Hepazolon Suppositories, 10 pcs., for intravenous administration, rectal

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is applied topically and has anti-inflammatory and venosclerotic effects. Area of ​​application: proctology . Heparin enhances the regeneration of connective tissue, prevents blood coagulation to hemorrhoids, prevents thrombus formation , and has an anti-edematous effect. Thanks to heparin, the number of relapses is significantly reduced. By acting on the vascular endothelium, heparin prevents the formation of edema and a stable fibrin thrombus .

Prednisolone is a glucocorticosteroid of synthetic origin and reduces the activity of inflammatory mediators ( lysosomal enzymes , prostaglandins , kinin and histamine ). Thanks to the vasoconstrictor effect, a decrease in exudation is achieved, the severity of the allergic reaction is reduced (as a result of suppression of cytokines and macrophages ). Lidocaine provides a local anesthetic effect, which is achieved by blocking sodium, voltage-dependent channels, which leads to a decrease in the generation of impulses.

Other Treatments for Hemorrhoids

Popular drug Relief

Along with rectal suppositories, doctors often prescribe folk remedies for hemorrhoids. These include baths with chamomile, calendula, potassium permanganate, and applying ice cubes to hemorrhoidal cones. You can also apply a cotton swab with sea buckthorn oil. In the presence of hemorrhoids and anal fissure, microenemas with chamomile decoction are also prescribed to provide anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In cases of an advanced stage of the disease, when suppositories and baths do not help, more radical treatment methods can be used:

  • Laser coagulation. This is an effective and painless method for removing hemorrhoids; it does not require long rehabilitation. However, after it it is necessary to be observed by a proctologist.
  • Sclerotherapy. A sclerosant is injected into the nodules, which promotes the resorption of hemorrhoidal cones. This method is effective in the initial stages of hemorrhoids. If the lump is too large, sclerotherapy will not work. There is no need for hospitalization; this procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis.
  • Cryodestruction. This procedure is performed using low temperatures (below 190 degrees Celsius). The main advantage of this method is that it is bloodless. The patient does not lose blood and feels well after the procedure. You can do without anesthesia and hospitalization.
  • Ligation. If the lump is already quite large, you can use the ligation method. A latex ring is placed on the nodule, which disrupts the blood flow to it, after which the lumps decrease in size and fall off. In extreme cases, the nodules are removed by conventional surgery. In this case, hospitalization is necessary, postoperative complications are possible, such as bleeding, fistulas, rectal prolapse, suppuration of the suture.

It is difficult to say which method is most effective. This depends on the individual characteristics of the disease, age and general condition of the patient. Nutrition and exercise are also an important part of treatment. If you leave your usual lifestyle and rely only on other methods of treatment, there is a high probability that hemorrhoids will recur. It is necessary to monitor your stool, avoid constipation, avoid fatty and spicy foods, exclude chocolate and carbonated drinks from your diet, and reduce alcohol consumption.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for fistulas , anal fissures , eczema , itching in the anorectal area caused by an inflammatory process. Instructions for use of Gepazolon it is recommended to use suppositories for thrombophlebitis of hemorrhoidal veins located in the perianal area.

For hemorrhoids (operated, thrombosed), the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy.

The drug is prescribed before surgical treatment of diseases of the anorectal region.

Review of reviews on the treatment of hemorrhoids

Reviews from doctors about Gepazolon for hemorrhoids are positive. The drug has proven itself well in the treatment of proctological pathologies. The strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antithrombotic effect of suppositories eliminates problems with anal fissures and nodular hemorrhoids.

Patients note the effectiveness of the drug Gepazolon. After a course of treatment, inflammation in patients is eliminated, itching and swelling disappear. However, there are also negative reviews about the medicine. Some patients complain of a resumption of symptoms after stopping use.

Reviews from doctors and patients about Gepazolon suppositories are positive


Gepazolon ointment is contraindicated for infectious, fungal, viral and tuberculous lesions of the anorectal area. The medication is not prescribed for functional disorders of the blood coagulation system due to the risk of rectal bleeding .

Gepazolon suppositories are contraindicated in case of intolerance to heparin, lidocaine and prednisolone.

The drug Gepazolon is not used in pediatrics (age limit: 12 years).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Gepazolon ointment is contraindicated.

What suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used to treat a child?

Pregnancy is often accompanied by hemorrhoids

Unfortunately, even the youngest can suffer from hemorrhoids. In this case, treatment depends on the age and condition of the child. All medications must be prescribed by a pediatrician. Self-medication is only permissible: proper nutrition and avoidance of toilet paper. Everything else should be controlled by a doctor. Even infants sometimes suffer from hemorrhoids caused by constipation. The child begins to cry during and after bowel movements. While older children can talk about their problems, it is more difficult to understand why a newborn is crying. Often for this reason, the first signs of the disease are missed. The most important point in the treatment of hemorrhoids is the regulation of stool. Constipation can make the situation significantly worse.

Side effects

Endocrine system: development of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome , functional suppression of the adrenal glands, development of “steroid” diabetes mellitus, decreased sensitivity to glucose.

Cardiovascular system: changes in the electrocardiogram indicating hypokalemia, arrhythmias , increased blood pressure, bradycardia .

Nervous system: dizziness, sleep disturbances such as insomnia .

Metabolism: increased sweating, removal of calcium from the body, formation of hypocalcemia .

All of the above side effects are caused by the action of prednisolone (glucocorticosteroid) and occur when taking the medication for more than 5 weeks.

Rectal suppositories during pregnancy and lactation

Anestezol for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can overshadow the wonderful time of pregnancy and the first days of motherhood. Of course, it needs to be treated. Candles during this period of a woman’s life are selected with extreme caution. During pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist so that the treatment does not harm the mother and child. Nowadays, it is not difficult to find candles consisting exclusively of natural ingredients that are safe to use during pregnancy and lactation. These include, for example, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. They are effective, do not cause harm, and heal well. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the drug.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited, with the exception of Natalsid, glycerin suppositories, Betiol, sea buckthorn suppositories, Olestezin, Nigepan. Even if suppositories do not have pregnancy on the list of contraindications, they cannot completely avoid affecting the body. Very often, drugs are selected according to the type of risk-benefit ratio for mother and child, so before use you should definitely consult with a doctor monitoring the pregnancy.

Relief suppositories are contraindicated in the first trimester, but are acceptable in the second and third if there is a need and the benefit outweighs the risk. The exception is Relief Ultra suppositories; they are not prescribed to pregnant women at all. "Hepatrombin G" is a hormonal drug. In cases of complications of the disease, these suppositories can be used from the second trimester, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Aurobin suppositories effectively relieve itching, pain, and heal, but they are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, short-term therapy from the second trimester under the supervision of medical staff is acceptable. "Neo-Anuzol" can be used during pregnancy and lactation, subject to strict adherence to the rules for taking the drug, which should be monitored by a doctor. Usually these suppositories do not cause side effects. Procto-Glivenol ointment and suppositories can be used from the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as during lactation as prescribed by a doctor. In this case, lactation does not need to be interrupted.

It is necessary to carefully monitor your condition while taking medications. If a burning sensation appears after the introduction of suppositories, diarrhea, or there is no effect at all, the doctor will prescribe another, more effective and safe treatment.

Instructions for use of Gepazolon (Method and dosage)

Gepazolon suppositories, instructions for use

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids: Gepazolon suppositories are administered 1-2 times daily into the rectal cavity.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids: insert the suppository into the anus so that the base of the suppository can be felt from the outside. Until the suppository completely melts, it is recommended to hold the anus area with a gauze pad for 3 minutes. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect is not achieved due to the suppository “falling through” into the rectal cavity.

Duration of therapy – 1 week. Treatment can be extended up to 2 weeks if necessary.

Instructions for Gepazolon ointment

The ointment is used if hemorrhoids have already fallen out. In this case, they need to be lubricated up to 3 times a day.


Level 4 ATC code matches: Betiol





Posterisan Forte






Analogs include the following drugs: Betiol , Anuzol , Relief Advance .

Drug analogues

Structural analogues of Hepazolon are not produced. Doctors may prescribe suppositories or ointments with similar therapeutic effects. For inflammation of the perianal area, the following is prescribed:

  • Aurobin ointment is a combination product that contains triclosan, prednisolone, lidocaine, dexpanthenol;
  • rectal suppositories Olestezin - an antihemorrhoidal agent with active ingredients: benzocaine, sulphaethidol, sea buckthorn oil;
  • Proctosedyl ointment and suppositories with benzocaine, hydrocortisone, heparin, esculoside, framycetin;
  • ointment for rectal and external use Gepatrombin G with heparin, prednisolone and lauromacrogol 600;
  • local anesthetic Relief Advance with benzocaine and shark liver oil;
  • Anuzol rectal suppositories with belladonna extract, zinc sulfate, xeroform;
  • rectal suppositories Betiol with belladonna extract and ichthammol.

Important! Medicines are selected by the attending physician taking into account the disease, the patient’s tolerance of the active components, age, and concomitant pathologies.

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