Every fifth person is at risk. What and how to eat to avoid cholesterol stones?

Every fifth person is at risk

Millions of people carry cholesterol stones in their gallbladders. According to statistics, they occur in 10–30% of adults. But these are average figures; among women the numbers are significantly higher: they have stones 3–8 times more often than men. This is due to female hormones. Both in connection with the presence of them in every woman, and with hormonal contraceptives, there is evidence that they can increase the risk of the formation of cholesterol stones in the gall bladder.

The main difficulty in identifying this problem is not even any pain, but the fact that due to the discovery of stones, surgical operations are performed in which the gallbladder is removed. But this is a serious operation. Until recently, it was performed openly, through a large incision, and there were many complications and even deaths. Today it is usually done laparoscopically - through a “straw”, but it is still not an easy procedure. In reality, the operation is not indicated for everyone. But at the same time, of course, the presence of such stones is not at all beneficial for health.

Benefits of plants

The main reason milk thistle and oats are taken is to cleanse the liver. They contain various beneficial components, but using milk thistle and oats together will help improve liver function much faster.

Benefits of milk thistle

This plant was used by the Romans, who noticed that after eating food with milk thistle (yes, it is used for preparing dietary dishes!) the general condition of the body improved, the liver stopped hurting, and the symptoms of organ disease disappeared.

Now the benefits of the plant have been confirmed not just by centuries of experience, but by scientific research. It turned out that milk thistle contains a whole range of useful components. Some of them are found in high concentrations only in milk thistle.

All parts of the plant contain:

  • fatty and essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • saponins;
  • protein;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic acids.

Thanks to its rich composition, the plant not only acts on the liver, but also has a complex effect on the body. Milk thistle supplements help:

  • more effectively combat the effects of free radicals;
  • stop the growth of a malignant tumor and reduce the risk of cancer;
  • speed up the process of restoration and cleansing of the liver;
  • stop the spread of the inflammatory process in the body;
  • protect the liver from exposure to toxic substances;
  • speed up recovery from hepatitis and cirrhosis;
  • improve digestion;
  • relieve hemorrhoids;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stimulate the movement of bile.

Meal (dried seed squeeze) helps you lose weight faster. It, like a whisk, removes all harmful substances from the intestines. And some doctors recommend taking products with a small concentration of the extract as a preventive and general tonic.

Learn more about the benefits of milk thistle in the video:

MILK THISTLE - the best remedy for the LIVER

Benefits of oats

Oatmeal infusions have long been used for the most severe illnesses. The plant contains many vitamins and microelements that helped patients recover faster from illness. Later, scientists, as in the case of milk thistle, conducted large-scale research and found that oats are indeed capable of affecting the entire body at once.

Contains a whole range of useful substances:

  • micro- and macroelements: iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.;
  • methionine;
  • polyphenols;
  • choline;
  • B vitamins.

Oats trigger a powerful cleansing process in the body, allowing toxic substances to be eliminated faster. Detox helps fight eczema, psoriasis and other dermatological diseases from the inside. And thanks to the increased fiber content, the plant improves digestion and speeds up metabolism. This means that the extra pounds will go away much faster.

It is recommended to use decoctions or liquid oatmeal for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product gently envelops the mucous membrane, protecting it from too spicy or sour foods, relieving pain and inflammation.

Oats do not directly treat the liver, but they are still actively used in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis and other diseases of the organ. Decoctions and preparations based on this plant facilitate digestion and accelerate the elimination of harmful substances. This gives the liver time to rest. At this time, milk thistle or other medications stimulate the process of renewal of liver tissue. To maximize the effect, you should avoid eating too heavy or spicy foods during treatment, so as not to overload the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

The hosts of the program “Live Healthy” talk about the benefits of oats for the body:


Tangle of diseases

And as numerous studies show, proper nutrition can help with this. The role of heredity in the development of this disease is 25%. And, therefore, nutrition and lifestyle can play a big role in its prevention. In addition, such a diet will help protect against many other diseases. After all, such gallstones are tied into one “tangle” with other metabolic diseases - metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia (increased cholesterol and blood lipids).

Which is better: oats or milk thistle?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Plants act on different fronts. The purpose of oats is to improve digestion and speed up the elimination of toxic substances. This reduces the load on the liver, which can be treated with milk thistle at this time.

Milk thistle contains silymarin, which helps the body recover faster from illness. Oats do not contain this component, but it has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves constipation and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

We recommend taking complex preparations with oats or milk thistle for maximum effect. But before starting the course, make sure that you have no allergies or contraindications. It is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if you have serious liver disease.

What and how to eat to avoid stones?

Promotes the formation of stones. Fast food, meat (especially fatty meat), sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, flour, soda), low fiber intake, very low-calorie diets (up to 1500 kcal per day), high fructose intake (diabetic foods, honey, fructose soda), beans and other legumes, vitamin C deficiency, overeating (excess calorie intake), prolonged fasting.

Protects against the formation of stones. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oils), nuts, fiber (vegetables, fruits and whole grains), calcium (dairy products), moderate alcohol consumption containing no more than 20-40 g of pure alcohol per day, coffee and caffeine, vitamin C and foods rich in it, a regular diet, a vegetarian diet, fish and fish oil, with low-calorie diets it is important to consume enough fat (7-10 g per day).

TOP 3 preparations with milk thistle

If you prefer to heal only with milk thistle, this rating is for you. This includes the most popular drugs among buyers with good ratings on various sites, including IHerb.

Now Foods - Double Strength Silymarin

Now Foods, Silymarin, Milk Thistle Artichoke Dandelion Extract, Double Strength, 300 mg, 200 Vegetarian Capsules


RUB 1,475

More details

The cost of 1 capsule is 5.99 rubles.

General characteristics:

  • country of production - USA;
  • pack volume - 100 or 200 pcs.;
  • content of active ingredients - 300 mg of milk thistle extract;
  • daily dose - 1 pc.

Now Foods' dietary supplement contains not only milk thistle, but also other herbal ingredients: artichoke and dandelion. The complex of extracts helps to quickly heal the liver and start the process of natural regeneration of organ cells. Thanks to its powerful cleansing, the supplement helps get rid of some skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis) and feel better after serious poisoning.


  • the jar is enough for 100 days of treatment;
  • only 1 tablet per day;
  • based on natural plant extracts;
  • meets international quality standards;
  • suitable for vegans;
  • enriched with artichoke and dandelion extracts;
  • normalizes bilirubin levels;
  • improves digestion.


  • judging by the reviews, not everyone noticed the effect.

California Gold Nutrition - Silymarin Complex

California Gold Nutrition, Silymarin Complex, Liver Health, Milk Thistle, Curcumin, Artichoke, Dandelion, Ginger & Black Pepper, 30 Vegetarian Capsules


399 rub.

More details

The cost of 1 capsule is 11.28 rubles.

General characteristics:

  • country of production - USA;
  • pack volume - 30 or 120 pcs.;
  • content of active ingredients - 300 mg of milk thistle extract;
  • daily dose - 1 pc.

The dietary supplement is available in two volumes: 30 and 120 pcs. A large jar is enough for three month courses, so feel free to take it if you want to take the supplement several times. As with the previous drug, CGN capsules contain not only milk thistle extract, but also dandelion, artichoke, turmeric, ginger and black pepper extract. These components normalize digestion, support the immune system, turmeric has a strong antitumor and general healing effect, and ginger and black pepper improve its absorption.


  • rich composition;
  • only 1 tablet per day;
  • the packaging is enough for 1 or 3 courses;
  • contains natural plant extracts;
  • without GMO;
  • suitable for vegans;
  • helps get rid of constipation;
  • restores the liver;
  • relieves pain in the pancreas.


  • For some, the dosage may be small.


Legalon 140 caps. n60

from 664 ₽

More details

The cost of 1 tablet is 12.11 rubles.

General characteristics:

  • manufacturer - Madaus GmbH;
  • country of origin: Germany;
  • pack volume - 60 pcs.;
  • content of active ingredients - 140 mg of milk thistle extract;
  • daily dose - 3 pcs.

The dietary supplement belongs to the category of monopreparations; it contains only milk thistle extract. Silymarin contained in milk thistle starts the process of cleansing the liver, due to which it regenerates faster. Tablets can be taken in case of serious poisoning or dermatological diseases, but only with the permission of the attending physician. Can be used as a prophylactic, but the dosage must be reduced.


  • contains a good dose of extract;
  • can be taken for diseases of the liver or digestive tract;
  • improves digestion, relieves constipation;
  • protects the liver from toxic substances;
  • can be taken together with other drugs.


  • You need 3 tablets per day, so packs of 60 pcs. not enough for a full month's course of treatment.


Have you tried preparations with milk thistle and oats (Ovesol, Legalon, etc.)? What are your impressions? Tell us about your experience taking complex herbal medicines for the liver:

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Milk thistle and oats

Average rating: Number of reviews: 0

Most reviews about natural preparations with milk thistle and oats are positive. Commenters took supplements for a variety of purposes. Someone for its intended purpose to improve liver health. Some used herbal medicines to cleanse the body and try to get rid of constipation. Still others treated the skin.

All categories of patients managed to achieve results. The drug was especially appreciated by those who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They were able to cope with the disease much faster thanks to the combination of milk thistle and oats.

Many people have improved their skin after taking it, and this is quite logical. The effect of toxic substances that accumulate in the intestines sooner or later affects our face. There are no toxins in the intestines in the literal sense of the word, but all harmful components are quickly absorbed and distributed throughout the body. The result is acne, flaky skin and other similar troubles. Oats and milk thistle help indirectly solve this problem.

There are also good reviews for herbal preparations that are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures. But they can only be used if you know how to make home remedies. If you don't want to cook, choose a milk thistle supplement or a milk thistle and oat complex.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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