Sodium benzoate in cosmetics. What is it, benefits and harms, preservative composition, overdose symptoms

Most manufacturers of cosmetics, taking into account current industry trends, strive to minimize the share of chemicals in the composition.

However, no matter how sterile the production process is, when water is added to cosmetics, the number of harmful microorganisms in it increases. To prevent this process, chemically synthesized preservatives are used, among which sodium benzoate is the most popular.

Sodium benzoate, commonly known as additive E211, is one of the most inexpensive preservatives. Visually, it is a white crystalline solid, practically odorless and with a subtle sweetish taste. In a dosage not exceeding the permissible one, sodium benzoate is considered harmless.

The breadth of its use and popularity is due to its ability to withstand high temperatures and retain its properties in an acidic environment. Sodium benzoate is highly soluble in water and is non-toxic. Sodium benzoate exists in natural and artificial forms.

In nature, it is found in small doses in a huge variety of foods: cranberries, cloves, cinnamon, allspice, apples, prunes. This component is also present in its natural form in mustard, seafood, cheeses and dairy products. Some bacteria produce benzoate specifically during the fermentation of dairy products such as yogurt.

However, it is impossible to synthesize sodium benzoate from natural ingredients on an industrial scale.

Therefore, it is produced in laboratory conditions by combining sodium hydroxide or carbonate with benzoic acid. Sodium benzoate appeared as an alternative to expensive and dangerous salicylic acid, which has preservative properties and helps to increase the shelf life of certain products.

Sodium benzoate works as follows:

  • penetrates into the cells of the product containing it;
  • changes the level of acidity in cells;
  • due to changes in acidity, it complicates the fermentation of starch and fats;
  • minimizes the amount of breakdown products that are food for pathogenic bacteria;
  • in conditions of lack of nutrition, yeast and fungi die.

However, it is worth considering the fact that sodium benzoate, like any preservative, does not keep food fresh, but only provides a sufficiently toxic environment to prevent the growth of bacteria. Sodium benzoate is also used as a flavor enhancer, making foods more appetizing and sweeter. Due to the presence of benzoic acid, E211 has an antimicrobial effect.

Sodium benzoate acts as a corrosion inhibitor, meaning it helps prevent corrosion (rust) of metal materials used in cosmetic packaging. Due to its properties and cost, sodium benzoate has found its use in many industries (Table 1). Table 1. Areas of use of sodium benzoate.

Industry of application of sodium benzoatePurpose of application
Food industryTo increase the shelf life of baby food, weight loss products, animal feed, shelf-stable products such as canned food, pickles, sauces, juices, carbonated drinks, confectionery, mayonnaise, caviar
Cosmetics industryAs an active ingredient and preservative in decorative cosmetics, body and hair care products
  • As a component in the manufacture of expectorants, medicines for hyperammonemia or metabolic disorders and urea excretion;
  • as a lubricant in the manufacture of tablets (makes them transparent, smooth and capable of rapid disintegration after swallowing);
  • as adjunctive therapy for schizophrenia
Tobacco productionTo prevent tobacco from becoming moldy
PyrotechnicsTo achieve the "squeal" sound effect in fireworks
Chemical industryIn the production of dyes, polypropylene, non-pesticide agricultural chemicals, automotive coolant
Aviation industryIn the production of anti-corrosion coatings for aluminum parts

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Sodium benzoate in cosmetics

Face and body care products, especially those exposed to water in the shower or sink, have a high risk of contamination from bacteria, yeast and mold spores. Also, cosmetics, given the presence of essential oils, plant extracts and fats in their composition, without the use of preservatives, have a very short shelf life.

Sodium benzoate or sodium benzoate in cosmetics can have both good and negative results.

Spoiled products are harmful to the skin and the body as a whole. Sodium benzoate in cosmetics helps to cope with the problem of shelf life, because a care product can sit on a store counter or on a dressing table for quite a long period. Even organic cosmetics contain this additive.

It allows products made from natural ingredients to be stored for the same amount of time as completely synthetic substances. An additive based on benzoic acid can be used as a preservative or as an active component in antifungal products, cosmetics for feet, hair, and formulations for problem skin.

Sodium benzoate in cosmetics is commonly used in personal care products such as hair products, baby wipes, toothpaste and mouthwash. Sodium benzoate in cosmetics is combined with potassium sorbate, which increases their preservative properties.

As an independent sodium preservative, benzoate is added to products with an acidic environment: various hair conditioners, masks, balms.

In foaming products (shower gels, bath foams) this component is present in smaller quantities, as it reduces the formation of foam. Sodium benzoate is also widely used in decorative cosmetics, which have a fairly long shelf life.

The presence of sodium benzoate in personal care products has been rated by scientists as a hazard level of 3 on a scale of 0 to 10. This means that the overall risk of its use is relatively low.

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Among the main beneficial cosmetic properties of sodium benzoate are the following:

  • preservative effect - sodium benzoate protects the cosmetic composition from the appearance of pathogenic organisms in it that cause fungus and mold;

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antibacterial effect that occurs when sodium benzoate is combined with lactic acid;
  • relatively low toxicity when affecting the skin;
  • antifungal effect - acting as a preservative, sodium benzoate is able to cleanse the microflora not only in the cosmetic product itself, but also rid the skin of fungus.

The action of sodium benzoate as an active component is equally effective for all skin types and for all hair types.

Additive names

Main name: sodium benzoate.

Alternative names:

  • sodium salt of benzoic acid,
  • sodium benzoate,
  • sodium benzoate,
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • E-211,
  • E 211.

Due to the ability of sodium benzoate to suppress the vital activity of most microorganisms: yeast, fungi, many types of bacteria, as well as enzymes responsible for the breakdown of starch and fats and enzymes responsible for redox processes, E 211 is used in the food industry as a preservative .

There are currently 99 known preservatives. By reading the composition of the product, you can easily find them, knowing that all preservatives have a value range from E-200 to E-299.

Harm of sodium benzoate

Sodium benzoate is approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States and has received a GRAS (“Generally Recognized as Safe”) rating. Many hair and cosmetic testing experts consider this ingredient to be generally harmless unless used in high enough dosages.

However, its effect on the human body has not been fully studied.

While some researchers believe that low doses of sodium benzoate taken orally or applied to the scalp, hair, or body have little effect, others believe that even small amounts can cause serious effects in those whose bodies are more sensitive.

If a person's health is already a concern, it is recommended that they use as little chemicals as possible. If the problem is related to cancer, then home remedies for cleaning hair and body are recommended. However, finding products even on the healthy and organic shelves without any minor preservatives is not easy.

Sodium benzoate in cosmetics and the food industry as an additive is prohibited in some countries. It is believed that any preservative does more harm than good.

Among the dangers associated with the use of E211, researchers identify the following:

  • Sodium benzoate inhibits the activity of enzymes that are responsible for carrying out redox reactions in the cells of the human body.
  • Allergic reactions occur, urticaria, dermatitis, itching, suffocation, which are especially dangerous for people suffering from asthma and allergies.

  • Causes Parkinson's disease and other diseases of the nervous system.
  • It has a detrimental effect on liver function, which can lead to cirrhosis.
  • Accumulates in the body due to the difficulties of its elimination.
  • Sodium benzoate in cosmetics is often combined with ascorbic acid, resulting in the formation of the harmful carcinogen benzene. Benzene consumption can lead to the development of cancerous tumors or a lack of hemoglobin and, as a result, to anemia. Products containing E211 and vitamin C have a low level of acidity, which promotes the rapid formation of benzene. The reaction is also accelerated by air and sunlight, because not all cosmetics are packaged in light-proof tubes.
  • In combination with artificial dyes, it affects the behavior of children (causes hyperactivity), the nervous system and their intellectual abilities.
  • May cause attention deficit disorder. This disease most often occurs in children, but can also be present in adults. Affected people may be forgetful, have difficulty concentrating and following directions, or be impulsive.
  • When consumed in large quantities, it has a toxic effect on the kidneys.
  • Changes the structure of the DNA shell due to the ability to penetrate into the cell. Since the DNA shell is involved in the transmission of genetic information, any change in it, and in the case of the influence of sodium benzoate, the formation of growths on it, can cause genetic failures. Scientists also associate a similar effect of E211 on DNA with the emergence of a future predisposition to drug addiction, smoking, and even suicidal tendencies.
  • Causes rapid aging of the skin due to the fact that sodium benzoate destroys not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria.
  • Disturbs the functioning of the respiratory tract as a result of preservatives getting into them.
  • Irritates mucous membranes if the substance gets into the eye.
  • May cause gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Controls appetite by reducing the release of leptin, an appetite suppressant hormone.
  • Causes increased blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Sodium benzoate, contained in decorative cosmetics, as a result of excessive use without strict adherence to hygiene standards, contributes to clogging of pores and the formation of acne.
  • Additional serious side effects (severe headache, fainting, blurred vision, chest pain, slow heartbeat, unresponsiveness, and slurred speech) may occur when sodium benzoate and sodium phenylacetate are combined.


The more I read, the more I came to the conclusion that sodium benzoate is not at all a harmless preservative, as they try to convince us. Even without vitamin C. In general, the picture is not the most clear-cut. I had to go to chemists for an authoritative opinion. Those who have information on this issue unanimously recommend the following: do not use products containing sodium benzoate and vitamin C in the composition

. This information is enough for me to understand what to look for when reading the ingredients. There is no escape from benzene in the air of a metropolis; there is little that can be done about it. But you can protect yourself from a cosmetic product, a package of cola or juice that contains health risks.

Permissible dosage of sodium benzoate

Due to the fact that sodium benzoate is present not only in food and cosmetics, but also in cigarette smoke, as well as in polluted air, it is quite difficult to determine exactly how much of this substance enters the human body. It all depends on the environmental situation, lifestyle, products consumed and care products used by a particular person.

According to research by the International Chemical Safety Program, consumption of E211 in quantities not exceeding 5-8 mg/kg of body weight per day will be relatively harmless. The World Health Organization has set the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for sodium benzoate at 0–2.27 mg per pound (0–5 mg per kg) of body weight.

Sodium benzoate in cosmetics should not exceed 0.3-0.5% of the total mass of the product to increase its shelf life and minimize the effect on the body. If the dosage is reduced, cosmetics can be stored for no more than a month in the refrigerator.

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Regarding E 211, the expression is true: “It is easier to say where this preservative is not used.”
In fact, any holiday table is a hymn to sodium benzoate: fish, meat, caviar, mayonnaise, sauce, olives, shrimp, spices, sweets, purchased pickles - all this is flavored with the preservative E 211. The geography of distribution of the food additive E 211 is also is limitless, as is the range of its use in products: in Europe, in Asia, in America, in general, in all countries, on all continents, the use of sodium benzoate as a preservative does not encounter any obstacles.

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Do not forget that the body is practically unable to eliminate sodium benzoate, therefore, if possible, doctors recommend minimizing its use. Otherwise, an excessive amount of this substance can lead to an overdose and negative consequences.

Symptoms of sodium benzoate overdose include:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • gagging;
  • stomach pain;

  • swelling;
  • allergic reactions (itching, redness);
  • cardiopalmus;
  • weakness;
  • fainting state;
  • trembling in the body.

As first aid for an overdose of E211, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take an absorbent agent (for example, activated carbon). Then you need to call a doctor and completely eliminate the use of this preservative for a while.


IndexStandard values
Appearancecrystalline substance
Smellabsent (or faint odor of benzaldehyde)
Solubilitywater soluble
Density1.44 g/cm3
Thermal stabilitymelts at 300°C

Sodium benzoate during pregnancy

Sodium benzoate is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. However, while food products containing it can be completely excluded from the diet, there are no hygiene products without E211. Due to its ability to change the structure of DNA, sodium benzoate can cause genetic abnormalities in a child.

At the same time, the baby’s body is still developing and is unstable to the effects of chemicals, so this supplement can directly disrupt the development of the immune and nervous systems.

Excessive consumption of products containing E211 can cause delay in fetal development, as it affects the formation of various vital systems of the body of the child and mother. In addition to further neurological disorders and hyperactivity, the newborn may develop brain abnormalities. The risk of miscarriage increases in the early stages of pregnancy.

All these consequences are likely only if you abuse products with preservatives. Today, the production of cosmetics without the use of preservatives, in particular sodium benzoate, is almost impossible. Making care products at home and immediately using them to prevent the formation of fungus and other bacteria is quite problematic.

In this regard, a compromise is inevitable and to minimize negative consequences for the body it is necessary to choose cosmetics with a lower preservative content.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya


E 211 is present in small quantities in cranberries, apples, and mustard.

Since the extraction of the substance from these products is unprofitable, sodium benzoate is exclusively a synthetic preservative obtained in laboratory conditions.

The low cost of producing the substance is the reason for the large number of sellers. Here are just a few of them:

  • Bargus Trade LLC (Russia);
  • JSC "Belkhim" (Belarus);
  • AmericanFoodCompany (USA).
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