Azopyram kit, ready-made solution, 200 ml

AZOPYRAM Instructions for preparing 100 ml of AZOPYRAM solution for 500-1000 determinations, depending on the type of medical instrument Contents:

  • Reagent No. 1 1 pc.;
  • Reagent No. 2 1 pc.;
  • Instructions for the preparation and use of Azopyram solution 1 pc.

Method of preparation: Pour both powders (No. 1 and No. 2) completely into a measuring container with a volume of 100 ml or more (for example, into a baby milk bottle or a bottle for saline solution). Pour 50-60 ml of 96-97% ethyl alcohol and stir until completely dissolved. Add 96-97% alcohol to the 100 ml mark.

Indications for use

The kit is used to control the thoroughness of pre-sterilization cleaning of all medical instruments that come into contact with the wound surface, come into contact with blood or injectable drugs (for example, a set of operating instruments).

Azopyram-Kit is used on medical products to detect traces of:

  • blood;
  • rust;
  • washing powder with bleaches;
  • acids;
  • oxidizing agents (in particular, chrome mixture, bleach, chloramine, etc.);
  • peroxidases of plant origin.

Inspections are carried out at disinfection and sanitary-epidemiological stations, as well as in all medical and preventive institutions.

Checking the working solution

If you are not sure whether the prepared liquid can be used, do the test:

  1. Apply a few drops of the solution to the blood stain using a pipette;
  2. After exactly 1 minute, check the color of the liquid. If it turns out purple-lilac, you can use the product. If a pronounced color does not appear at all, the product is not suitable for use.

In the absence of blood, a performance test can be performed by dropping an azopyram solution onto a drop of detergent. In this case, the suitable liquid will turn pink.

The prepared solution, not diluted with hydrogen peroxide, and poured into a bottle with a tight lid can be stored for no more than 1 month at room temperature and no more than two months at temperatures below +4 degrees. The storage place should be dark.

To control storage conditions, the mixing date is marked on the bottle with the finished liquid.

Directions for use and dosage

To prepare the working composition, you need to transfer aniline hydrochloride (10 ml) into a bottle with amidopyrine solution (90 ml) and mix thoroughly. Immediately before the pre-sterilization test, the solution should be brought to a volume of 200 ml by adding 100 ml of 3% (pharmacy) hydrogen peroxide. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved and used within 2 hours.

Before starting work, you should conduct a suitability test, for which 2-3 drops of the working solution are applied to the blood stain. If a violet color appears within 1 minute, the reagent is considered suitable for use. If staining does not occur or it appears 1 minute after the test, the result is not taken into account and this solution cannot be used. Monitoring the cleaning of medical instruments before sterilization using Azopyram-Kit is carried out in medical institutions at least once a week . The control process is organized and carried out by the head nurse of the department. Once a quarter, control is carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations.

The working solution (Azopyram-Kit reagents and 3% hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio) is applied to the medical instruments and products under study - wiped with a swab or applied directly to the instrument using a pipette. To check syringes (reusable), pour 3-4 drops of the working solution into them and move the piston several times to wet the entire inner surface of the instrument. To assess the quality of cleaning of catheters and other hollow products, a solution is injected into them using a syringe or pipette. The solution is left for 1 minute, after which it is poured onto a gauze napkin. The amount of reagent required to test a product directly depends on its size.

Using one Azopyram-Kit, you can carry out about 2000 reactions, based on the consumption of the working solution: 2 drops per 1 test.

basic information

The azopyram test is an assessment of the quality of disinfection and pre-sterilization treatment. It is carried out before the sterilization procedure for each batch of instruments processed during the day.

The azopyram test allows you to determine whether biological material remains on the instruments - blood, skin particles, biological secretions. The requirement to periodically assess the quality of pre-sterilization cleaning is regulated by SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions engaged in medical activities.”

Disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning of manicure instruments: how to choose a disinfectant and prepare the solution correctly

Paragraph 2.14 of the document describes how often you need to do an azopyram test and what to do with the results:

  • How often should I do an azopyram test? Quality control is carried out daily;
  • How many instruments are tested? 1% from each batch of processed instruments, but not less than 3 pcs. If you have to process 20 manicure tools, then you need to take 3 of them for testing;
  • What to do with the results? The result is entered into the journal “Accounting for the quality of pre-sterilization treatment”. The correctness and systematic filling of the log is checked by Rospotrebnadzor during scheduled and unscheduled inspections. In this case, only negative results should be recorded in the journal. If positive, disinfection and PSO are repeated to eliminate contamination.

Stages of implementation:

  1. Preparation of the solution;
  2. Carrying out a test;
  3. Analysis of results and recording in the log book.

Safety precautions:

  • the procedure should be carried out wearing gloves, goggles and a protective mask. Aniline, one of the components of azomiram liquid, is a toxic substance and can lead to poisoning;
  • the room where the azopyram test is carried out is ventilated after the procedure so that toxic substances do not linger in the air.

special instructions

Moderate yellowing of the kit reagents (without precipitation) does not in any way reduce its quality.

When checking medical instruments, they must be at room temperature. Do not test hot products, and do not use the solution near heating devices.

The working solution (Azopyram-Kit reagents + 3% hydrogen peroxide) should not be kept in bright light and can only be used for 2 hours.

The drug is able to retain its properties after freezing and subsequent thawing.

Azopyram kit, ready-made solution, 200 ml

Manufacturer: Russia Indications for use: According to the instructions, Azopyram is intended to detect traces of blood, acids, rust, chlorine oxidants, washing powder, plant residues on medical products in order to control the quality of their pre-sterilization cleaning in medical institutions, sanitary-epidemiological and disinfection stations. Medical instruments using Azopyram should be checked once a week. The contents of the bottle with aniline and stabilizer are dissolved in 60 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol, after which the volume of the solution is adjusted to 100 ml with ethyl alcohol. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. The Azopyram working solution, intended for direct testing of the quality of cleaning of medical equipment, is prepared as follows: equal parts of the drug and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution are mixed.

When using Azopyram Kit, no additional alcohol is needed. Simply pour the aniline solution into a container with amidopyrine solution - and the drug will be ready for use.

Before using Azopyram working solution, a test for its suitability must be carried out. To do this, apply 2-3 drops of the solution to the bloody stain. If a pink-violet color of the spot appears within a minute, the reagent is considered suitable for use. If there are traces of rust and chlorine-containing oxidizers on the surfaces and objects being examined, a brownish rather than lilac color is observed. The instructions for Azopyram indicate that if coloring does not appear during a test test or appears after 1 minute, the solution cannot be used.

The test products are wiped with swabs soaked in Azopyram working solution, or a few drops of the reagent are applied directly to the product with a pipette.

When checking reusable syringes, take 3-4 drops of solution into them and move the piston several times to moisten the inner surface of the product with the reagent, especially the places where the glass comes into contact with the metal. The solution is left in the syringe for one minute, after which it is squeezed onto a napkin.

When checking the quality of needle cleaning, the drug is drawn into a clean, corrosion-free syringe. Consistently changing the needles, the reagent is passed through each of them, squeezing 2-3 drops onto a gauze pad.

The quality of cleaning of catheters and other hollow products is assessed by injecting Azopyram solution into the products. The reagent is left for 1 minute, after which it is poured onto a gauze pad. The amount of drug introduced into the product depends on its size.

As a rule, 1% of simultaneously processed instruments of the same type are subject to control (at least 3-5 products). After the procedure, regardless of its results, the remaining solution should be removed from the products by wiping them with a swab or rinsing them abundantly with water, and then repeat the pre-sterilization cleaning. Special instructions: Moderate yellowing of the kit reagents (without precipitation) does not in any way reduce its quality. When checking medical instruments, they should be at room temperature. Do not test hot products, and do not use the solution near heating devices. The working solution (Azopyram-Kit reagents + 3% hydrogen peroxide) should not be kept in bright light and can only be used for 2 hours. The drug is able to retain its properties after freezing and subsequent thawing.

Carrying out an azopyram test

Features of the event:

  1. The instrument must be dry and at room temperature. If moisture particles remain on the surface, wipe the devices thoroughly with a dry cloth;
  2. Place the tools in 1 layer on a clean napkin;
  3. Pipette a drop of the prepared azopyram solution onto all cutting parts, as well as into the joints and handles;
  4. Wait exactly 1 minute and evaluate the result.

How and with what to disinfect, sterilize and clean manicure instruments

Shelf life of Azopyram

Different release forms have different shelf life:

  • Powder concentrate (Azopyram SK) – stored for 2 years.
  • Alcohol solution of reagents (Azopyram Kit) - no longer than 2 months.

How to identify an expired or defective drug?

In the case of a powder product, the defect can only be determined by the damaged packaging, and the product itself remains unchanged. Therefore, you should carefully read the information on the packaging.

The alcohol solution has a characteristic odor. If it is absent, it is difficult to consider the drug spoiled.

What happens to the product over time?

Over time, powdered Azopyram does not change its appearance, but the components lose their properties.

As for the solution, an important change, in addition to the loss of properties, is the absence of odor or its weakening. Occasionally, sediment may appear.

Preparation of the Azopyram reagent

To start using the Azopyram reagent, it must be prepared. According to Azopyram's instructions, to prepare one liter of solution you need to take one hundred grams of amidopyrine and 1.0-1.5 grams of aniline hydrochloride. The Azopyram solution is brought to a volume of one liter by adding 95% ethyl alcohol. The resulting mixture of Azopyram and alcohol is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. To check the quality of cleaning of medical instruments, prepare a special working solution. It consists of equal parts of Azopyram and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. According to the instructions for Azopyram, after preparation, a test is carried out to determine the suitability of the drug. In this case, two or three drops of Azopyram working solution are applied to the bloody spot. If within one minute the stain turns purple, then the reagent can be considered done correctly and suitable for use. If the stain does not turn purple, then the Azopyram solution has failed and cannot be used. If the stain turns color after more than one minute, then this Azopyram solution should also not be used.

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