Relax Complex / Relax Complex Made in the USA. Products webpage



1 ml of the drug contains the active ingredient:

propofol – 10.0 mg.

Excipients: macrogol 15 hydroxystearate, sodium metabisulfite, Trilon B, benzyl alcohol, water for injection.

Pharmacological properties

ATS vet classification code: QN01AX10 Propofol.

RELAX belongs to the group of drugs for non-inhalation anesthesia, an ultra-short-acting sedative. Propofol, the active ingredient of RELAX, is characterized by high lipophilicity and easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier, causing a rapid short-term anesthetic effect with minimal manifestations of the excitation stage. Within 30-60 seconds, drug-induced sleep occurs, the development of which is due to the nonspecific effect of propofol on the ion tubules of the membranes of neurons in the central nervous system. The anesthetic effect after a single injection of the drug at the recommended dose is up to 8 minutes. With normal anesthesia support, no significant accumulation of the drug is observed. After intravenous administration, propofol binds to plasma proteins (98%), is metabolized mainly in the liver by conjugation to form inactive metabolites, which are excreted from the body of animals, mainly in the urine (approx. 88%).

The half-life in the initial fast distribution phase of propofol is 1-8 minutes, in the slow distribution phase it is 30-70 minutes, and in the elimination phase it is from 4 to 23.5 hours.

Propofol is used together with atropine, glycopyrrolate, acepromazine, xylazine, ketamine, oxymorphone, halothane and isoflurane. Pharmacological incompatibility is not observed.


RELAX is used in dogs and cats for general short-term anesthesia (especially when a short period of recovery of the animal from anesthesia is necessary), for induction of anesthesia and maintenance of basic anesthesia. The drug can be used for induction of anesthesia during caesarean section in bitches.

RELAX is administered to animals in the following cases: for short-term anesthesia during short-term (up to 5 minutes) surgical and diagnostic procedures - once, for induction of anesthesia and maintenance of basic anesthesia through additional injections, for induction of anesthesia during inhalation anesthesia.


Induction of anesthesia

To achieve short-term anesthesia, the drug RELAX is administered intravenously in a dose calculated for the body weight of the animal, once for 10-60 seconds until an anesthetic effect is obtained.

Recommended doses, based on an animal of the corresponding weight, are presented in Table 1.

In practice, to achieve the required depth of anesthesia, the total dose should be carefully increased taking into account: the clinical response, for example, by administering ¼ of the calculated dose, with a short interval (20-30 s) to assess the effect of each subsequent dose on the depth of anesthesia and physiological parameters).

TABLE 1. Dosage of the drug RELAX

Animal species Type of anesthesia Dose of the drug RELAX, ml/kg body weight of the animal
Dogs Short-term general anesthesia without premedication 0,65
with non-α-2-agonist premedication 0,4
with premedication with α-2-agonists (xylazine, medetomidine) 0,1
Cats Short-term general anesthesia without premedication 0,8
with non-α-2-agonist premedication 0,6
with premedication with α-2-agonists (xylazine, medetomidine) 0,12

Anesthesia support with RELAX

For basic anesthesia using RELAX, maintenance doses can vary greatly among animals. The drug is administered in small doses, approximately 0.1 ml/kg of animal body weight, with a visual decrease in the effect of sedation. Additional doses can be administered as often as necessary, after waiting 20-30 seconds, to assess the effect of the previous dose. Experience shows that doses of 0.125-0.25 ml/kg body weight of the animal maintain anesthesia for approximately 5 minutes.

Anesthesia support by inhalational anesthesia

Before inhalation anesthesia, the RELAX drug for induction anesthesia is used in the same doses as for short-term anesthesia, and the initial concentration of anesthetic gas when using the RELAX drug should be higher than when using barbiturates as an induction anesthesia.

Overdose (symptoms, emergency measures, antidotes)

An overdose of the drug can cause short-term apnea, decreased blood pressure, and bradycardia. In these cases, they resort to artificial ventilation and prescribe symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy.


Increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug (including a history), severe decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. RELAX should not be used for anesthesia in pregnant females (if it is planned to preserve the offspring).

It is necessary to use the drug with caution in depleted animals, with hypovolemia, kidney, liver and lung diseases.

Do not use on productive animals!

Side effect

When administered as recommended in the package insert, it is generally well tolerated in animals. The administration of the drug, like other drugs for general anesthesia, can cause short-term apnea, decreased blood pressure, and bradycardia in the animal. In these cases, they resort to artificial ventilation and prescribe symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy.


Do not freeze!

Do not mix the drug with other medications in the same syringe!

The drug is compatible with drugs used for premedication, with muscle relaxants, inhalational anesthetics and analgesics; No adverse pharmacodynamic interactions are reported.

Release form

Bottles made of glass or polymer materials with a volume of 10 and 50 ml.

Best before date

2 years.

After the first selection from the bottle – 28 days, provided it is stored in a dark place at a temperature of 5 to 25°C.

Storage conditions

In a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 5 to 25 °C.

RELAX | RELAX, 40 capsules

Active components: extracts of Motherwort
Leonurus quinquelobatus Herbs and roots of Peony Paeonia anomala

Fruit of the blood-red hawthorn Crataegus sanguinea

When the day is scheduled minute by minute, it seems that you need to rest effectively, efficiently and quickly.

We treat rest as a task. We tell ourselves that we are going to take a walk, but in reality we set a goal to walk 10 thousand steps. We live in a culture focused on achievement and recognition. Faster, higher, stronger. Everything must be under control, this is not the time to relax. To rest, you need to finish something, achieve results, or cope with a problem.

As a result, we experience stress and anxiety, which make it difficult to relax. In such conditions, we become nervous and cannot concentrate on work, remember information or engage in creativity.

You need to turn off the tension and relax. But how to do this if you are worried? The brain is overstimulated, and self-hypnosis that everything is fine does not work.

Conscious relaxation brings much more pleasure and energy. Without goals, tasks, gadgets. Allow yourself to lie down for an extra 10 minutes after waking up, breathe in the forest air, do yoga, meditation, let your thoughts float lazily in your head. In this mode you will truly relax.

Listen to your body and mind, pay attention to the first signs of fatigue and start taking the RELAX



- a complex to support the body, which effectively solves the problem of overwork, fights stress and insomnia.

As part of "RELAX"


  • Motherwort eliminates disturbances in the central nervous system that cause attacks of anxiety or restlessness.
  • Peony reduces the severity of increased nervous excitability during emotional stress and normalizes the process of falling asleep.
  • Hawthorn reduces the excitability of the central nervous system during periods of increased nervous tension and stress, and relieves discomfort in the heart area.



  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, calms and reduces anxiety and stress levels.
  • Stabilization of emotional state and reduction of mood swings.
  • Ensuring healthy and sound sleep.

Rest is not a reward, but a vital resource, like food and sleep.
For fruitful work you need a rested body, a clear mind and “RELAX” !

1-2 capsules before bedtime.

To prepare a portion of the drink, the contents of the capsule are mixed with water at room temperature.


Pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 18 years, individual intolerance to product components.


40 capsules weighing 600 mg.

Relax Complex / Relax Complex Made in the USA. Products webpage

Certificates: Relax Complex Ingredient composition:

Valerian rhizome and root powder300 mg
Motherwort herb extract50 mg
Passion Flower herb extract30 mg
St. John's Wort herb extract20 mg
Hops collective fruit extract20 mg
Chamomile flowers powder20 mg
Lemon Balm powder10 mg

Effect on the body:

  • source of flavonoids, hypericin, contains valerenic acid;
  • sedative (calming), neurotropic effect, which is predominantly possessed by valerian, hops, passionflower, motherwort;
  • antispasmodic effect - relaxation of smooth muscles (bile and kidney ducts, uterus and intestines) due to the action of chamomile and valerian;
  • antidepressant effect, improvement of mood and emotional tone (St. John's wort);
  • hypnotic effect (valerian, hops, motherwort);
  • analgesic effect (chamomile, valerian).

Recommendations for use:

  • reducing the risk of emotional stress;
  • neurasthenia and psychasthenia, neuroses and vegetative neuroses, psycho-emotional lability, increased nervous and sexual excitability;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • hysteria;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, Basedow's disease;
  • convulsive syndrome, chorea, epilepsy;
  • complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dyskinesia of the pancreatic-duodenal zone, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum);
  • complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Directions for use: adults, 2 capsules in the afternoon.
Duration of treatment: 1 month. If necessary, the product can be repeated. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. Avoid simultaneous use with medications.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to consult a doctor.

Storage conditions: store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Approved for use by RosPotrebNadzor of the Russian Federation.

Certificate of state registration No. RU. dated 12/17/2015

The taste, color and smell of the product may vary.

This description is based on a generalization of the experience of using all components of the product in traditional and official medicine in different countries, as well as on the basis of literary sources.

Despite the fact that the drug is available for free sale in Vitaline offices, specialized stores and pharmacy chains, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Made in USA.

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