Bifiform: how to take capsules

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Bifidobacteria , which are part of the drug, are involved in the formation of healthy intestinal microflora. They prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora and have a beneficial effect on the absorption of beneficial minerals, as well as on the synthesis of important amino acids .

As a result, the drug promotes normal digestion, activates the growth of healthy microflora, has an antiviral effect, stimulates the immune system, eliminates bloating , gastrointestinal disorders, and flatulence .

In addition, its use restores the amount of beneficial bacteria, vitamins, nutrients and minerals in the body.

Component Properties

Bifiform®Baby food supplement is a combination of beneficial probiotic bacteria developed for children from the first days of life and adults.

Bifiform® Baby contains: Bifidobacterium BB-12™, Streptococcus thermophilus TH-4.

Bifidobacterium animalis, subspecies lactis BB-12 and Streptococcus thermophilus TH-4, which are part of Bifiform® Baby, are traditionally used in the food industry and are considered safe, which is confirmed by the long history of their successful use in the production of dairy products and baby food.

Probiotic suspension Bifiform® Baby helps restore the balance of intestinal microflora. The release form in the form of a suspension is convenient and easy to dose and facilitates use in children from the first days of life and adults.

The use of Bifiform® Baby promotes the formation and restoration of intestinal microflora in children from the first days of life. The use of probiotic complexes is primarily recommended for children who are at risk for an imbalance in the intestinal microflora (features of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother), as well as after suffering from colds, treatment with antibiotics and some other medications. Restoring the balance of intestinal microflora allows you to eliminate such manifestations of dysbiosis as gastrointestinal upset, bloating and discomfort.

Instructions for use Bifiform Baby (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Bifiform Baby advise adults and children to take one dose per day with meals. The mark on the pipette corresponds to 0.5 g - this is one dosage. The instructions for use of Bifiform Baby also indicate that the course of treatment lasts at least 10 days.

How to use:

  • turn the cap clockwise until the powder with bacterial strains from the cap gets into the oil in the bottle;
  • shake the container to mix the powder with the oil;
  • remove the bottle cap;
  • Using a special pipette, take one dosage of the medicine.

The instructions for newborns provide the same method of application as for children of other ages.

Composition and release form

Powder and oil solution for preparing a suspension1 daily dose (about 0.5 g)
Bifidobacterium BB-12™1·109 CFU
Streptococcus thermophilus TH-41 108 CFU
excipients: maltodextrin; silicon dioxide; medium chain triglycerides derived from coconut and palm kernel oils
7 ml of suspension equals at least 10 doses

in 6.9 ml bottles (complete with dosing pipette), sealed with a cap containing 160 mg of powder.

Analogues of Bifiform Baby

This medicine has no analogues in terms of structured active ingredients. However, there are analogues of Bifiform Baby, which have bacteria that have a similar effect. The main ones are: Acipol , Lactobacterin , Florin forte , Bifidumbacterin , Linex , Hilak forte . A doctor or pharmacist can tell you more about their actions and nuances of use.

How to take Bifiform

The capsule should be swallowed whole and washed down with a glass of water. If the capsules are taken by small children or for other reasons it is not possible to take the entire capsule, then you need to carefully split the capsule and dissolve its contents in 1 tbsp. l. water.

The dosage, duration of treatment and frequency of administration depend on the disease and the characteristics of its course.

For acute diarrhea, it is prescribed to take 1 capsule 4 times a day. You can take it until the problem completely disappears.

On a note! With prolonged loose stools, the body loses a lot of fluid, which must be compensated for (drink as much water as possible).

Children over 2 years old are given 1 capsule 3 times a day. A more precise dosage and frequency of administration can be determined by your pediatrician.

In order to strengthen the immune system, up to 3 capsules per day are prescribed. The duration of the treatment course can take from 1 to 3 weeks.

If after several days of taking the medicine, loose stools do not disappear, then you need to inform a specialist.

The drug in children's form Bibiform Baby can be given to children from birth to 2 years. It is enough to take 0.5 g per day with food. Treatment can last from 10 to 20 days.

On a note! Taking the drug does not affect psychomotor reactions in any way.

Bifiform for newborns

The microflora in newborns begins to form immediately after birth. The baby receives beneficial bacteria from the mother's body. However, if a woman has disturbances in the intestinal microflora, the child may receive pathogenic microorganisms instead of beneficial ones. Then there is a risk of developing dysbiosis . It is accompanied by digestive problems, bloating , weight loss, and gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, allergies sleep disturbances , tearfulness, colic may appear . The newborn’s body will not receive enough nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Immunity will decrease.

In order to cope with all these problems, Bifiform for newborns was created - Bifiform Baby, which is a useful dietary supplement.

What is the medicine Bifiform for?

As a rule, such drugs are used in the complex treatment of various diseases of the stomach, including intestinal infections. It can also be used as the only drug for treatment. Before use, it is better to consult with a specialist who can select the optimal dose taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Indications include:

  • loose stools, which is associated with the appearance of infection in the stomach and inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa;
  • use in combination with other drugs for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • combination drug treatment of stomach diseases;
  • the need to maintain the number of beneficial microbes in the child’s body for strong immunity and to prevent the occurrence of pathologies;
  • complex drug treatment of bacterial and viral diseases of the digestive system.

Reviews about Bifiform Baby

Reviews about Bifiform Baby are left very different. Most parents note its effectiveness for newborns. However, there are reports that it does not always help with colic . In addition, reviews of Bifiform Baby indicate that after the first uses the pipette becomes clogged with powder, which is very inconvenient. Babies may also spit out the product, making it difficult to use. Parents also complain about the high price of dietary supplements, so, despite the recommendations of specialists, they try to look for its analogues.

Bifiform during pregnancy

It is a very common belief that most medications are contraindicated during pregnancy . However, there are also useful medications that can help women expecting a child regulate metabolic processes in the body and improve intestinal microflora. The drug in question belongs to them.

Instructions for use during pregnancy indicate that there are no obstacles to the use of these capsules. They belong to probiotics , which means that this product is able to well regulate intestinal microflora. Bifiform during pregnancy is in many cases prescribed by specialists. Its use does not affect the development of the fetus. Thus, this product fully copes with its functions and does not harm the child.

Bifiform Baby price, where to buy

The price of Bifiform Baby in a 7 ml bottle is about 510 rubles. In some pharmacies the cost, however, may be lower. This is how the price of Bifiform Baby starts from 380 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Bifiform Baby oil solution for normalizing microflora with a dosing pipette 6.9 mlFerrosan SRL
    585 rub.order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Bifiform Baby oil solution 7mlFerrosan

    RUR 598 order

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Bifiform Baby

Release form:

Available in bottles that contain 6.9 ml of oil solution. The bottle is sealed with a cap containing 200 mg of powder with live lyophilized bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis lactis BB-12 1x108 CFU and Streptococcus thermophilus TH-4 1x107 CFU. The kit also includes a dosing pipette.

The volume of the finished suspension contains at least 10 servings. The design features of the bottle allow you to prepare a suspension immediately for the entire course of use and accurately dose the probiotic using a measuring pipette. Simple, convenient and hygienic!

Storage conditions: out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding +25 °C.

Shelf life: 18 months in unopened packaging. After opening and mixing the components, store for no more than 14 days at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Please remember that you should consult your pediatrician before use.

More detailed information can be found on the packaging and in the leaflet.

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  12. Information on the BIFIFORM Baby packaging, information from the manufacturer


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