Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes. Causes. Diagnostics

Causes of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

Infections of the genitourinary system

Lymphadenopathy in infectious diseases is caused by increased stimulation of the inguinal nodes and increased differentiation of lymphocytes. Enlarged lymph nodes are determined at the onset of the disease as a reactive reaction. Sometimes patients themselves identify “bumps” or nodes in the groin that are painful on palpation. Lymphoid formations have an elastic consistency, are not welded together and are not attached to the skin. Redness of the skin and an increase in local temperature are detected above the lymph nodes. Most often, lymphadenopathy is caused by:

  • Genital herpes
    . An increase in inguinal lymphatic formations occurs against the background of an increase in temperature and general malaise. With significant hyperplasia of the lymph node tissue, patients independently palpate the lumps located in the superolateral parts of the pubic area. Then multiple small bubbles with transparent contents appear on the skin of the perineum, bursting with the formation of erosions.
  • Primary syphilis
    . With this disease, there is a unilateral increase in lymphoid formation, which can reach the size of a walnut. The node is painless on palpation, sometimes a dense cord is found coming from the lymph node, which is an inflamed lymphatic vessel. A couple of weeks before lymphadenopathy, a red, fleshy erosion appears on the skin of the genital organs - a chancre.
  • Chlamydia
    . Bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy due to chlamydia infection is more often diagnosed in men, since their infection often occurs in an acute form. Enlarged lymph nodes are sensitive to palpation; the skin over them, as a rule, is not changed. The symptom is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and mucopurulent discharge from the urethra. In women, there may be a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes without other manifestations.
  • Gonorrhea
    . Increased antigenic stimulation causes increased differentiation of lymphocytes and an increase in the volume of lymphoid formations in the groin. The damage to the lymph nodes is often bilateral, the formations are sensitive when palpated, and slight hyperemia of the skin is detected above them. With gonorrhea in men, lymphadenopathy is combined with dysuric disorders, purulent urethral discharge in the morning.
  • Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis.
    Moderate enlargement of lymph nodes without signs of local inflammation is possible in both men and women, but an acute course with pronounced clinical symptoms is more typical for males. Against the background of inguinal lymphadenopathy, pain and pain are felt when urinating, and mucopurulent discharge from the urethra is noted. With intense inflammation, the skin over the lymph nodes becomes noticeably red.

Diseases of the female reproductive system

The high frequency of inflammatory processes in women is due to the anatomical features of the genital organs, the proximity of the entrance to the vagina and urethra, which contributes to the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Exacerbation of inflammation is provoked by hypothermia, stress, and lack of personal hygiene. Enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes occurs as a reaction of the lymphoid tissue to the inflammatory process, resulting in increased production of mature T- and B-lymphocytes in the antigen-dependent zones of the follicles. Inguinal lymphadenopathy in women is caused by:

  • Vulvitis
    . The acute version of inflammation is manifested by enlarged lymph nodes, itching and burning in the perineum, and moderate pain when urinating. Lymphadenopathy develops several days before the other symptoms of vulvitis; lymphoid formations are painless, so many women do not notice this symptom in time. Then the outer labia become red and swollen, and viscous mucus or pus is released from the vagina.
  • Bartholin gland abscess
    . With massive purulent inflammation, a significant increase in the inguinal lymph node on the affected side is observed. During self-examination, a woman may palpate a large, painful “bump.” A typical sign of the disease is the appearance of a formation several centimeters in diameter in the labia area, which, when touched, causes sharp pain in the perineum.
  • Colpitis
    . Enlarged lymph nodes with inflammation of the vagina are combined with low-grade body temperature and discomfort in the perineum. Inguinal lymphadenopathy during colpitis is characterized by bilateral lesions, small size of formations and mild pain upon palpation. Women note dysuria, moderate pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the groin, then vaginal discharge occurs.

Diseases of the male genital organs

Inflammatory processes of the reproductive system occur in men of different ages and are of great importance, since without treatment they cause severe complications and disrupt the quality of intimate life. Inguinal lymphadenopathy is a typical symptom of andrological pathology; regional lymph nodes enlarge due to antigenic stimulation of the paracortical and follicular zones. Hyperplasia of the inguinal nodes occurs in diseases such as:

  • Balanitis
    . With inflammation of the head of the penis, enlargement and tenderness of the inguinal lymph nodes are usually detected on both sides, and sometimes unilateral lymphadenopathy develops. A day or two after the onset of the symptom, the man begins to feel pain and burning in the area of ​​the head and outlet of the urethra. When the inflammatory process spreads to the foreskin, balanoposthitis develops.
  • Orchitis
    . With inflammation of the testicles, inguinal lymphadenopathy is one-sided, manifests itself 2-3 days before the main symptoms, lymphatic formations reach a size of 1.5-2 cm. Enlarged lymph nodes are accompanied by general malaise, myalgia, and increased body temperature. The man pays attention to the swelling and hyperemia of the scrotum, which are more pronounced on one side. There are sharp pains that intensify when walking.
  • Gangrene of the penis
    . Destructive inflammation proceeds relatively slowly, so sometimes the lymph nodes manage to reach the size of a walnut. When palpated, the lymphoid formations are compacted, not fused with the skin and tissue, and moderately painful. Against the background of enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, specific changes in the penis are revealed - its skin dries out, turns black, and the process gradually affects the entire organ.

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Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes in a man

Oncological pathology

Typically, metastatic lesions of the inguinal lymph nodes are associated with malignant tumors of the reproductive system, which is due to the characteristics of lymph drainage. Lymphatic formations are slightly painful, immobile, and have a woody density. Patients complain of discomfort when wearing tight underwear and jeans. More often, patients discover lymphadenopathy on their own. Metastasis to the inguinal lymph nodes is also specific for anal cancer and skin neoplasia localized in the perineal area. Inguinal lymphadenopathy occurs with:

  • Neoplasms of the female genital area
    . Inguinal lymph nodes are the most common site of primary metastasis of malignant cells, since lymph from the pelvic organs passes through them. Lymphadenopathy, accompanied by frequent vaginal bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen, is typical of uterine carcinoma and fallopian tube cancer. Enlargement and hardening of the lymph nodes are found in vulvar melanoma and vaginal sarcoma.
  • Testicular cancer
    . This tumor is characterized by early metastasis with damage to the inguinal lymphoid formations. More often, unilateral lymphadenopathy is observed, which corresponds to the affected testicle; with advanced neoplasia, the process becomes bilateral. The formations are dense and immobile. In the early stages, men notice asymmetry and swelling of the scrotum, then a dense, tuberous neoplasm appears.
  • Penile cancer
    . Enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes is pathognomonic for the edematous form of neoplasia. Lymphoid tissue is affected on both sides; the formations are very dense to the touch and do not move during palpation. The primary tumor is most often localized on the head of the penis: patients first notice a wart, a long-term non-healing ulcer or erosion with sanguineous or purulent discharge. When the form is advanced, phimosis occurs.
  • Germ cell tumors.
    Neoplasms develop from germ cells of the reproductive system and can affect both men and women. Inguinal lymph nodes enlarge and become denser as the disease progresses; general lymphadenopathy indicates massive lymphogenous spread of tumor cells. Patients report urinary disorders, and in women the menstrual cycle is disrupted.


Enlargement of the axillary, cervical, and inguinal lymph nodes is detected in myeloproliferative processes - leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Lymphoid formations are dense, mobile, up to several centimeters in size. Generalized lymphadenopathy is accompanied by sweating and spontaneous bleeding. When immunity decreases, infectious diseases manifest. Enlarged lymph nodes are characteristic of T-cell lymphomas: Sezary syndrome, mycosis fungoides. The symptom is also observed in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome.

Parasitic infestations

The increase in lymphoid formations is caused by an increase in local immune reactions in response to the penetration of the pathogen. Isolated damage to the inguinal nodes is possible with local parasitic infections of the perineal area; generalized lymphadenopathy is characteristic of protozoal diseases. Most often, a reaction from the lymphatic system is observed in pathologies such as:

  • Helminthic infestations
    . When a person is infected with tropical biohelminths, a group of helminthiasis similar in clinical picture may occur: filariasis, wuchereriosis, brugiosity. The reaction of the inguinal lymph nodes is caused by the direct pathogenic effect of pathogens. Lymphoid formations can increase in diameter up to 10 cm, the outflow of lymph from the lower extremities is disrupted, pronounced swelling of the scrotum in men and elephantiasis are noted.
  • Toxoplasmosis.
    For the acquired form of infection, generalized lymphadenopathy with predominant damage to the inguinal and axillary lymph nodes is pathognomonic. The formations are moderately dense, mobile, painful when touched. The symptom is accompanied by the appearance of spotty or nodular rashes on the skin of the body, enlargement of the liver and spleen. In chronic toxoplasmosis, the mesenteric lymph nodes are involved.
  • Pediculosis
    . Damage to the inguinal lymphoid structures is observed in the pubic form of the disease. The enlargement of the lymph nodes is bilateral, the formations have an elastic consistency, sizes up to 2 cm. Patients feel intense itching, especially at night, small bluish spots and scratches are found on the pubic skin. The common form of pediculosis pubis must be differentiated from adult pruritus.

Lymphadenitis - a lump in the groin area


There are many unusual inflammatory tumors, malignant and benign neoplasms on the human body. Neutralizing each of them requires its own special approach. A lump in the groin area can be represented by either a small swelling or a massive formation.

In any case, such an anomaly should be shown to an experienced doctor . During the examination, the latter will probably prescribe a number of medical procedures. Well, then everything will depend on the type of growth that appears. Most likely, the formation will disappear on its own after a few days, but there are situations when surgical removal is clearly unavoidable.

Lump in the groin in men - causes and treatment

A lump in the groin in men is the very first symptom of inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes. And in this case, it clearly smells like hernia Diagnosis of such a disease is carried out through self-examination or medical examination. This will only give a superficial idea of ​​the severity of the disease. Next you need to undergo a more serious examination.

This type of formation appears in men in the upper part of the inguinal fold. The size of their healthy lymph nodes can be compared to a bean, but when it becomes inflamed, the size increases, literally, to a walnut. When a lump appears in the groin, males feel a sharp or dull pain in this area. In addition to the above symptoms of the inflammatory process, there is also a significant increase in body temperature.

Lymphadenitis in the groin area can occur due to infection with a variety of genital infections. Among the latter, viruses are often observed. In this case, treatment will be more predictable than in the presence of malignant or benign tumors. Lymph nodes can become inflamed during prostatitis . And during the course of various types testicular A male lump in the groin is more rarely observed as a consequence of swelling of the scrotum. But for children (boys), this disease is explained by the fact that the testicle does not descend from the abdominal cavity.

Lymphadenitis (inflammation of the male inguinal lymph nodes), which appears between the groin and also the leg, can be removed by modern doctors not only through surgery. There are many medications on sale, the use of which promotes complete resorption of inflammatory formations.

A lump on the pubis in representatives of the stronger sex may also appear after a sudden weakening of the muscles that are located in the wall of the abdominal cavity. Moreover, such a nuisance can provoke not only enormous physical exertion, but even a severe cough. Because of all this, intestinal loops often protrude directly under the skin. Thus, a hernial sac is literally instantly formed and unprecedented pain appears in the groin, which is unbearable. When a hernia is subjected to excessive stress under the influence of physical stress, the skin that is located above it swells very quickly, acquiring a red tint. If a hernia is strangulated, you obviously cannot avoid surgical medical intervention.

Lump in the groin in women - causes and treatment

A lump in the groin in women can also occur due to a variety of factors. There are a lot of variations in the process of treating a lump near the groin. Most often, representatives of the fairer sex discover such formations on their own. Well, then, it’s up to the doctors . Most likely, they will diagnose you with harmful enlarged lymph nodes. In this case, it is necessary to identify the causes of damage to these natural protective barriers of the body. Viral infections are considered the most common of them.

In case of inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system, a lump under the skin in the groin can be treated faster and more productively than in the case of cancer. The most trouble awaits you when malignant processes appear in the body. Even the use of high-precision instrumental examination, including computed tomography or biopsy, does not always help to identify all the nuances regarding tumors.

And finally, remember that it is better to show the above abnormal formations that appear on the body to a doctor , since only medical professionals can promptly save you from the serious consequences of illnesses. And it doesn’t matter whether the lump is in the groin on the right, left or in the center - the main thing is that such an anomaly needs to be eliminated.

Published in Lymphology Premium Clinic


A diagnostic search for enlarged inguinal lymph nodes is aimed at identifying other signs of pathology and establishing the root cause of lymphadenopathy. The examination can be carried out by different specialists, depending on the leading clinical syndrome. An isolated change in the lymph nodes is a reason to contact a hematologist. The most valuable in diagnostic terms are the following instrumental and laboratory methods:

  • Ultrasonography
    . Ultrasound of lymph nodes is prescribed to determine the size of lymphoid formations and visualize their morphological structure. Sonography helps differentiate lymphadenopathy from cysts, hidradenitis and benign tumors. To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound of the pelvic organs is often used.
  • Study of biopsy
    . A biopsy of an enlarged lymph node is performed to study its cytological composition. A large number of lymphocytes indicates reactive inflammation of the lymphoid tissue. The presence of atypical cells indicates metastases of malignant tumors or cancer of the blood system.
  • Blood test
    . A general blood test for inguinal lymphadenopathy is necessary to quickly detect signs of an inflammatory process. Severe pancytopenia or a significant change in the ratio of individual cell populations is typical for developing hemoblastosis. Additionally, biochemical analysis is carried out.
  • Serological reactions
    . Lymphoid hyperplasia can be caused by various infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract. Therefore, to exclude them, ELISA and RSK are performed, which determine specific antibodies against the most common pathogens. In some cases, PCR diagnostics are performed to confirm the diagnosis.

Ultrasound examination of inguinal lymph nodes



The infection can enter the lymph node from a wound, boil (boil), panaritium, diseased tooth and other sources. The inflammatory process is accompanied by pain and enlargement of the lymph node, headache, weakness, general malaise, and increased body temperature.

In the case when suppuration of the lymph nodes themselves occurs, the symptoms become more pronounced: intense pain appears, the skin over the lymph nodes becomes red, the previously clearly defined nodes merge with each other and the surrounding tissues, and become immobile.

Of practical importance are primarily superficial and deep lymphadenitis of the face and neck. In the facial area, there are buccal, parotid and mandibular lymph nodes.

In the tissue on the outer surface of the body of the lower jaw and in front of the place of attachment of the masticatory muscle, the so-called supramillary or mandibular lymph nodes are located. The deep nodes are located between the lobules of the parotid gland, corresponding to the level of the earlobe.

Acute inflammation begins with a feeling of some awkwardness when moving the head, dull pain in the area of ​​the affected node or group of nodes. Enlarged lymph nodes are clearly visible on palpation, but they are somewhat painful and have a dense elastic consistency. General disturbances at the beginning of inflammation may be absent or mild.

If the course is unfavorable, the inflammation can turn purulent: the node becomes inactive, “fused” with others, forming a group. Body temperature rises to 37.2-37.8 °C. Changes characteristic of ulcers appear in the blood. The patient becomes unwell, weak, loses appetite, etc. In turn, the inflamed lymph node gradually melts and leads to the formation of a fistula tract (with the disease becoming chronic).

Chronic specific lymphadenitis, as a rule, affects the mandibular, submandibular, premaxillary and cervical nodes. Sometimes it is combined with damage to the lymph nodes in other parts of the body, including bronchial and retroperitoneal. The course of chronic lymphadenitis is very diverse, which depends on the stage of the disease, the number of affected lymph nodes, the reaction of the tissues surrounding the node, etc. The diagnosis of inflammation of the lymph nodes is established only during a medical examination. Self-treatment is also contraindicated.

Elena Averkina
, oncologist, Nyagan City Clinic

Symptomatic therapy

Inguinal lymphadenopathy usually does not require specific treatment; unpleasant symptoms disappear some time after treatment of the underlying disease that caused the enlargement of the lymph nodes. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. For hematological malignancies and other oncological pathologies, longer and more serious therapy is required. If you detect dense formations in the inguinal folds, you should immediately consult a specialist, since early diagnosis significantly increases the likelihood of a complete recovery.

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