The drug cyclodol is a drug from a psychiatric clinic

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Cyclodol is a centrally acting anticholinergic drug that disrupts the connections between dopamine and acetylcholine in the central nervous system. This reduces the cholinergic effects caused by dopamine deficiency.

Like other anticholinergic drugs, therapy reduces tremor and has an antispasmodic effect; to a lesser extent, there is an effect on muscle rigidity and bradykinesia.

Pharmacokinetic information

After oral administration, trihexyphenidyl is rapidly absorbed and penetrates the blood-brain barrier. The half-life ranges from 6-10 hours. There are no data regarding distribution, binding to plasma proteins in the blood, metabolism and clearance.

The drug cyclodol is a drug from a psychiatric clinic

articles » Types of drugs » The drug cyclodol - a drug from a psychiatric clinic
Cyclodol belongs to the group of hallucinogenic drugs or psychedelics. This drug is the oldest of all drugs that are used to treat Parkinson's disease.

It began to be used as a psychedelic drug in the Soviet Union in the late 50s and early 60s, and in terms of popularity and consequences of use it became a Soviet analogue of phencyclidine.

Cyclodol is a drug from a psychiatric clinic. Aminazine appeared in medicine these years, which revolutionized previously used methods and approaches to mental illness.

Aminazine was widely used in those days - it was prescribed to almost all patients who suffered from various forms of schizophrenia. But it also had side effects - impaired coordination of movements, it is also called neuroleptic syndrome.

Therefore, in order to prevent complications, almost all patients were prescribed the drug cyclodol along with aminazine.

Patients soon realized that a small excess of the dose of cyclodol causes a state of intoxication, and an even larger overdose when withdrawing aminazine leads to various kinds of hallucinations.

The drug cyclodol and other drugs can currently be purchased on the streets along with narcotic substances. The main place of distribution of the drug cyclodol is schools.

According to the stories of drug addicts, many drug dealers offer even younger schoolchildren to try pills, which do no harm and are used as medicines.

According to statistics, for 24% of patients suffering from heroin addiction, the first experience of drug use was associated with taking the drug cyclodol at school or at a disco.

Drug cyclodol: application and phases

The first phase is associated with increased mood, euphoria.

The initial stage develops 20-30 minutes after taking the tablets. First, a feeling of warmth appears, especially in the arms and legs. A person feels a pleasant lightness in the body.

Sounds become distinct, colors become colorful and bright. Everyday worries and problems cease to worry and fade into the background.

The narcoman becomes talkative, movements that were initially smooth begin to speed up.

Everything that happens around can cause laughter. This state of mild excitement lasts about 20 minutes and then the second phase begins.

The second phase begins after 40-45 minutes and has a different effect - inhibited movement, the desire to sit down or lie down, decreased activity, dizziness and a feeling of weightlessness and “wool” in the legs.

The addict may feel either hot or cold. A person seems to see himself from the outside; his consciousness can be separated from the body. At the same time, the entire surrounding environment changes before his eyes - objects become fuzzy, unsteady, fluid, moving. Different patients perceive reality in different ways: these sensations can be pleasant, or they can be frightening. In this state, the addict is unable to formulate thoughts correctly or is simply unable to communicate.

In this phase, the addict loses the sense of his own “I”, loses control over his own thoughts, the addict’s personality becomes completely weak-willed and suggestible.

According to the testimony of one patient in a rehabilitation center, the girl was raped by 11 young men at a time when she was in a state of drug intoxication with the drug cyclodol.

The characteristic difference between cyclodol and other hallucinogens, the picture of drug intoxication is very well remembered. An episode in the girl’s life involving rape ruined her psyche for the rest of her life.

The second phase lasts from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the amount of the drug taken.

The third phase begins with the appearance of hallucinations, but this phase is not obligatory, that is, it cannot occur in all cases. The presence of this phase depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and on the dosage of the drug Cyclodol.

While in this phase, a person ceases to orient himself in space and time. At first, he experiences various forms of deception of perception - strange sounds, rustling, clicking, ringing, stomping, grinding and others. Then hallucinations may suddenly appear in the image of various people or animals. Images can move, talk and order a person to do something, instill an idea and set a goal.

According to the story of one of the patients, a “strange grandfather without eyes” appeared in front of him, who ordered him to lie under the train. It happened outside the city, at the dacha. The patient lay down on the rails at one of the railway stations. By a happy coincidence, there was a break in the train schedule and the man remained alive.

The patient said that he understood that this did not exist in reality, that it was just a hallucination, but he was unable to resist - it was easier to obey than to fight this image. The experience of hallucinations can last from 2 to 4 hours, also depending on the dose.

The fourth phase is the final stage of drug intoxication with cyclodol.

The body becomes heavy, the former lightness disappears. The person experiences terrible fatigue, complete exhaustion and inability to do anything.

Severe drowsiness sets in, the addict really wants to sleep, but most of them cannot sleep.

This condition can last for a very long time; it usually normalizes 8-12 hours after the third phase.

Signs of cyclodol use

A person who uses the drug cyclodol has a number of characteristic external signs: pale face, noticeable blush, reddened lips.

People from the outside may get the impression that it is made up with decorative cosmetics.

Among the external signs, mild twitching of the facial muscles and tremors of the limbs are also often noted. Also noticeable are the convulsive movements of the mouth and fingers.

Narcologists conducted studies that showed that out of 82 patients under the age of 18, 66 people experienced discomfort when using cyclodol for the first time.

Most often they talk about horror and nightmare. Even the feeling of lightness during the second phase seemed ominous and frightening to them.

But what is surprising is that despite all these “horrors” and “nightmares”, 90% of those examined continue to use this drug cyclodol.

Cyclodol: dependence and withdrawal syndrome

If a drug addict suddenly stops taking this medication after regular use of cyclodol, which lasted several months, then he experiences persistent discomfort and the need to take the drug.

Mental dependence develops 2-5 months after regular use of cyclodol. The need to use the drug again increases gradually.

The interval between doses varies from 24 to 36 hours. If a person tries to stop using it, then he feels a decrease in muscle tone, general physical weakness, irritability, stress and anger at the world around him appear. Thoughts about cyclodolus crowd out all life guidelines, values ​​and hobbies. An addict can give up studying and work, leave home, and not care about loved ones.

When about a year passes after the start of cyclodol use, the picture of life becomes even more depressing. Small muscle cramps become frequent, for example, endless, continuous clenching and unclenching of the fingers into a fist.

A person becomes restless, he cannot sit in one place for a long time, cannot maintain balance, and constantly makes many useless and involuntary movements.

With cyclodol withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal syndrome), all these disorders intensify even more. These signs also include weakness, chills, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain.

If a person’s nervous system weakens and tremors increase, then these symptoms can develop into real epileptic seizures.

A common occurrence of withdrawal syndrome is toxic psychosis or cyclodolium fever.

Such psychosis is dangerous because the addict does not feel the line between hallucinations and attacks of the fever itself. Psychosis can be mistaken for pleasure, a person may not even feel the difference.

One of the patients at the rehabilitation center spoke about the state of psychosis when using cyclodol:

“I lay in the room and had a heart-to-heart talk with a huge and kind dog. I liked the dog and it was pleasant to talk to her, although I was a little afraid of her. But suddenly there was some kind of thunder or blow outside the window, similar to a thunderclap, and a crowd of aggressive and angry men with sticks in their hands appeared in the room. They started beating the dog with sticks and accusing me of letting her out of some cage with my father, and the dog itself was extremely dangerous. I experienced wild fear and climbed out the window (fortunately, the teenager lived on the second floor). I don’t remember anything else. I don’t know what happened next. I know that my father found me some time later under the window with my teeth knocked out, with bruises and signs of beatings, and I had a stick clutched in my hand. My father said that I didn’t understand or understand anything at all, I just repeated that I had to kill someone and muttered some incomprehensible words under my breath. He tried to take the stick away from me, but he couldn’t do anything. Then I ended up in the hospital on a drip, because he couldn’t get me out of this state on his own...”

It is necessary to note that the body cannot tolerate a large number of such conditions. During the fourth or fifth such fever, young people risk dying from cardiac arrest and cerebral edema.

Cyclodol addiction rapidly leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the brain and nerve cells.

After 6 months of taking cyclodol, a person’s memory is impaired, often people are not even able to remember a phone number or address, in some cases the memory may be short-term.

Due to long-term use of the drug cyclodol, a person loses the ability to think logically and rationally. Self-esteem not only decreases, it begins to be absent, since the addict is no longer able to see himself from the outside. Such signs can lead to dementia and complete loss of personality.

Indications for use of Cyclodol

The main indications for the use of Cyclodol are parkinsonism ( and Little's disease ) of any etiology and neuroleptic extrapyramidal disorders .

In addition, the drug is used as monotherapy or in combination with Levodopa for the treatment of spastic paralysis caused by damage to the extrapyramidal system.

In some cases, it helps to reduce tone and improve movements with paresis .


  • the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • glaucoma (especially angle-closure );
  • atrial fibrillation , tachyarrhythmia ;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • intestinal atony and atonic constipation ;
  • megacolon , intestinal obstruction ;
  • gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Use with caution

Patients with cardiovascular diseases, liver or kidney disorders.

Cyclodol 2 mg No. 50 tablet.

Instructions for use of the medicinal product for consumers (insert leaflet) CYCLODOL GRINDEX Before using the medicinal product, be sure to consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions! Trade name Cyclodol Grindeks International nonproprietary name Trihexyphenidyl Dosage form Tablets 2 mg Composition One tablet contains the active substance - trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride 2 mg. excipients: sucrose, potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate. Description Round flat-cylindrical tablets of white color with a chamfer. Pharmacological properties Pharmacokinetics When administered orally, trihexyphenidyl is quickly and completely absorbed from the digestive tract. The effect is achieved within an hour. The half-life is 5-10 hours. Trihexyphenidyl is highly lipotropic and passes well through the blood-brain and placental barriers. Trihexyphenidyl is hydrolyzed in tissues under the action of nonspecific esterases on alcohol and organic acids; a small part of trihexyphenidyl is excreted unchanged through the kidneys. Pharmacodynamics Cyclodol Grindeks is a synthetic anticholinergic blocker that reduces tremor, muscle rigidity and bradykinesia characteristic of parkinsonism. Cyclodol Grindeks has a strong m-anticholinergic and weak n-anticholinergic effect. The mechanism of action is based on its ability to compete with acetylcholine on the postsynaptic membrane. Indications for use - parkinsonism - extrapyramidal disorders caused by drugs. Method of administration and dosage. The dosage is selected individually. The drug should be taken before meals. Start taking it with a dosage of 1 mg per day. The dose is increased gradually by 2 mg every 3-5 days. The usual maintenance dose is 6-10 mg per day, divided into 3-4 doses. In severe cases, it may be necessary to increase the dose to 12-16 mg, divided into 3-4 doses. The maximum daily dose is 16 mg trihexyphenidyl. The duration of treatment is prescribed individually. Upon completion of treatment or if alternative treatment is initiated, the dose of trihexyphenidyl should be reduced gradually. Elderly patients are more sensitive to this drug and should use lower doses. Not used in pediatric practice. Side effects Often: - mydriasis, accommodation disturbances, photophobia - dry mouth, decreased sweating, constipation - stomach pain, nausea. Uncommon: - urinary retention - tachycardia (very rarely - bradycardia) - increased sensitivity Rare: - angle-closure glaucoma, which is associated with increased intraocular pressure, so it is necessary to regularly monitor intraocular pressure. - fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, memory impairment Very rarely - bradycardia When using large doses or when treating patients with predisposing factors (atherosclerosis, advanced age or patients with idiosyncrasy to any drug), the following may occur: - clouding of consciousness and other mental disorders - unnatural increase in mood, agitation, irritation - vomiting or nausea. In this case, it is necessary to stop treatment. When the dosage is reduced or treatment is stopped, the side effects disappear. Contraindications - hypersensitivity to trihexyphenidyl and/or excipients - untreated urinary retention - benign prostatic hypertrophy with urinary retention - closed-angle glaucoma - digestive tract obstruction - tachyarrhythmias - acute intoxication with alcohol, psychotropic drugs or opiates - acute delirium and mania - tardive dyskinesia (tardive dyskinesia) - pathological movements - a side effect of long-term use of antipsychotic drugs. Drug interactions The effect of trihexyphenidyl may be enhanced when used together with other anticholinergic drugs with similar properties (for example, amantadine, some histamine blockers, phenothiazine derivatives, tricyclic antidepressants, etc.) and together with MAO inhibitors (they inhibit enzymes that metabolize drugs). When used together with these medications, the following side effects may occur: dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention and constipation. Trihexyphenidyl and parasympathomimetics act antagonistically. With simultaneous use of trihexyphenidyl, the effect of sublingually applied nitrates is reduced (due to dry mouth). Inhibition of intestinal motility by trihexyphenidyl may interfere with the absorption of other drugs. Trihexyphenidyl reduces the effects of metoclopramide and domperidone on the digestive tract. The depressive effects of alcohol and other drugs may be enhanced when used with trihexyphenidyl. When used together with levodopa, the dosage of both drugs must be reduced. Usually in this case, 3-6 mg of trihexyphenidyl per day, divided into two doses, is sufficient. Special instructions Trihexyphenidyl should be used very carefully in elderly patients and in patients with cardiovascular diseases, impaired liver and kidney function. Caution is necessary in the following cases: diseases that can lead to life-threatening tachycardia, dementia syndrome, myasthenia gravis, prostatic hypertrophy with complete emptying of the bladder. There are known cases of abuse of trihexyphenidyl, especially in psychiatric patients (due to hallucinating and euphoric effects). It should be taken into account that drug dependence may develop. Treatment should not be stopped suddenly. Pregnancy and lactation The drug passes through the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk, as a result of which it is undesirable to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles or potentially dangerous mechanisms. Caution should be exercised because the drug affects the reaction rate. Overdose Symptoms: Large doses of trihexyphenidyl cause blockade of the postganglionic endings of the parasympathetic nervous system, the picture of poisoning corresponds, in principle, to atropine poisoning (mydriasis, dry mucous membranes, tachycardia, atony of the intestines and biliary tract, elevated body temperature, etc.). Trihexyphenidyl also causes disorders of the central nervous system (irritability, disturbances of consciousness, derealization and other mental disorders). With more severe poisoning, coma or paralysis of the respiratory center may occur. Treatment: There is no specific antidote. It is necessary to perform gastric lavage and use other possible methods to reduce the absorption of the drug. Treatment is symptomatic: cold compresses, drinking plenty of fluids. Cholinesterase inhibitors (eg, physostigmine) can be used; sodium bicarbonate or sodium lactate have been used successfully to treat cardiac complications, diazepam for seizures, and physostigmine for delirium. Release form and packaging 2 mg tablets, 25 tablets in a blister, 2 blisters in a cardboard pack along with instructions for use. Storage conditions Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children! Shelf life: 5 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies By prescription Manufacturer JSC GRINDEX. St. Krustpils 53, Riga, LV-1057, Latvia.

Side effects of Cyclodol

  • skin rash;
  • dry mouth;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired visual acuity;
  • development of increased intraocular pressure, therefore regular checks are recommended during therapy;
  • urinary retention, constipation;
  • tachycardia;
  • delirium and hallucinations are possible .

Side effects of Cyclodol with long-term use can be expressed in the form of purulent mumps.

Cyclodol, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The tablets should be taken orally during or before meals.

The dosage should be selected individually - even a slight overdose of the drug causes an “intoxicating effect” and hallucinations . Therefore, the patient can experience a so-called trip - a psychedelic state, an altered consciousness that differs from typical perception and awareness (source - Wikipedia). Therefore, patients should know what it is and consult their doctor in time, since the tolerability of the drug varies significantly among different patients.

Typically, the initial daily dose is 0.5-1 mg (divided into 3-4 doses); in order to achieve optimal effect, it can subsequently be increased by 1-2 mg every 3-5 days. The maximum single dose for adults is no more than 10 mg, per day - up to 16 mg.


Therapy should be discontinued gradually over 1-2 weeks, as there is a risk of exacerbation of symptoms of parkinsonism , a potentially fatal neuroleptic malignant syndrome accompanied by hyperpyrexia , muscle rigidity , changes in mental status, and autonomic dysfunction. Patients should be advised of the risk of developing addiction (especially if they have mental illness).

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor separately for each case.

Special patient groups

Patients over 60 years of age are recommended to take half the standard dose, as the risk of adverse reactions and hypersensitivity is increased.

Instructions for use of Cyclodol with Levodopa

The daily dose of Cyclodol should not exceed 3–6 mg.


Description of the active substance (INN):


Dosage form:


Pharmachologic effect:

Antiparkinsonian drug; has central and peripheral anticholinergic and muscle relaxant effects. Reduces tremor and has a lesser effect on rigidity and bradykinesia. Due to the peripheral m-anticholinergic effect, it reduces salivation and, to a lesser extent, sweating. Has a local anesthetic effect. The effect of the drug occurs 1 hour after oral administration; the maximum effect lasts 2-3 hours, and the total duration of the effect is 6-12 hours. After intramuscular administration, absorption occurs within a few minutes, the effect develops within 5-10 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours.


Parkinsonism (idiopathic, atherosclerotic, postencephalic, medicinal; in the form of monotherapy or in combination with levodopa), Parkinson's disease; motor disorders associated with damage to the extrapyramidal and pyramidal (less commonly) systems.


Hypersensitivity, mechanical stenosis of the gastrointestinal tract, megacolon, angle-closure glaucoma, urinary retention, prostatic hyperplasia (with the presence of residual urine), pregnancy (first trimester), pulmonary edema, dementia. With caution. Decompensated heart, kidney or liver diseases, tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia, arterial hypertension, psychosis, acute myocardial infarction, old age.

Side effects:

From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, irritability, delirium, hallucinations, increased fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, psychosis. Effects caused by anticholinergic activity: dryness of the oral mucosa, accommodation paresis, increased intraocular pressure, constipation, urinary retention (including with prostatic hypertrophy), tachycardia, decreased sweating. From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting. Allergic reactions: skin rash. Other: purulent mumps (due to decreased salivation), skin hyperemia, muscle weakness, drug dependence. Overdose. Symptoms: mental and motor agitation.

Directions for use and dosage:

Orally, initial dose - 0.5-1 mg/day. If necessary, every 3-5 days the dose is increased by 1-2 mg. The frequency of administration is 3-5 times a day. For Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism - 6-10 mg/day, for the correction of extrapyramidal disorders caused by the action of a number of drugs - 5-15 mg/day; while taking levodopa - 3-6 mg/day. For initial hypersalivation - after eating, if dryness of the oral mucosa occurs during treatment - before eating (if nausea does not occur). The maximum single dose is 10 mg, daily dose is 20 mg.

Special instructions:

Patients over 60 years of age are prescribed with extreme caution due to increased sensitivity to the drug, the possibility of memory and thinking impairment. Intraocular pressure should be monitored regularly. During long-term treatment, the severity of side effects caused by the anticholinergic effect decreases. Drug dependence may develop. During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


When used together with H1-histamine blockers, phenothiazine derivatives, tricyclic antidepressants, the severity of peripheral anticholinergic effects increases; with chlorpromazine, a decrease in its concentration in plasma is possible. Under the influence of reserpine, the antiparkinsonian effect of trihexyphenidyl decreases (depletion of dopamine reserves in the central nervous system, activation of cholinergic neurons). Levodopa increases antiparkinsonian activity (dose reduction is possible). Under the influence of MAO inhibitors, it is possible to enhance the anticholinergic effect of anticholinergic drugs used for parkinsonism.


Clinical picture

Facial hyperemia, dry skin and mucous membranes, difficulty swallowing, elevated temperature, dilated pupils, muscle weakness, impaired urination, decreased intestinal motility, tachycardia , heart rhythm disturbances, neuropsychiatric disorders, including delirium , disorientation , anxiety, agitation, aggressiveness, hallucinations , incoherence , confusion, ataxia , paranoid reactions , convulsions . The patient's condition may worsen to central depression , coma and even death .


Since an overdose of trihexyphenidyl can lead to dangerous poisoning, immediate first aid is necessary:

  • hemodialysis or hemoperfusion (only in the first hours after poisoning);
  • the use of bicarbonate or sodium lactate helps eliminate complications from the cardiovascular system;
  • physostigmine (administered by infusion 2-8 mg for 20-40 minutes to counteract - Atropine ) is effective for the treatment of such symptoms of intoxication as: delirium , coma , extrapyramidal disorders , tachyarrhythmia , frequent ventricular extrasystoles, various blockades.

Cyclodol - addiction and consequences

Tolerance to a pharmaceutical drug develops quickly. The addict has to take an increased dosage each time in order to experience the desired sensations.

Physical dependence most often manifests itself after about a year of using the medication. Now the drug addict has to take the medication regularly to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Negative consequences of long-term abuse:

  • Persecution mania
  • Depression
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Deterioration of intelligence
  • Hallucinations and delusions
  • Various types of mental disorders

Sometimes cyclodolic delirium occurs, an extremely dangerous condition that is often fatal.

A pharmaceutical product destroys not only the human psyche, but also negatively affects the main systems of the body:

  • Respiratory
  • Cardiovascular
  • Central and peripheral

If you suspect that your relative is taking this drug, rush to seek help from a drug specialist.


Level 4 ATX code matches:


Structural analogues (active substance – Trihexyphenidyl ):

  • Parkopan;
  • Tryphen.

When Cyclodol therapy leads to serious side effects, causes addiction, or the body simply becomes resistant to the drug, patients ask about the possibility of replacing Cyclodol.

Akineton or Cyclodol - which is better?

Akineton is also a central anticholinergic blocker with an active substance - biperiden , available both in the form of tablets and solution for injection. It is considered somewhat better, as it has a smaller list of side effects and affects cognitive functions to a lesser extent.

Overdose with cyclodol

articles » Drug addiction » Overdose with cyclodol
Overdose with cyclodol rarely leads to death. However, this does not mean at all that you can use it as much as you want. Let's start with the fact that you shouldn't use drugs at all, no matter how strong the effect they have. Any drug is addictive and ultimately leads to irreversible changes in the body, which ultimately end in death...

Let's start with the fact that cyclodol is a medical drug that began to be used in domestic medicine in the middle of the last century. At that time, this drug was almost the only one that helped people suffering from parkinsonism. Very soon after the start of its use in medicine, doctors discovered that an overdose of cyclodol (even the most minimal) leads to an intoxicating effect. If you take too much of this drug, the person may experience hallucinations. Soon this drug went beyond the hospital walls and began to be used among drug addicts. Why not? After all, it causes euphoria, and even provokes hallucinations!

Roughly speaking, an overdose of cyclodol is what every drug addict does when he uses this substance. Medical doses of this drug do not lead to an intoxicating effect and certainly do not provoke hallucinations. This is why drug addicts use this substance in large quantities. However, they still have a measure. After all, if they use this medicine in too large quantities, then their vital organs may even fail.

An overdose of cyclodol causes effects that can be divided into the following phases:

First phase

The person’s mood rises and he plunges into a state of euphoria. Usually this condition occurs 20 minutes after taking the tablets. Externally, the first phase manifests itself in loquaciousness, constant laughter and increased mobility. A person at this stage seems to be deprived of any problems.

Second phase

The first phase lasts no more than twenty minutes and then gives way to the second - far from the most pleasant. The person experiences retardation in movement. He no longer wants to have fun, but only one desire appears - to lie down on the bed. This stage of cyclodol overdose is notable for the fact that the person becomes suggestible. While exploring this issue, in the work of one scientist working on this drug, we found an example from his experience in which he said that once a girl under the influence of cyclodol was raped by eleven people. Just imagine how much you need to lose control over yourself to allow this to happen!

A significant overdose of cyclodol also provokes the third and fourth phases. The third phase is characterized by the appearance of hallucinations and loss of orientation in time and space. In the fourth phase, the person “let go”: his body becomes heavy and exhausted. As a rule, this phase ends with a long restorative sleep.

Reviews about Cyclodol

There are many opinions, discussions and topics on forums about the advisability of using Cyclodol. It is used for therapeutic purposes - for Parkinson's disease , schizophrenia , etc., and also as an antidepressant or to achieve a state of altered consciousness - the so-called “cyclodol addicts”.

Reviews of Cyclodol agree on one thing - the drug has a strong impact on vision, the urinary system, cognitive functions, causes addiction and severe withdrawal syndrome ( choline rebound ). However, there are examples when the dosage of the drug is selected correctly and patients use the medicine for decades.

It all depends on individual susceptibility, the nature and severity of the disease, and, of course, the professionalism of the attending physician.

Cyclodol - addiction and symptoms

The patient experiences a feeling of euphoria and hallucinations, even with a minimal increase in the therapeutic dose of the drug. Experienced drug addicts know this property of the drug; they specifically take increased doses of the drug.

To form mental dependence, it is enough to use Cyclodol periodically for several months.

Drug intoxication after taking medication can be divided into several phases:

  • The feeling of bliss appears 30 minutes after taking the drug and lasts about 40 minutes. At this stage, the addict becomes very sociable and relaxed, he is absent-minded and cannot concentrate on anything for a long time. However, the person is cheerful and “happy”
  • A narrowing of consciousness replaces euphoria. This stage lasts approximately 2-3 hours. The drug addict develops drowsiness, apathy, and becomes lethargic. It becomes difficult for a person to communicate
  • Hallucinations, this stage lasts from 2 to 4 hours. At first the visions are weak, and then the images turn into entire plots

When taking a large dosage of medication, sometimes hallucinations begin to appear immediately, bypassing the previous stages. The mood of a drug addict depends on what he sees. In this case, fun can be replaced by aggression, irritability and vice versa. In such a situation, it is most reasonable to call a narcologist at home.

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