Corvitol® 100 (Corvitol® 100)

Instructions for use CORVITOL


The chemical composition of Corvitol differs depending on the form of release of the drug. For example, Corvitol 50 contains 50 mg of the active compound metoprolol tartrate , and Corvitol 100 - 100 mg of a similar medicinal component.
In addition, in both forms of the drug you can find such auxiliary compounds as: highly dispersed silicon dioxide, lactolose monohydrate, croscarmellose sodium, povidone, talc and magnesium stearate.


The drug is contraindicated:

  • with increased sensitivity;
  • for chronic heart failure
  • with sinoatrial block ;
  • with cardiogenic shock ;
  • for weak sinus node syndrome ;
  • with bradycadia ;
  • with arterial hypotension ;
  • with fechromocytoma ;
  • with AV blockade 2 and 3 degrees ;
  • with Prinzmetal's angina .

In addition, Corvitol is not recommended to be taken during lactation , in patients under 18 years of age, as well as with the simultaneous use of drugs belonging to the group of BMCC (slow calcium channel blockers), MAO (monoamine oxidase inhibitors), with malabsorption of glucose-galactose , deficiency or intolerance to lactose and lactase.

special instructions

The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus , renal dysfunction , metabolic acidosis , depression, myasthenia gravis, thyrotoxicosis, psoriasis, hypertension , allergies (including a history of it), asthma, first -degree AV block.

During pregnancy and lactation

Since the active medicinal compound included in the drug can penetrate the placental barrier, Corvitol is not recommended for use by both pregnant and lactating women. However, in especially severe cases, when the drug is vital, the drug can be used under the constant supervision of a doctor.

However, the use of Corvitol should be stopped 72 hours before delivery to avoid the development of hypoglycemia, bradycardia , and hypertension . During lactation, taking the drug is strictly prohibited.


If the rules for taking the drug are not followed, the following ailments may occur: cyanosis , bradycardia , vomiting , dizziness, pressure surges, nausea, fainting , coma , ventricular extrasystole , AV block , convulsions , cardialgia , hyperkalemia , cardiogenic shock , respiratory arrest, bronchospasm .

In case of an overdose of Corvitol, immediately stop taking the drug, and also carry out emergency gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment of the above-mentioned diseases and ailments.


To avoid increased hypotensive effects, you should not take this drug together with MAO inhibitors .

Cardiac arrest can be caused by simultaneous intravenous administration of Verapamil and Corvitol.

Sharp jumps in blood pressure may occur when the drug is used simultaneously with Nifedrine .

The hypotensive properties of the drug are weakened by Theophylline, Indomethacin , cocaine hydrochloride, Beta-adrenergic stimulants , drugs related to NSAIDs , as well as estrogen .

The combined use of the drug with ethanol depresses the nervous system, anesthetics lead to a summation of the cardiodepressive effect , ergot alkaloids disrupt peripheral circulation , insulin significantly increases the risk of hypoglycemia .

The combination of the drug with diuretics, antihypertensives, nitroglycerin and ethanol leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Barbiturates , as well as Rifampicin , lead to a decrease in the plasma concentration of metoprolol and an increase in its metabolism.

An increased risk of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis can be caused by the simultaneous use of Corvitol and allergens used in skin test immunotherapy

In addition, anaphylactic shock can be caused by intravenous administration of iodine-containing radiocontrast agents.

The use of Corvitol 100 significantly reduces the clearance of lidocaine, xanthines, prolongs and enhances the effect of muscle relaxants and coumarin .

Since the drug can cause irreparable harm to health when used together with a fairly impressive amount of medications, patients using it must be under constant medical supervision and strictly follow all medical prescriptions.

Side effects

When using this drug, side effects may occur such as: weakness , fatigue , headaches , paresthesia of the limbs, delayed reaction, anxiety, depression , insomnia , drowsiness, nightmares, decreased attention, confusion , hallucinations , memory impairment and asthenia , dry eyes, tinnitus and other hearing disorders, conjunctivitis , decreased secretion of tear fluid, shortness of breath, rhinitis , hypothyroidism , weight gain, joint pain, decreased potency and libido, sudden surges in pressure, bradycardia , hypotension , arrhythmia , pain in abdomen, constipation or diarrhea , nausea or vomiting, dry mouth, hepatitis, as well as allergic reactions, for example, urticaria , psoriasis , alopecia , hyperemia, photosensitivity.

Corvitol price, where to buy

The price of Corvitol varies depending on the form of the drug. The average cost of a package of medicine with a dosage of 50 mg of metaprolol is 200-220 rubles, and a package of 100 mg of a medicinal compound is 270-300 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

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Corvitol's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:















Concor Cor




Betaloc ZOK

Corvitol taxes include the following medications: Betalol, Betalok, Atenalol, Vasocardin, Lidalok, Metocard, Metalol, Metazok, Metoprolol, Egilok, Serdol, Emzok.

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