Clenbuterol. Deadly fat burner

To reduce weight in bodybuilding, medications are actively used that were not originally intended for this purpose. In particular, Clenbuterol (unofficial name - Clen) is a bronchodilator that reduces swelling in lung diseases. But bodybuilders take it to burn fat during the cutting phase. The lack of androgenic effect characteristic of anabolic steroids allows Clenbuterol to be used for weight loss in women. Girls usually combine it with intense fitness programs, thus losing up to 5 kg per course.

Clenbuterol for weight loss

19.06.2019 07:38

Author: Fitness trainer Sergey Konstantinov

Clenbuterol is a sports nutrition supplement that is actively used in bodybuilding to “dry” the body. Initially developed as a treatment for bronchial asthma. Recently, it has become increasingly popular due to its strong action aimed at losing weight and burning excess fat with virtually no side effects.


In terms of its action, it belongs to adrenergic agonists, i.e. to drugs that trigger natural fat burning processes in the body. The mechanism of action of clenbuterol for weight loss is to use the athlete’s own body reserves. Excess fat deposits are removed due to the activation of lipolysis - increased processing of subcutaneous fat for energy.

The main component of the drug is clenbuterol hydrochloride. In terms of its action, it does not belong to anabolic steroids, that is, it is not prohibited. In addition to fat burning, the drug affects the body in the following ways:

  • Speeds up metabolism, which also has a positive effect on the weight loss process.
  • It suppresses catabolism, that is, it prevents the body from burning muscles during intense training. And although the effect of clenbuterol as an anti-catabolic is insignificant, it should not be taken into account at all.
  • The drug is useful for endurance, strength, and improves mood, which makes it possible to train with greater efficiency.
  • Tightens the stomach, allows you to highlight the relief as much as possible.
  • Reduces appetite, helps with dieting.

Clenbuterol has virtually no negative effects on the body and can be purchased without a prescription.

How Clenbuterol works

There are two types of adrenergic receptors in fat and muscle tissues - alpha and beta. Excitation of the first group of receptors causes the active accumulation of fat deposits, and the second group, on the contrary, adjusts the functioning of the body in such a way that fat begins to be used as a source of energy, the rate of its breakdown increases sharply. Clenbuterol is a beta 2 agonist. It stimulates beta type adrenergic receptors. Its use triggers a mechanism of biochemical reactions that enhance lipolysis - the breakdown of fats into components.

Taking the drug, in addition to burning fat, has an accelerating effect on metabolism, increasing its speed by about 20-30 percent. This allows you to get another undeniable advantage during the drying period. Lipoprotein lipase acts more actively when consuming Clenbuterol, which prevents the formation of fat in the body. The use of this drug stimulates the function of the thyroid gland to increase the production of hormones that are fat burners. These properties of Clenbuterol are excellent in helping to get rid of excess fat deposits.

Produced in tablet form, this drug becomes an excellent assistant for every athlete during the drying period; it allows you to speed up metabolism and the secretion of hormones synthesized by the thyroid gland. These and other effects make it possible to lose body fat while following a diet that implies a calorie deficit.


The main active ingredient is clenbuterol hydrochloride. The concentration in tablets can vary from 20 to 60 mcg depending on the manufacturer. Most often, tablets are available in a dosage of 40 mg. In addition to the active ingredient, the composition includes gelatin and maltodextrin, which perform auxiliary functions. It is also available in syrup form. However, since the syrup contains sugar, this form of release is not recommended for a bodybuilder, and the effect of its use is lower.

Application in bodybuilding

So, let's take a closer look at what clenbuterol helps with when used as a sports nutrition supplement. Its main advantage is its assistance in drying out the athlete. It is used as a fat burner before competitions. However, it is worth noting that in bodybuilding it is considered a doping and traces of its use can be detected in the body within two to three weeks.

This is not a hormonal drug, which means it is suitable for weight loss for both men and girls. The main condition for achieving a great effect is combination with proper nutrition and intense training.

Despite the fact that some athletes use clenbuterol alone, it is recommended to combine it with drugs that can enhance its properties, or prevent the body from getting used to the active substance. There are many recipes for such a combined technique and we will look at them below.

Mechanism of action and consequences of taking Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is a selective beta-2 agonist that is structurally and pharmacologically similar in action to ephedrine and salbutamol in that they dilate the bronchi, but has a more pronounced thermogenic and muscle stimulating effect. This action is due to the fact that in addition to the bronchi, it also acts on beta 2 receptors, which are located in muscle, fat cells and in the central nervous system. Thus, when used as a doping, the effects associated not only with the respiratory system, but also on muscles, adipose tissue, brain and metabolism are studied. This is why in bodybuilding circles, clenbuterol is known as an energy booster and thermogenesis booster.

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