Pentovit 50 pcs. film-coated tablets

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a complex effect, which is determined by its constituent components.

Vitamin B1 has an active effect on the processes of neuromuscular regulation and is actively involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Vitamin B6 helps normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. It also takes an active part in the metabolic processes of the body. Participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B12 helps normalize the functioning of the liver and nervous system, stimulates the process of blood clotting, metabolic processes, and takes part in the synthesis of amino acids.

Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids.

Nicotinamide takes part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and in the processes of tissue respiration.

What vitamins are included in Pentovit?

The Pentovit multivitamin complex consists of 5 active water-soluble components:

  • 10 mg thiamine hydrochloride (B1);
  • 5 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6);
  • 0.4 mg folic acid (B9);
  • 20 mg of nicotinic acid (B3, PP);
  • 0.05 mg cyanocobalamin (B12).

Vitamin B1 normalizes the functioning of the neuromuscular system, is responsible for the production of the neurotransmitter ACH and the process of conducting nervous excitation at synapses. It affects the quality of memorizing information, the tone of the heart muscle and digestive organs. Thiamine is involved in the absorption of amino acids, lipid and protein metabolism.

Vitamin B6 is responsible for the synthesis of substances that regulate blood pressure levels, heart function, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters that are responsible for brain function and mood. Pyridoxine affects the functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

Vitamin B9 is involved in the transmission of genetic information, protein metabolism, the synthesis of red blood cells, leukocytes, and neurotransmitters. Folic acid is necessary for proper cell division and growth.

Vitamin B3 improves the absorption of nutrients, normalizes metabolism, promotes the synthesis of enzymes and the release of energy. It is required for the production of cortisol, insulin and a number of sex hormones.

Vitamin B12 has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and is involved in the biosynthesis of the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers.

Cyanocobalamin in the composition is needed for the absorption of amino acids, the formation of nucleic acids, and hematopoiesis.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) is primarily absorbed in the duodenum and small intestine. Thiamine is distributed throughout all tissues. Approximately about 1 mg of thiamine is metabolized daily. Thiamine metabolites are excreted by the kidneys.

Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. It is distributed evenly throughout all tissues and organs.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, after which it is converted in the liver into pyridoxal phosphate, that is, into the active form of the vitamin. The final product of metabolism is 4-pyridoxylic acid, which is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Folic acid in small doses is absorbed through absorption, and large doses through diffusion. Absorbed in the form of simple hydrolysates. Distributed in all tissues. The biotransformation and metabolism of folic acid have not yet been studied.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is transported to the ileum by a glycoprotein. If the vitamin enters the body in large doses, it is absorbed through simple diffusion. Vitamin metabolism is very slow. Excreted in bile.

Vitamins Pentovit - reviews


Hello, dear ladies.

Today we will talk about the wonderful and “wonderful” vitamins “Pentovit”. I should immediately note that I used these vitamins in two approaches. Both times the goals were the same:

  1. Stop hair loss.
  2. Improve hair condition.
  3. Increase hair length.

But the results were completely different and not similar to each other. In the first case it turned out that:

  1. My hair has really gotten better.
  2. My nails began to grow at an incredible speed, and they became so strong that I could only dream of such nails.
  3. My mood changed at the speed of light. May those girls forgive me who were in the 7th heaven from Pentovit and couldn’t get over it, but in my case it was on the verge of “hysteria-happiness”. I don’t know why these miracle pills had such an effect on me, but my inner state certainly didn’t thank them.
  4. Hair growth, I will highlight this separately from the first point, since there really was growth and not just growth, but HUGE growth. Within a month of taking it, my hair grew by 5 cm. For some, this figure is not so big, but for me, whose hair suffered after dyeing it red-red, this figure turned out to be simply bombastic.

So I took vitamins for a month, not a lot, not a little, you’ll agree. But I decided that there was no point in aggravating my general condition, so I needed to take a break, although I’ll be honest that it was very difficult to give up these miracle pills, and that’s putting it mildly. But, thank heavens, common sense prevailed and a break came, during which, by the way, I did not rest at all, but took other vitamins.

But now, half a year later, I made a clear and balanced decision: “I’m resuming taking Pentovit, no matter what the cost.” I still don’t understand where my brain was at that moment. But, I’m a girl, which means that I wanted to, I did it, and it doesn’t matter whether I’ll regret it later or not. So I went to the pharmacy and, with the consumption of tablets, I bought myself 4 blisters at once, and in the end I used one and a half. Why is that? And now I, my dears, will tell you why.

  1. Pentovit gave me side effects. Yes, yes, and anyone who says that these pills are completely safe and can be taken without consulting a doctor or undergoing tests is blatantly lying. Pentovit is not just a vitamin for hair, and IT IS DESIGNED FOR A COMPLETELY OTHER THING, I’ll even note differently, THESE ARE PILLS FOR TREATMENT. Therefore, it is not worth engaging in prevention for a bad situation, which mine turned out to be. Not worth it at all. Take care of your health girls. I'll tell you about the side effects a little later.
  2. The second time there was no result. Yes, I know that after one and a half blister packs no head of hair will appear, but taking it made me feel worse, my condition was on the verge of sick madness, and taking these vitamins further would have been even more madness.

And now more about the side effects.

  1. headache
  2. dizziness
  3. weakness throughout the body
  4. all my joints began to break, and in the morning it seemed that it was simply impossible to get up
  5. allergies (the face and décolleté area were terribly covered, and okay, if it were just pimples that popped up, but no, they were terribly itchy blisters)
  6. lack of coordination (here I am walking along the corridor of the house, but suddenly I staggered to the side, and it’s good that it was at home and there was a wall that I could lean on, but what if this had happened on the street? Who would have caught me then? Asphalt! )
  7. numbness (it happened that I couldn’t feel my fingers at all, and it was scary)

And it’s good that it didn’t go any further and I was smart enough to stop taking the medications. Why did this happen? The answer is very simple

  • overdose of B vitamins.

At that time, I didn’t know that everything in my body was normal with vitamin B, so I decided, and to be honest, I didn’t even think about it then, but thought about it when I was already faced with such problems.

Therefore, girls/girls/women

do not take Pentovit without undergoing tests and consulting with your doctor

. Even if you really want long, beautiful and silky hair, do not ruin your health.


After drinking these vitamins for 20 days, I did not see any special effect on my hair, skin, or nails. But I felt the most important effect for me, I began to sleep soundly (after the grief I suffered, I hardly slept, and if I did, it was not sleep, but torment). With Pentovit, I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. She fell asleep softly and calmly. The only thing that frightened me at first was the lack of dreams, either there are none, or I don’t remember them. But for me this was a big find.

I got up easily, quickly, rested. I became less nervous and stressed myself out. After taking the drug, the disturbing sleep and depressing thoughts returned, so I will continue to take Pentovit and sleep peacefully. After all, healthy sleep is the key to health!


Hi all! I want to tell you about my unsuccessful encounter with vitamins.


. In general, I selected vitamins for myself specifically for nails. Because after giving birth, their condition worsened greatly. During pregnancy, my nails grew by leaps and bounds and I always wore a beautiful manicure... but after giving birth, my nails deteriorated very much, they didn’t grow, they peeled... my hair fell out, but I solved the problem with my hair using all kinds of folk masks with burdock oil and quail oil. eggs and others.. but I still have a problem with my nails.. And my overall health is poor now - lack of sleep with a small child, and I feel like a squeezed lemon..

I read the reviews on our favorite website irecommend and decided to buy it


. Plus, I bought other vitamins with ginseng, but I haven’t tried them yet.

Pentovit should be taken 2 tablets 3 times a day. The first time I drank


pills at night. I didn’t feel anything bad, just a headache. But this may not be from pentovit. The next day I drank them in the morning, my head hurt again. But again I didn’t think about Pentovit. And during the day I had things to do, I had to go to a friend. I got ready, ate and took 2 tablets right before leaving. I went out, got on the minibus, drove, and felt like I wasn’t feeling well... It’s good that I took mineral water with me. I get out of the minibus and feel that the ground is disappearing from under my feet.. And I needed to go into the subway. I barely got there, my head was spinning and I didn’t understand what was wrong with me.. There were benches in the subway below, I sat down and couldn’t move.. It seemed to me that one more movement and I would fall. I don’t know what kind of condition it was, but I was gripped by fear.. Suddenly I would faint somewhere and lie there and no one would help =( Plus, in addition to this state, there was some kind of mess in my head. Just some kind of cloudiness.. I called my husband and it’s good that he wasn’t at work. He came for me.. I lay in bed all day, went away in the evening.. I couldn’t even understand what happened to me during the day?? and I didn’t even think about it.


, I thought it was from overwork. Although overwork, lack of sleep - but not to the same degree that the ground literally disappears from under your feet...

In the evening of the same day, the last 2 tablets


I didn't drink because I forgot. I didn’t drink in the morning and afternoon the next day, because I forgot again. And in the evening I remembered - oh, I completely forgot about vitamins! and took 2 tablets at night..

And again history repeated itself

, I felt bad, I couldn’t even sit with the child.. And then I realized the reason for my incomprehensible state of health.. These are the side effects I had from this drug.. I read on the Internet on some sites it says -

Side effects - not detected

, and on some

allergic reactions

. None - that there may be dizziness, loss of consciousness, and anything like that is not written there.

Since I stopped drinking


It's been about a week, maybe more

I don't drink it and I feel fine

, like before. Today I started taking other vitamins and they are well tolerated. Then, as soon as I finish the whole course, I’ll understand that they helped me in full force, or I’ll write a review.

I can't say what


bad vitamins, I think that, on the contrary, they are quite good.

They just didn't suit me

. And I read a lot of girls who are happy. Just mine


— drink them not before when you need to go somewhere, but it is better to drink them when you know that you will be at home. Then you will drink them and if you tolerate them well, you can drink them safely.

Elena Donskova


The price of one package is about 160 rubles. I regularly took 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. I have all the problems listed above in the form of increased hair loss and a nervous condition. There are also problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The positive effect did not occur after the first package. It didn’t come after the second one either. I didn't buy a third one. Of course, there was hope that there was some kind of cumulative effect and that I would see the results from taking Pentovit after some time. But my expectations were not met.

The price is also not a cause for delight, because if you drink Pentovit in full course it turns out to be not quite budget-friendly. A minimum of 3 packs is required. And if 4, then the price is no lower than Neuromultivit per course. So I didn’t understand the enthusiasm for the drug. B vitamins are useful things. In my case, it is necessary. I drank them not only for “beauty”. There are plenty of other problems. In my case, the effect is zero.

Indications for use

Indications for use of Pentovit are as follows:

  • treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis ;
  • high need of the human body for B vitamins;
  • recovery period after infectious diseases;
  • prevention of stress, asthenic conditions;
  • neuralgia , polyneuritis ;
  • dermatoses , dermatitis .

Indications for the use of vitamins are determined by the attending physician, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Precautionary measures

You can reduce the likelihood of developing complications from taking a multivitamin complex if you take it in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

When treating with Pentovit, it is not advisable to take other nutritional supplements that contain B vitamins. This can lead to an overdose. You cannot combine taking the product with drinking alcoholic beverages - alcohol impairs the absorption of thiamine, this will negatively affect the effect of the complex. Pyridoxine reduces the antiparkinsonian effect of Levodopa, this should be taken into account when prescribing medications.

It is prohibited to use tablets after the expiration date indicated on the packaging. The patient must ensure compliance with storage conditions.

Instructions for use of Pentovit (Method and dosage)

Pentovit vitamins should be used strictly according to the instructions if indicated. The instructions for children over 12 years of age and adults are as follows: take 2-4 tablets three times a day daily. The drug should be taken simultaneously with meals.

Your doctor will tell you how to take Pentovit for a specific disease. But you need to take vitamins for at least 3-4 weeks. How to take Pentovit in adult patients with a specific diagnosis depends on complex treatment.


Level 4 ATC code matches:









Pikovit Forte


Vetoron for children

Vetoron E




Vitrum Performance

Analogs of Pentovit tablets are other vitamin complexes, of which there are a lot today. Analogs of the product can be considered Benfolipen , Neuromultivit , Pikovit , etc. All these products have similar indications for use, are good for hair, improve skin condition, etc.

Which is better: Pentovit or Neuromultivit?

Both drugs are useful for preventing stress, improving the condition of the nervous system, and improving the condition of hair and skin. Neuromultivit, unlike Pentovit, does not contain vitamin B3 and vitamin B9.

The price of Neuromultivit tablets is higher - 200-250 rubles for 20 tablets.

Reviews of Pentovit

Reviews from doctors about Pentovit are mostly positive; it is prescribed for many diseases, as well as for the prevention of diseases. However, it should be borne in mind that vitamin complexes are only aids in the treatment of a number of diseases. Therefore, patients leave reviews of vitamins depending on how effective the main treatment was.

Positive reviews say that the vitamin complex helped cope with flaking of the skin, get rid of acne, and normalize the general condition of the nervous system. There are often positive opinions about the use of the drug after it is prescribed to children. Reviews of side effects are extremely rare.

Contraindications and side effects

The list of contraindications includes:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • gallstones.

Attention! If necessary, the drug can be prescribed during breastfeeding after assessing the balance of risk for the newborn and benefit for the mother.

When taking multivitamins, there is a possibility of developing side effects. Most often they occur in people suffering from hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

We recommend reading: The best vitamins for women over 40: reviews, names, which ones to choose

Possible side effects include:

  • allergic reactions in the form of itching, urticaria;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea.

But heart rhythm disturbances and nausea occur in isolated cases.

Pentovit is not prescribed if hypersensitivity to its components has previously been confirmed.

Pentovit price, where to buy

The price of Pentovit vitamins in pharmacies averages 100 - 150 rubles for 50 tablets.

In Ukraine, Pentovit can be purchased at a price of 70 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Pentovit tablets p.p.o.
    50 pcs. Altaivitamins JSC 126 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Pentovit (tab. No. 50) Altaivitamins

    115 rub. order

  • Pentovit (tab. No. 50) Altaivitamins

    106 rub. order

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( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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