Dystreptase rectal suppositories 15000IU+1250IU No. 6x1


Dystreptase is a rectal suppository produced by Poland.
The active ingredients of the drug are streptodornase and streptokinase. Streptodornase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolytic cleavage of phosphodiester bonds in the DNA backbone, thereby destroying it.

Streptokinase is a metal-containing enzyme secreted by β-hemolytic streptococcus. Used as a cheap and widely available substance for thrombolytic therapy. Belongs to the group of fibrinolytic enzymes. Converts inactive plasminogen into its active form - plasmin.

Dystreptase is an original and one-of-a-kind medicine with a combination of active substances that improves blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation, reduces swelling, and also dissolves dead cells and pus without affecting living cells.

Newspaper “News of Medicine and Pharmacy” 8(242) 2008

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs not only remain leaders in the structure of gynecological diseases, but also have fatal consequences for women’s reproductive health, thereby creating medical, social and economic problems.

The incidence of infertility in women who have suffered one episode of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs is about 18%, and after three episodes reaches 50% (Breeding D., 1997, Reyes I., 2006). The main cause of infertility in such cases is adhesions and fibrous changes in the ovaries that form even after a single inflammation. In this regard, increasing attention is being paid to finding optimal ways to solve problems associated with the consequences of inflammation.

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimycotic and immunomodulating drugs are used to treat chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Enzymes and agents that improve microcirculation are of great importance in the treatment of such patients. For resorption therapy, enzymatic preparations and biostimulants are most often used, the effectiveness of which is insufficient.

In September 2007, a new drug for resorption therapy, Dystreptase, appeared on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. A conference organized by Alpen Pharma GmbH, held in Donetsk, in the restaurant of the Victoria Hotel on April 1, 2008, was devoted to the experience of using the drug in obstetric and gynecological practice. The product manager of the company, Victoria Samsonova, spoke about the effect of the drug. The complex drug Distreptase, produced in Poland and used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, appeared on the Ukrainian market in September 2007. It is produced in the form of rectal suppositories, each of which contains an original combination of active substances - streptokinase 15,000 IU and streptodornase 1250 IU, as well as auxiliary substances that facilitate the absorption and entry of the active components into the blood and lymphatic channels of the pelvic organs.

Streptokinase, as a basic thrombolytic drug, is successfully used in surgery and cardiology in the treatment of extrapelvic thrombosis, although its doses are significantly higher. Streptodornase is an endonuclease enzyme. It dissolves the intermolecular bonds of nucleoproteins of dead cells and pus, facilitates the resorption of oligoproteins, activates phagocytosis without affecting the structure and function of healthy cells. The mechanism of action of Distreptase is based on a unique combination of active components of the drug, which causes rapid lysis of necrotic masses, fibrin deposits and blood clots, which leads to the dissolution of adhesions. The drug is recommended from the first days of the inflammatory process, acts on all phases of inflammation and prevents the development of adhesions. The course of treatment is 7–10 days. Dystreptase is a unique, the only drug in Ukraine for absorbable therapy for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women of any age category, at any period of the disease. The drug is also widely used in proctology, urology and dermatovenerology.

An assessment of the effectiveness of complex therapy for chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages using the drug Distreptaza was presented in the report of Associate Professor Sergei Viktorovich Kushnir (Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine named after V.K. Gusak). Inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages make up 82% of other inflammatory diseases, 7% of them are complicated forms. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the proposed complex therapy for patients with chronic inflammatory disease of the uterine appendages using the drug Distreptaza. 64 patients made up the control group, 70 - the main group. The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the proposed therapy were a clinical trial questionnaire and quality of life parameters. The questionnaire included a pain scale, data from general and gynecological examinations, general urine analysis, bacterioscopic examination of a smear from the cervical canal and vagina, ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, duration of treatment, complications of the disease. Assessment of the effectiveness of treatment based on quality of life included physical and mental state, social and role functioning, and general subjective perception of one’s health. Analysis of the study led to the conclusion that the use of the drug Distreptaza in the complex treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages allows reducing the treatment time for this group of patients, improving the immediate results of treatment, which ultimately affects the quality of life, since it does not force changes in everyday roles and patients' usual social activity.

The report of Associate Professor Elena Nikolaevna Nosenko (Research Institute of Medical Problems of the Family, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky) presented modern tactics for managing functional ovarian cysts in reproductive age. According to various sources, ovarian masses occupy 2nd place in the structure of all tumors of the genital organs, and 2nd–3rd place in the structure of urgent gynecological pathology. Over the past two decades, the incidence of ovarian tumors among gynecological patients has increased from 6–7 to 19–25%. 75–87% of all ovarian masses are benign. In turn, among benign ovarian formations, 75–80% have a cystic structure.

The incidence of functional ovarian cysts is 60–73%. Functional ovarian cysts are of particular interest, since it is precisely with this form of cystic tumor-like formations of the ovaries, the most common in gynecological practice, that it is possible to carry out conservative medical or minimally invasive surgical treatment, including transvaginal needle aspiration drainage with sclerotherapy and cystectomy. Abundant blood supply and tissue looseness of functional ovarian cysts in one third of patients lead to internal hemorrhages into the lumen of the cyst with the formation of a hematoma, accompanied by pain. Functional ovarian cysts with persistence for more than 2 months have practically no receptors for steroid hormones and are insensitive to hormone therapy. Such cysts can develop significant changes in the form of cellular and nuclear polymorphism. Sclerosis develops in the surrounding ovarian tissue due to compression, impaired circulation and trophic processes.

Distreptase was included in the complex therapy of functional ovarian cysts, including hormonal drugs, immunomodulators, a complex of antihomotoxic drugs, 30% sodium thiosulfate solution IV 10 ml every other day No. 10: 3 days, 3 suppositories per day, 3 days, 2 suppositories candles, 3 days, 1 candle. Active follow-up was carried out for 2 months. When using Distreptase, rapid lysis of blood clots was achieved, improvement of blood circulation and microcirculation in the cyst walls, leading to an increase in the concentration of drugs in the cyst wall and ovary, rapid elimination of infiltration and clinical manifestations of inflammation in the ovary, which subsequently prevents the development of adhesions. The absorbable, fibrinolytic and proteolytic effect of Dystreptase is due to the combination of two active substances - streptokinase and streptodornase. Streptokinase activates the proenzyme plasminogen, which turns into plasmin, which dissolves blood clots, that is, it has a fibrinolytic effect. Streptodornase is a deoxyribonuclease enzyme that leads to the destruction of DNA in the intestinal wall, resulting in deep depolymerization, the “bridges” of nucleoproteins of dead cells dissolve, the resorption of dead cells and oligoproteins is facilitated, and phagocytosis is activated. In the presence of streptokinase and streptodornase, the concentration of phagocytes increases significantly, their mobility improves, and the percentage of completed phagocytosis increases, as a result of which we can achieve regression of the cyst. Regression of formation after treatment was observed in 57% of cases. Thus, as a result of the study, it was revealed that the inclusion of Dystreptase in the treatment regimen for functional ovarian cysts reduces the duration of pain by 2.3 times, the time of cyst resorption by 1.5 times, and in the presence of intracavitary hematoma - by 2.6 times.

During surgical treatment, Distreptase was included in the complex of postoperative measures after 7 days according to the same scheme. The drug is highly tolerable and safe to use. Dystreptase is especially indicated after gynecological operations in women planning pregnancy and wishing to preserve reproductive function.

Alpen Pharma GmbH has initiated a clinical multicenter post-marketing study to evaluate the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of Dystreptase in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, in which doctors from gynecological centers in Kiev, Donetsk, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lvov and Odessa are participating. Gynecologists from Donetsk who also took part in this conference are participating in the study: Voronina Olga Vladimirovna, Kalinovskaya Natalia Evgenievna, Kim Tatyana Horimovna, Popandopulo Alla Dmirievna, Borlova Larisa Aleksandrovna, Tretyakova Larisa Anatolyevna, Omelchenko Natalia Aleksandrovna, Kasyanova Natalia Vasilievna, Azokhova Olga Nikolaevna, Ivanova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Rastorgueva Elena Georgievna, Kuznetsova Ilona Anatolyevna, Grigoryan Armina Yuryevna, Pavlova Evgenia Viktorovna, Pomelnikova Yulia Andreevna, Taran Natalia Andreevna, Kipiani Maya Vitalievna, Portvenko Andrey Vitalievich, Prezdnyakova Adiliya Faridovna , Filatova Yulia Grigorievna, Petrenko Tatyana Gennadievna, Listratenko Olga Petrovna, Khancha Fedor Aleksandrovich, Yudina Andriana Sergeevna, Sigareva Victoria Aleksandrovna, Ostapenko Tatyana Mikhailovna, Pilipets Valentina Andreevna, Kaverina Victoria Alekseevna.

You will get acquainted with the data obtained as a result of the study and reviews of doctors about the use of the drug in the following publications of our publication.

Prepared by Tatyana Brandis


Based on the research results, it was concluded that Distreptase is a safe and effective medicine. It is used to treat the following diseases:

  • chronic salpingitis;
  • chronic adnexitis;
  • chronic salpingoophoritis;
  • postoperative infiltrative processes in the pelvis;
  • adhesions in the abdominal cavity after surgery or inflammatory diseases;
  • follicular ovarian cysts;
  • swelling in diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • endometritis;
  • acute and chronic hemorrhoids;
  • abscesses and fistulas in the anus and rectum with extensive inflammation;
  • inflammation of the tissue surrounding the rectum;
  • purulent caudal (lower spine) cysts.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst

An endometrioid ovarian cyst is a pathological cavity formation on the surface of the ovary, which consists of accumulated menstrual blood surrounded by a membrane of endometrial cells. Unlike functional cysts, endometrioid cysts have a completely different mechanism of development and, as a rule, are affected bilaterally. In gynecology, such an ovarian cyst is a manifestation of the genital form of endometriosis.

The Yusupov Clinic widely uses suppositories for endometriosis and ovarian cysts, which have an analgesic effect.

The most commonly used are suppositories containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, indomethacin and diclofenac). For intestinal endometriosis, which is accompanied by spastic pain, suppositories containing papaverine or belladonna are used.

For adhesions in the ovaries, for prophylactic and resolving purposes, suppositories consisting of longidase (they are administered either rectally or vaginally) help well.


Increased sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

The medication should not come into contact with a wound covered with fresh scab or with a fresh suture, as this may cause relaxation of the sutures and, as a result, bleeding.

Not used to treat people with bleeding disorders.

Not prescribed for children.

Not used during pregnancy and lactation.

Anticoagulants and calcium supplements can be combined with Distreptase strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

Birth control pills for ovarian cysts

Birth control pills are often used to restore hormonal balance. The synthetic hormones included in the composition are very similar to natural biologically active substances found in a woman’s body. Hormonal tablets for ovarian cysts help reduce the size and complete resorption of the formations. They suppress ovulation and reduce the risk of cyst recurrence. When using contraceptives, hormonal levels are normalized, a woman gains the opportunity to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a child.

An incorrectly selected pharmaceutical product can provoke the opposite effect, when the cyst begins to increase in volume and sudden bleeding appears. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right clinic, which employs high-level doctors who know their business.

At the Yusupov Oncology Clinic, patients are cared for by highly qualified doctors who monitor changes in the body on a daily basis. The selection of hormonal drugs is carried out individually, taking into account the characteristics of each patient.

Popular questions about Dystreptase

What do Distreptase suppositories treat?

Dystreptase is a well-tolerated medication for the complex treatment of pelvic inflammation.

How to use Distreptase suppositories?

After removal from the blister, the suppositories are injected deep into the rectum. The dose and frequency of administration are prescribed by the doctor individually to each patient. This depends on the severity of the disease.

How to take Distreptase correctly?

Dystreptase is a rectal suppository that is inserted into the rectum. The dose and frequency of administration are prescribed by the doctor individually to each patient. This depends on the severity of the disease. Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 1 soup. 3 r. per day for the first 3 days; 1 soup each 2 r. per day for the next 3 days; 1 soup each per day for the next 3 days.

When are Distreptase suppositories prescribed?

When treatment with other forms of drugs is inappropriate. Distreptase, entering the intestine, is quickly absorbed by its walls and then enters the blood, providing a rapid effect on the entire body.

Composition and pharmacological properties

“Distreptaza” suppositories are a combination drug. The main active ingredients of this product are streptodornase and streptokinase, which have special enzymatic characteristics. The combination of these ingredients provides the drug with many specific pharmacological capabilities:

  • dissolving blood clots, preventing the occurrence of blood clots;
  • splitting proteins contained in plasma and accelerating the process of dissolving clots;
  • dissolution of accumulations of keratinized cells and resorption of purulent contents.

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In combination, the active components of the drug have antithrombotic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effects.

Each suppository contains 15,000 IU of streptokinase and 1,250 IU of streptodornase. In addition to these ingredients, Distreptaza suppositories include solid fat and mineral oil.


The description of the drug Distreptase on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.


As a rule, this drug is used as part of a complex therapeutic regimen. At the same time, it improves the healing properties of antibacterial medications and other agents. The active ingredients of Distreptase suppositories facilitate access of antibiotics and other active components to the site of inflammation, thus accelerating the achievement of the necessary therapeutic effect and helping to eliminate abnormal processes.

Side effects

Negative reactions from using the medication can manifest themselves as:

  • allergies;
  • increased body temperature;
  • intensification of existing bleeding or its development.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist.

Candles should be stored in the refrigerator until use. The drug does not reduce concentration and does not affect the patient’s performance and control of vehicles and complex mechanisms.

If there are any contraindications to the use of the product, you should definitely consult a specialist.

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