Sulfacyl sodium for children and newborns

Sulfacyl sodium - eye drops that have an active antimicrobial effect. Most often used in the fight against infectious pathogens of eye diseases that develop due to various bacteria.

The product is used in the treatment of children's eyes. Preference is given to these drops due to their rapid effectiveness and safety of use without negative effects on a small organism.

More information about the drug can be found here

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The Pharmacopoeia indicates that the formula of Sodium Sulfacyl is CsHgSaNaOsS-b^O. INNSulfacetamide . The recipe in Latin will contain the name Sulfacylum-natrium.

Eye drops inhibit the absorption of PABA and also prevent the synthesis of PABA-containing growth factors of microorganisms.

The medicine is characterized by antibacterial properties. It acts on streptococci , gonococci , E. coli , chlamydia , pneumococci , actinomycetes .

An aqueous solution of Sodium Sulfacyl has a slightly alkaline reaction, which allows it to be instilled into the conjunctival sac of the eye.

special instructions

The solution is not a toxic drug, which means it can be used not only to treat children, but also during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, before use, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Sulfacyl sodium should be dripped into both eyes, regardless of infection. This use will prevent the infection from spreading to the healthy eye, in case only one eye is infected. Eye drops should be used as directed. You should follow your specialist's recommendations regarding the use of eye drops.

Indications for use

Eye drops are used for gonorrheal eye diseases, conjunctivitis , blenorrhea , purulent corneal ulcers, blepharitis and other eye diseases. The drug can be used by both children and adults, including for the prevention of blenorrhea in infants. In the case of purulent processes, it stops them and accelerates the healing of the cornea.

Prescribed for the treatment of streptoderma and staphyloderma , infections caused by Escherichia coli .

The medicine can be used orally in the case of colibacillary urinary tract infections, mastoiditis , puerperal sepsis and other infectious diseases .

Instructions for use of Sulfacyl Sodium (Method and dosage)

For those who are indicated for Sulfacyl Sodium eye drops, the instructions for use indicate that instillations should be carried out into the conjunctival sac . For adult patients, a dosage of 1-2 drops is prescribed. The product is applied 5-6 times a day (every 4-8 hours). In childhood, a solution of 10 percent and 20 percent is indicated. To prevent the development of blenorrhea, immediately after birth, infants are instilled with 2 drops of the product, and then 2 drops every 2 hours.

The medicine can also be used in ointments based on petroleum jelly 10-30% in the case of blepharitis and eczema of the eyelid skin.

Instructions for use of Sulfacyl Sodium indicate that the duration of therapy directly depends on the severity of the disease. It is not recommended to use the medicine for longer without consulting a specialist.

In the case of gonorrheal eye diseases, combination therapy . Instill a 30% solution or dust the affected area with powder; in addition, take the drug by mouth.

Infected wounds are treated using the powder.

The maximum single dosage for adults orally is 2 g, the maximum daily dosage is 7 g.

Before using the drops for the first time, the cap is screwed all the way down. A spike on the inside pierces a hole in the membrane. Before use, you need to hold the bottle in your palm for a while to warm the product to body temperature. The cap is unscrewed and after light pressure on the body of the bottle, the solution is dripped into the eyes. Then the bottle should be closed again.

Eye drops Sulfacyl-Sodium - reviews


Albucid (sodium sulfacyl) was recommended to us by a pediatric ophthalmologist for conjunctivitis and runny nose. But she said to put Albutsd eye drops... in the nose! I thought I had misheard and even asked again. Everything is correct, right on the nose. They are less effective for the eyes, she explained, but as nasal drops they are great. And I have already been convinced more than once that Albucid is an excellent eye drop for a runny nose. They can be used instead of the rather expensive antibiotic Isofra, as the pediatric ENT specialist told me. Sulfacyl Sodium is a good antiseptic. It also seems to dry out a runny nose. For green snot in children, for copious mucus discharge, for nasal congestion, Albucid is one of the best remedies I have ever used. Can be used even for babies. They taste a little bitter when they run down the back of your throat, but they are very effective. After using Albucid, a whitish coating remains in the nose, but this is not scary.

Albucid is inexpensive. It comes in the form of a bottle or these disposable droppers (as in my photo). Both options are quite convenient to use. It seems to me that they are no less effective than the recommended silver Protargol. At least you can buy them everywhere and there are no problems with storage. I recommend. Consult your doctor and try them, I think you will appreciate them.


This story also happened to me. In the summer I like to sunbathe and swim, because the sun, air, and indifference strengthen the body. And the guys and I sometimes play volleyball on the beach. We played that time too. I was running and hitting the ball, and when I bent over to hit a low serve, I got sand in my eyes. Well, I got it and I got it. What doesn't happen in life. I washed my eyes with water and we went home. In the morning I got up, dear mother, my eyes couldn’t open. Everyone is red, itchy, tears are flowing and the sand seems to have not been washed off yesterday, and even more has been poured in overnight. I went to the ophthalmologist at the clinic. Our eye doctor is such a humorous grandfather, he’s already retired, but everything works, he helps his grandson pay off his loan for Renault. He looked at my eyes and said: “I know that young people don’t like treatment, but your case is such that you need to start urgently, otherwise I don’t know how you’ll continue to live without eyes.” You go to the pharmacy, I won’t write you a prescription, because the medicine is rare, you can only buy it through an acquaintance, because it is very good.” I’ll write you a note, you come to the pharmacy in the clinic, give it to the pharmacist discreetly so that they won’t be seen in line, he’s my friend, he’ll sell you the medicine.” I come to the pharmacy. There is also an old pharmacist sitting there. There was a small queue behind me. I hide the piece of paper as best I can and show it to the old man. He took the piece of paper, read it and went into the back room, but forgot the piece of paper in the window. I think, let me read what kind of drug it is, maybe it will come in handy next time. I see on the piece of paper it says “Kolya, go fishing tomorrow at five.” Sell ​​albucid to the young man.” I paid for a rare medicine, which, by the way, was surprisingly inexpensive. I started taking drops at home, as the pharmacist said, two drops in each eye three times a day. Indeed, I began to feel better: the sand disappeared from my eyes and the tears stopped. Mom arrived from the dacha two days later, I told her about the rare medicine, she laughed almost until the evening, because sodium sulfacyl (albucid) is a very well-known medicine for conjunctivitis, which I had.

(Krista) Kristina





Shelf life


These drops are always in our home medicine cabinet. My husband has styes very often, which we struggle with diligently. We drop 1 drop 4 times a day and literally in 3 days everything goes away. When our daughter was born, her eyes were rotting and then we, too, were saved by these droplets. Now she is three years old and not long ago she developed conjunctivitis. In the mornings she cried a lot because she could not open her festering eyes. Of course, putting eye drops on a child is much more difficult than on an adult. After all, you need to get into the conjunctival sac. But with common efforts and persuasion, we opened our eyes, and in just 4 days the conjunctivitis disappeared. One small minus is the shelf life of an open bottle, only 30 days. But they cost only 85 rubles, so it’s not too bad to throw them away.

(Olga25) Olga


Low price

Helped with a runny nose


It stings a little.


My baby started teething and we didn’t sleep at night. Either the temperature jumped, or the nose stopped breathing. She invited a doctor and said we don’t have the virus, it’s all teeth. For another month I tried to overcome my runny nose, the mucus was flowing very heavily. I bought drops and ointment, but it didn’t help. We went to the pediatrician ourselves, she recommended albucid or sodium sulfacyl. It is the same. The pharmacy sold them to me for 59 rubles. I started reading the instructions and bam, eye drops. I think the doctor has gone crazy, so I call her with a complaint. It turns out that they are also prescribed for the nose, saying they are excellent at killing bacteria and eliminating a lingering runny nose. Indeed, in four days everything passed. I tried it for my runny nose and after using it, it stung my mucous membranes a little, I can tolerate it. They help perfectly and are inexpensive.

Katya Sh.

Glasses don’t suit my image at all, so I preferred contact lenses. When wearing lenses every day, an infection sometimes gets into the eyes and an inflammatory process occurs. To solve the problem quickly and effectively, I have been using Sulfacyl Sodium eye drops for many years. The drug really helps, the price is just ridiculous, so I chose this medicine. The only negative is a terrible burning sensation when dropped into the eye and a white crust of plaque when the product dries on the skin. I usually buy “Sodium Sulfacyl” for children, it bakes less and still performs its function.

Vladimir Z.

In the initial stages of inflammatory eye diseases, before visiting a doctor, I use Sulfacyl Sodium drops. The price of the drug is relatively cheap. If you snatched up “bunnies” while performing welding work, then “Sodium Sulfacyl” drops will quickly relieve the unpleasant consequences no worse than other expensive medicines. When instilling eye drops, a burning sensation is felt, which quickly passes. There is another very important advantage of this remedy, which pharmacists will not tell you about. If a precipitate in the form of crystals appears in a bottle of “Sodium Sulfacyl” drops, it is enough to warm up the drops and they can be used for further treatment. This drug should be in home medicine cabinets.

Elena Ch


Albudits eye drops are an old, proven remedy. When you first use it is a tourniquet, but the effect is quick and noticeable. Personally, I noticed that it hurts if you put drops into your eyes in the light. Therefore, she buried her in a dark room or with her eyes closed. That is, she lifted her head, started dripping, covered her eyes with her palms and blinked. I also used it for children with conjunctivitis. And for myself personally - when I had irritation and red eyes from the sea/pool.

Anastasia A


Albucid is always in my medicine cabinet, my husband is prone to conjunctivitis, could this be the case? It turns out yes, he has a very sensitive cornea, retina and vision problems. The eye often becomes inflamed, so we apply a lot and use various drops.

We use albucid as emergency drops; my husband feels that his eye is “itching,” so we immediately drop it and prevent the infection from spreading. Usually a couple of days is enough for the eye to stop bothering you.

I usually put a couple of drops into the sore eye, and after instillation there is an unpleasant sensation, a stinging sensation.

If the disease is serious, then it is better to go to the doctor, since albucid can only muffle the disease, but in fact it will make itself felt later, a little later and in a more dramatic form.

Albucid are good inexpensive drops that always help us out, I usually buy several bottles, both my husband and I always take them to work, they are at home so that they are always at hand if anything happens.

Yulia Panibratova


I have been friends with sodium sulfacyl for a long time. I have always had problems with my eyesight, and as I grew older, I only started wearing glasses at home. The only way out is lenses. Well, at first I bought lenses that were different from those that are sold now. Previously, the lenses were worse, the eyes quickly got tired of them and it became unpleasant to wear. Plus, at first, the dust that got into my eyes on the street caused me irritation and inflammation, severe redness and sometimes suppuration.

Here sodium sulfacyl came to my aid; it costs no more than 100 rubles at the pharmacy. But the drug is very effective. Often, one or two days of treatment was enough for me to get rid of the eye infection. I dropped one drop into the sore eye three times a day. The feeling is not pleasant. There is a burning sensation, but it is tolerable and goes away quite quickly. The only thing is that with this treatment you have to change the lenses, and I also changed the container for them. If you treat immediately, you can quickly get rid of the infection and not start the disease.

Now the lenses have become completely different, and the eyes are less sensitive. Therefore, I practically don’t use sodium sulfacyl, but I advise everyone if there is the slightest sign of an eye infection. I’ve heard that they are also dripped into the nose, but I’ve never tried it yet; I usually deal with it “grandmother’s way.”

Lidia Farakhetdinova


I used albucid or sodium sulfacyl myself during severe conjunctivitis. I don’t know what caused it, but my eyes were terribly watery, the conjunctiva was very red, everything itched! My sister worked at that time in the eye department of the clinic and advised me to instill Albucid eye drops. It helps well, but it burns terribly! It hurt during the instillation and for a short time after.

The child was prescribed Albucid eye drops for conjunctivitis. We used them for a couple of days, after which we were prescribed another medicine. During the instillation of albucid, the son also complained that he was in pain and unpleasant.

In our maternity hospitals, albucid is instilled into the eyes of babies immediately after birth; this is a routine procedure. And many medical professionals like to prescribe albucid for the treatment of conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology. In principle, the drops are not bad, one of the cheapest in terms of cost. Yes, and they are sold in every pharmacy.

Albucid eye drops are a good antimicrobial agent, but if they didn’t sting, they wouldn’t be worth it! Once opened, a bottle of Albucid drops is usable for a certain period of time, so read the instructions carefully before use and be healthy!



Quickly relieved all symptoms.




A few days ago my daughter had an eye pain. It was late in the evening. Her eye turned red. At first we thought that something had got into the eye, so the eye turned red. But after half an hour, discharge began to appear in the corner of the eye. I was very scared and sent my husband to the nearest pharmacy to buy some drops or ointment. While he was walking, the child’s eyes were completely stuck. They advised him to take Sulfacyl sodium eye drops. They cost pennies. At first I doubted it, I thought the drops were needed more seriously. But there was no choice, I first washed her eyes with clean water, then dripped these drops, two drops into each. And she put me to bed, since it was already late. In the morning she woke up, her eyes were clear and the redness had subsided, but I still repeated it two more times just to be sure. The drops are excellent and not expensive.



price, efficiency


not found


Good day! I would like to dedicate this review to one more drop, which “as a rule” should always be in my first aid kit. We are talking about the drops “Sodium Sulfacyl”, the manufacturer of these drops is Diapharm. With deep regret, I have been familiar with these drops since my youth (((The fact is that every spring in my adolescence, “barley,” as people say, appeared before my eyes. I don’t know what it was connected with: either Spring vitamin deficiency, or something else, the ophthalmologist still hasn’t explained to me (((This problem bothered me until the transition period ended. But during this time, I didn’t conduct any experiments on myself!!! But, to our deep regret, all attempts turned out to be in vain. The only drops that at least helped to shorten the duration of this “illness” to a minimum of two days were “Sodium Sulfacyl” drops. I only had to drop one drop four times a day and that’s all went away. But not long ago I began to experience the first signs of conjunctivitis, at first, on the doctor’s advice, I started dripping Floxalom, but there was no result. That’s when I remembered my miracle drops from my teenage years, because no matter how well my memory failed me they are also intended for the treatment of conjunctivitis))) I went to the pharmacy and bought them. And what do you think, they didn’t let me down this time either, a couple of days and there were no problems!

Thank you everyone for spending your time with me!!! Be healthy!



Effective, inexpensive, convenient bottle


Burns eyes


Continuing the topic about viral conjunctivitis, which bothered me and my son, I will describe my feelings from the common drug Sulfacyl sodium. This is an antibiotic that is aimed at combating different types of conjunctivitis. Most often it is prescribed when purulent discharge appears. My conjunctivitis started suddenly. At first there was a feeling that an eyelash had got into my eye and for a whole hour, on the way, I tried to wipe it off (which was not easy with makeup). When I got home, I immediately understood everything. There were no eyelashes in the eye, but the eye was incredibly red and purulent foam began to stand out from it. I washed everything right away and immediately put some medicine on it. After the burning sensation it caused, noticeable relief came and the pus stopped secreting. I continued to be treated with antiviral drugs, immunomodulatory drugs, and if my eye started to sting (this usually happens before the appearance of pus), I immediately ordered Sulfacil. The child was not prescribed any antibiotics for conjunctivitis and therefore I did not give him any drops. And I’m very glad about this, because Sulfacyl burns quite strongly and for a long time. In general, the drug is really effective, and most importantly, the results are quickly noticeable. True, I think that if you are treated with it alone, there will be little result.

It is not expensive and is easy to find in every pharmacy.

The bottle is equipped with a convenient dropper. And it closes tightly with a screw cap, so it’s safe to carry in your purse.

Based on everything written above, I recommend it only after a doctor’s prescription.


Sodium sulfacyl is an eye drop that was repeatedly given to children when they started having conjunctivitis, such a problem happened to almost everyone, the infection was brought from kindergarten. They are also called albucid drops. Eye drops help well, but they sting very badly, the children always cried and ran away from me, I had to catch them and hold them. After you put the drops in your eyes, you need to put tetracycline ointment behind the eyelid. If you have children in your family, especially those of kindergarten age, then these eye drops are a must-have in your first aid kit. Sodium sulfacyl also helps very well against a runny nose. Yes, yes, it was for a runny nose that the pediatrician advised us to do this, so this is not my fantasy. Before putting drops into your nose, you need to rinse your nose with aquamaris and then drop 1-2 drops of sodium sulfacyl into each nasal passage. A runny nose goes away in just a couple of days, and the very next day you will see the result. Now, when I have a runny nose, I don’t wait for snot to start flowing down the back of my throat and causing a cough, otherwise I could go broke on cough syrups. And I immediately drop these drops and everything goes away for us. I am very glad that sodium sulfacyl costs mere pennies, and is quite affordable for everyone. The only negative is that after opening they have a shelf life of only one month. Although, as a rule, during treatment a small bottle of drops is consumed almost completely.


A most unpleasant guest recently visited me here - conjunctivitis. It’s an infection, I’ll tell you, IT’S STILL! Considering that my eyes are generally unpretentious, I was completely unprepared for such a prank. I have never had pain in my eyes or eyelids in my life, I’m scared to death of eye drops:(((Before this incident, I had no idea how something could be dripped into the eye! And then immediately “Albucid”! Of course, I understand, it’s an antibiotic , antimicrobial and blah blah blah... But why is it so cruel???!!! I don’t even know if the drops can burn the eyes even more severely than Albucid??? When my husband somehow twisted me and dripped the first drop, I I THOUGHT MY EYE WOULD LEAK AWAY! And this is not a joke! I was thrown up when a drop of this “medicine” spread across the sclera! For several minutes it is impossible to open my eye, tears just flood, I don’t even know how something works there, because I have left the impression is that the body gets rid of this nasty thing through profuse tearing. And you need to put 2-3 drops in the eye every 4 hours!!! I will report to you these ten minutes that my husband is fighting with me for my health are longer than those 4 hours , which I remember about them! Well, this is a process. Sorry that it’s long. I’m impressed :))) The result of using the drops is excellent. Literally 10-15 minutes after instillation, the eyes noticeably brighten, irritation is relieved and the sensation “as if sand had been poured in” completely disappears. My conjunctivitis was not severe, everything went away in 2 days. But I had to drip for 4 days, because as soon as I saw that my eyes were clean, it was no longer possible to force me to this brutal procedure, for 2 days I dripped, my eyes were clean - I missed a day - they began to turn red (the conjunctivitis infection began to return, did you forget your slippers or something? (() Well, something like this. Considering that this torture device costs about 20 rubles, and works great - of course, I recommend it, BUT NOT FOR CHILDREN!!! Just a thousand times my mother remembered with a kind word that she forbade touching her eyes on the street and through intimidation she taught me never to touch my eyes with dirty hands! I don’t even know, damn it, you can turn a child into a moral disabled person if you put this in him! If a child really needs to treat his eyes, maybe buy something more expensive, but not so aggressive ?

Anyuta 3


Helps quickly and is easy to use.



These drops are always present in my first aid kit. They are very good for helping children with red eyes, especially when they rub their dirty hands on the street. They helped their spouse more than once. In the evening I noticed that my husband’s eye became very red. First of all, I put in drops of sulfacyl and by the morning the redness had already subsided. The drug is sold in a box with a little information on it. Inside is the bottle itself and instructions. The instructions are detailed and here are some parts of it I will present. The bottle is made of plastic and hermetically sealed; after opening the lid for the first time, the bottle can be stored for no more than a month, since the drug no longer has any effect. This bottle is very convenient to use; it has a long spout with which you can gently drop a certain number of drops of solution into the eye. The cost of this drug is not high, approximately 60 -70 rubles. In conclusion of the review, I can only add that this product has helped me with eye problems more than once and therefore this drug is always present in my medicine cabinet. Thank you for your attention. I hope my review will be useful.



Act quickly, relieve irritation, can be used even at a very young age, low price



Hello everyone... Recently something happened to my husband's eye. And everything happened very quickly. On Monday the eye was slightly red, and on Tuesday a slight swelling was already noticeable. I suggested that it could be barley. As a child, I myself suffered from these nasty styes, so I knew first-hand how to treat them. Usually I warmed them with a warm boiled egg, and then washed my eyes with warm, strong tea leaves. Well, naturally, like all men, my husband did not engage in this nonsense, no matter how I persuaded him, it was easier for him not to do anything. There were also suggestions that the husband had conjunctivitis. My husband works as a furniture assembler and often saws and drills something, and therefore dirt, dust or some other debris could easily get into his eye. On Wednesday it was simply obvious that something was happening to the eye and it was necessary to urgently take some action. On Thursday, my husband could not open his eye at all, as it was simply filled with pus. There was something terrible. My husband called at work and asked for a day off. At about 10 am, my husband went to the pharmacy and bought Sulfacyl-Sodium eye drops 20%. Their cost is 70 rubles, in a box there are 2 small bottles of 1.5 ml each. every. The shelf life of an unopened bottle is 2 years. If you open it, you can use it for 30 days, basically like all eye drops. You need to put 1-2 drops into the affected eye every hour. Believe it or not, they dripped 5 times, no more. The next day everything was fine with the eye. My husband actually took the bottle with him to work so that he could drip there, just in case, but he forgot about these drops. I myself can’t believe that barley, and for some reason we decided that this was it, can be cured so quickly without self-medication. Now I’ll just use the drops myself. When I myself treated barley without any medications, I walked around with a red eye for more than a week, but for my husband it all went away in 3-4 days.



Helps quickly


May be severe irritation

Sulfacyl sodium or albucid is used for inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by viruses. In some cases, it brings results even when the eyes begin to fester. I came across sodium sulfacyl in two forms: in the form of a bottle with a volume of about 5 ml, and in the form of transparent (plastic) tubes of 1 ml. Small tubes “come” in a set of two pieces, with a tip. This means they are already ready for use. You had to purchase a pipette to go with the bottle. Personally, I think that small plastic tubes are much more practical: they have a small volume and, most likely, there will be nothing left in them after treatment. There is at least half left in the bottle that will have to be thrown away. At the very beginning of treatment, when the solution is instilled into the eyes, there will be severe irritation (due to inflammation), which means the eyes will sting. Therefore, you need to try to put drops in your child’s eyes. Gradually, the irritation will decrease, as will the discomfort. This drug can always be obtained at a pharmacy; a prescription is not needed and its price is symbolic. Albucid is quite effective, improvement occurs on the second day.


If you need to take other drugs in combination with Sulfacyl Sodium, you should consult your doctor.

The bacteriostatic effect of the drug is reduced when combined with Novocaine , Anestezin and Dicaine . And its toxicity increases when interacting with Diphenin , salicylates and para-aminosalicylic acid . When used together with indirect anticoagulants, their specific activity may increase.

Drops should not be used together with salts of some alkaloids, with agents containing silver salts, with zinc sulfate, as well as with acids and substances that have an acidic reaction.

Reviews from parents

Irina: Sulfacyl sodium drops were prescribed to me by a local pediatrician who has been working in medicine for more than 30 years. We treated my daughter’s purulent conjunctivitis, which she brought with her from kindergarten. After several uses of the drops, I saw significant improvements - the redness and swelling disappeared. My daughter is 3 years old, her eyes were dripped at least 5 times a day. By about day 4 there was no trace left of the purulent plaque. Although I was sure that I would have to use antibiotics, which cost many times more. After such a quick treatment, I was very surprised how effective cheap drugs can be. The only downside of the drops is the burning of the eyes, but his daughter bravely endured it.

Marina: My mother reminded me about the drops; she kept them in her medicine cabinet throughout my childhood. I encountered them after the birth of my daughter, because I was diagnosed with colpitis. I don’t remember the drops being used on me, but recently I felt discomfort and noticed redness in my eyes. I wear contact lenses, and the employee suggested Sulfacil. I dripped the drug without removing the lenses. For a few minutes after use, my eyes burned strongly, but this sensation quickly disappeared, along with the irritation.


Level 4 ATC code matches:

The following analogues of the drug are known: Albucid , Acetopt , Ophthalemide , Sebizon , Sulfaprocul , Sulfacyl , Sulfacyl soluble , Almocetamide , Octzetan , Prontamide , Sobizon , Sulfacetamide Sodium , Sulfacyl Sodium-DIA .

Albucid and Sulfacyl Sodium

Which is more effective, Albucid or Sulfacyl Sodium, is often asked on forums. Experts answer that these are actually synonyms. Thus, Albucid is Sodium Sulfacyl. This drug is also available in the form of eye drops and is used for diseases caused by streptococci , pneumococci , and gonococci . At the same time, relatively recently, Albucid and Sulfacyl Sodium began to be used for instillation into the nose.

pharmachologic effect

Drops are part of the group of sulfonamide agents with a pronounced antibacterial effect. The purpose of such drugs is to combat various infectious pathogens. The pharmacological effect of sodium sulfacyl solution is to destroy enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines, which belong to the structural part of the DNA of microorganisms.

Thanks to this effect, microbes stop multiplying and soon die. As a result, each bacterium lives in the body for its entire duration without reproducing. As a result of the death of such bacteria, the patient’s condition improves and the disease is gradually cured. Sodium sulfacyl is capable of killing most types of microbes. After just 30 minutes, the active composition, penetrating into the tissue of the eye shell, begins to affect microorganisms. If the cornea is damaged, the drops can be absorbed much faster.

Price of Sodium Sulfacyl, where to buy

The price of Sulfacyl Sodium eye drops 20% is about 50 rubles. In some pharmacies the cost of this product reaches 85 rubles. The average price of Sulfacyl Sodium in Ukraine is 10 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Sulfacyl sodium-DIA eye drops 20% vial - cap.
    10ml JSC Diapharm 40 rub. order
  • Sulfacyl sodium-SOLOpharm eye drops 20% tube-dropper 0.5 ml 5 pcs Grotex LLC

    119 RUR order

  • Sulfacyl sodium-SOLOpharm eye drops 20% vial. 5ml "Grotex" LLC

    129 RUR order

  • Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid) eye drops 20% dropper bottle 10ml JSC "LEKKO"

    40 rub. order

  • Sulfacyl sodium drops hl. 20% tube-dropper 5 ml 1 piece JSC PFK renewal

    123 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Sulfacyl sodium-Solopharm* (tube drops 20% 5ml)Grotex LLC

    121 rub. order

  • Sulfacyl sodium (vial-drop. 20% 5ml) Belmedpreparaty RUP

    56 RUR order

  • Sulfacyl sodium-Solopharm (tube drops 20% 5ml)Grotex LLC

    121 rub. order

  • Sulfacyl sodium-Solopharm (tube drops 20% 0.5 ml No. 5)Grotex LLC

    75 rub. order

  • Sulfacyl sodium bufus dropper tube 20% 2ml No. 2Update PFK JSC

    40 rub. order

show more


  • Sulfacyl sodium 30% 10ml eye drops TOV"FZ"Biopharma", Ukraine
    16 UAH.order
  • Sulfacyl Sodium 20% 10 ml No. 1 eye drops PAT "Farmak", Ukraine

    14 UAH order

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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