Rinostop Aqua Baby for children against runny nose 125ml

What Rinostop contains

The main active component of the drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride. This substance belongs to alpha-adrenergic agonists; when applied topically, it causes a reflex vasoconstriction.

Rinostop is produced in the form of:

  • nasal spray: in bottles with a dispenser spray with a capacity of 10–30 ml, with a concentration of 0.1 and 0.05% of the active substance;
  • nasal drops: similar volume and concentration in bottles with a drip dispenser.

Among the auxiliary components of the product: distilled water and stabilizing additives.

What does Rinostop help with?

Xylometazoline, getting on the mucous membrane, narrows capillary vessels, stimulates the outflow of fluid, eliminates swelling, freeing the nasal passages and relieving congestion. This is a symptomatic drug, its compounds act locally, a small amount of the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream, which is unable to cause systemic effects for the body.

The mechanism of operation of Rinostop is based on the reaction of adrenoline receptors. The narrowing of the nasal capillaries and the reduction of swelling as a result of its use helps prevent further complicated course of the respiratory disease, prevent inflammation of the middle ear or the development of acute sinusitis.

The effect occurs 2–4 minutes after applying the solution to the mucous membranes and lasts up to 6–8 hours.

Correct use of the medicine does not lead to disruption of the functions of the ciliated epithelium and the synthesis of protective mucous secretion. The drug does not affect the general course of the disease and infectious pathogens. It reduces symptoms and restores physical comfort by restoring nasal breathing.

When should you use Rinostop?

Indications for using the nasal solution include:

  • acute rhinitis with nasal congestion;
  • vasomotor, allergic and other types of runny nose, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and impaired nasal breathing;
  • for sinusitis, sinusitis and other sinusitis with congestion and swelling of the nasal sinuses;
  • with inflammation and swelling of the auditory tube;
  • in preparation for diagnostic procedures before treatment with an otolaryngologist.

Rinostop is not a long-acting drug. It must be used once or in short courses over several days. Otherwise, the risk of side effects and complications increases.

RINOSTOP (drops)

Hello, friends!
My review will be about the drug - nasal drops “Rinostop”. Apparently, many are familiar with these droplets, both adults and children. And the cold season is approaching, so this review on this topic will be relevant after all. For as long as I can remember, I have always suffered from some kind of allergic reaction. When I was twenty years old, out of the blue, an allergy to wormwood pollen appeared. Anyone who has encountered something like this knows what it is. To eliminate the allergic reaction, it was necessary to take various medications, and at that time they were completely different from now and most often with sleeping pills. But, surprisingly, after suffering like this for 15 years, my allergy to wormwood suddenly went away, I can’t even say what it’s connected with. r>But the truth is that there remains an unpleasant consequence with which, in principle, you can live and exist, and this is exactly what nasal drops are needed for. I think you understand me and this is a banal nasal congestion, nasal congestion without a runny nose. Although congestion even without a runny nose is still very unpleasant and inconvenient. In fact, this kind of congestion is hereditary in our family, I’m not the first to encounter this.

To eliminate nasal congestion, I always use the cheapest nasal drops “Rinostop” (from the moment they appeared on the Russian market until now).

Lecco “Rinostop” nasal drops for adults are in a simple cardboard package:

Please note that the active ingredient is the most common and popular XYLOMETAZOLINE, which is used in many similar expensive nasal drops:

Inside which there is a plastic dropper bottle:

Transparent nasal drops:

Bottle with protection:


I pour the drops into another more convenient bottle with a spray dropper:

Recently other bottles have appeared, but this medicine costs three times more. I don’t buy it, why pay more for a bottle, I buy it in regular bottles.


The effect of the drug begins immediately and the long-lasting effect remains. If we talk about addiction, I assure you that there is no addiction and there are no side effects either, but everything is, of course, purely individual.

My thought is simple: why overpay for other expensive drugs if the ingredients are the same and the action is the same. I have been using “Rinostop” constantly for 15 years. It costs a penny, around 25 rubles.

The choice is yours, decide for yourself.

When is Rinostop contraindicated?

It is necessary to refuse the use of the drug:

  • for chronic glaucoma;
  • with atrophy of the nasal mucosa;
  • for hypertension and hypertension;
  • for heart rhythm disturbances: bradycardia, tachycardia;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • after brain surgery;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • during treatment with tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitors.

Rinostop requires careful use in diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, high cholesterol levels, atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, and prostate hyperplasia.

Rinostop Aqua Baby for children against runny nose 125ml


Rinostop® Aqua - 100% natural sea water for daily hygiene and care of the nasal mucosa, prevention of seasonal respiratory diseases and allergic rhinitis, treatment of runny nose as part of complex therapy. High quality: made in France.

Always keep Rinostop® with sea water on hand! Advantages of the drug Rinostop® Aqua.

1. 100% natural sea water - the drug is made from the water of the Atlantic Ocean in the Gulf of Saint-Malo in France (it is not a reconstituted salt solution). The territory of Saint-Malo is distinguished by the strongest tides of the Atlantic Ocean*, providing a constant flow of clean water (the difference in water levels at high and low tide reaches 15 meters). Since 2014, the La Varde region has been included in the Natura 2000 environmental protection zones (the construction of any structures that violate the integrity of nature is prohibited) ** 2. 100% natural composition - does not contain preservatives, stabilizers or other chemicals that can cause irritation to the nasal mucosa.

3. Multi-stage purification system during the production process using a unique method - bacteriological ultrafiltration. This is the only way to preserve the structure and healing properties of sea water, while ensuring microbiological purity throughout the long shelf life of the product.

4. The special production technology of the Bag-on-Valve bottle allows you to hermetically connect the bottle with a one-way valve - this prevents the backflow of water, the entry of air and bacteria into the bottle, and also ensures the sterility of the solution inside the bottle throughout the entire period of use.

5. High quality production: the manufacturer, the French company Laboratoire de la Mer, has extensive experience and an impeccable reputation.

6. The Rinostop® Aqua product line includes 2 types of solutions: isotonic, which helps normalize and maintain the physiological functioning of the nasal mucosa, and hypertonic, which helps reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, and also has a direct antimicrobial effect.

7. A wide full range of release forms - for children from the first days of life and adults; in bottles of different sizes with nozzles for spraying sea water in the form of a jet, shower or soft shower.

8. Possibility of use in various situations: for daily hygiene and hydration, prevention of colds, in the complex treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, in the postoperative period.

Advantages of the release form.

Aqua baby - a nasal spray with a volume of 125 ml - is intended for use in children from birth for daily cleansing of the nasal cavity, moisturizing the mucous membrane, and treating a runny nose as part of complex therapy. Equipped with a special restrictive nozzle that allows parents to easily determine the depth of insertion of the spray tip into the child’s nose, and an ultra-soft spray system for gentle treatment.

Release form:

Nasal spray 125 ml. All forms are produced in metal pressure cylinders with an internal antiseptic coating.

How to use Rinostop for children

The drug in a reduced dosage of 0.05% is approved for treatment from 2 years of age. For children under 6 years old, it is enough to apply the spray or instill the product 2-3 times a day, 1 drop or one press of the dispenser into each nostril, after blowing their nose and clearing the nose of mucus.

It is more optimal to use a spray, since it does not require tilting your head during application, evenly irrigates the mucous membranes, and creates a lower risk of overdose.

The drug at a concentration of 0.1% can be used from 6 years of age:

  • 6–10 year old children: no more than 2 times a day, 1 drop or spray into both nostrils;
  • from 10 years: up to 3 times a day, 1-2 doses in each nostril.

One-time or 2-3-day use of a vasoconstrictor is preferable.


Rinostop (xylometazoline) is a decongestant. Stimulates alpha adrenergic receptors. Has a vasoconstrictor effect. Used for colds to eliminate symptoms of inflammation of the nasal mucosa, for acute allergic rhinitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, otitis media of the middle ear (as part of complex therapy to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper part of the pharynx), as well as to prepare the patient for diagnostic procedures, carried out in the nasal passages. Eliminates obstruction of the nasal passages, thereby facilitating nasal breathing. The therapeutic effect of the drug appears within a few minutes after use and is maintained for 8-10 hours. The local method of using Rinostop practically eliminates the possibility of its absorption into the systemic circulation and detection in the blood plasma. Rinostop is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to xylometazoline, high blood pressure, pathologically rapid heartbeat, atherosclerosis at an advanced stage of the disease, glaucoma, ozena (atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and nerve endings), as well as during pregnancy. The drug is not compatible with antidepressants of the MAO inhibitor group and tricyclic antidepressants. During lactation, the use of Rinostop is possible only if the significance of the expected benefits from pharmacotherapy exceeds the potential risks of side effects in the mother and child. A single dose is one spray into each nostril.

Frequency of use – three times a day (for patients starting from 6 years of age), 1-2 times a day (for patients aged 2 to 6 years). Spray time – 1 second. The spray bottle should be kept strictly in an upright position. It is not recommended to use the medicine for more than 3-5 days. If the recommended frequency or duration of use is exceeded, a number of undesirable side effects may develop, including irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane of the upper pharynx located behind the nasal cavity, burning and numbness of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, excessive mucus secretion, swelling, headaches, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, insomnia, visual disturbances, extremely rarely - depression. Avoid contact of the spray with the eyes to avoid the development of visual impairment. If you strictly follow the instructions for use, Rinostop does not have a negative effect on the concentration and speed of the reaction. If the recommended dose or duration of use is exceeded, the drug may have a depressant effect on cognitive functions, including attention and concentration, and therefore you should avoid driving a car or operating potentially dangerous machinery. Characteristic signs of overdose: arterial hypertension, turning into hypotension, decreased heart rate, hypothermia. Therapeutic correction is symptomatic.

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