Mkts ankir-b microcrystalline cellulose tablets 100 pcs

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Dietary supplement - a source of dietary fiber . The main advantages of this product, in comparison with other MCCs, are increased sorption properties and hygroscopicity.

The quality of MCC Evalar meets international standards, since the dietary fiber in this preparation is ultrafinely purified. Normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes, reduces the feeling of hunger, accelerates the transit of food in the gastrointestinal tract. Provides removal of cholesterol , toxic substances, radionuclides and metabolic products.


Due to hygroscopicity, dietary fiber swells in the intestines and absorbs toxic compounds and metabolic products, which are then excreted from the body.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Microcrystalline cellulose MCC Ankir-B Evalar to normalize gastrointestinal function and improve metabolism, take 3-5 tablets orally before meals 3 times a day. During a course of treatment, you must consume at least 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid during the day (including liquid meals and drinks).

For the purpose of recovery, the course is 25-30 days. After 10-14 days the course can be repeated.

In order to lose weight, the dose should be increased - 10 tablets. 3 times on a low-calorie diet. It is allowed to replace dinner with tablets. Duration of use is 2–3 months without interruption. At the same time, weight is steadily reduced, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism improves.

The daily dose should be increased gradually. For example, at first take only 5 tablets for 5 days, and then gradually increase the required daily dose to 15 or 20-30 tablets. It depends on the goal being pursued. If discomfort in the intestines occurs, you need to reduce the daily dose and take the drug after meals.

For IHD, take up to 10-20 tablets per day, along with basic diets. There is an improvement in lipid metabolism, blood supply to the myocardium , a decrease in cholesterol levels, and increased endurance to physical activity.

In case of gastroenterological diseases, it is also recommended to take 10-20 tablets.

There is a decrease in gas formation, stool normalization, pain in the epigastric region and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen disappear.

MCC can be used as an additive to dishes. MCC tablets softened in water are added to semi-finished products (egg whites, dough, minced meat and fish), and to ready-made porridge. When preparing the sauce, add 3 tablets per 500 g. The daily dose for an adult is no more than 50 tablets in all dishes.

Microcrystalline cellulose MCC tablets No. 100

Product description

Dietary fiber is the material that makes up the cell walls of plants (vegetables, fruits, grains, etc.). Refining (purification) of food causes a lack of dietary fiber in the diet, which leads to changes in metabolism, changes in the balance of intestinal microflora, and the natural motor function of the intestine decreases. In the gastrointestinal tract, MCC forms a stable colloidal gel or dispersion. Its particles, absorbing moisture, swell and retain components of decay products and toxins. MCC particles are not able to retain and remove proteins and complex molecules of nutrients necessary for the body from the body, thus, taking MCC does not upset the nutritional balance. The ability of MCC to form bonds with fat-like compounds (cholesterol) has been confirmed, which prevents their absorption into the bloodstream. Moving through the gastrointestinal tract, MCC irritates mechanoreceptors, which supports the secretory and motor function of the small and large intestines. In addition, MCC participates in the formation of feces, increasing their weight and volume due to moisture filling and loosening, accelerating intestinal passage, and reducing intraintestinal pressure. The most important advantage of dietary fiber is its low energy value (0 calories) and the ability to cause a feeling of fullness, which allows you to control your appetite, and this, in turn, is important for those who are watching their weight. The microflora of the large intestine plays a major role in the life of the whole organism. Beneficial bacteria need dietary fiber the most. The intestinal microflora, processing fiber, synthesizes B vitamins, vitamin PP and vitamin K. The mechanism of protection of the large intestine is to reduce the duration of contact of toxic substances entering the intestine or formed in it with the intestinal mucosa, reducing their absorption, reducing the time of movement of intestinal gruel through intestines, normalization of saprophytic (useful) intestinal microflora. Cleansing and healing the body, controlling body weight are based on the physiological need of the body for dietary fiber. Microcrystalline cellulose MCC Ankir-B helps to: reduce the feeling of hunger, reduce the amount of food consumed and effectively lose weight, maintain normal intestinal function, cleanse the body of toxins. Dietary fiber refers to nutrients (food components) and the body constantly needs them as basic nutrients, so the recommended course can be repeated periodically. Taking 15 tablets (daily intake) provides 21% of the recommended daily dietary fiber intake. When using MCC Ankir-B, it is important to take it regularly and have a sufficient amount of fluid consumed - at least 2.0 liters per day, including liquid in dishes and drinks. At the first time of taking MCC Ankir-B, you may experience discomfort in the intestines, which may be due to a deficiency of the microflora that absorbs dietary fiber. In this case, it is necessary to start with a minimum intake (3-5 tablets per day) of MCC Ankir-B and then increase the number of tablets taken over the course of several weeks to the norms specified in the recommendations.

Recommendations for use

Adults: 3-5 tablets 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, with 1 glass of water. Duration of treatment: 1 month. Regular use with a 10-day break is allowed.


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Buy microcrystalline cellulose MCC tablets No. 100 in the pharmacy

Price for microcrystalline cellulose MCC tablets No. 100

Instructions for use for microcrystalline cellulose MCC tablets No. 100


Fiber or digestive fiber is an essential component of food. Lack of dietary fiber causes metabolic disorders (atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes), cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Dietary fiber is an enterosorbent that helps rid the body of toxic substances and metabolic products. They are necessary to improve metabolism and function of the gastrointestinal tract (eliminates gas formation and constipation), to improve the intestinal microflora.

By swelling in the gastrointestinal tract, they reduce the feeling of hunger and therefore the amount of food eaten decreases. This property allows you to use dietary fiber for weight loss.

Microcrystalline cellulose is dietary fiber or cellulose obtained from plant materials, therefore all these properties are inherent in the Evalar MCC, which has only positive reviews from doctors.

Taking 10-15 tablets replenishes the physiological need for fiber by 15-25%. Clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness of MCC Evalar as a means that helps prevent many diseases, general health of the body, and weight loss. It is used for ischemic heart disease , atherosclerosis , diabetes mellitus , and for the prevention of cancer . The important thing is that MCC can be taken during breastfeeding .

Many people use MCC Evalar for weight loss. The reviews are both positive (the product helped to lose weight) and negative.

“You can actually lose weight. The effect is amazing -15 in 3 months” “This product helped me - I lost 5 kg in a month, so with this product you can lose weight for any holiday”

"A good appetite suppressant"

“...I drank three packs of MCC, but didn’t notice any results”

“I had the opposite effect - I wanted to eat even more, my appetite was brutal, and I still had pain in my stomach. I suffered for two weeks and quit. I am disappointed"

“There is no effect. Creates artificial satiety for a short time, stretches the stomach. You need to drink a large dose of 6-10 tablets at a time and 2 liters of water per day.”

As you can see, the remedy manifested itself differently in different people, which depended on individual sensitivity. Even if you don’t lose weight, there is no harm from it, and the benefits in terms of health improvement are obvious.

MCC Ankir-B, tbl 500 mg No. 100


Microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable calcium stearate (anti-caking agent).

Indications for use

Microcrystalline cellulose MCC Ankir-B promotes:

  • reducing feelings of hunger;
  • reducing the amount of food consumed and effective weight loss;
  • maintaining normal bowel function;
  • cleansing the body of toxins.


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Directions for use and doses

Adults: 3-5 tablets 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, with 1 glass of water.
Duration of treatment: 1 month. Regular use with a 10-day break is allowed.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

3 years.

special instructions

Dietary supplement (dietary supplement). Not a medicine.


Dietary fiber is the material that makes up the cell walls of plants (vegetables, fruits, grains, etc.). Refining (purification) of food causes a lack of dietary fiber in the diet, which leads to changes in metabolism, changes in the balance of intestinal microflora, and the natural motor function of the intestine decreases. In the gastrointestinal tract, MCC forms a stable colloidal gel or dispersion. Its particles, absorbing moisture, swell and retain components of decay products and toxins. MCC particles are not able to retain and remove proteins and complex molecules of nutrients necessary for the body from the body, thus, taking MCC does not upset the nutritional balance. The ability of MCC to form bonds with fat-like compounds (cholesterol) has been confirmed, which prevents their absorption into the bloodstream.

Moving through the gastrointestinal tract, MCC irritates mechanoreceptors, which supports the secretory and motor function of the small and large intestines. In addition, MCC is involved in the formation of feces, increasing their weight and volume due to moisture filling and loosening, accelerating intestinal passage, and reducing intraintestinal pressure.

Dietary fiber refers to nutrients (food components) and the body constantly needs them as basic nutrients, so the recommended course can be repeated periodically.

Taking 15 tablets (daily intake) provides 21% of the recommended daily dietary fiber intake.

When using MCC Ankir-B, it is important to take it regularly and have a sufficient amount of fluid consumed - at least 2 liters per day, including liquid in dishes and drinks.

At the first time of taking MCC Ankir-B, you may experience discomfort in the intestines, which may be due to a deficiency of the microflora that absorbs dietary fiber. In this case, it is necessary to start with a minimum intake (3-5 tablets per day) of MCC Ankir-B and then increase the number of tablets taken over the course of several weeks to the norms specified in the recommendations.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Price, where to buy

Today, many pharmacies offer MCC Evalar. You can buy 500 mg tablets No. 100 at a price of 79 rubles. up to 125 rub. The dietary supplement can be purchased from official representatives of the Evalar company and in herbal pharmacies.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • MCC Ankir-B source of dietary fiber tablets Evalar 100 pcs Evalar ZAO
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