Portalac and other Russian and foreign substitutes for Duphalac

Constipation is sad, sad and offensive. Why the body was offended is unclear! At least, that’s what the toilet sufferer thinks. Although, frankly speaking, the most expensive thing - a roll of toilet paper - the owner did not like his body. He ate fatty and heavy foods, led an exclusively sedentary lifestyle, smoked and drank little fluid. Now we have to deal with defecation disorders. And the sufferer is tormented - what laxative drug should he take? And so that he would help, and it would be safe! In this case, Duphalac is the drug of choice, which method of administration of the drug is suitable for adults and children.

Composition and purpose of Duphalac

The manufacturer positions Duphalac as a laxative with a mild effect. The drug contains lactulose, which provides a laxative effect. There are no sugars, preservatives, starch or stabilizers in Duphalac.

The drug is usually prescribed to patients who need to stimulate intestinal motility. Its contractions help soften feces and allow them to be removed freely from the body.

Indications for the use of Duphalac are:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • food poisoning;
  • chronic constipation, including those associated with diseases of the digestive system;
  • the need to prepare the body for the examination;
  • cases of planned surgical intervention;
  • recovery period after surgical removal of hemorrhoids.

In addition to the laxative effect, lactulose, which is part of the medicine, improves the functioning of the intestines and inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora.
Thanks to this, the balance of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is stabilized. Since Duphalac has a delicate effect on the digestive organs, it can even be used to treat newborn children. Regarding the duration of the course and dosage of the laxative, you should consult your doctor.

Duphalac - side effects

There are no safe drugs. Some side effects occur more often, others less often. But there are no drugs completely without side effects. Duphalac was no exception. Side effects of the drug:

  • Flatulence – occurs in the first few days of treatment. Usually goes away on its own. But if such phenomena occur, doctors recommend reducing the dosage of the drug. The product improves intestinal motility processes, so increased gas formation is possible.
  • Violation of water-electrolyte balance - occurs with prolonged overdose of Duphalac. If you follow the rules for taking the drug, long-term diarrhea is not observed. Most often, this side effect occurs in patients with liver failure.
  • Epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting.

Side effects occur with equal frequency in adults and children.

What is the therapeutic effect based on?

The drug acts directly in the intestines. Lactulose is a polysaccharide. They accumulate water in the intestinal cavity. This is how lactulose changes the consistency of stool.

Duphalac is capable of:

  1. Cause a laxative effect without causing dehydration.
  2. Promote the reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus ions by the intestinal walls.
  3. Normalize intestinal microflora.
  4. Reduce the level of nitrogenous and other toxic substances, gently removing them from the body.

Duphalac can be used for a long time, since the product is not addictive.

The drug is not absorbed into the blood and is considered safe. Therefore, treatment with Duphalac is acceptable for newborns, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Despite the effectiveness and safety of the medicine, it has contraindications. These include:

  • violation of carbohydrate metabolism, because lactulose is a sugar;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • lactulose intolerance.

Prescribing laxatives to diabetics requires caution, because lactulose is a sugar.

Since Duphalac is considered an original medicine created directly to eliminate constipation and has passed the necessary clinical trials, the price of the drug is high in comparison with analogues.

Duphalac - special instructions

Duphalac has almost no contraindications

Despite minor side effects, lactulose preparations should be taken with caution in the following cases:

  1. When taking drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid and lactulose simultaneously, the effectiveness of these drugs is sharply reduced.
  2. The preparation contains residues of organic sugars - lactose, galactose, epilactose and fructose in the amount of 0.075 bread units per 5 ml. When treating diabetic patients, a daily dose of the drug will not cause harm. But this fact must be taken into account when treating liver failure in patients with diabetes, since high doses of the drug are indicated.
  3. Long-term use of Duphalac can worsen the state of water and electrolyte balance.
  4. The drug is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with alcoholic beverages.
  5. Duphalac does not impair concentration, so you are allowed to drive a car and work with precision instruments.
  6. Duphalac does not affect the patient's reproductive function.
  7. If during treatment the drug does not have an effect within 2 days, you should consult your doctor.

Russian analogues of Duphalac

After the release of an original drug with high effectiveness, third-party pharmaceutical corporations begin work on creating generics. This is the name given to analogues of successful drugs. Generics have similar composition and pharmacological properties, however, they differ favorably in cost. The most affordable are Russian analogues of Duphalac.


Poslabin did not undergo clinical trials. Therefore, the product is registered as a dietary supplement (dietary supplement). The developers were based on the already developed Duphalac formula.

Poslabin is available in the form:

  1. Tablets. The form is atypical for lactulose laxatives. Often these are syrups or powders.
  2. Syrup. Sometimes it is prescribed if it is necessary to replace Duphalac. However, the analogue can only be used to treat infants older than 6 weeks. The second difference from Duphalac is the price. It is lower, about 100 rubles.

In addition to lactulose, Poslabin contains silicon oxide and calcium stearate. The latter serves as an emulsifier, that is, it helps the other components mix.

Silicon oxide is a food additive of mineral origin. The white powder interacts with heavy metals and toxins, removing them from the body.


It is a dietary supplement, produced. Duphalac, by the way, is produced by the Dutch company Abbott.

Unlike the original product, Lactusan contains several sugars:

  • lactulose (about 45%);
  • fructose;
  • galactose.

Lactusan is positioned as a prebiotic that can normalize the composition of intestinal microflora. The drug is produced in the form of syrup and costs about 140 rubles.

According to the instructions, a Duphalac substitute is prescribed for dysbiosis of various types, as well as for the purpose of normalizing the functioning of the digestive system.


Another nutritional supplement. Prelax is a cheap, domestically produced analogue of Duphalac. The product is based on lactulose. Additionally added:

  • lactose;
  • galactose.

The purpose of Prelax is associated with the elimination of constipation, normalization of the bowel movement process before various studies or operations. Prelax is also prescribed for the treatment of certain liver diseases. The list includes cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Prelax costs about 200 rubles.

Sometimes the drug is prescribed as maintenance therapy for hemorrhoids. Since Prelax is a dietary supplement, it can be purchased without a prescription.


Lactulose is a budget substitute for Duphalac. It is produced not only by domestic pharmaceutical companies. The Russian version of the drug consists of:

  • lactulose;
  • citric acid;
  • water.

There are 25 grams of the last two components in 100 milliliters of medicine.
The rest is lactulose itself, after which the laxative is named. Imported analogues of Duphalac have a slightly different composition.

Lactulose is prescribed not only as a laxative, but also as part of a complex treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, salmonellosis, digestive disorders, and after resection of hemorrhoids.

Analogs produced in other countries

There are dozens of imported drugs similar to Duphalac. Some funds are issued in the near abroad, others - beyond its borders.

Ukrainian analogues

All analogues produced by Ukrainian companies are allowed for use by pregnant and lactating women and children.

4 Ukrainian analogues of Duphalac are popular on the Russian market:

  1. Bioflorax. Created on the basis of lactulose. The drug has a laxative effect and is prescribed for any conditions leading to defecation disorders.
  2. Lactuvit. Also contains lactulose. The drug is classified as hypoammonemic. These are capable of changing the structure of feces and improving intestinal motility.
  3. Depurax. Recommended for patients with defecation disorders. After using the drug, the physiological process of bowel movements is normalized. Syrup with lactulose is available in packaged form.
  4. Normolakt. The composition is as similar as possible to Duphalac. Not only the active substance is identical, but also the additional ones. The syrup helps eliminate constipation and normalize the bowel movement process.

Ukrainian drugs compare favorably in price, costing 90-150 rubles.

Belarusian analogues

There are also generics of Duphalac among Belarusian drugs:

  1. Silact. Recommended for patients with stool disorders and hepatic encephalopathy. The drug is available in syrup form.
  2. Forject. It is a macrogol laxative. Ethylene glycol polymer replaces lactulose. Forject is used to eliminate systematic constipation in patients over 8 years of age. The medicine is not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Castor oil is the cheapest medicine with a laxative effect, but is prohibited for use by children and women during pregnancy. Also, castor oil should not be used for a long time.
  4. Picolax. The main purpose is atonic constipation and the need to normalize intestinal motility. The product belongs to the category of laxatives. Release form: oral solution. Contraindications to the use of Picolax are disorders of the digestive system and the first two trimesters of pregnancy.

The cost of Belarusian-made laxatives ranges from 45 to 300 rubles.

Croatian analogues

Not long ago, a new Croatian-made laxative, Portalac, appeared in pharmacies. Answering the question, which is better, Portalac or Duphalac, doctors note:

  • the preparations are 100 percent analogues, contain 67 grams of lactulose per 100 milliliters and water;
  • being true analogues, and not just drugs with similar effects, Portalac and Duphalac have identical indications and contraindications.

Portalac or Duphalac are chosen based on the cost suitable for the patient. The price of the Croatian drug is in the range of 265-490 rubles. Sometimes the choice is influenced by the availability of one medicine and the absence of another in the pharmacy.

Other analogues

When choosing a laxative medicine, you should pay attention to imported analogues:

  1. Legendal. In addition to lactulose and water, it contains citric acid and grapefruit flavoring. The drug is in granules. A solution for oral use is prepared from them. The contents of the package are diluted in water or juice and drunk immediately after meals. As a rule, the effect is observed after 12 hours. Legendal is prescribed not only for defecation disorders, but also for hepatic encephalopathy and the need for surgical intervention on the rectum or colon. It is not recommended to use the medicine for people with lactulose intolerance.
  2. Lizalak. This analogue of Duphalac is powdery. You need to prepare a solution. Indications and contraindications are the same as for lactulose or drugs based on it.

You should consult your doctor before using any drug.

Taking the drug in adults

It is better to take a laxative during breakfast.

If the doctor has not suggested another regimen, Duphalac is used by adults for constipation, 15-45 ml during the first dose, and 10-25 ml to consolidate the effect of using a laxative.

This medicine is used once, the best time to take it is in the morning, during breakfast. You need to drink it with plenty of liquid - tea, milk, water or fruit juice.

If this condition is met, the drug will enter the large intestine as soon as possible, where it will begin its activity. As soon as the desired effect is achieved, the dose of Duphalac is reduced.

Analogues of Duphalac for children

The treatment of constipation in children deserves special attention. Many laxatives are contraindicated for them. Duphalac is allowed, normalizes the level of beneficial intestinal microflora and stimulates intestinal contractions, ensuring its gentle emptying.

The dosage of the drug depends on the age and weight of the child. Children under 1 year of age are prescribed no more than 5 milliliters of syrup. Initially, it is recommended to give about 1 milliliter, gradually increasing the dose to 5. The course of treatment is prescribed individually and can last 3 or more weeks.

In addition to Duphalac, several other laxatives can be used from birth.


The main analogue of Duphalac for children. Along with lactulose, it contains citric acid and flavoring. Normaze is suitable for newborns and women during pregnancy. The drug has a mild laxative effect and is not addictive. The main indications for prescribing Normaze are:

  • constipation of various etiologies;
  • a change in the amount of ammonia in the intestines, which can be observed with the development of hepatic encephalopathy;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • reduction of pain at the time of defecation, which is typical for hemorrhoids.

It is preferable to take the drug in the evening before going to bed with plenty of water. The initial dosage is 10 milliliters.

Normaze is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, enzyme deficiency or lactose intolerance. In some cases, the medicine can cause side effects that are also typical for other lactulose-based drugs. Allergic reactions, heart rhythm disturbances, flatulence, convulsions, and severe diarrhea are observed. However, such reactions are often associated with an excessive dose of the drug taken.


They are classified as budget laxatives of foreign production.
It is produced by a Romanian pharmaceutical company. The composition of Romphalac is almost identical to Duphalac. Therefore, the analogue has the same pharmacological effect on the patient’s body:

  • improves the absorption of phosphates and calcium salts in the intestine;
  • increases the percentage of lactobacilli;
  • promotes the migration of ammonia from the blood to the intestines, thereby reducing the formation of nitrogen-containing toxins;
  • softens stool.

The cost of Romfalak is about 160 rubles.

Good luck

This is a Bulgarian laxative drug. Duphalac's analogue is also allowed for use by newborns and women during pregnancy.

The lactulose contained in Goodluck is broken down in the intestines into:

  1. Lactic acid.
  2. Vinegar.
  3. Grape acid.

These are organic compounds. They are the ones who facilitate the transition of ammonia from the blood to the intestines, freeing the body, along with feces, of toxins.

The composition, action, indications and contraindications of Goodluck and Duphalac are almost identical. However, the cost of the Bulgarian laxative is almost 100 rubles less.

How to take Duphalac

Duphalac can be used even for children

Lactulose syrup is taken both whole and diluted. Important! Duphalac should be swallowed immediately without keeping it in the mouth. You need to take the medicine at the same time every day – for example, early in the morning. During treatment with laxatives, you should drink a sufficient amount of fluid - from 1.5 to 2 liters of clean water per day. The dosage depends on the patient's age:

  • Babies from 0 to 1 year – 5 ml per day or 1 teaspoon
  • Children from 1 to 6 years old – from 5 to 10 ml – 1–2 teaspoons
  • Children from 6 to 14 years old – 15 ml – 1 tablespoon or 1 sachet
  • Teenagers from 14 years old and adults – from 15 to 45 ml – 1–3 sachets

For ease of dosing, a measuring cup is included with Duphalac. In the sachet, tear the edge of the corner and take the contents of the package. For comatose patients, the drug is administered through an enema or gastric tube.

Which medicine to choose

The listed drugs completely or mostly have the same composition, indications, contraindications, actions and side properties.

If the medicine contains any additional substances, including flavorings, the likelihood increases:

  • development of allergic reactions in patients;
  • occurrence of side effects.

Therefore, if a child or a pregnant woman needs help, it is advisable to choose the original laxative or its true analogues. These contain only the active ingredient and water. In other cases, the use of generics is allowed.

Analogues of Duphalac cannot be called medicines. There were no clinical trials. This means that laxatives are food additives. The products are used to maintain health. In the fight against pathologies, additives are an auxiliary element.

When choosing a laxative, it is worth remembering that in Duphalac, in addition to lactulose, only water is present. Analogs contain other components, including flavorings, that increase the risk of adverse or allergic reactions.

Differences between analogues and drugs of similar action

Generics are often an alternative to expensive medications. They may differ slightly in composition and dosage from the original. Produced as dietary supplements and thereby bypassing a number of clinical trials, generics:

  • competitively priced;
  • are rarely counterfeited, unlike the advertised original.

Most analogues are drugs with similar effects. To be true analogues, drugs must be 100% identical in composition, including the mass fractions of components.

The effect of generics with a similar effect is close to the effect of Duphalac. However, the production of alternatives often uses outdated equipment and raw materials of questionable quality. Because of this, the effectiveness of medicines may be reduced.

The differences between the originals and analogues of similar action are as follows:

  1. Composition. The active ingredients of the drugs are the same. However, more expensive medications may additionally contain vitamins or substances that can minimize unpleasant symptoms. The concentration of the active ingredient in generics can be lower than in the original product.
  2. Ease of use. As a rule, expensive drugs are produced in different forms. There are syrups, tablets, and solutions to choose from. Budget versions are often of the same form. In the case of laxatives, it is a powder. It is diluted before use, which many find inconvenient.

When planning to purchase an analogue instead of the original drug, you should:

  • consult with your doctor, since doctors usually know all the properties of the original and generic;
  • choose generics that have been produced for a long time and have proven themselves;
  • buy the product in large, trusted pharmacies;
  • give preference to medicines produced in countries where there is strict quality control of pharmaceutical products.

The United States, European Union countries, Japan, Canada, and Australia are known for the strictness of their legislation in the field of healthcare.

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