Diabeton MB, 30 pcs., 60 mg, modified release tablets

Diabeton MB, 30 pcs., 60 mg, modified release tablets


When taking sulfonylurea derivatives, incl. and gliclazide, hypoglycemia may develop, in some cases in a severe and prolonged form, requiring hospitalization and intravenous administration of dextrose solution for several days (see “Side effects”).

The drug can be prescribed only to those patients whose meals are regular and include breakfast. It is very important to maintain a sufficient intake of carbohydrates from food, because... The risk of developing hypoglycemia increases with irregular or insufficient nutrition, as well as with consumption of foods low in carbohydrates. Hypoglycemia most often develops during a low-calorie diet, after prolonged or vigorous exercise, after drinking alcohol, or when taking several hypoglycemic drugs at the same time.

Typically, symptoms of hypoglycemia go away after eating a meal rich in carbohydrates (such as sugar). It should be borne in mind that taking sweeteners does not help eliminate hypoglycemic symptoms. Experience with other sulfonylureas suggests that hypoglycemia may recur despite initial effective management of the condition. If hypoglycemic symptoms are pronounced or prolonged, even if the condition improves temporarily after eating a meal rich in carbohydrates, emergency medical care is necessary, including hospitalization.

To avoid the development of hypoglycemia, careful individual selection of drugs and dosage regimen is necessary, as well as providing the patient with complete information about the treatment being carried out.

An increased risk of hypoglycemia may occur in the following cases:

- refusal or inability of the patient (especially the elderly) to follow the doctor’s prescriptions and control their condition;

- insufficient and irregular nutrition, skipping meals, fasting and changes in diet;

— imbalance between physical activity and the amount of carbohydrates taken;

- renal failure;

- severe liver failure;

— overdose of the drug Diabeton® MV;

- some endocrine disorders: thyroid diseases, pituitary and adrenal insufficiency;

- simultaneous use of certain drugs (see “Interaction”).

Kidney and liver failure

In patients with hepatic and/or severe renal impairment, the pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic properties of gliclazide may be altered. The state of hypoglycemia that develops in such patients can be quite long-lasting; in such cases, immediate appropriate therapy is necessary.

Patient Information

It is necessary to inform the patient, as well as his family members, about the risk of hypoglycemia, symptoms and conditions that contribute to its development. The patient must be informed of the potential risks and benefits of the proposed treatment.

The patient must be explained the importance of diet, the need for regular exercise and monitoring blood glucose concentrations.

Insufficient glycemic control

Glycemic control in patients treated with hypoglycemic agents may be impaired in the following situations: fever, trauma, infectious diseases, or major surgery. In these conditions, it may be necessary to stop therapy with Diabeton® MB and prescribe insulin therapy.

In many patients, the effectiveness of oral hypoglycemic agents, incl. gliclazide tends to decrease after a long period of treatment. This effect may be due to both progression of the disease and a decrease in the therapeutic response to the drug. This phenomenon is known as secondary drug resistance, which must be distinguished from primary resistance, in which the drug does not give the expected clinical effect even at the first prescription. Before diagnosing secondary drug resistance in a patient, it is necessary to assess the adequacy of dose selection and the patient’s compliance with the prescribed diet.

Laboratory tests

To assess glycemic control, regular determination of fasting blood glucose concentration and glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1c level is recommended. In addition, it is advisable to regularly self-monitor blood glucose concentrations.

Sulfonylureas may cause hemolytic anemia in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Since gliclazide is a sulfonylurea derivative, caution must be exercised when prescribing it to patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. The possibility of prescribing a hypoglycemic drug of another group should be assessed.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

Due to the possible development of hypoglycemia when using the drug Diabeton® MB, patients should be aware of the symptoms of hypoglycemia and exercise caution when driving vehicles or performing work that requires a high speed of physical and mental reactions, especially at the beginning of therapy.

Medical use and dosage

In medicine, Diabeton (active ingredient - gliclazide) is used as an antidiabetic agent.

Taking Diabeton promotes the production of insulin in the pancreas for a long period.

This allows you to control type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as prevent possible complications.

The release form of Diabeton is tablets with a dosage of 30 or 60 mg of the active substance.

The initial daily dose is 15 mg (that is, half a tablet of 30 mg). With normal tolerability of the drug, it is increased to 30-60 mg per day. The maximum permissible dosage is 120 mg.

The tablets are taken only in the morning, swallowed whole and without chewing.

"Diabeton MV": composition and action

“Diabeton” is widely used in bodybuilding, as it helps restore the early phase of insulin production, as well as improve its secretion in the second phase. The drug is intended for people whose B-cell function is normal.

The supplement has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism and blood circulation. “Diabeton” actively reduces the number of platelets in the blood and protects the body from the effects of toxic substances. The drug is completely eliminated from the body and processed in the liver. The main substance in Diabeton (the drug is recognized as highly effective in bodybuilding) is gliclazide.


“Diabeton” has become widespread in bodybuilding, but has contraindications. People with liver and kidney disease should not take this drug. It is also prohibited to take it for infectious diseases, allergic reactions and individual intolerance to certain components.

It is important to monitor your health and general condition. The drug for weight gain belongs to the category of potent ones, which is prescribed in especially difficult situations. Any discomfort should serve as a signal to visit a doctor.

Side effects

With an inadequate diet, violation of the dosage regimen, hypoglycemia , hunger, fatigue, headaches, sweating, rapid heartbeat , insomnia, anxiety , aggressiveness, inattention, visual impairment, paresis , tremor , depression, inattention, aphasia , sensory disturbances, delirium, hypersomnia are noted. , convulsions .

Gastrointestinal tract: dyspeptic disorders, cholestatic jaundice, decreased appetite, increased levels of liver enzymes.

Hematopoietic organs: inhibition of the function of bone marrow hematopoiesis.


Reviews about the drug

So, what are the reviews about the drug “Diabeton” in bodybuilding? It is worth talking about them in more detail. Basically, as already mentioned, the reviews are positive. People who have taken and are taking it are satisfied with the results. There is a high level of feedback.

Athletes give exactly the results that are expected from them. It is enough to carefully study the instructions, calculate the dosage and start taking it. At first, it is advisable to take a smaller dose to understand what effect the drug has on the body: positive or negative. If all is well, the dose can be increased to normal.

You can find this drug at any pharmacy. No prescriptions from a doctor are required. Buying it is quite simple. People note that no stops in taking this drug will be required. It is enough to drink it with plenty of water. Amateurs and professionals agree that “Diabeton” in bodybuilding (how to take it is described in the article) is one of the best means of promoting accelerated weight gain.

The role of insulin in bodybuilding

As you understand from the description, diabetes affects the production of the hormone insulin in the human body.

Insulin began to be widely used in bodybuilding in the 90s of the last century. Professional athletes rapidly gained large muscle volumes and turned into “mass monsters.”

The fact is that insulin is a very effective transport system for muscle and fat cells.

With the help of this hormone, much more nutrients necessary for their construction are delivered to the muscles. These are primarily amino acids, glucose and creatine.

True, the same thing happens with fat cells. Thanks to insulin, their volume also increases.

That is why the professionals of the 90s were not only the most massive in competitions, but also with the maximum amount of subcutaneous fat in the off-season (up to 150-160 kg).

For these reasons, the use of insulin in bodybuilding is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it helps to gain total body weight much faster, and on the other hand, part of the weight is added due to adipose tissue.

If you do not carefully monitor your diet during the cycle, then 60% of the new weight may be fat and only 40% muscle.

Therefore, to effectively use this hormone, you need to understand both nutrition and the action of the drug itself.

How to take Diabeton for weight gain?

We explained above what this miracle cure is. But how to take it correctly? First of all, it is necessary to take into account that food additives are just bait. It is impossible to replace a regular meal with the drug alone. All procedures must be combined according to medical prescriptions. Including eating and using Diabeton. Instructions for use in bodybuilding state that consumption in combination with exercise accelerates muscle growth and the transformation of fat into muscle. Food, of course, should be varied: protein, carbohydrate and saturated fat.

Meals are standard, but it is advisable to steam or bake food. Any supplement is taken half an hour before meals. It is important to remember that you cannot eat 1 hour before training and 1 hour after it. The bait can be taken three times a day. The dose is determined according to the weight of the bodybuilder. It needs to be calculated correctly. A large dose is harmful as it increases the risk of overeating.

Beneficial properties and side effects

Insulin is an injectable drug, which many people don’t like. Diabeton comes in tablet form. And this is its first advantage.

Diabeton has an action period of 20-24 hours, while ultra-short-acting insulin (this is the type used in sports) works for a maximum of 1.5-2 hours.

Well, another advantage of Diabeton is the cost . This is one of the cheapest drugs in this category of drugs. The average price is 2-3 dollars per package.

In addition, it is freely sold in any pharmacy and does not require a prescription to purchase.

As for side effects, Diabeton MV in bodybuilding, as evidenced by reviews from athletes, is a mild drug with a minimal number of negative reactions.

A possible side effect (and this is indicated in the instructions) is hypoglycemia, that is, a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels.

To avoid it, Diabeton is taken in the morning, as the effect lasts all day. You need to eat well during this period, including carbohydrates. Then everything will be under control.

With prolonged use of the drug, depletion of the pancreas is possible. That is why its use is limited to 4-6 weeks.


H2-histamine receptor blockers, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, fibrates, antifungal drugs, coumarin anticoagulants, MAO inhibitors, anabolic steroids, sulfonamides, biguanides, cyclophosphamides, pentoxifylline, theophylline, tetracycline, reserpine , disopyramide , insulin, ethanol , allopurinol enhance the effect of Diabeton .

GCS, barbiturates , antiepileptics, adrenostimulants, BMCC, thiazide diuretics, triamterene, furosemide , baclofen , diazoxide, asparaginase, triamterene, morphine, isoniazid, terbutaline , ritodrine, glucagon, salbutamol, rifampicin, estrogens , chlorpromazine, nicotinic acid weakened affect the effect of the drug.

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