Korilip, 10 pcs., 25 mg+2 mg+12 mg, rectal suppositories

Korilip, 10 pcs., 25 mg+2 mg+12 mg, rectal suppositories

Pharmaceutical action.

A combined drug, the effect of which is determined by the effects of its constituent vitamins and coenzymes. Cocarboxylase hydrochloride has a metabolic effect and activates tissue metabolism. In the body, it catalyzes the carboxylation and decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids, participates in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, and through participation in the pentose cycle indirectly promotes the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. The drug is used to correct metabolic acidosis, cellular hypoxia and other metabolic disorders, chronic intoxications, and helps normalize the function of the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system. Riboflavin (vitamin B2), as a coenzyme of flavin proteins, is involved in the regulation of redox processes, as well as carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, plays an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin and in maintaining normal visual function of the eye, the condition of the mucous membranes and skin. Lipoic acid is involved in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and alpha-keto acids, in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and plays an important role in the process of energy formation in the body. Lipoic acid has a hepatoprotective effect, improves the detoxification function of the liver, and protects against the effects of exo- and endotoxins. Korilip improves tissue metabolism in various physiological and pathological conditions that require correction with cofactors and substrates.


Chronic tissue hypoxia, decreased immunity (bacterial and viral infections), chronic somatic diseases, chronic intoxication, condition after severe illness, malnutrition (hypotrophy). Periods of intensive growth and development of new functions in a child, intense physical and mental stress, stress. Period of epidemic of infectious diseases (prevention).


Hypersensitivity, proctitis, anorectal bleeding.

Dosage regimen.
after preliminary bowel movement. Children from 1 to 6 years old - 1 supp. per day, from 6 to 14 years - 1-2 supp. per day. The duration of treatment is 10 days. A total of 3-4 courses at intervals of 20 days (3-4 months).

Side effects.

Rarely - allergic reactions: urticaria, itching, bronchospasm; dyspepsia.


No negative interactions were noted. The drug can be used in complex therapy.

Special instructions.

The criteria that determine the duration of therapy, along with the clinical condition, are cytochemical indicators of the activity of peripheral blood leukocyte enzymes (succinate dehydrogenase and glycerophosphate dehydrogenase).

Korilip-neo suppositories rect. 10 pieces


A combined drug, the effect of which is determined by the effects of its constituent vitamins and coenzymes, as well as their synergistic effect. The drug improves tissue metabolism in various physiological and pathological conditions that require correction with cofactors and substrates. Cocarboxylase

Cocarboxylase is a coenzyme of thiamine (vitamin B1), phosphorylated in the body to form mono-, di-, triphosphoric esters, and is part of the enzymes that catalyze the carboxylation and decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids and pyruvic acid. Endogenous cocarboxylase is formed in the body from exogenous thiamine by phosphorylation, however, the properties of cocarboxylase do not fully correspond to the properties of thiamine and it cannot be used for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and vitamin B1 deficiency. Cocarboxylase improves the absorption of glucose, trophism of tissues of the nervous system, and helps normalize the function of the cardiovascular system. Reduces the level of lactic and pyruvic acids in the blood (an increase in the content of these acids leads to the development of acidosis and acidotic coma).


Riboflavin (vitamin B2) has a metabolic effect; interacts with ATP, forming flavinprotein coenzymes - flavin adenine mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide, which are components of enzymes such as succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome reductase, diaphorase, amino acid oxidases, etc. By regulating redox processes, it takes part in hydrogen transfer (H+), tissue respiration, carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, in maintaining normal visual function of the eye, synthesis of hemoglobin and erythropoietin.

Riboflavin-activated pyridoxal kinase converts pyridoxine (vitamin B6) into the active form pyridoxal phosphate. Promotes the conversion of tryptophan into niacin, maintaining the integrity of red blood cells. Part of glutathione reductase and xanthine oxidase. It is synthesized by normal intestinal microflora and is itself necessary for its maintenance.

Thioctic acid

Thioctic acid (alpha lipoic acid) is an endogenous antioxidant (binds free radicals). In the body it is formed during the oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids. As a coenzyme of mitochondrial multienzyme complexes, it participates in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and alpha-keto acids. By the nature of the biochemical action, thioctic acid is close to B vitamins. It improves the trophism of neurons. Helps reduce blood glucose and increase glycogen content in the liver, as well as reduce insulin resistance. Participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates cholesterol metabolism, improves liver function, has a detoxification effect in case of poisoning with heavy metal salts and other intoxications. It has hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic effects.



Cocarboxylase penetrates most tissues of the body, but the highest concentrations are observed in the liver, kidneys, brain and heart. Metabolized in the liver. Metabolic products are excreted mainly by the kidneys.


Riboflavin is distributed unevenly (the largest amount is in the myocardium, liver, kidneys). Communication (mainly in the form of metabolites - flavin adenine mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide) with plasma proteins - 60%. Penetrates through the placenta and into breast milk. Metabolized in the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys, mainly in the form of metabolites. The half-life is 66-84 minutes.

Thioctic acid

Thioctic acid is metabolized in the liver by side chain oxidation and conjugation. Volume of distribution is about 450 ml/kg. Total plasma clearance is 10-15 ml/min. Thioctic acid and its metabolites are excreted by the kidneys (80-90%). The half-life is 20-50 minutes.

Candles for children Korilip - reviews


Very weak effect, it’s better to take vitamins


  • No harm


  • Long reception required
  • the effect is not worth the money
  • very weak effect
  • did not improve immunity

Korilip has a certain effect, but it cannot be called anything outstanding or even worth such a price, because it does not appear immediately. During the first months, I didn’t feel any changes at all; the fact that the drug was not completely useless became clear only in the fourth month of using it, and at that moment I had already spent more than a thousand rubles on the product. The effect did not impress me at all, because it manifested itself solely in the fact that my general well-being slightly improved. It became easier to get up in the morning, I had a little more energy, but that was all. Banal vitamins like Complivit or even cheap ginseng have the same effect, but the increase in immunity promised by the manufacturer was not and was not expected, and my other hopes were not justified. Quite a weak result for such time and such money.




  • The drug really works, the child has grown up before our eyes


  • Unpleasant local sensations when administering the drug

A neurologist prescribed Korilip-Neo suppositories to her youngest daughter at a scheduled visit at three months. Our baby was born a little premature, so he recommended this drug that improves metabolism.

But what does it cost to find it! Our dad visited about a dozen pharmacies until he found these candles.

I read the reviews (of which there are very few), tried it on myself (I must say the test was successful on me) and gave it to my child. And the trash began! The child screamed non-stop for about 20 minutes. She almost turned grey. In general, we endured this way for five days (what it cost me and the child is not worth mentioning). Apparently during its dissolution there are some unpleasant sensations. Everything seemed tolerable to me, but the child thought differently. Well, I must say that everyone’s pain threshold is different.

Then, at an appointment with the pediatrician, we were taken off this drug due to individual intolerance.

But even after five days, my daughter grew noticeably and began to gain weight, which means the drug has an excellent effect.

I introduced them after emptying the intestines (according to the instructions), tried to reduce them in size, but it was all in vain, it didn’t work out for us with them... which is a pity.

General impression: A good drug, effective, but the child did not appreciate it.


Ksenia Limonova

A neurologist prescribed these suppositories to us. We were underweight and hypoxic. Also, these suppositories are more vitamins in nature and have a good effect on the heart. I didn’t notice much difference after we completed two courses with these candles. Well, except that we didn’t get sick, we boosted our immunity thanks to Corylip. The price of one package is about 130 rubles.



We were prescribed Corylip immediately after discharge. It didn’t cause any side effects for us, but I don’t even know about the effect; we were taking a lot of medications back then, and it was not customary to talk about the results for 2-3 months.


Smirnova Olga

Girls, why is it convenient for everyone to use candles? Is there no other form? I also heard good reviews about Korilip, I wanted to try it, but candles. Wait, isn’t it especially for children, do adults use them too? It’s clear to the child that I’ll take it, but for myself, for overwork, let’s say I know other medications in tablets, for example...




  • Only vitamins included


  • I don't even know if there is

Korilip was once attributed to my child because (you won’t believe it!) he went to kindergarten! So, either our doctor has gone crazy as a child, the insanity as they said about him is senile, or I don’t know, but he explained it all by saying that the child just needs to be protected from colds, and also from the fact that there will be food that is unusual for him, a lot of kids and stuff like that. It was necessary to take it, as he said, for exactly 10 days, but I took it with the child and noticed that he became very lethargic.. Well, how can you not be lethargic, if for no reason or reason you shove a candle in his butt, and a healthy child at that .

At the price, Corilip is not an expensive drug; there are five suppositories in a package, which means I needed two packages to treat my child. But I never bought a second one, because I just stopped giving it to him and everything went fine. My child hasn’t been sick even once in exactly a year, and in kindergarten, apart from some bad words, he hasn’t picked up any illnesses.

The Korilip candles themselves are yellow, they stick out normally, sorry for such a direct expression. But I don’t know whether to recommend it or not, after all, it’s attributed to sick people, or to those who need to boost their immunity, but here’s the story, so I don’t know whether to recommend it or not, most likely I’m not at all difficult to answer..

General impression: I don’t know if it helped in any way..



Indeed, I lied, I apologize. Corylipoic acid, and elkar is the amino acid L-carnitine. Both improve metabolic processes in cells and act as a metabolic agent. Here is an article about Corylip. https://www.infmed.kharkov.ua/Metabol.htm

As for L-carnitine. It is part of the Elcar. L-carnitine is a natural substance related to B vitamins. (If we take into account that riboflavin, which is part of Corylip, is also a B vitamin, then the effect is almost the same.) Participates in metabolic processes as a carrier of fatty acids through cell membranes from the cytoplasm into the mitochondria, where these acids undergo a process of b-oxidation to produce large amounts of metabolic energy (in the form of ATP).

Corylip does almost the same thing - it produces energy in the form of ATP. We did not feel the effect of Corylip; it may, of course, be somewhere deep in the body, but it was not noticeable. But when using Elkar, my daughter began to eat better, sleep better, her performance improved, as it seemed to me, she became more resilient to physical activity, and began to get sick less often.



I periodically use Korilip candles, I really like them.

  • A drain of energy appears.
  • Very good sleep right away.


  • cocarboxylase
  • riboflavin and lipoic acid.

The only downside is that I'm starting to gain weight.

When I was prone to thinness: all kinds of stress almost led to dystrophy, it was just a salvation. I was recommended to drink it with Lemontar (lemon acid + amber acid), but I rarely took it, it is acidic, dilute it before in water and strictly after meals.

Now I’ve started to gain weight, so I don’t take Corylip, now I’ve switched to Yantarnaya, it also gives me a burst of energy, if I wear it out, I’ll have to stop drinking it.


Svetlana Balakina

«Korilip" is a combined remedy that has a general strengthening effect. It contains coenzymes, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and lipoic acid. Coenzymes are involved in the process of carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin B2 is necessary for the body to maintain normal functioning of the visual apparatus, the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, as well as to regulate redox function and hemoglobin synthesis.

Lipoic acid acts as a protector against endo- and exotoxins. It improves liver function and provides the body with the necessary energy. To restore tissue metabolism in pathological and physiological conditions, “Korilip” suppositories are prescribed. Reviews from parents who use the drug for their children are very diverse; of course, you should not place high hopes on the drug alone. We must not forget that the product is mainly used to correct the metabolic process associated with intoxication, liver failure, and imperfect fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Now let’s talk about what diseases Korilip suppositories are prescribed for. Reviews from most doctors about this drug are positive; pediatricians prescribe them to children as an addition to complex therapy or monotherapy:

  • For viral and bacterial infections
  • Reduced immunity
  • Chronic intoxication
  • Tissue hypoxia
  • Somatic diseases
  • Hypotrophy (malnutrition)
  • After illnesses
  • Intense mental and physical activity
  • During stressful situations
  • During vaccinations and epidemics

Even newborns can use Korilip. Reviews in most cases indicate the benefits of the drug; its harmlessness also plays an important role, so “Corilip” is allowed to be taken directly from birth. Each suppository is in a separate package, which is easily removed. The suppository is used rectally, only after bowel movement.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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