 rubles. The cost of Otinum 10 ml is 170-300 rubles, Anaurana 25 ml is 270-470 rubles.

Which is better: Otipax or Otinum?

Otinum has anti-inflammatory and moderate local anesthetic effects. The difference between the two drugs is the active substance: Otinum contains choline salicylate , a derivative of salicylic acid, and there is no anesthetic, so the analgesic effect is not so pronounced. If it enters the middle ear, ototoxicity occurs. Used in children from 1 year of age. Manufacturer ICN Polfa Rzeszow (Poland)

Anauran or Otipax - which is better?

Anauran contains the local anesthetic lidocaine and the antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin . From the point of view of the anti-inflammatory effect, this drug is stronger, however, the presence of ototoxic antibiotics is a contraindication to their use in case of perforation of the eardrum. The drug is effective for external and otitis media before perforation occurs. Has no age restrictions. Manufacturer: Zambon SPA (Italy).

Sofradex or Otipax - which is better?

Sofradex contains two antibiotics ( framycetin and gramicidin ) and the glucocorticoid dexamethasone . In terms of the strength of its anti-inflammatory effect, it is superior to the drug described. Glucocorticoids are not ototoxic, but antibiotics are otoxic. Drops are intended for the treatment of otitis without compromising the integrity of the eardrum. Of course, only a doctor can determine this during examination, and accordingly, recommend this or that drug. Used in children from 7 years of age. Manufacturer: Aventis Pharma (India).

Otirelax or Otipax - which is better?

Otirelax is a structural analogue of Otipax (their composition is the same) and the same effect. The difference is that the latter is an original drug, and Otirelax is a generic produced by Rompharm Company SRL (Romania).

Otofa or Otipax - which is better?

Otofa combines a pronounced antibacterial effect and the absence of ototoxic action. The active substance is rifamycin , which is not an ototoxic antibiotic and these drops can be used in the perforated stage. In this regard, this drug has an advantage, since all the drugs described above (Sofradex, Otinum, Otipax, Anauran) have a main contraindication - perforation of the eardrum .


Otipax is a combination drug that has anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effects and is used in otolaryngological practice for local symptomatic (aimed at eliminating the symptoms, not the cause of the disease) treatment of otitis media in adults and children. Due to its highly favorable safety profile, the drug is widely used in pediatrics, incl. and in newborn children. If in the theater everything starts with a hanger, then problems with the ears almost always begin with ARVI. This statement is especially relevant in relation to children, because the latter are much more susceptible to infectious agents than adults. ARVI pathogens enter the body primarily through the upper respiratory tract. Penetrating into the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx, respiratory viruses are mistaken for intensive reproduction of their own kind, resulting in the development of inflammation with all the accompanying “bonuses” in the form of increased permeability of vascular walls and increased exudation. Clinically, all this pathogenetic “whirlwind” is manifested by cough, runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes and other dubious “charms”. The most common symptom of ARVI is definitely a runny nose. With a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx develops, which can lead to acute otitis media. The danger of this disease is the risk of serious complications - mastoiditis, meningeal syndrome, meningitis, labyrinthitis, brain abscess and, possibly, sepsis. In this regard, the problem of otitis takes on a medical and social character, i.e.

because inflammation of the middle ear is always fraught with hearing disorders and has all the prerequisites for transition to the chronic phase in the form of adhesive and purulent otitis. With timely and adequate treatment, these unpleasant consequences can be avoided. So, in case of acute otitis, as a rule, the problem can be solved without resorting to surgical methods, for example, using Otipax ear drops. This medicine contains phenazone and lidocaine. The analgesic-antipyretic phenazone has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Lidocaine is a substance in demand in cases where local anesthesia is necessary. The combination of phenazone and lidocaine provides fast, intense and long-lasting anesthesia. The components of the drug act locally and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation, which avoids clinically significant negative side reactions. When otipax is applied topically, its active components and their derivatives are not detected by modern laboratory diagnostic methods in the blood and other biological media, which confirms the absence of a systemic effect on the body. The dosage regimen for otipax is as follows: 3-4 drops into the external auditory canal 2-3 times a day. Before using the drug, in order to avoid unpleasant sensations from contact of cold drops with the auricle, it is recommended to warm the bottle in the palms of your hands. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Before starting drug therapy, you should ensure the integrity of the eardrum. This is done for this purpose. to avoid complications due to contact of pharmacologically active substances of the drug with elements of the middle ear system.

Reviews about Otipax

Otipax drops act on the inflamed eardrum, reducing its tension and swelling, which cause pain. For otitis media, it is important that ear drops have a pronounced analgesic effect, since the main symptom of otitis media is pain. Otipax ear drops have a rapid analgesic effect, which is very important for children. The local anesthetic lidocaine helps reduce pain after 5 minutes, and complete disappearance after 20–30 minutes. They are prescribed on the first day of the disease to relieve pain.

Reviews about Otipax drops are only positive. Everyone notes a quick and long-lasting (2-3 hours) analgesic effect. The important thing is that the drops can be used for 6 months after you open the bottle and can be used by the whole family, including infants.

These ear drops were used not only for otitis of a bacterial nature, but also for barotraumatic otitis that occurs in children during flights.

  • “... We always take these drops with us on vacation. After the flight, my son’s ears often hurt, and otitis occurs when diving.”

Many parents report that the drug was prescribed to their children, in whom ARVI is often complicated by otitis media, for the purpose of its prevention. At the first signs of respiratory infections and runny nose, drops in the nose and drops in the ears were prescribed.

How to properly drip Otipax for children

In children, one of the common problems is the penetration of infection from the nasopharynx into the middle ear, which ultimately leads to otitis media. In such cases, the most effective and harmless remedy is Otipax. It can also be used for ear congestion, otitis externa, purulent otitis and after foreign objects have been removed from the ear. It is allowed to give the drug to children from birth.

Before using drops in your child’s ears, you need to be examined by a pediatrician. This is necessary to ensure that there is no rupture of the eardrums, as this is one of the main contraindications. If you ignore this point, the child may develop inflammatory reactions, which can have serious consequences.

For babies under 1 year old, it is enough to drop 2 drops into each ear once a day.

A child aged 1 to 2 years is allowed to increase the number of drops to 3.

Older children can drip 4 drops 3 times a day.

After the solution gets into the ear, you need to cover the passage with a cotton swab pre-treated with Vaseline so that the medicine does not evaporate.

Otipax price, where to buy

You can buy it in many pharmacies, since Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus have registered this drug.

How much does 1 bottle of the drug cost at the pharmacy? The cost in pharmacies in Russian cities is approximately the same. In Moscow you can buy it for 190 - 270 rubles. The price of Otipax ear drops in Voronezh ranges from 200 to 280 rubles; in St. Petersburg you can buy drops for children for 200-270 rubles.

The Ukrainian pharmacy chain (Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk) offers these ear drops for 90-120 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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