The place of quamatel (famotidine) in the treatment of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract

Composition, dosage forms of the drug

The active substance of the drug is famotidine. The compound reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid and increases the mucus content in gastric juice. The drug has two pharmaceutical forms:

  • Tablets for oral use: in dosages of 20 and 40 mg, coated with soluble film. Auxiliary components: talc, starch, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. Sold in packs of 10–50 pcs.
  • Lyophilized powder for the preparation of injection solutions: white or yellowish free-flowing substrate in ampoules. Available complete with solvent. Cardboard packages of the drug contain 5 ampoules, each containing 20 mg of Famotidine and excipients: mannitol, aspartic acid.

general characteristics

Gastric ulceration in humans is a serious condition, and there has long been a need to develop effective and convenient ways to combat it. Until relatively recently, we relied on simply neutralizing stomach acid by administering alkaline solutions (Alka Seltzer, Tums, Rolaids, etc.) to the stomach. In fact, ulceration is a complex process and there are many ways to solve it.

Controlling stomach acidity is a very important factor in treating stomach ulcers in dogs. Acid secretion is controlled by a hormone called gastrin (secreted in the presence of food and results in the secretion of stomach acid), acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter) and histamine (this is the same substance that is responsible for the unpleasant allergic effects of hay fever).

Famotidine is a special antihistamine

, as well as its analogues cimetidine (Tagamet HB) and ranitidine (Zantac). This class of antihistamines is not helpful in combating familiar allergic symptoms (itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, etc.). In allergies, histamine produces its unpleasant effects by binding to so-called H1 receptors. Instead, famotidine, ranitidine, and cimetidine bind to histamine receptors in the stomach called H2 receptors.

Cimetidine was the first such H2 blocker available, and each generation has brought improvements in terms of fewer drug interactions and stronger effects. Famotidine is the longest-lasting H2 blocker (usually one dose lasts 24 hours). Famotidine is 32 times more potent in its ability to inhibit stomach acid than cimetidine and 9 times more potent than ranitidine. There is now a new H2 blocker available called nizatidine that offers additional benefits, particularly a rapid onset of action, as well as some effects on normalizing stomach contractions.

Famotidine is now available in an over-the-counter formulation, making it very convenient for pet owners (although obviously the use of drugs licensed for human consumption should not be considered without specific instructions from a veterinarian). Famotidine is particularly useful for dogs with chronic vomiting, although as technology advances, H2 blockers are gradually being replaced by proton pump inhibitors (such as omeprazole), which are even more potent antacids.

How does Famotidine work?

This is an antiulcer drug. It affects the functions of the gastric mucosa, comprehensively suppressing the production of hydrochloric acid:

  • basal;
  • stimulated by the enzymes gastrin, pepsin and acetylcholine.

As a result of acid neutralization, the pH level increases, and at the same time the protective effect of gastric secretions increases. Thanks to the production of glycoproteins, alkaline components and prostaglandins, the mucous membrane experiences less irritation, recovers and heals faster. In addition, the drug has a moderate effect on liver enzymes. This helps stop internal bleeding, prevents its development, and accelerates the scarring of ulcerative lesions.

The product dissolves in the stomach cavity within 10–15 minutes. The therapeutic effect of the drug develops over 1 hour and lasts up to 0.5–1 day. One dose of Famotidine significantly reduces the synthesis of hydrochloric acid for up to 12 hours, eliminating characteristic symptoms: stomach pain, heartburn.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active component suppresses the production of basal hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as that stimulated by acetylcholine , histamine and gastrin HCl. Reduces the activity of pepsin, increases the pH of gastric juice, and reduces the production of HCl.

By increasing the level of glycoproteins , increasing the formation of gastric mucus, stimulating the synthesis of prostaglandins , and the secretion of bicarbonate, the protective and wound-healing effect of the drug is achieved.

The drug helps stop gastric bleeding , promotes healing of damage to the gastric mucosa, and scars stress ulcers .

The drug has a weak effect on the oxidase system of the cytochrome P450 enzyme in the liver system (suppressive effect).

The medicine begins to act within an hour and lasts 12-24 hours. With intravenous administration of solutions with the active ingredient famotidine, the effect is recorded after half an hour. A single dose suppresses secretion for 10-12 hours.

Indications for use of Famotidine

The drug is prescribed for increased acidity of gastric juice and associated pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastritis;
  • attacks of heartburn, sour belching and other dyspeptic disorders;
  • peptic ulcer disease, including stress ulcers;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • erosive lesions of the intestinal mucosa;
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • reflux esophagitis.

Famotidine is also used to prevent internal bleeding after abdominal surgery on the stomach, as a preventive measure against aspiration of digestive secretions before using endotracheal general anesthesia. In complex therapy, it is indicated to improve the condition of polyendocrine adenomatosis and mascytosis.

special instructions

Taking Famotidine may mask symptoms indicating carcinoma in the stomach. It is recommended to exclude malignant neoplasms of the digestive tract before prescribing the drug.

The drug must be discontinued gradually to prevent rebound syndrome. With stress and long-term therapy, a bacterial infection in the stomach may develop, and further spread of microbes is possible.

Famotidine must be taken two hours after using Ketoconazole , Itraconazole to prevent their hyperabsorption.

When testing for skin reactions to histamine, it is important to consider that a histamine receptor blocker may suppress the reaction and lead to a false negative result.

Treatment involves eliminating from the diet foods that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Precautions and contraindications

The drug requires careful use in hepatosis, cirrhosis and other liver diseases, inflammation of the gallbladder, renal failure, nephritis. These pathologies increase the risk of side effects. Famotidine contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to any of its components;
  • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy at all stages;
  • lactation period.

In pediatrics, the medication is used with caution, in doses strictly determined by the doctor, with constant monitoring of the well-being of children.

Famotidine slows down the breakdown of indirect anticoagulants, antidepressants, caffeine, drugs based on lidocaine, theophylline, metronidazole, phenytoin, buformin. This must be taken into account during simultaneous courses of treatment.


Famotidine inhibits the metabolism of Diazepam , aminophenazone, phenazone , lidocaine, caffeine, tricyclic antidepressants , phenytoin, indirect anticoagulants, Aminophylline , metronidazole, Metoprolol, buformin , glipizide, theophylline, metoprolol, clavulanic acid in the liver.

When taking drugs that depress bone marrow, the risk of developing neutropenia increases. Famotidine reduces the absorption of Ketoconazole and Itraconazole .

Sucralfate and antacids slow the rate of absorption. Famotidine is compatible with sodium chloride, dextrose solution. The drug increases the absorption of clavulonic acid, Amoxicillin .

How to use Famotidine: instructions

The medication in tablets is taken 1-2 times a day:

  • 1 tablet 20 or 40 mg once: to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, to prevent relapses of gastric diseases, for reflux esophagitis;
  • 20–40 mg up to 4 times a day: for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and the risk of internal bleeding;
  • 20 mg - 2 hours before surgery.

The maximum daily dose of the drug is 160 mg. The duration of treatment is 4–8 weeks. The exact treatment regimen depends on the type of disease and is adjusted by the doctor. The tablets should be taken before or after meals, without chewing, with water at room temperature. If necessary, the drug can be taken before bedtime.

Before administration, the lyophilisate is diluted in saline solution: 5–10 ml of sodium chloride 0.9%. Injections are given intravenously:

  • 20 mg once: before surgery;
  • repeating injections every 12 hours: for diseases of the digestive system, internal bleeding.

It is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug gradually to avoid a possible reactive increase in the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. During the treatment period, it is important to follow a special diet: exclude foods that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

Famotidine price, where to buy

The price of Famotidine in 20 mg tablets ranges from 30 to 50 rubles per pack of 20 pieces.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Famotidine tablets 40 mg No. 30 Hemofarm

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  • Famotidine (tablet p/o 20 mg No. 20)Hemofarm

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  • Famotidine (tablet p/o 20 mg No. 30)Hemofarm

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  • Famotidine (tab. p/p vol. 40 mg No. 30) Hemofarm LLC

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  • Famotidine (tablet p/o 40 mg No. 20) Hemofarm

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  • Famotidine-Pharmex 20 mg No. 5 solution TOV "Pharmex Group", Borispil, Ukraine
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  • Famotidine-KMP 20 mg N20 tablets PAT "Kievmedpreparat", Ukraine

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  • Famotidine-Darnitsa 0.02g N20 tablets PrAT” Pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”, Ukraine

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Side effects

According to the instructions for Famotidine, the following are possible with its use:

  • reactions from the digestive system: dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea, feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • from the central nervous system: tinnitus, dizziness, decreased vision, tremor;
  • from the genitourinary system: delayed diuresis, disruption of the menstrual cycle, decreased libido;
  • from the heart and blood vessels: changes in heart rate, bradycardia, decreased blood pressure.

In case of overdose, vascular collapse, vomiting, loss of coordination, confusion, acute pancreatitis, drug-induced hepatitis, bronchospasm, and myalgia are likely.

Famotidine for coronavirus: first doubts

The October preprint spoke out strongly against prescribing famotidine to Covid patients. A retrospective study found that the addition of famotidine (started within 24 hours of hospital admission) to standard therapy in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 demonstrated neither additional risk nor additional benefit in terms of 30-day mortality. However, among those who did not take famotidine at home but received it in hospital, the risk of death increased by 77%.

The above turned out to be true regardless of adverse reactions and possible confounding factors in the context of Covid, such as old age, obesity, smoking status, risk comorbidity, severe COVID-19, use of toxic hydroxychloroquine, etc.

The analysis included data from 1156 patients, of whom 35.5% (n=410) received famotidine.

The authors of the study, however, highlight a number of shortcomings and flaws in their work, which do not allow a general conclusion about famotidine to be made. First, an observational design cannot detect cause-and-effect relationships and may be biased. Second, no serum biomarker or viral load analysis was performed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties of famotidine. Finally, over 95% of the cohort patients received low or moderate doses of famotidine, meaning there is no way to determine whether high-dose famotidine is beneficial.


Famotidine is useful in any situation where stomach irritation is a problem

, and ulceration is a problem. It is often used to treat Helicobacter infection, inflammatory bowel disease, canine parvovirus, after ingestion of a toxin that may be ulcerative (such as aspirin overdose), any illness associated with prolonged vomiting, or chronically in combination with other medications that may have irritating effects on the stomach properties.

In dog diseases involving frequent vomiting or regurgitation, the esophagus (the tube connecting the mouth and stomach) may become ulcerated from prolonged exposure to vomit/stomach acid. Antacids are also useful in this situation to reduce damage to the esophagus. Megaesophagus is a condition in which a long-acting antacid such as famotidine may be useful in mitigating injury to the esophagus, although there is protection against aspiration pneumonia because stomach acid prevents bacterial growth if stomach contents enter the lungs.

Famotidine directly helps control nausea in species

where H1 receptors are present in the brain chemoreceptor trigger zone (the area involved in stimulating vomiting). In other words, famotidine is not only an antacid but also an antiemetic for dogs, but is only an antacid for cats.

Learn about essential drugs in animals

  • Zantac for cats (instructions, doses)
  • Zantac for dogs (instructions, doses)
  • Kvamatel for dogs. Why are dogs prescribed quamatel?
  • Quamatel tablets and injections for cats
  • Losek for animals
  • Losek for cats (instructions for use)
  • Losek for Dogs
  • Kvamatel for animals
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  • Acylok for dogs. How to dose acyloc in ampoules for dogs
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  • Acylok in cats
  • Almagel (aluminum hydroxide) for animals


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