Acnecutane - interesting cases in everyday practice
From this article you will learn: what isotretinoin, Acnecutane and Roaccutane are - instructions, reviews,
classification of ACE inhibitors
Reviews from doctors and patients about Renipril GT and instructions for use
Combination antihypertensive drugs usually contain two main active ingredients, most often
Aerovit - instructions for use
Composition of Aerovit The composition of Aerovit (1 tablet) includes 100 mg of ascorbic acid, 20 mg
INSTRUCTIONS for the use of the medicinal product for medical use Egilok
Description of the drug EGILOK
Norepinephrinum General recommendations Administer intravenously only! The individual dose of the drug is determined by the doctor depending on
Vaccines used for chickenpox vaccination
Vaccine Options Chickenpox vaccinations currently available on the market for children and adults
Mitral valve insufficiency (mitral regurgitation)
Mitral valve insufficiency (mitral regurgitation)
Mitral valve insufficiency - classification and causes Mitral valve insufficiency is caused by a violation of the closure function
Woman coughing
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and chronic pneumonia: terminological and clinical aspects
Obstructive bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which is accompanied by a narrowing of their lumen due to swelling
Chlorine poisoning: symptoms, consequences and first aid. Reference
Chlorine and chlorine-containing substances are quite often used both in industry and in households.
Cerebrovascular accident symptoms and treatment
Cerebrovascular accident - causes and treatment
Doctors Cost Price list Doctors clinics Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is called a decrease in blood access to
Transient ischemic attack: causes, symptoms and treatment
Transient ischemic attack of the brain is a temporary acute disorder of the central nervous system. In medical
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