Bromelain: a digestive enzyme beneficial for weight loss


  • Replenishes the deficiency of digestive enzymes.
  • Improves the digestion process.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Promotes weight loss.

In the Bible, in the second Book of Kings, chapter twenty, the story of the fatal illness of King Hezekiah is told. Weeping, he asked the Lord for salvation, and the Lord heard him and decided to cure Hezekiah, and even add fifteen years to his days. He told people a simple recipe for healing: “Take a layer of smokes. And they took it and applied it to the boil; and he recovered..." This is the oldest documented case of enzyme therapy with complete recovery.

The primitive peoples of Africa, Asia, Australia, and America used this help from the Lord to treat abscesses, wounds and other diseases. In some cases, fig (fig) juice was dripped into the wound; sometimes papaya pulp or crushed fresh pineapple was applied to the wounds. This method of treatment with enzymes (from plant fruits) was based on practical experience. But from the point of view of modern science, the correction of almost all chronic diseases with the help of enzymes is quite possible.

Pineapple pulp not only has anti-inflammatory properties, but also increases the activity of other digestive enzymes, so it has long been recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to improve digestion. The healing properties of pineapple are due to the presence of a complex of enzymes in it under the general name “bromelain”.


It also has a wide spectrum of action as a digestive enzyme: it increases enzymatic activity, helps reduce the level of enzymes in digestive juices, and promotes the breakdown of protein foods and their absorption by the body. Bromelain also has the ability to break down fat, which makes it possible to include it in weight loss programs. It should be noted that bromelain has a wide range of pH activity - it has a positive effect on both the low pH of the stomach and the high pH of the small intestine.

When taken during or after meals, bromelain acts as a digestive enzyme to help improve digestion. When taken on an empty stomach, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Bromelain instructions for use

Composition and release form The drug is available in white plastic jars, each containing 60 capsules. One dietary supplement tablet contains: Bromelain (2400 GDU/g) - 500 mg. Calcium (from calcium carbonate) - 40 mg. Bromelain: properties The positive properties of bromelain are quite numerous: - Promotes weight loss. This does not at all contradict what was said above. The drug does not really burn fat, but it helps achieve slimness in other ways, namely, it improves the quality of digestion and assimilation of food. Normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to maintaining optimal weight, and bromelain helps achieve this. The contribution is small but significant. — Improves the condition of patients with poor digestion. Some gastrointestinal diseases may cause problems known collectively as “indigestion.” Bromelain contributes to their successful resolution. It is especially valuable for stagnation of bile and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. — Improves the condition of joints. Scientists came to this rather unexpected conclusion when they began to study the properties of bromelain in patients with arthritis. Certain combinations of dietary supplements, including bromelain, had a positive effect on the condition of patients. — Helps with inflammatory diseases of any nature (especially when used along with dietary supplements Rutin and Trypsin). — Improves the effectiveness of sports training, accelerates muscle recovery after exercise. — Reduces blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots. — Has a slight stimulating effect on the immune system. Attention! It is known that, in addition to those listed, the dietary supplement bromelain is also credited with other properties: anti-cancer, anti-aging, antispasmodic, etc. Unfortunately, in fact, the dietary supplement does not have such qualities, at least not one of the latest studies has shown this.

Bromelain: Indications and Contraindications Bromelain is a remedy that can be prescribed to people for a wide range of conditions. — Diseases of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract. - Oncological diseases. — Excess weight (as part of a set of weight loss measures). - Arthritis. - Inflammatory diseases. — Viral diseases (herpes or AIDS). — To improve recovery after physical activity. - With a tendency to form blood clots. — Various types of injuries (swelling, hematomas, wounds). — As one of the means of preventing heart attacks and strokes. Pregnant, breastfeeding and allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate bromelain are contraindicated. Others can use it in recommended dosages.

Bromelain: instructions for use The drug should be taken according to the regimen “1 capsule once a day.” It is advisable to take them immediately before, after or during meals.

Manufacturer: NOW Foods, Bloomingdale, IL 60108 USA

Side effects and contraindications

Individual intolerance to dietary supplement components. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Information for specialists about application features

There are several hypotheses regarding the mechanisms of action of bromelain due to which it has anti-inflammatory properties. The inflamed area is surrounded by a layer of fibrin, a pro-inflammatory compound. Bromelain is able to prevent edema by activating proteases that break down fibrin. Bromelain also stops the formation of kinins, compounds produced during inflammation that contribute to increased joint pain and swelling.

Source of information - materials of the company Altera Holding
Certificate of state registration No.

Bromelain: “tasty” weight loss?

A few years ago, we were overwhelmed by another wave of advertising for anti-obesity drugs that included bromelain, an extract from pineapple. The manufacturers claimed that “1 g of bromelain breaks down 900 g of fat,” and for the effect produced by one capsule of the drug, you need to eat from 10 to 20 kg of pineapples, while bashfully keeping silent about the fact that the bromelain enzyme is also found in other plants, but it is extracted industrially from a pineapple trunk. Not the fruit, but the trunk. At the same time, the drug was called a “fat burner.”

But this is an outright lie, because bromelain is an enzyme that breaks down complex proteins into simpler amino acid compounds. In its action, Bromelain is similar to the action of pepsin and trypsin - digestive enzymes of gastric juice. But even from school courses we know that fatty acids and proteins from amino acids are different compounds. And to break them down in the body, different enzymes are required - organic substances that can convert one chemical compound into another. {banner_st-d-1}

There are no universal enzymes in our body that can break down everything. But bromelain can only have an indirect effect on the breakdown of fats in the digestive system - by stimulating the action of other enzymes. With systemic use, no fat-burning effect on fats in body cells was detected.

This is one of the main reasons why now, in addition to the amount of extract, reputable manufacturers also indicate activity. Activity is measured in GDU - Gelatin Dissolving Unit - gelatin dissolving units. In other words, the more active bromelain is, the more gelatinous protein it can break down into simpler compounds. Drugs with good activity start at 1600 GDU. And 2000 GDU and more are already considered high quality.

But not everything is so simple. Although bromelain is not beneficial for burning fat, it does have other benefits. In order to get results other than improving digestion, bromelain is taken on an empty stomach (on an empty stomach). In this case, it is able to be partially absorbed into the blood and have other effects on the body.{banner_st-d-2}

Here are the three main effects of bromelain. 1. The simplest and most understandable thing is that since bromelain is capable of breaking down proteins, it can be used to improve digestion while reducing the secretion of digestive enzymes by the pancreas. Or to improve digestion when overeating. But, since this is not a complex drug, such as combined drugs with animal and plant enzymes (Creon, Wobenzym, etc.), then don’t expect much effect from it!

2. Bromelain, when used systemically, can counteract platelet aggregation. This leads to the so-called “blood thinning” and allows, to a certain extent, to combat the development of vascular atherosclerosis. In Europe, studies are currently being conducted on the use of bromelain in the complex treatment of coronary heart disease (angina), as well as for more effective recovery after strokes and heart attacks.

3. And the main property for which bromelain is mainly used is its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. That is why it is primarily used by athletes to relieve joint injuries, sprains and ruptures of connective ligaments and muscles. Less pain, less inflammation and faster recovery.

A certain therapeutic effect when taking bromelain is observed for bronchial asthma, various non-traumatic arthritis (rheumatoid, polyarthritis), as well as for chronic inflammatory processes in the middle and lower parts of the digestive system. At the same time, in acute conditions and during inflammatory processes in the stomach and duodenum, bromelain is contraindicated due to a possible direct damaging effect - after all, it is a proteolytic enzyme.

For example, on a can of bromelain from Sunshine Naturals (2400 GDU), the indications only state that it is used for wound healing and pain relief from sports injuries and in the postoperative period (according to the German and American drug regulatory organizations). And not a word about other “benefits”.

Bromelain: properties

A herbal preparation, Bromelain, which is based on fresh pineapples, or rather their core, which is not used for food. According to research, the drug improves digestion, alleviates traumatic inflammation, relieves swelling, and increases the regenerative properties of tissues. The drug’s ability to prevent the formation of blood clots by normalizing blood clotting parameters was also noted. There is reason to believe that the drug has a beneficial effect on the body as a prophylactic against a predisposition to cancer. The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of arthritis, as a restorative agent after intense training, has been proven. The enzyme affects body weight by optimizing digestion, accelerating the flow of amino acids into the blood during the breakdown of protein. This process promotes the growth of muscle mass, so in combination with fitness training it can be indirectly used for weight correction. There are a number of contraindications for people with liver and kidney pathologies. Not recommended for children and pregnant women.

This drug has strong immunomodulatory properties, because... has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Bromelain (Altera Holding) is a natural enzyme and therefore helps normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Side effects and precautions

Bromelain is generally well accepted by the body and does not cause side effects. However, in some cases, taking such an enzyme is unsafe. Because bromelain helps prevent blood clots, extreme caution should be taken when taking this supplement at the same time as any anti-clotting medications. The same applies to surgery: avoid taking this supplement immediately after surgery as it may increase the risk of bleeding.

Side effects associated with this enzyme typically include gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, changes in stool, and increased gas production. It is also possible to have a bromelain allergy, which usually causes symptoms such as itchy mouth or skin, rash, breathing problems, nasal congestion and watery eyes.

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Bromelain Supplements and Their Dosage

How much bromelain should you take daily? The most common dosages of this enzyme range from 200 to 2000 milligrams per day (usually on the order of 500-800 milligrams per day). ()

However, doctors may recommend different doses for different conditions. Below are the recommended doses of bromelain depending on the condition:

  • For the treatment of arthritis - 400 milligrams 1-2 times a day
  • For allergy relief - 1000 milligrams of bromelain and quercetin per day
  • For cancer prevention - 2000 milligrams per day, ideally together with other proteolytic enzymes
  • To improve digestion - 500 milligrams 3 times a day with meals; some people prefer to mix bromelain powder with water and drink it before meals
  • When recovering from surgery - 1000 milligrams 3 times a day between meals

Bromelain should be taken on an empty stomach unless the enzyme is used to aid digestion. In this case, bromelain must be taken with food.

Bromelain is considered a natural supplement and not a drug, so it is not regulated by the FDA. Despite this, the Dietary Supplement Act (DSHEA, 1994) allows the sale of dietary supplements containing bromelain, especially those intended for the treatment of wounds and burns.

You can usually buy bromelain in specialized health food stores. Some of the best supplement manufacturers combine bromelain with other digestive enzymes to enhance their effectiveness. In such supplements you can find, for example, amylase (an enzyme necessary for the proper digestion of glucose). Choose a full spectrum enzyme supplement for overall digestive health and other benefits.

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