Dragee "Evening Plus": instructions for use, reviews

Calm and only calm!

Valerian and motherwort have a sedative and hypnotic effect on humans. Valerian, according to naturalist Stephen Foster, contains more than 120 active substances, the combination of which provides sedative properties [1]. The most powerful effects are:

  • valepotriates (KJ Kemper, 1999 [2]) are easily degradable compounds that have a strong and rapid sedative effect on the human central nervous system;
  • alkaloids valerine and hatinine, which enhance inhibition processes in nerve cells of the cortical and subcortical structures of the brain and reduce the response to external stimuli;
  • valerenic acid, which can activate the inhibitory neurotransmitter (gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA), which suppresses excessive activity of the central nervous system, and also suppress the work of the enzyme that destroys GABA (CS Yuan, S. Mehendale, Y. Xiao et al., 2004 [3]; G. Trauner, 2008 [4]);
  • isovaleric acid, which changes the transition of nerve impulses from the cerebral cortex to the subcortex, reducing emotional reactions;
  • borneol, which has an inhibitory effect on the cerebral cortex (G.K. Nikonov, B.M. Manuilov, 2005 [5]; A.A. Krylov, A.V. Marchenko, 2000 [6]; Choi Taesop , 1987 [7]);
  • valeranone, which exhibits a tranquilizing effect (N. S. Fursa, E. A. Grigorieva, V. G. Kornievskaya, 2000 [8]);
  • flavonoids that improve GABA signal transmission;
  • amino acid glutamine, capable of overcoming the blood-brain barrier (the barrier between capillary blood and neurons of the central nervous system) and being converted into GABA (MS Santos et al., 1994 [9])
  • gamma-aminobutyric acid (according to E. L. Malankina, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Botany of the Russian State Agrarian University Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev [10]).

From all this wealth, extraction allows one to isolate only those compounds that are soluble in various chemical liquids, for example, 70% alcohol. And this is about 25% of the composition of the root, that is, approximately 30 compounds (out of 120!). Anything that is not dissolved is simply not included in the extracts. This explains the low effectiveness of sedatives based on valerian extract.

refused to use extraction technology in the production of Evening Plus dragees. The whole root of the plant is crushed at ultra-low temperatures to a dust state. At the same time, all the biologically active substances of the plant are preserved! Including the most capricious ones - valepotriates. There are no traces of solvents left, as when preparing hoods. The absorption of beneficial compounds increases. The effectiveness of valerian on the human body increases significantly!

The calming properties of the plant appear gradually. But the achieved effect lasts for a long time.

A quick sedative effect is provided by its other component - motherwort cardiac. The plant begins to actively work in the human body within 30-60 minutes after administration. Moreover, its calming effect is several times greater than that of valerian. According to V.V. Zverev, a specialist at the Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, it is 3–4 times [11], according to researchers at the Tomsk Medical Institute N.V. Vershinin and D.D. Yablokov – 2-3 times [12].

The sedative properties of motherwort are provided by such compounds as:

  • iridoids (ayugol, ayugoside, galiridoside) increase the body's resistance to stress, eliminate nervous tension, dull feelings of fear, anxiety, tension;
  • flavonoids - according to the study of Ph.D. D. V. Kadatskaya (2005) [13], have neurotropic activity, especially quercetin and hyperoside, and also have an antidepressant effect (quercetin).
  • alkaloids (stahydrine, leonurine, leopuridine) affect the nervous system through the endings of nerve cells, synapses, neurotransmitter processes, they relieve tension, anxiety, fear, and improve sleep;
  • choline (also an alkaloid, but deserves a separate discussion) is a precursor of the most important nerve impulse transmitter acetylcholine, participates in the formation of the protective sheath of nerve fibers, protects it from destruction, and nerve cells from damage.

In 2001, Professor N.A. Gorchakova suggested that motherwort, like valerian, inhibits the movement of sodium ions through the membranes of nerve cells and thereby prevents nerve impulses from spreading through neurons [14]]. In addition, the active ingredients of the plant slow down the destruction of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the central nervous system.

The famous herbalist from Korea, Choi Taesop, argued that motherwort is capable of suppressing the action of the stress hormone adrenaline, to which we owe the emergence of feelings of fear, anxiety, stress, danger, as well as substances with a similar effect (norepinephrine, isadrine, etc.) [7].

The compounds of valerian and motherwort complement each other and enhance each other's effects. This allows you to achieve a quick and long-lasting sedative effect.

EVENING PLUS dragee valerian + motherwort No. 50

Thanks to the natural complex of substances, EVCHERNEY dragee has sedative, tranquilizing, regulating cardiac activity and moderate hypotensive properties, and is a mild antispasmodic. VALERIAN has a multifaceted effect on the body. It has a calming effect on the excited nervous system. Valerian regulates the activity of the heart, acting through the central nervous system on palpitations. Valerian improves the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves spasms of the esophagus, helps regulate the secretion and excretion of bile. The therapeutic effect of valerian is due to the complex of substances it contains, and, above all, essential oil and alkaloids. In rhizomes and roots the amount of essential oil reaches 2%. Valerian preparations are used as a sedative for insomnia, nervous agitation, neuroses of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia, as well as for epilepsy, asthma, migraines, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and in the treatment of neurodermatitis. Sometimes valerian is used in combination with bromine preparations, cardiac and sedatives. In folk medicine, valerian is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, extracts and powders. An infusion of the root is used during menopause, after illnesses, as an appetite improver and general tonic. MINT restores strength, eliminates nervous overexcitation, nervousness due to lack of sleep. Reduces skin reactivity during nervous overexcitation or contact with irritating substances, increases the protective functions of the epidermis, and evens out skin color. Pharmacological properties of mint: choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, reduces the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, restorative, wound healing, diuretic. It has an antispasmodic effect on the blood vessels of the brain: for dizziness, nausea, vomiting, motion sickness in transport, for disorders of the vestibular system, it optimizes cerebral circulation. Mint has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect for caries, gum inflammation, and stomatitis. Eliminates bad breath associated with digestive disorders. Relieves an attack of heartburn, relieves cramps and colitis in the stomach and intestines. Has antiviral activity. Eliminates muscle pain. Makes menstruation less painful. HOPS - contains cellulose, pectin, glucose, fructose, organic and mineral acids: malic, citric, succinic, oxalic, phosphoric, silicon, copper salts, iron, sulfur, amino acids. The fruits (cones) contain essential oil, the bitter substance lipulin, ascorbic, hop tannin, humulenic and valeric acids, trimethylamine, resin, gum, coloring and tannins, choline, bitters, hypoxanthine, wax, phytoncides. Hops preparations have a calming, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. They are used for increased nervous and sexual excitability, insomnia, neurasthenia, radiculitis, kidney disease, painful menstruation, nocturnal emissions, menopause. Particularly effective for cystitis and urethritis. Hops are used for neuroses, hysteria, neuralgia, headaches, lack of appetite, gastritis, cholecystitis, kidney and bladder diseases, jaundice, multiple abscesses as a result of metabolic disorders, helminthic infestations, diseases of the spleen, scrofula.

Heartbeat is under control

The combination of valerian and motherwort in Evening Plus has a beneficial effect on the condition of not only the nervous system, but also the cardiovascular system.

It is not for nothing that motherwort received the specific name heartwort. In cardiology, plant-based drugs are used for the prevention and treatment of tachycardia, arterial hypertension and some other disorders of the blood vessels and heart.

The effect of motherwort on the cardiovascular system was most actively studied during the Great Patriotic War in conditions of shortage of medicines. This work was carried out by specialists from the Tomsk Medical Institute N.V. Vershinin and D.D. Yablokov. It was possible to establish that the plant is able to slow down the rhythm of heart contractions, increase their strength, expand the coronary arteries of the myocardium, eliminate vasospasm (narrowing of blood vessels caused by contraction of the muscle fibers of their walls), and reduce blood pressure [15]. Scientists name the main substances in motherwort that affect the cardiovascular system:

  • saponins have a hypotensive effect, normalize the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle, and increase the strength of these contractions;
  • triterpenes have an antiatherosclerotic effect (M.Y. Bilozir, V.P. Novikov, 2008 [16])
  • the alkaloid stachydrine slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure;
  • iridoids (augol, ayugoside, galiridoside) dilate the vessels that feed the heart muscle, reduce blood pressure, normalize heart rhythm, and increase the force of myocardial contractions;
  • potassium and sodium salts regulate blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels;
  • calcium salts are necessary for the contraction of myocardial muscle fibers and regulate the rhythm of these contractions;
  • flavonoids (rutin, derivatives of quercetin and apigenin) strengthen blood vessels, eliminate their spasms, reduce blood pressure, and slow down the heart rate;
  • Lavandulifolioside reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, lengthens the time it takes for excitation to pass from the atria to the ventricular myocardium, the time during which electrical excitation of the myocardium provides contraction of the ventricles, and the time of excitation of the ventricles of the heart (K. Milkowska-Leyck, B. Filipek, H. Strzelecka , 2002 [17]);
  • cardiac glycosides of the bufadienolide type delay the heart rhythm in the stage of short-term myocardial rest and enhance its contraction, thereby eliminating arrhythmia and normalizing the work of the heart muscle (A. Ya. Kobzar, 1990 [18]]; A. Matkowski, M. Piotrowska, 2006 [19]);
  • leonurine is a natural cardioprotector, effectively reduces vascular muscle tone (CX Chen, CY Kwan, 2001 [20]), has a hypotensive effect, and has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties (X. Song, T. Wang, Z. Zhang et al., 2015 [21]), reduces the size of the zone of tissue necrosis during a heart attack.

All these substances affect the excitability, automaticity and conductivity of the heart muscle both at the organ level and at the level of the individual cell. In this case, various mechanisms are involved.

In general, motherwort has:

  • cardiotonic properties (A.D. Turova, E.N. Sapozhnikova, 1984 [22]; A. Matkowski, M. Piotrowska, 2006 [19]), especially pronounced in neuroses, angina pectoris, arterial hypertension;
  • cardioprotective properties (J. Bernatoniene, DM Kopustinskiene et al., 2014 [23]).
  1. Wojtyniak, M. Szymanski and colleagues (2013) note that the use of motherwort can prevent the development of strokes in patients with hypertension [24]. And IE Orhan, A. Gokbulut (2017) report the possibility of using the plant for heart failure [25].

Valerian officinalis also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. The plant improves the functioning of the myocardium in ensuring blood circulation and its saturation with oxygen, dilates the vessels that feed the heart muscle, slows down the rhythm of the heartbeat, and lowers blood pressure.

The authoritative reference book of medicines VIDAL reports that valerian affects heart function both directly and indirectly. In the first case, the plant affects the contractility of the myocardium, its conducting muscle fibers, as well as the tone of the coronary vessels. In the second - on the central nervous system. The fact is that overexcitation of the latter (for example, in a stressful situation) entails narrowing of blood vessels, hardening and thinning of their walls, poor circulation, increased heart rate and, ultimately, weakening of the heart muscle. By exerting an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, valerian prevents all these processes or eliminates them if they are already taking place.

Let's name the biologically active substances of the plant that support the healthy state of the heart and blood vessels:

  • valepotriates relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the walls of blood vessels, and the antispasmodic effect is 1.6 times greater than papaverine;
  • alkaloids and glycosides have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the neuromuscular apparatus of the heart, have a vasodilator and hypotensive effect;
  • borneol prevents spasm of blood vessels supplying the heart, and thereby improves blood circulation in them;
  • valerenic acid relaxes the striated muscle of the heart and relieves spasm of the smooth muscles of the vascular walls (KJ Kemper, 1999 [2]; H. Hendriks 1985 [26]); the antispasmodic effect is 3 times greater than papaverine (P. Yu. Shkrobotko , A.V. Tkachev, M.S. Yusubov et al., 2009 [27]);
  • saponins normalize the conduction activity of the heart muscle, restore heart contraction rhythms, and have a cardioprotective effect;
  • Valeric and isovaleric acids relieve spasms of smooth muscles and eliminate heart pain.

antiarrhythmic properties in valerian officinalis in 2009 [28]. And experts from the University of Surrey in the UK found that the plant can prevent increased blood pressure and increased heart rate during stressful situations [29].

Naturalis evening valerian + hops + mint No. 50 tab. /parapharm/


Evening Valerian is a medicine that has a general calming effect on the central nervous system, reduces the level of anxiety and emotional restlessness, normalizes heart function, causes a decrease in tone or eliminates spasms of smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs, removes excess cholesterol from the body, and leads to a decrease in blood pressure. The drug is of plant origin and contains valerian, hops, and mint. Thanks to this composition, the drug has a complex effect on the body. It is an effective tranquilizer and sedative medication.

The medication has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizing their function and dilating the coronary vessels. In addition, the drug helps lower blood pressure. Additional components of Evening Valerian are mint and hops, which also have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Medicinal properties of mint. Mint is used to combat inflammation of the gastric mucosa, bowel movement disorders, involuntary contractions of the smooth muscles of the walls of the stomach and intestines, and simultaneous inflammation of the small and large intestines. This plant is used for colds as an expectorant. The substance has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, expanding them. Medicines based on mint are used to combat inflammation of the stomach, flatulence and loose stools. Medicines with mint help get rid of acute respiratory viral diseases during complex therapy. In addition, this substance has a calming effect on the central nervous system. Thanks to the effects of mint, appetite improves and the digestion process is normalized; in addition, preparations with mint help get rid of parasites.

Medicinal properties of hops. Hops contain a wide range of plant and beneficial components: essential oils, lipulin, vitamin C, hop tannic acid, humulinone isomers, pentanoic acid, tertiary amine, resin, gum, vitamin B4, bitterness, wax. Preparations with hops have a sedative effect; in addition, such drugs are considered diuretics, relieve signs of inflammation, relieve involuntary muscle contractions, and relieve pain. Such drugs are recommended for use in cases of nervous excitement, sexual arousal, sleep disorders, increased fatigue, irritability, headaches, disease of the spinal nerve roots, kidney disease, algodismenorrhea, involuntary ejaculation, menopause, inflammation of the bladder and urethra. In combination, the medication has a calming and relaxing effect. This is an effective dietary supplement that is widely used in medicine. The drug Evening Valerian with hops and mint is used to combat nervous agitation, headaches, sleep disturbances, disorders of the central nervous system, seizures, increased irritability, lack of appetite and kidney disease. The drug lowers the heart rate, relieves anxiety, relieves signs of dyspnea, and helps cope with emotional overload.

Spasms and pain with Evening Plus tablets are not scary!

According to statistics, 60% of requests for medical help for pain are caused by spasms - involuntary contractions of one or more muscles, due to which the space inside a hollow organ (vessel, intestines, stomach and others) narrows. This can happen for various reasons. One of them is stress. Negative emotions provoke the release of the stress hormone adrenaline into the blood. This leads to the fact that muscle tone increases, all processes that are currently unimportant for the body, for example, digestion, freeze. If a person’s emotional state does not normalize in the near future, the functioning of the organs is disrupted. the Evening Plus dragee can correct this situation.

Motherwort contains several compounds that can relieve muscle spasms and pain caused by them:

  • flavonoids: the antispasmodic properties of the compounds are manifested in relation to the smooth muscles of the coronary (to a lesser extent - cerebral) vessels, intestines, bronchi, biliary tract, uterus; the most active are quercetin, rutin and luteolin (N.N. Egorova, a herbal specialist with 40 years of experience [30]);
  • iridoids (monoterpene glycosides, bitters) relieve spasms in the intestines or reduce their severity, relieve headaches caused by cerebral vasospasm, and can increase the effectiveness of complex therapy for arterial hypertension;
  • coumarins affect the smooth muscles of internal organs and the walls of coronary vessels;
  • alkaloids (stahydrine, leonurine, leonurinine, leonuridine, choline) relieve vascular spasms, improving blood supply to tissues and organs; scientists (CX Chen, CY Kwan, 2001 [20]) suggest that this is done by suppressing the movement of calcium ions inward cells and the release of intracellular calcium ions, leonurin is a stimulator of muscle contractions of the uterus;
  • essential oils, which include limonene, linalool, caryophyllene, α-humulene, β-pinene, help relieve spasms of the blood vessels of the heart and brain.

Research in recent years has shown that motherwort is effective for severe spasms of blood vessels in the heart and brain, especially in combination with other herbs with antispasmodic effects, for example, valerian. The latter is also often prescribed as an adjuvant for smooth muscle spasms (P. Morazzoni, E. Bombardelli, 1995 [31]).

In 1980, E. Holm, H. Kowollik, A. Reinecke and a group of like-minded people organized an experiment on animals (cats), during which it was possible to establish that valerian can reduce muscle tone by 30-40% [32]. 30 years later, Iranian specialists from Rafsanjan University under the leadership of ME Rezvani confirmed the antispasmodic effect of the plant in experiments on rats [33]. It turned out that it extends not only to the smooth muscles of the hollow internal organs, but also to the striated (skeletal) muscles that move bone levers. There, in Iran, two blinded, placebo-controlled human studies were organized (2011 and 2016 [34], [35]). The ability of valerian to suppress spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus associated with the separation of the endometrium during menstruation was studied. It turned out that the plant can ease the symptoms of PMS and reduce pain.

What compounds in valerian provide its antispasmodic properties? First of all, isovaleric acid. In 2004, Australian scientist MJ Eadie from the University of Queensland suggested that this substance acts similarly to valproic acid [36]. The latter is used to eliminate seizures in epilepsy. Isovaleric acid can also prevent involuntary muscle contractions, but is not as toxic as its synthetic counterpart, which provokes the development of liver failure, dementia with brain atrophy and other disorders.

Valerian valepotriates, especially valtrate and dihydrovaltrate, also demonstrate antispasmodic properties (H. Wagner, K. Jurcic, 1979 [37]). These substances are able to relax smooth muscle, presumably either by binding to it or by modulating the penetration of calcium ions into cells (P. Morazzoni, E. Bombardelli, 1995 [31], B. Hazelhoff, TM Malingre et al., 1982 [ 38]).

Dragee "Evening" Plus valerian + motherwort No. 60 (Parapharm) (dietary supplement)

pharmachologic effect

Thanks to the natural complex of substances, EVCHERNEY dragee has sedative, tranquilizing, regulating cardiac activity and moderate hypotensive properties, and is a mild antispasmodic.
VALERIAN has a multifaceted effect on the body. It has a calming effect on the excited nervous system. Valerian regulates the activity of the heart, acting through the central nervous system on palpitations. Valerian improves the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves spasms of the esophagus, helps regulate the secretion and excretion of bile.

The therapeutic effect of valerian is due to the complex of substances it contains, and, above all, essential oil and alkaloids. In rhizomes and roots the amount of essential oil reaches 2%.

Valerian preparations are used as a sedative for insomnia, nervous agitation, neuroses of the cardiovascular system, tachycardia, as well as for epilepsy, asthma, migraines, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and in the treatment of neurodermatitis. Sometimes valerian is used in combination with bromine preparations, cardiac and sedatives. In folk medicine, valerian is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, extracts and powders. An infusion of the root is used during menopause, after illnesses, as an appetite improver and general tonic.

MINT restores strength, eliminates nervous overexcitation, nervousness due to lack of sleep. Reduces skin reactivity during nervous overexcitation or contact with irritating substances, increases the protective functions of the epidermis, and evens out skin color.

Pharmacological properties of mint: choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, reduces the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, restorative, wound healing, diuretic.

It has an antispasmodic effect on the blood vessels of the brain: for dizziness, nausea, vomiting, motion sickness in transport, for disorders of the vestibular system, it optimizes cerebral circulation. Mint has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect for caries, gum inflammation, and stomatitis. Eliminates bad breath associated with digestive disorders. Relieves an attack of heartburn, relieves cramps and colitis in the stomach and intestines. Has antiviral activity. Eliminates muscle pain. Makes menstruation less painful.

HOPS - contains cellulose, pectin, glucose, fructose, organic and mineral acids: malic, citric, succinic, oxalic, phosphoric, silicon, copper salts, iron, sulfur, amino acids.

The fruits (cones) contain essential oil, the bitter substance lipulin, ascorbic, hop tannin, humulenic and valeric acids, trimethylamine, resin, gum, coloring and tannins, choline, bitters, hypoxanthine, wax, phytoncides. Hops preparations have a calming, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. They are used for increased nervous and sexual excitability, insomnia, neurasthenia, radiculitis, kidney disease, painful menstruation, nocturnal emissions, menopause. Particularly effective for cystitis and urethritis. Hops are used for neuroses, hysteria, neuralgia, headaches, lack of appetite, gastritis, cholecystitis, kidney and bladder diseases, jaundice, multiple abscesses as a result of metabolic disorders, helminthic infestations, diseases of the spleen, scrofula.


Dragee Evening Plus Valerian plus Motherwort, indications for use

  • for problems falling asleep, sleep disorders;
  • with severe nervousness resulting from lack of sleep;
  • with nervous excitement.


The drug should not be used if a person has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Also, use is not practiced during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Before taking this medicine, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Directions for use and doses

Adults and children over 12 years of age take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day with meals as a mild sedative. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding


Side effects

The following symptoms may occur as side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • depressed state;
  • deterioration in performance.

special instructions

When taking the drug, you should drive vehicles and work with dangerous machinery carefully.

Before you start taking it, you should consult a specialist.


Under the influence of valerian preparations, the effect on the body of sleeping pills and other drugs that depress the central nervous system increases.

Before starting to use the drug, be sure to tell the doctor about other drugs that the patient uses for treatment.


In case of overdose, lethargy and drowsiness may occur.

Best before date

2 years

Storage conditions

In a dry, cool place, at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C.

Evening Plus – prevention of aging

There are a great many theories of aging. Among gerontological scientists, free radical is the most popular. According to it, we age due to the gradual accumulation of damage caused by free radicals in cells. The plants that make up the Evening Plus provide powerful antioxidant protection for the body.

Scientists from India SA Pilerood and J. Prakash in 2014 discovered antioxidant properties in valerian roots [39]. They are provided by a variety of plant flavonoids, as well as vitamin E.

Motherwort herb can also neutralize free radicals. This is confirmed by the results of a large number of research works. Thus, specialists from Poland A. Matkowski and M. Piotrowska in 2006 found that motherwort is highly effective as an oxidant trap [19]. MA Ebrahimzadeh and colleagues in 2009 revealed the plant’s high ability to form organometallic complexes, which allow them to remove free radicals from the body [40]. Czech and Lithuanian scientists - J. Bernatoniene, R. Masteikova and colleagues - have proven that in its antioxidant power, motherwort is superior to such powerful antioxidants as ginkgo biloba and hawthorn [41], [42]. The source of this power are plant flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, isoquercetin, quercitrin, quinqueloside, hyperoside, genquanine, epicatechin, procyanidin B2), carotene (provitamin A), as well as vitamins C, E and A.

Experts often recommend taking valerian and motherwort together. These plants significantly enhance each other's effects. Taking them together allows you to accelerate the onset of the therapeutic effect. Dragee Evening Plus will be especially useful for:

  • hysterical fits,
  • prolonged stress,
  • excessive mental excitability and resulting insomnia,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, manifested by irritation, neuroses, increased blood pressure,
  • diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • disturbances in concentration,
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, accompanied by increased heart rate and hyperexcitability.

The convenient form of the drug - dragee - ensures a pleasant taste and dosage accuracy. The therapeutic effect occurs quickly and lasts a long time.

It is also worth mentioning that Evening Plus uses varieties of valerian “Maun” and “Cardiola” and a variety of motherwort “Samarsky” with a high content of active ingredients. Medicinal plants are grown in our own fields in the Volga region.

Can valerian be considered a safe and effective remedy for insomnia?

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Home Health from A to Z Useful information Can valerian be considered a safe and effective remedy for insomnia?

Publication date: 12/08/2017

until January 31

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Valerian officinalis

There are many studies that show that valerian can help you fall asleep faster and improve your sleep. Usually we are talking about the processed roots of valerian officinalis (lat. Valeriana officinalis), the effects of which have been most studied. However, it is worth keeping in mind that not all studies have shown the effectiveness of valerian. In addition, its use may have certain risks.

Before using valerian supplements to treat insomnia, consider the following:

  • Medicines do not always solve the problem of insomnia

    . Cognitive behavioral therapy—for example, replacing anxious thoughts with positive ones—may be more effective and safer than medications for treating chronic insomnia. Also, insomnia may have important underlying causes, for example, sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, which require further examination.

  • The manufacturer may be misleading you

    . Do not rely on what the manufacturer claims about their product. To get an objective picture, look for information that confirms the manufacturer’s promises with independent research data.

  • Valerian is most effective when you take it for 2 weeks or more

    . Because different studies used different dosages and many studies were not rigorous enough, it is unclear which doses are most effective or how long a given dose should be taken.

  • Possible side effects

    . Although valerian is considered quite safe, side effects such as headache, dizziness, indigestion or insomnia may occur when taking it. Valerian may not be safe to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. There are also no safety estimates for its use in children under 3 years of age. If you suffer from liver disease, avoid using valerian. And, because valerian may cause drowsiness, do not drive a car or operate other dangerous equipment after taking the drug.

  • Possible drug interactions

    . Valerian may enhance the effects of other sleeping pills. It also enhances the sedative effect of alcohol, benzodiazepines and narcotic drugs. Valerian may reduce the effect of some prescription medications and may also interact with other dietary supplements, such as St. John's wort. If you plan to take valerian, check with your doctor about possible drug interactions.

And finally, persistent insomnia indicates that there is some kind of problem, ranging from bad sleep habits to various physical and psycho-emotional diseases. If you continue to experience insomnia, talk to your doctor about possible causes and treatments for this condition.

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  2. Kemper KJ Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) // Longwood Herbal Task Force. – 1999. – 25 p.
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