Korilip, 10 pcs., 25 mg+2 mg+12 mg, rectal suppositories

Composition and release form

Rectal suppositories1 sup.
active substance:
cocarboxylase hydrochloride (cocarboxylase)12.5 mg
riboflavin1 mg
lipoic acid (thioctic acid)6 mg
excipients: solid fat (fatty acid glycerides) - 930.5 mg

in a blister pack made of PVC film 5 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 2 packs.

Local treatment of hemorrhoids: features and effectiveness of therapy

Local therapy is a popular alternative to minimally invasive methods of treating hemorrhoids, which does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but quickly relieves the main symptoms of its manifestation: itching, burning, swelling of the mucous membrane, pain. They are applied locally and have a direct effect on pathologically altered veins. The preparations contain biologically active substances based on plant components that have a venotonic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Inflammation of hemorrhoidal “bumps” can be treated with ointments, gels and rectal suppositories. When choosing a product, you should not rely on advertising, but consult in advance with your doctor or pharmacist at the pharmacy. Self-administration of drugs should not last more than 5-7 days, especially if all the symptoms of the disease persist.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids: benefits of use

Suppositories or suppositories are an acceptable form of therapy for rectal varicose veins. They are a cone-shaped solid substance that melts and releases its active substances when it enters the body. The components of the suppository are quickly absorbed into the blood and have an effective therapeutic effect: they relieve pain, inflammation, itching, and promote the regeneration of damaged anal tissue.

Treating nodes with suppositories is possible only for external hemorrhoids. The instructions for the medicine are quite simple. They are administered rectally with the pointed end up, after which you need to wait until the substance is completely dissolved while lying on your stomach. Residual oily fluid may leak out of the anus when moving, so women should use a sanitary pad to avoid ruining their underwear. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the perianal area and anus with a soap solution.

Advantages of treating the disease with suppositories:

  • It is quite convenient to treat the disease without additional preparation;
  • Almost complete absence of discomfort and side effects;
  • Rapid absorption of active substances and relief of painful symptoms;
  • Wide selection of medicines.

In men and women, the course of the disease has its own characteristics. Rectal suppositories can treat symptoms in various manifestations and are gentle on the rectal mucosa.

Therapeutic effect of rectal suppositories

The therapeutic effect of suppositories has been proven by numerous clinical studies and positive patient reviews. Among the most beneficial manifestations of the drug it is worth noting:

  • Anesthesia of the problem area - treatment of severe pain with the help of components such as lidocaine and novocaine;
  • Elimination of thrombosis of inflamed nodes - this effect is achieved through anticoagulants, which prevent active blood clotting;
  • Relieving inflammation using non-steroidal and hormonal agents;
  • Stopping bleeding from the anus - in this case, the symptom must be treated with the help of coagulants that activate blood clotting;
  • Strengthening the venous wall - modern suppositories perfectly combine the treatment of symptoms and a venotonic effect.


A combined drug, the effect of which is determined by the effects of its constituent vitamins and coenzymes, as well as their synergistic effect.

Cocarboxylase (coenzyme) catalyzes the carboxylation and decarboxylation of α-keto acids and participates in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism.

Through participation in the pentose cycle, it indirectly promotes the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. Helps correct metabolic acidosis and cellular hypoxia, as well as other metabolic disorders (failure of liver, kidney, cardiovascular system, chronic intoxication).

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) as a coenzyme of flavin proteins is involved in the regulation of redox reactions (processes of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism). Plays an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin, maintaining normal visual function of the eye and the condition of the mucous membranes and skin.

Thioctic acid is involved in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and α-keto acids, in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and plays an important role in the process of energy formation in the body. Thioctic acid has a hepatoprotective effect, improves the detoxification function of the liver, and protects against the effects of exo- and endotoxins.

Korilip-Neo improves tissue metabolism in various physiological and pathological conditions that require correction with cofactors and substrates.

Top 5 best products

You should use anti-hemorrhoid products with great caution and carefully read the instructions. It is better if therapy is prescribed by the attending physician after a detailed diagnosis of the problem. Depending on the severity of symptoms and the presence of complications, experts recommend using the following rectal suppositories:

  • Methyluracil is an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent that promotes mucosal healing and stimulates the production of new epithelium. Suppositories are effective for use even with rectal proctitis and rectal ulcers.
  • Proctosedyl M is a combination drug based on hydrocortisone, which has an antibacterial and analgesic effect in the treatment of symptoms of hemorrhoidal “bumps”.
  • Procto-glivenol - affects the cause of hemorrhoids, helps restore the tone and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Suppositories do not contain hormones and antibiotics, eliminate inflammation and bleeding due to the active substance tribenozide. A long-term therapeutic effect is achieved due to the formation of a protective film in the affected area.
  • Relief is an active remedy for bleeding, inflammation, acute pain and itching. The brand has a wide range depending on the main symptom and severity of the disease.
  • Gepatrombin G is a rectal suppository of combined action with antithrombic, sclerosing and anti-inflammatory effects. They can treat external and internal forms of the disease. The drug contains the anticoagulant heparin and the glucocorticosteroid hormone prednisolone, which relieve symptoms and promote tissue regeneration.

Symptoms of acute anal fissure

Suppositories for anal fissure: Relief Advance

It is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease in time in order to begin treatment as soon as possible. Because the earlier it was started, the faster the effect will be. The main symptoms of an acute anal fissure include:

  1. Painful sensations that occur exclusively during the act of defecation and last about 20 minutes after it. Moreover, the pain is so severe that a person often loses self-control and cannot concentrate on anything.
  2. The sphincter spasm, which further intensifies the pain, makes it throbbing.
  3. Bleeding from the anus. You can notice it by traces of blood on toilet paper. Very rarely blood flows in a thin stream, and only if the crack is deep
  4. Insomnia, which occurs due to a constant feeling of discomfort
  5. Irritability due to the fact that a person cannot lead a normal lifestyle because he constantly experiences discomfort and periodic pain

If a person has at least one of the above symptoms, it is best to contact a specialist who will prescribe treatment.

Symptoms of a chronic fissure

We need to talk separately about chronic anal fissure, since the symptoms may vary slightly. These include:

  • Painful sensations that occur during the act of defecation, straining, and last about 4 minutes after it. The pain cannot be called severe; the term “tolerable” is more appropriate.
  • Sphincter spasm, which is not as pronounced as in the case of the acute stage
  • Bleeding from the anus. You can notice it by traces of blood on toilet paper or on the surface of stool
  • The appearance of a “bump”, which indicates the presence of a constant inflammatory process
  • Cyclicity of symptoms. This happens because the crack can heal, and then, under the influence of hard feces, begin to bleed again. Also, a crack can make itself felt after heavy physical exertion.

If a person has at least one of the above symptoms, then it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible, because a chronic disease is much more difficult to treat than the acute stage.

Candles for anal fissure

As mentioned above, most specialists prescribe the use of suppositories in the treatment of anal fissure, because they have a local effect, and the active substances are able to penetrate into the most distant places where it is impossible to reach with ointment. The best and most famous suppositories that doctors prescribe for anal fissure include:

  • Ultraproct, which in addition to the healing and analgesic effect, relieves the inflammatory process
  • Posterizan, which in addition to the healing and analgesic effect, increases immune strength
  • Natalsid, which can stop bleeding
  • Proctosan
  • Relief
  • Suppositories with propolis

Only a doctor can prescribe one or another suppository, based on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as how advanced the disease is.


For anal fissure: Proctosedyl

This drug is one of the most popular and in demand during the treatment of anal fissure. It is able to relieve not only the symptoms, but also eliminate the cause in a short period of time.

The main active ingredient in Ultraproct is fluocortolone, which is a glucocorticosteroid. Thanks to its action, the permeability of the vascular walls is significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in swelling and itching.

In addition, suppositories promote rapid healing of trena, as they trigger regenerative processes. And if everything is more or less clear about the prescription of the drug, then it is necessary to say separately about the contraindications that must be adhered to, because the drug contains hormones. So, the main contraindications include:

  1. Syphilitic processes in the rectum
  2. Pregnancy, especially the first trimester, since at this stage all the baby’s organs are formed. And unnecessary exposure to the hormones contained in Ultraproct can only disrupt this.
  3. You need to use candles 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. It is very important to go to the toilet before using the suppositories, since due to rapid bowel movements after using the medicine, it simply will not have any effect.

Relief candles

Relief suppositories are complex preparations that not only relieve swelling, but also eliminate itching and promote rapid tissue healing. Today there are several varieties of Relief candles. Each of them differs in their spectrum of action, but generally speaking, they are intended for topical use during the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissure.

The main advantage of these suppositories, relative to all others, is that they are quite small in size, which makes insertion easier and does not cause any unnecessary discomfort. True, the list of contraindications for this drug is much longer than all the others. It is strictly forbidden to use them if:


  • Rectal bleeding;
  • Proctitis;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (active or auxiliary).

As for the use of the drug during pregnancy, it is not recommended to prescribe suppositories, since no studies have been conducted. Meanwhile, there is evidence of the drug being prescribed during pregnancy to relieve severe toxicosis in order to relieve attacks of nausea and improve the general condition of the expectant mother, which has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed as primary or auxiliary therapy for certain pathological conditions in children (more often) and adults, as well as for their prevention.


  • tissue hypoxia of a chronic nature;
  • viral and bacterial infections, including intestinal;
  • somatic diseases in chronic form;
  • chronic intoxication;
  • decreased immunity;
  • malnutrition;
  • recovery period after serious illness;
  • intense physical and mental stress;
  • stressful situations;
  • periods of intensive growth and development of new skills in children.

In pediatrics and adult practice, it is prescribed as a general restorative prophylactic during epidemics of infections.

Korilip-Neo suppositories are often used in complex therapy for premature babies and babies born on time, but with a complicated adaptation period.

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