What drops are best to use if a vessel in the eye has burst?

Symptomatic manifestations and risk groups

For your information! Vessels in the eye can burst due to physical damage or illness. In the second case, going to the doctor should be done as early as possible.

The appearance of a symptom when the capillaries in the eye burst indicates the progression of the disease. The following categories of people may be at risk :

  1. If you have hypertension. This is a dangerous condition, as a heart attack or stroke may develop. Also, burst capillaries in the eye may indicate a hypertensive crisis, which is also accompanied by nosebleeds. In the same way, a vessel in the brain can burst, then this will lead to death or, at best, to disability.
  2. In diabetes mellitus , this condition is characterized by diabetic retinopathy. If there is a rupture of blood vessels in the eye, even with little physical activity, and vision has deteriorated, then it is worth visiting an endocrinologist. Perhaps the hypoglycemic treatment was chosen incorrectly and needs to be adjusted.
  3. Hematological diseases . They can manifest as hematomas in various parts of the body, hemorrhagic rash, etc. The treatment is carried out by a hematologist.
  4. Intracranial hypertension . This is not a disease, but a syndrome that develops against the background of other pathologies in the brain, for example, neurocirculatory dystonia, migraines, the presence of neoplasms, etc.
  5. Pathologies of capillary walls.
  6. Injuries , including traumatic brain injuries.
  7. Rare physical stress.
  8. Physical exercise.
  9. Eye diseases.
  10. Sjogren's syndrome or dry eye syndrome, when the tear glands do not produce.

Symptom course:

  1. At first the eye turns red.
  2. Hemorrhage occurs as a punctate , when one vessel bursts.
  3. Large, expressed by a large bruise on the eye .

Keep in mind! Symptoms will also depend on the location where the vessel ruptured:

  1. In the retinal area, the condition will be manifested by deterioration of vision , objects will appear blurry, and spots will appear before the eyes.
  2. Bleeding in the eye socket causes pain and double vision.
  3. When blood enters the sclera and conjunctival areas, symptoms such as inflammation , dry eyes and increased eye pressure appear.
  4. If blood enters the vitreous body, urgent surgical intervention is necessary . Otherwise, a person’s vision will deteriorate sharply.

Most often, hemorrhage in the eye can be eliminated with special drops prescribed by a doctor; treatment lasts an average of 10 days and eliminates the problem.


If you missed taking Betaxolol-Optic, you should take it as soon as possible. Do not take the missed dose if it is near the time of your next dose. The next dose should be taken at the appropriate time in accordance with the treatment regimen. Do not double the dose.

Betaxolol does not affect the size of the pupil, therefore, in case of angle-closure glaucoma, the drug should be used only in combination with miotics as a means of lowering intraocular pressure.


Beta-blockers should be prescribed with caution to patients with a tendency to spontaneous hypoglycemia and patients with labile diabetes mellitus, since these drugs may mask the signs and symptoms of acute hypoglycemia.


β-blockers may mask some symptoms of hyperthyroidism (eg, tachycardia). In patients with suspected thyrotoxicosis, β-blockers should not be abruptly discontinued, as this may cause an increase in symptoms.

Myasthenia gravis

β-blockers may cause symptoms and signs similar to those of myasthenia gravis (eg, diplopia, ptosis, general weakness).


If surgery is necessary, the anesthesiologist should be informed that the patient is taking betaxolol. Before elective surgery, β-blockers should be gradually (not simultaneously!) withdrawn 48 hours before general anesthesia, since during general anesthesia they can reduce the sensitivity of the myocardium to symptomatic stimulation necessary for cardiac function (for example, they can block the action of systemic β -adrenaline agonist).


Caution should be exercised when prescribing β-blockers to patients with reduced respiratory system function. Despite the fact that clinical studies have shown no effect of betaxolol on respiratory function, the possibility of increased sensitivity to the drug should not be excluded.

Risk of developing an anaphylactic reaction

Patients taking β-blockers may have a history of atopy or anaphylactic reactions. In case of repeated reactions, such patients may not be sensitive to the usual doses of epinephrine required to relieve anaphylaxis.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with severe peripheral circulatory disorders (ie, Raynaud's syndrome and pheochromocytoma).

When administered locally, β-blockers can enter the systemic circulation.

Thus, beta-blockers can cause cardiovascular, pulmonary and other adverse reactions, as with intravenous and parenteral administration. Cases of severe respiratory and cardiovascular disorders have been described, including death from bronchospasm in patients with bronchial asthma and death from heart failure.

Heart disorders

In patients with cardiovascular disease (eg, coronary artery disease, Prinzmetal's angina, heart failure) and hypotension, beta-blocker therapy should be critically evaluated and treatment with other active agents considered. Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases should be closely monitored for signs of exacerbation of the disease and adverse reactions.

Corneal diseases

β-blockers may cause dry eyes. The drug should be used with caution in patients with corneal diseases.

Choroidal detachment

Cases of detachment of the choroid have been described when using drugs that prevent the formation of intraocular fluid (for example, timolol, acetazolamide) after filtering surgery.

Since the drug contains benzalkonium chloride, patients are not recommended to use soft (hydrophilic) contact lenses while using the drug. Contact lenses should be removed before instillation of the drug and put back on no earlier than 15 minutes later. Benzalkonium chloride may cause eye irritation and discolor contact lenses.

The principle of action of drops in case of a burst vessel

Important! Drops can restore the surface of the eyeballs. Each type of drug is used in certain cases, since drops are often able to relieve factors that contribute to the rupture of capillaries.

For example, constricting drops are used for blood pressure, colds or fatigue.

Broken blood vessels in the eye can occur due to serious diseases.

In this case, in addition to the use of drops, comprehensive treatment of the underlying ailment is necessary.

If the cause of this condition is overwork, tension, and other non-pathological factors, then it is quite possible to get rid of the problem with the help of eye drops.

They can be tonic and nutritious, containing many vitamins and minerals.

What drugs should I use?

Note! It is worth talking about the most popular types of eye drops and their effects:

  1. Aisotin . This is a biologically active drug based on Ayurvedic herbs. Its focus is on strengthening and restoring the walls of blood vessels, improving blood supply and preventing various ophthalmological diseases. Composition of drops: single-seeded butea, punarvana, achyranthes, mint. The drug is well tolerated, without side effects. The only condition for admission is the absence of allergic reactions to the components of Isotin.
  2. Visine. This remedy is used if there are not large-scale lesions. Visine has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. The therapeutic effect lasts 12 hours. It is permissible to drip drops only 2 times a day, otherwise you will only harm your eyes.
  3. Emoxipin. This is a synthetic antioxidant agent whose active ingredient is methylethylpyridinol. The main direction of Emoxipin: strengthening the vascular wall in the eye; absorbable effect on already formed gaps; vasoconstriction; decrease in pressure inside the eye, etc. Pregnant women and people with hypersensitive tendencies to the components of the drug are not recommended to use Emoxipine. Unpleasant symptoms that may develop after using eye drops include: itching and burning, swelling, redness, and in rare cases, increased blood pressure.
  4. Hyphenation. After a vessel in the eye bursts, the drug Defislez helps to moisturize the membrane and relieve pain. This remedy is widely used for conjunctivitis and keratitis.
  5. Taufon. The active ingredient is taurine. This metabolic agent can stimulate repair and regeneration during dystrophic changes in the organs of vision, eliminates hemorrhages in the eye. Taufon is not used for children under 18 years of age and people who are hypersensitive to taurine. Side effects may occur, most often in the form of allergic reactions.

Betaxolol-Solopharm 0.5% eye drops dropper bottle 5ml

A country

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5 ml bottle
Betaxolol hydrochloride 5.6 mg per 1 ml. Excipients: benzalkonium chloride - 0.1 mg, sodium chloride - 5.49 mg, disodium phosphate dihydrate - 3.579 mg, disodium edetate (Trilon B) - 0.5 mg, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate - 3.165 mg, water for injection - up to 1 ml. Eye drops in the form of a clear, colorless or light yellow liquid.

pharmachologic effect

Cardioselective beta1-blocker without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. Has weak membrane stabilizing activity. It has a hypotensive effect associated with a decrease in cardiac output and a decrease in sympathetic stimulation of peripheral vessels. When used in therapeutic doses, it does not have a cardiodepressive effect, does not affect glucose metabolism, does not reduce the bronchodilatory effect of beta-adrenergic agonists, and does not cause sodium ion retention in the body. Lasts for a long time. When applied topically in the form of eye drops, it reduces elevated intraocular pressure. The resorptive effect is slightly expressed.

Indications for use

For systemic use: as monotherapy and as part of combination therapy - arterial hypertension, prevention of angina attacks. For local use in ophthalmology: chronic open-angle glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure, condition after laser trabeculoplasty.

Side effects

From the cardiovascular system: at the beginning of treatment - AV block, sinus bradycardia, arterial hypotension, heart failure, Raynaud's syndrome. From the digestive system: rarely - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. From the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: at the beginning of treatment - asthenia, paresthesia of the extremities, sleep disturbances, depression, drowsiness, dizziness. From the respiratory system: rarely - bronchospasm. Allergic reactions: rarely - psoriasis-like skin manifestations. Local reactions: - when used in the form of eye drops immediately after instillation, short-term discomfort in the eyes and sometimes lacrimation are possible; - rarely - decreased sensitivity of the cornea, erythema, itching, spotty coloration of the cornea, keratitis, anisocoria, photophobia.


Cardiogenic shock;
acute heart failure, chronic heart failure in the stage of decompensation, not compensated by treatment with diuretics, inotropes, ACE inhibitors, and other vasodilators; AV block II and III degrees (without an installed artificial pacemaker); Prinzmetal's angina (monotherapy is contraindicated); SSSU, sinoatrial block; severe bradycardia (heart rate less than 45-50 beats/min); severe peripheral circulatory disorders, severe forms of bronchial asthma and COPD; severe forms of Raynaud's disease and peripheral arterial occlusive disease; pheochromocytoma without simultaneous use of alpha-blockers; arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure) Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding During pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), the use of betaxolol is possible only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus or child.

Use in children It is not recommended to use betaxolol in children.

Mode of application

The method of administration and dosage regimen of a particular drug depend on its release form and other factors. The optimal dosage regimen is determined by the doctor. The compliance of the dosage form of a particular drug with the indications for use and dosage regimen should be strictly observed. For systemic use when taken orally - 20 mg 1 time / day. For patients on continuous hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, the initial dose is 10 mg/day; The time for taking betaxolol is set regardless of the mode of dialysis sessions. For local use in ophthalmology - 1 drop 2 times a day into the affected eye. During the first month, therapy is carried out under the control of the level of intraocular pressure; subsequently, the frequency of measuring intraocular pressure is determined individually. If betaxolol is used after previous treatment with another similar drug, the dosage regimen is determined individually.

special instructions

It should be used with caution in case of bronchial asthma and moderate COPD (start treatment with small doses and preferably under the control of respiratory function indicators; due to the beta1-selectivity of betaxolol, if an attack of bronchial asthma occurs while taking it, it is possible to relieve the attack with beta2-adrenergic agonists); in case of chronic heart failure in the compensation stage (treatment with betaxolol is possible only under strict medical supervision; treatment should begin with very small doses with a gradual increase); with AV blockade of the first degree (careful monitoring is required, including ECG monitoring); with obliterating diseases of peripheral arteries, Raynaud's syndrome (with the exception of severe forms) (possible increase in peripheral circulatory disorders); with Prinzmetal's angina (possible increased frequency of angina attacks; the use of a selective beta1-blocker is possible only with the simultaneous use of vasodilators); with treated pheochromocytoma (careful monitoring of blood pressure levels is required); in elderly patients (treatment should be started with small doses and under close medical supervision); in case of renal failure (with CC more than 20 ml/min - careful monitoring of the patient during the first few days of treatment; with CC less than 20 ml/min and/or hemodialysis, adjustment of the dosage regimen is required); with liver failure (more careful clinical monitoring is required at the beginning of treatment); in patients with diabetes mellitus (regular monitoring of blood glucose concentrations is required, including active self-monitoring by the patient at the beginning of treatment; it is possible to reduce the severity of precursors of hypoglycemia, such as tachycardia, palpitations and increased sweating); for psoriasis (beta-blockers can worsen the course of psoriasis); during desensitizing therapy. Betaxolol should be discontinued gradually, especially in patients suffering from coronary artery disease and angina pectoris. Betaxolol does not affect the size of the pupil, therefore, in case of angle-closure glaucoma, the drug should be used only in combination with miotics. When transferring a patient to betaxolol after treatment with several antiglaucoma drugs, the latter are discontinued gradually, over a period of at least 1 week per drug. With the simultaneous use of betaxolol in the form of eye drops and beta-blockers orally, additive effects may develop both on the part of intraocular pressure and manifestations of the systemic action of beta-blockers. Before a planned operation, beta-blockers, incl. betaxolol should be discontinued. When using betaxolol topically, you should not wear contact lenses. It is not recommended to use betaxolol in children. Effect on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery. Use with caution in patients whose activities require increased attention and rapid psychomotor reactions.

Interaction with other drugs

When used simultaneously with adrenergic agonists and xanthine derivatives, the effectiveness of betaxolol decreases. When used simultaneously with antacids and antidiarrheals, the absorption of beta-blockers may be reduced. When used simultaneously with antihypertensive drugs, the antihypertensive effect is enhanced. With the simultaneous use of halogen-containing agents for inhalation anesthesia, the negative inotropic effect may be enhanced. With simultaneous use of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants, their duration of action may be increased. With the simultaneous use of NSAIDs and corticosteroids, the antihypertensive effect of betaxolol decreases. With simultaneous use of cardiac glycosides, bradycardia may increase. With the simultaneous use of tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine), blood pressure decreases and there is a risk of developing orthostatic hypotension. With the simultaneous use of amiodarone, verapamil, diltiazem, beta-blockers for topical use in glaucoma, increased negative inotropic effects and conduction disturbances are possible. With simultaneous use of lidocaine, the concentration of lidocaine in the blood plasma increases. When used simultaneously with drugs that deplete catecholamine reserves (including reserpine), the hypotensive effect and bradycardia may be enhanced. When used simultaneously with sulfasalazine, the concentration of betaxolol in the blood plasma increases.

Dispensing conditions in pharmacies

On prescription

When should you see a doctor?

It is advisable to use eye drops independently in cases of overstrain, mild inflammation, etc.

Know! There are situations when self-medication can threaten not only a person’s health, but even his life. Only a doctor can decide what other drug treatment is needed in each individual case.

There are situations when treatment must be carried out immediately , these are:

  1. Acute attacks of glaucoma, when the walls of blood vessels burst from strong eye pressure.
  2. Crises associated with high blood pressure.
  3. Overdose of anticoagulants , leading to severe blood thinning.

“You shouldn’t joke with your eyes. For example, twice a year I take a course to support the blood vessels of the eyes . In this case, I can recommend two effective drugs.

These are Emoksipin and Taufon . They strengthen the vascular wall well and help improve blood circulation in the eye .

Thanks to these drops, I haven’t had any problems with my eyes for a long time.”

Elena 34 years old Moscow.

“It’s rare, but hemorrhage in the eye does happen , as eye pressure is sometimes a concern. Most often everything goes away on its own.

But the doctor said that for preventive purposes it wouldn’t hurt to take Taufon or its analogues .

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