How to dilute Regidron for poisoning, diarrhea and alcohol intoxication

It is very important to monitor the correct dosage for children and very weak patients, and also to know how to dilute Regidron in difficult situations.

Rehydration allows you to replenish the lack of fluid. Regidron monitors the replenishment of fluid in a sick body, as well as the loss of electrolytes, which are important for the proper absorption of water for the benefit of the body.

Along with ordinary water and other medications, Regidron not only provides the minimum part of the necessary fluid (it will also need to be obtained from the outside for complete recovery), but also allows you to control the sodium and potassium composition in the blood.

This product has low osmolarity. This allows this drug to be taken to a level higher than others due to its low sodium content. For dehydration, I usually use saline solutions that retain water in the body. But they are the ones who contribute to hypernatremia, which is fraught with drowsiness, loss of consciousness, even coma. Of course, such serious violations are possible only with advanced dehydration.

Indications for use of Regidron

Diarrhea and vomiting are the main disruptors of the water-alkaline balance in the body. A weakened body from severe anxiety increases sweating, which can uncontrollably remove large amounts of fluid with useful substances.

In severe cases, the patient’s weight loss can be more than 10%; this is quite life-threatening, so it is important to start taking serious measures in time to restore body functions.

The main indications are to restore the balance of water and the presence of alkali in the body, which is destroyed by dehydration. Increased fluid intake will not be able to restore a large deficiency in a short period of time. To do this, it is necessary to restore electrolytes that are responsible for a number of processes in the body.

How to take dietary supplements: two types of indications

The use of Regidron Bio is justified both to correct existing dehydration and to prevent its occurrence. It is recommended to take a dietary supplement for the following indications:

  • Diarrhea and vomiting due to food allergies, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, poisoning, bacterial and viral infections.
  • Dehydration, water-electrolyte imbalance during prolonged fever with elevated temperature.
  • Prolonged physical activity with sweating, hyperthermia (during training for athletes, while on a stuffy bus, long car trips in the summer).
  • Heatstroke or sunstroke.

How to dilute Regidron, instructions

The usual dosage of Regidron is from 200 mg to one liter of boiled or filtered water, tea per bag of the product.
The water should be warm, it is important to dissolve the powder completely and take it in a very short time. In case of severe vomiting, the medicine can be given to the patient chilled. If a patient, for example a child, cannot drink a glass of medicine at once, then the powder should not be diluted all at once. You can add a third or a quarter of the powder. The amount of fluid and medication taken must be dosed correctly. If the patient has a severe stage of dehydration, then treatment should be carried out in an outpatient clinic under the constant supervision of doctors and medical staff.

An overdose is possible if the amount of medication is calculated incorrectly. Dehydration causes weight loss, which means you need to reduce your dosage if weight loss continues.

The amount of fluid consumed should also be controlled, because a large amount will be eliminated faster, being removed from the blood through the kidneys and skin. And with the liquid, the electrolytes needed by the body are removed.

Therefore, the usual dosage according to the instructions only helps with the initial and middle stages of dehydration. More serious violations require a more accurate and balanced concentration of Regidron.

When dehydration is the result of a long-term illness, the recovery period is best carried out under strict supervision.

How to take for children with vomiting, diarrhea, fever

It is important to prescribe Regidron at the initial stage, preferably immediately, when the child has just discovered diarrhea. If the dosage is followed correctly, the product can be given even to infants.

It is better to dilute a sachet of the product in a liter of water or weak tea, and not in a glass, as for adults. This is due to the fact that an adult will be able to force himself to drink additional fluid, and it will be easier for him to recover than for a baby.

If the child is very small, then it is important to agree on the dosage with the pediatrician, tell what happened to the baby, which caused dehydration.

Fried, spicy and hot foods, which will provoke increased dehydration, should be excluded from the child’s diet during recovery.

When a child begins to vomit, the number of Regidron doses can be increased if the vomiting continues. The drug can be given 15 minutes after the last attack. With very severe bouts of vomiting, dehydration can reach a moderate or severe stage, when treatment will require outpatient monitoring and intravenous injections.

When a patient refuses to drink a tasteless liquid, there is no need to sweeten it. Regidron contains a sufficient amount of glucose. You can give the medicine to drink through a syringe.

To do this, a solution is drawn into it, and the baby simply holds it in his mouth while the adult carefully pours the contents into the oral cavity. When taking medication with a syringe, it is much easier to control the amount of the drug administered so as not to increase the dose allowed for the baby’s weight.

A small child can be administered Regidron solution in the form of a warm enema, which makes administration much easier in cases where the child does not want or cannot take the medicine. This method is excellent for severe vomiting and absence of diarrhea, when the medicine administered orally comes out almost immediately without fulfilling its function.

Do not exceed the dose of 50 ml of Regidron in 10 hours. Otherwise, in a sick child, the presence of potassium or sodium may exceed the permissible values, which will cause additional disorders in the body.

When to use

The main purpose of the product is to replenish fluid in the human body that is lost in various ways.

  • With single and repeated vomiting.
  • Acute diarrhea.
  • Chronic diarrhea (loose, frequent stools for three or more weeks).

Regidron Bio is used for stool disorders and vomiting caused by conditions such as:

  • food, chemical, inhalation and other types of poisoning;
  • intestinal infections;
  • hidden or overt food allergies;
  • gastritis, colitis, enteritis and other chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dyspepsia due to eating disorders;
  • other.

Regidron for alcohol intoxication

Alcohol greatly affects the amount of potassium in the body; if taken frequently, this balance is disrupted. Over time, the body itself struggles with the restoration of potassium and fluid, but severe alcohol poisoning can lead to unpleasant complications.

Chronic abuse also affects the amount of sodium, which can change dramatically in severe poisoning. The result is not only an imbalance of water balance, but also a lack of salts in the body.

In case of alcohol intoxication, it is important to consume carbohydrates, including glucose. This is what is contained in Regidron. Therefore, the complex of its components should cope perfectly with the task at hand - to put in order the salt and water balances in the body, feeding it with light carbohydrates.

Per hour you need to take 10 ml for each kg of the patient’s weight, the dose of the medicine is calculated from the proportion of 1 sachet per 1 liter of water. For example, a person weighs 75 kg, then his dose should be 750 ml per hour, which is slightly less than 1 liter, that is, 1 sachet of Regidron. If you vomit, you can slightly increase the dose if the medicine is not completely absorbed.

Is rehydron possible for pregnant women or not?

Poisoning and other disturbances in the functioning of the body are also possible in pregnant women.
Therefore, there is a high probability of needing to take Regidron. It will not be harmful even in such a gentle position, because all its active ingredients only support important biochemical functions of the body.

And in difficult situations, such as poisoning, dehydration, it restores the salt balance in the body. And a lack of fluid is harmful not so much to the expectant mother as to the baby, because he receives all nutrition through the amniotic fluid.

Regidron can be used by nursing mothers, since the medicine does not contain substances harmful to the baby. But, given the intensity of lactation, you should increase the amount of fluid consumed.

What tasks does the solution perform?

The product helps:

  • fight dehydration;
  • replenish the water supply in cells;
  • prevent dehydration;
  • normalize salt balance indicators;
  • maintain beneficial microflora.

The solution also helps relieve intoxication, alleviate the symptoms and condition of the patient.

Unlike classic Regidron, Regidron Bio powder is not a medicine, but a biologically active food supplement.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

The main contraindication is glucose intolerance; this is a fairly rare hereditary disease, but it is important to pay attention to this.

You should also pay attention to additional possible disturbances in the water balance, which often occur with diabetes mellitus, some chronic kidney diseases, as well as the consequences of impaired kidney function due to malfunction of the body, poisoning.

When problems with kidney function occur, it is necessary to discuss this additionally with a doctor so that comprehensive restorative treatment can be prescribed.

Overdose causes the opposite effect:

  • excess potassium in the body;
  • excess sodium in the body.

Such violations greatly weaken a dehydrated child’s body. Therefore, it is important to monitor the dosage so as not to introduce additional treatment.

Important information about Regidron

Medical experiments on the interaction of Regidron with other drugs have not been conducted. An excess of certain trace elements in the body can cause a deterioration of the condition due to the drug, for example, hypernatremia. This can cause drowsiness, disturbances in the nervous system, seizures, weakness in general or specifically in the muscles, or even more serious problems such as respiratory arrest or a coma.

It should be understood that, like other drugs, it has certain contraindications. Therefore, you need to know the cases in which taking this drug is prohibited:

  • Diabetes
  • Excess potassium
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney problems
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Individual intolerance by the body

What is the difference between Regidron bio and Regidron?

The properties of regular Regidron help restore the water-salt balance and introduce the necessary electrolytes into the blood. Regidronbio has the same properties and copes well with all of the above tasks. But it has additions that are very important in case of another disturbance in the balance of the body - damage to the flora of the housing and communal services.

Regidron bio is more important in case of severe poisoning, when beneficial bacteria are excreted along with the liquid through diarrhea or vomiting. They can recover faster with the help of a dietary supplement, which Regidronbio contains.

This product is newer and has a wider spectrum of action. But there is no point in taking this drug if you are dehydrated after severe and prolonged physical exertion. In this case, there is no need to introduce additional bacteria into the housing and communal services. Here the regular Regidron will perform better.

Recommendations for use of dietary supplement Regidron Bio: how to dilute

Sometimes, not figuring out how to make Regidron Bio for a child, parents dilute each sachet in a separate glass and give it to them to drink one by one. This is incorrect - the contents of both bags are poured into one container at the same time.

Another common mistake is using hot or cold water. The instructions for Regidron Bio say that it should be at room temperature.

Do not use saline solution for more than 4 days: if there is no improvement, consult your doctor to prescribe a comprehensive therapeutic course.

Regidron's analogs

Trisol is a ready-to-use solution, taken intravenously by drip. Prescribed for dehydration, as well as to accelerate the process of intoxication of the body. Improves salt balance in the patient's body. Can be used for more complex forms of dehydration.

Trihydron is a cheaper analogue, has properties identical to Regidron, and contains sodium and potassium salts and carbohydrates. The powder also needs to be dissolved in water. Used for mild to moderate dehydration.

Hydrovit. An excellent medicine designed to accelerate the normalization of water balance in children. Can be used as a prophylactic for regular poisoning. But there are overdoses and contraindications, so it is important to read the instructions before use.

Hydrovit forte is available in powder form in sachets. Dissolve one packet in a glass of water. You need to carefully monitor the dosage, which depends on the patient’s weight and the severity of his condition.

We offer a video about helping a child with vomiting:

Regidron Bio por d/prig solution for oral administration sachet (a+b) 6.4 g N5

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Dosage form

Dietary supplement – ​​Rehydron BIO


Powder for solution for oral administration

1 sachet A

corn maltodextrin 1900 mg Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG 100 mg

The content of lyophilized bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is 1×109 CFU.

1 sachet B

glucose 3020 mg sodium citrate (E331, carrier) 580 mg sodium chloride 360 ​​mg potassium chloride (E508, carrier) 300 mg strawberry flavor 120 mg silicon dioxide (E551, anti-caking agent) 10 mg sucralose (E955, sweetener) 10 mg

Composition and osmolarity of substances in the finished solution Regidron Bio:

glucose - 85 mmol/l; sodium (Na+) - 60 mmol/l; chlorine (Cl-) - 50 mmol/l; potassium (K+) - 20 mmol/l; citrate - 10 mmol/l; total osmolarity - 225 mmol/l.

Nutritional value per 100 ml of ready solution: carbohydrates - 2.46 g, proteins - 0 g, fats - 0 g. Energy value per 100 ml of ready solution: 10 kcal/42 kJ.


5 paired sachets (A+B) of 6.4 g of powder each, in a cardboard box.


  • for oral rehydration with large fluid loss, as well as for restoring and maintaining normal intestinal microflora.

Contraindications for use

  • individual intolerance to the components of Regidron Bio;
  • children under 3 years of age.

pharmachologic effect

Sodium citrate, sodium chloride and potassium chloride help restore water and electrolyte balance. Typically, a lack of electrolytes in the body is observed in conditions associated with loss of fluid from the body, for example, diarrhea, dehydration, high fever, etc.

Glucose is a source of energy that provides the body's basic needs.

Lyophilized bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG help restore and maintain normal intestinal microflora.

Maltodextrin is a prebiotic component and stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora.

Dosage regimen

The contents of two sachets (A and B) are dissolved in 200 ml of water at room temperature and taken orally. If you are not sure that the water is suitable for drinking, it should be boiled and cooled before preparing the solution.

The concentration of salts and glucose in the finished solution promotes optimal absorption of active substances.

Adults and children over 3 years old

Regidron Bio should be used in accordance with the data given in the table.
Weight (kg) Volume of the finished solution Regidron Bio (ml/day) Additional volume of liquid (ml/day) Total liquid requirement (l/day)

The prepared solution should be used within 24 hours.

Storage conditions

Regidron Bio should be stored in a dry place at room temperature.

Best before date

Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

After dilution, the solution is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8°C for 24 hours.

Use in children

Restrictions for children - With caution.

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Contacts for inquiries



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