What happens after the impact? During an impact, not only the skin is damaged, but also the muscles,
An otolaryngologist, better known popularly as “Ear, Throat, Nose,” is one of the key figures in medicine.
Since ancient times, among folk recipes, the properties of some plants to treat people with
Acute cholecystitis - symptoms and treatment Patients with acute cholecystitis are subject to emergency hospitalization in
Collected in August - September during the fruit ripening phase and dried leafy shoots of the current
Pharmacokinetics: When applied topically, cytochrome C is not absorbed into the blood; it is completely metabolized in the body.
09/15/2021 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs or NSAIDs) are widely used against inflammatory processes in the body.
Bronchiectasis is an expansion of a separate section of the bronchi with changes in structure and function. Bronchiectasis is not
A burning sensation, itching in the anal area and other unpleasant symptoms indicate the development of hemorrhoids.
Among ophthalmological diseases, cataracts are considered one of the most dangerous for vision. She meets at