Hypothermia - symptoms, causes and first aid for hypothermia

Why is it necessary to distinguish between these diseases?

The group of people with weakened immune systems includes pensioners and children, people with chronic diseases. This means that their immune system is most susceptible to attack by pathogens. An incorrect diagnosis can lead to deterioration in the functioning of the entire body and incorrect treatment.

Due to influenza, the natural functions of the immune system are weakened, against the background of this, other infections can join and develop. These are mainly respiratory tract infections: the lungs are affected by streptococcal or staphylococcal flora. This contributes to the development of pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage, and edema.

Influenza in adults can be complicated by the development of sinusitis, sinusitis, pericarditis and acute cardiovascular failure. Influenza in children is complicated by otitis media, focal pneumonia, and bronchitis.

What are the signs of frostbite?

The first signs of frostbite are easy to miss. The skin temperature drops, it becomes pale, loses sensitivity, but a tingling or burning sensation may be felt. While a person is in the cold, it is very difficult to determine the extent of damage. It is determined after warming.

If the skin becomes warmer when warmed, and sensitivity is restored, this means that the cold injury is superficial. Pain and lack of sensitivity are characteristic of deep frostbite.

Based on the depth of injury, injuries are divided into four types. The first two are classified as superficial, the rest - deep. First degree frostbite affects the superficial layers of the skin. After warming up, pale skin may turn red or even become bluish, and after a while it may peel off. Within a week her condition returns to normal.

With a second-degree injury, blisters filled with fluid, most often light, form on the skin. After about a week they subside, and after another two to three weeks the skin is completely restored.

In the third degree, the blisters are often filled with pink or red liquid, and their bottom is blue-purple. After the dead tissue is sloughed off, wounds are formed. With the fourth degree of frostbite, the affected part of the body swells sharply, becomes dark, and gangrene may develop.

Contraindications to the flu vaccine

  • at least 6 months have not passed since the last vaccination;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • iron deficiency;
  • diseases of the respiratory system in acute or chronic form;
  • allergic reaction to chicken protein;
  • heart failure;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • blood pathologies;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • severe renal failure;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

To prevent flu and colds, follow a few simple rules:

  • Strengthen your immune system. Exercise more often or give your body light exercise. Take a walk in the fresh air, this will saturate your lungs with oxygen.
  • Avoid hypothermia. This occurs due to a sharp temperature change and the action of the air conditioner.
  • Use antibacterial agents, especially during cold season.
  • Eat a balanced diet. This will provide the body with the necessary microelements.

Frostbite: main risks

Most often, the feet suffer from cold, followed by the hands, followed by the nose, ears and cheeks. The body loses heat faster in cold water, or if a person is wearing wet clothes or shoes. The risk of frostbite is higher in strong winds and snowstorms, as well as in those who wear tight shoes or do not change body position for a long time. Vascular diseases, neuritis, previous frostbite, fatigue, exhaustion, hunger, and past infectious diseases also contribute to cold injury. People often get frostbite while intoxicated.

Prevention of flu and colds

The most reliable way to prevent influenza is vaccination. The flu shot is effective, but does not provide long-term immune protection, so vaccination should be done annually. Regular flu vaccination increases the production of antibodies to the virus.

The vaccine has no side effects, and the improved composition protects against mutated strains of the virus. Timely vaccination prevents infection. Even if infected, the disease will be mild.

After getting a flu shot, your temperature may rise to 37.5℃, you may experience chills, sweating, a general feeling of weakness and poor appetite. Redness, slight swelling, itching and pain may be observed at the injection site. This is an indication that your body is developing immunity to the flu. After vaccination, it is strictly forbidden to visit a bathhouse/sauna, swim in open water, engage in tiring physical activity, or drink alcohol.

4. Treatment of hypothermia

The need for medical treatment of hypothermia depends on the severity of hypothermia. Treatment for mild hypothermia involves first getting out of the cold or damp environment and restoring body temperature with warm blankets, space heaters, heating pads, and hot water bottles. It is not recommended to immediately place a person with hypothermia in hot water. Such a radical measure is hard on the heart and can cause arrhythmia. In addition to external measures, you can give the person a warm drink. But it should not be alcohol or coffee.

Treatment for moderate to severe hypothermia usually occurs in a hospital, where doctors use special techniques to treat hypothermia and fever.

Where to get diagnosed and treated for flu and colds in Krasnoyarsk?

This can be done at the Medunion private medical clinic.

Is a child or an elderly person sick? Then do not wait to see a doctor, but simply call a specialist at home. It's not only fast, but also very convenient! The specialist will examine the patient in a familiar environment, prescribe tests, and prescribe the necessary treatment. And the nurse will take samples or vaccinate you.

Sign up for a medical appointment and take care of the health of your loved ones. You can do this in any way convenient for you - online or by phone on the website. The cost of an initial consultation with a doctor starts from 1100 rubles.

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