Polysorb MP powder 25 g ➤ instructions for use

Drinking even small doses of alcohol can cause hangover symptoms. They are familiar to every person who has drunk alcohol at least once in his life. Dry mouth, headache, dizziness, apathy, general loss of strength - these are only a small part of the symptoms indicating the development of acute alcohol intoxication. The severity of hangover symptoms depends on how much alcohol was drunk, its quality, body characteristics and other factors.

You can eliminate the general symptoms of a hangover, improve your well-being, and literally bring a person back to life with the help of the high-quality drug Polysorb. Polysorb is a drug related to energy sorbents. Contains highly dispersed silica. Produced in Ukraine under the trademarks Atoxil and Silix. It is well tolerated and compatible with alcohol. It should be used only after carefully reading the instructions.

Small particles are capable of sorbing various substances. Their specific external surface is 300 sq.m/g. Colloidal particles are amorphous because their formula does not have a crystalline base.

The sorbent is produced in the form of a white powder for preparing a suspension. Then you need to drink it. When the powder is mixed with water, a white colloidal solution is formed. Polysorb is available in the form of a sachet with a capacity of 1 - 3 g or a jar with 12 - 50 g of powder.

All sorbents have high antitoxic ability. It has been clinically established that in acute alcohol poisoning, it is Polysorb that has the most pronounced antitoxic effect. It should be borne in mind that the sorbent does not act on alcohol, but on toxic substances formed during the breakdown of ethanol.

Mechanism of action of Polysorb

As soon as a person drinks alcohol, the liver begins to process it. It is in the largest gland in our body that the breakdown of alcohol into acetaldehyde occurs. This is an extremely toxic substance, on which the development of hangover syndrome depends. Under normal conditions, acetaldehyde undergoes a process of splitting into water and carbon dioxide. But with frequent drinking or drinking a large amount of alcohol, the liver cannot cope with detoxification, and acetaldehyde begins to accumulate in the body.

Taking Polysorb accelerates the elimination of toxins that are formed as a result of ethanol metabolism. If you drink the sorbent immediately before a feast, its microscopic particles will prevent ethanol from entering the bloodstream. The person will not get very drunk. When it enters the digestive tract, Polysorb increases the viscosity of liquids, which changes the consistency of intestinal contents. The resulting liquid with a new composition gently envelops the walls of the digestive tract.

Polysorb is able to remove the following toxins from the body:

  • alcohol, including its metabolic products and derivatives;
  • food allergens;
  • toxins produced by bacteria and viruses;
  • certain types of microorganisms;
  • medicines;
  • toxins, poisons;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • radionuclides;
  • some metabolic products, for example, bilirubin, cholesterol, nitrogenous compounds, etc.

This drug works softer and more effectively than activated carbon. It does not enter the bloodstream and leaves the body unchanged. Its most important tasks are the absorption and removal of poisons from the body.

Polysorb dosage

The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor based on the severity of the patient’s condition. Usually the powder is prescribed for:

  • severe intoxication in purulent and septic diseases;
  • poisoning with alcohol and its surrogates;
  • food infections;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • poisoning with drugs, potent substances, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, medicinal plants and mushrooms;
  • nonspecific diarrhea.
  • hepatitis of various natures.

The average daily dose for an adult is calculated based on his weight. The optimal dosage is 0.2 g per 1 kilogram of body weight per day, but not more than 20 g. It is necessary to take the sorbent 3 - 4 times a day, at regular intervals.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

  • A05.9 Bacterial food poisoning, unspecified
  • B19 Viral hepatitis, unspecified
  • K59.1 Functional diarrhea
  • K63.8.0* Dysbacteriosis
  • N18 Chronic renal failure
  • R17 Unspecified jaundice
  • T50.9 Other and unspecified drugs, medicinal products and biological substances
  • T50.9.0* Alkaloid poisoning
  • T51 Toxic effects of alcohol
  • T56.9 Toxic effect of unspecified metal
  • T65.9 Toxic effects of unspecified substance
  • T78.4 Allergy, unspecified
  • Y57 Adverse reactions during therapeutic use of other and unspecified drugs and medications
  • Y97 Factors associated with environmental pollution
  • Z57 Occupational exposure to hazards

Methods of taking Polysorb

The oral suspension should be prepared immediately before use. The required dose of the medicine is mixed in 0.5 glasses of clean water, stirred and drunk. This medication should be taken one hour before meals or other medications. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, but no more than two weeks. If you need to continue taking Polysorb, you should consult a doctor.

Polysorb has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, reduces the incidence of unwanted allergic reactions to medications, and improves the patient’s quality of life.

In case of acute poisoning, Polysorb cannot be considered as the only treatment. If the patient did not have time to drink the suspension before meals, it should be taken 2 hours after meals or taking medications.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, only in the form of an aqueous suspension!

To obtain a suspension, the required amount of the drug is thoroughly mixed in 1/4–1/2 cup of water. It is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension before each dose of the drug and drink it 1 hour before meals or taking other drugs.

The average daily dose for adults is 0.1–0.2 g/kg (6–12 g).

The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day.

The maximum daily dose in adults is 0.33 g/kg.

The dose for children is calculated depending on body weight (see table).


Patient's body weight, kgDosageWater volume, ml
to 100.5–1.5 tsp/day30–50
11–201 level teaspoon for 1 dose30–50
21–301 heaped teaspoon for 1 dose50–70
31–402 heaped teaspoons per serving70–100
41–601 heaped tablespoon for 1 serving100
more than 601–2 heaped tablespoons per serving100–150

1 heaped teaspoon - 1 g of the drug; 1 heaped tablespoon - 3 g of the drug.

In case of food allergies, the drug should be taken immediately before or during meals; the daily dose of the drug is divided into 3 doses throughout the day.

The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. The course of treatment for acute intoxication is 3–5 days; for allergic diseases and chronic intoxications - up to 10–14 days. Repeating the course of treatment is possible after 2-3 weeks, on the recommendation of a doctor.

Features of the use of the drug Polysorb® MP for various conditions and diseases

Foodborne illnesses and acute poisonings

Treatment should begin in the first hours or the first day of illness!

Rinse the stomach with a 0.5–1% suspension of the drug Polysorb® MP. In case of severe poisoning, on the first day, gastric lavage is carried out through a tube every 4–6 hours, and the drug is also given orally. A single dose in adults can be 0.1–0.15 g/kg 2–3 times a day.

If necessary, treatment is extended for another 3–5 days.

Acute intestinal infections

It is recommended to start treatment with Polysorb® MP in the first hours or days of the disease in combination with other methods of therapy.

On the first day of treatment, the daily dose is given over 5 hours with intervals between doses of 1 hour. The daily dose is 0.2 g/kg.

On the second day of treatment, the daily dose is given in 4 doses, in the intervals between meals and other medications. Duration of treatment is 3–5 days.

If there is a clinical effect, you can limit yourself to this course or, if necessary, continue treatment for another 2-3 days.

Treatment of viral hepatitis

In the complex therapy of viral hepatitis, Polysorb® MP is used as a detoxifying agent in normal doses during the first 7–10 days of illness.

Chronic renal failure

Courses of treatment with Polysorb® MP are 25–30 days at a daily dose of 0.15–0.2 g/kg. Courses can be repeated at intervals of 2–3 weeks.

Alcoholism, drug addiction

Polysorb® MP is used for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndromes, at a dose of 0.2 g/kg/day, for 5–10 days.


The course of treatment for psoriasis and eczema is 14-21 days, and for other dermatoses - 10-14 days.

Allergic diseases

In cases of acute drug and food allergies, the stomach and intestines are first washed with a 0.5–1% suspension of the drug Polysorb® MP. The drug is then given in usual doses until clinical effect occurs. For chronic food allergies, courses of 7–10–15 days are recommended, the drug is taken immediately before meals.

Similar courses are indicated for acute recurrent urticaria and Quincke's edema, eosinophilia on the eve of and against the background of exacerbation of hay fever and other atopies.

The daily dose is 0.2 g/kg, until the onset of clinical effect.

The inclusion of the drug Polysorb® MP in complex therapy for acute and recurrent urticaria and Quincke's edema, bronchial asthma, hay fever and, especially, atopic dermatitis is indicated.

The duration of the course depends on the persistence of clinical manifestations and is, on average, 5–10 days.

Treatment and prevention of gestosis

The daily dose of Polysorb® MP for preventive purposes is 0.1 g/kg, and for therapeutic purposes – 0.15–0.2 g/kg.

The duration of treatment in both cases is 10–14 days. Courses can be repeated after 10–14 days.

Treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the development of atherosclerosis.

It is recommended to use Polysorb® MP in patients with diseases caused by the development of atherosclerosis, at a dose of 0.1–0.15 g/kg/day for 1–1.5 months.

To prevent atherosclerosis, especially in people suffering from hypercholesterol and lipidemia, Polysorb® MP is used in the same doses and at the same time. If necessary, courses can be repeated after 1–1.5 months.

Taking Polysorb during alcohol intoxication

Acute poisoning with ethyl alcohol can often lead to death. Poisoning with methyl and other alcohols, which are part of counterfeit alcoholic drinks, is especially dangerous. Ingestion of 10 ml of methanol leads to severe poisoning, one of the consequences of which is blindness. Taking enterosorbents allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • binding of alcohols in the stomach and intestines;
  • normalization of glutathione levels;
  • restoration of biological blood parameters;
  • preventing the primary absorption of alcoholic beverages;
  • decrease in the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood;
  • preventing the circulation of breakdown products of ethyl alcohol in the body;
  • significant reduction in the half-life of alcohol (about 2 times).

Taking Polysorb improves tolerance to alcoholic beverages. In humans, the severity of symptoms of ethanol poisoning decreases. Modern use of Polysorb helps prevent deterioration of the body's condition.

In case of alcohol poisoning, the suspension is used according to the following scheme: before drinking alcohol, during libation and in the morning, after the holiday.

The inclusion of Polysorb in the complex therapy of alcohol poisoning helps to reduce the duration of alcoholic coma, improve the dynamics of restoration of cardiac and vascular functions, and reduce the length of stay of patients in a hospital.

In the case of chronic alcohol intoxication, the combination of the basic treatment regimen with Polysorb helps to reduce the hospital stay of patients, reduce the number of intravenous and infusion drugs administered, and improve the dynamics of restoration of heart and kidney functions.


The incubation period ranges from several hours to three days. Some time after infection, the patient begins to feel weak, nauseated, and the temperature rises. Then vomiting begins, it can be either single or multiple. In children, the symptoms are more pronounced and they suffer more severely from the disease. Then abdominal pain begins, which is accompanied by stool disturbances: at first it becomes mushy, then develops into diarrhea. After a few hours, the patient feels dry mouth - this is the first sign of dehydration. The patient loses weight, this is especially pronounced in children under one year old. Dehydration causes dry, cracked lips and sunken eyes. If the patient does not urinate after 6 hours, then this is a dangerous symptom of dehydration. If a child suffers a severe illness, it is best to hospitalize him. In a hospital setting, there are more opportunities to bring the child out of this state: droppers are used to eliminate dehydration.

Features of the use of Polysorb for hangover and withdrawal syndrome

Any case of alcohol abuse ends in a hangover, or post-intoxication syndrome. In the mechanism of development of this syndrome, the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol play a crucial role. The most toxic of them is acetaldehyde. During the further breakdown of this substance, free radicals are released, which further aggravate the patient's condition.

Against the background of intoxication, a person’s functioning of all internal organs is disrupted. Polysorb effectively removes alcohol breakdown products. Due to its biochemical properties, the drug binds toxins that are released into the blood against the background of impaired liver and kidney function.

In case of a hangover, Polysorb does not act on alcohol, but on the products that are formed during its breakdown. According to the instructions for use of this product, the suspension should be taken no later than 6 hours after finishing drinking alcohol. Or do this on the eve of a violent libation.

In case of acute alcohol poisoning due to a hangover, Polysorb actively removes toxins and eliminates the following symptoms:

  • pronounced surges in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • lethargy;
  • weakness;
  • sweating;
  • swelling, especially noticeable on the face;
  • thirsty;
  • bowel disorders;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders.

If you drink too much alcohol, the liver cannot process ethanol. Drinking the drug significantly alleviates the human condition and promotes faster normalization of body functions. Consuming Polysorb immediately after a stormy feast does not have a pronounced effect: small colloidal particles act in the intestines, and toxins have time to penetrate the blood. But even in this case, the medicine helps the liver function

Polysorb effectively relieves symptoms of withdrawal syndrome when stopping alcohol consumption. This promotes faster recovery of the body. However, the drug is not able to remove acetaldehyde and acetic acid from the blood - substances formed during the breakdown of alcohol.

For a hangover, the standard dose for an adult is 2 tablespoons of powder dissolved in 150 liters of water. The action begins within half an hour after oral administration.

For alcoholism, Polysorb should be taken 3–4 times a day for 5–10 days or until the patient’s condition is relatively normal. All this time, it is recommended to drink more fluid, because a significant amount of it is spent on maintaining the activity of the microparticles of the drug.

Release form

Powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration. 1/2/3/6/10/12 g in disposable bags made of label paper with a thermal layer. 1/2/3/4/5/10/30/50/100 disposable bags per cardboard box. It is allowed to place disposable bags directly into group packaging.

50 g in double PE bags or 5/10 kg in double PE bags (for hospitals). Packages of 50 g are placed in a cardboard box.

Also 12/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50 g in polystyrene, PE or PET jars, sealed with lids made of similar materials. The jar is placed in a cardboard box or packed in shrink film in packs of 5 and 10 pcs.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Polysorb

Ubiquitous advertising claims that this product is completely safe for humans. However, after carefully reading the instructions for use of this powder, you may find such contraindications to the use of Polysorb.

  1. Active phase of exacerbation of gastric or duodenal ulcer.
  2. Intestinal atony is a condition in which there is a lack of intestinal tone and peristalsis. It develops against the background of endocrine or neurological diseases or as a side effect of other medications.
  3. Bleeding from the upper digestive tract.
  4. Intestinal obstruction.
  5. Individual intolerance to the drug, tendency to allergic reactions.

A suspension prepared from Polysorb powder cannot be absorbed from the digestive tract. Its use is approved for pregnant and lactating women. For children, adolescents and people with severe chronic pathologies, the dose is selected or adjusted only by the attending physician.

Buy Polysorb MP powder for oral suspension 50g in pharmacies


on the use of the drug Polysorb MP

Polysorb MP is a powerful new generation sorbent based on natural silicon, effective in the treatment of diarrhea, poisoning, allergies, toxicosis, hangover syndrome and in cleansing the body.

What are the main advantages of Polysorb MP?

  • The highest sorption surface among sorbents is 300 m2/g.
  • High safety profile - 18 years of experience in using Polysorb MP in Russia.
  • Instant speed of action immediately after entering the gastrointestinal tract, relief occurs 2-4 minutes after administration.
  • Prescribed to children from birth, pregnant and lactating women, elderly and adults.

Due to its versatility and complexity, the drug is capable of:

  • stop diarrhea quickly,
  • free the body from toxic substances and toxins that worsen health in case of poisoning ,
  • help get rid of allergy and remove provoking allergens,
  • relieve a hangover and its consequences or prevent them in advance,
  • cleanse the body of harmful substances, radionuclides, heavy metals coming from a polluted environment, unhealthy foods,
  • reduce the dosage of hypertensive, hypoglycemic, antiepileptic, antiallergic, antibacterial and other chemotherapeutic, acid-lowering drugs
  • start the fight against excess weight through cleansing and accelerating metabolism,
  • improve the appearance of facial skin: cleansing problem areas and smooth skin.

Medical indications for use are extensive:

  • acute and chronic intoxication of various origins in adults and children;
  • acute intestinal infections of any origin, including food poisoning, as well as diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis (as part of complex therapy);
  • purulent-septic diseases accompanied by severe intoxication;
  • acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances, including drugs and alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals, etc.;
  • food and drug allergies ;
  • viral hepatitis and other jaundices (hyperbilirubinemia);
  • chronic renal failure (hyperazotemia);
  • residents of environmentally unfavorable regions and workers of hazardous industries, for the purpose of prevention.


  • Firstly, Polysorb is always taken in the form of an aqueous suspension , that is, the powder is mixed with 14 - 12 glasses of water , and is never taken dry orally.
  • Secondly, the amount of powder to take depends on body weight , that is, you need to know the approximate weight of the adult or child who will drink it. There cannot be an overdose, which eliminates concerns when determining the dose.

Table for calculating the daily dose of Polysorb MP depending on the patient’s body weight:

Patient weight Dosage Water volume
up to 10 kg 0.5-1.5 teaspoons per day 30-50 ml
11-20 kg 1 level teaspoon per serving 30-50 ml
21-30 kg 1 heaped teaspoon per serving 50-70 ml
31-40 kg 2 heaped teaspoons per serving 70-100 ml
41-60 kg 1 heaped tablespoon per serving 100 ml
more than 60 kg 1-2 heaped tablespoons per serving 100-150 ml

1 heaped teaspoon of Polysorb MP contains 1 gram of the drug. 1 gram is the most recommended single dose for children. 1 heaped tablespoon of Polysorb MP contains 2.5-3 grams of the drug. 3 grams is the average single adult dosage.

Method of use of Polysorb MP for main indications

Disease Mode of application Reception features Number of receptions Duration
Food allergies Dissolve the powder at the age dose in ¼-1/2 glass of water Drink before meals 3 times a day 3-5 days
Chronic allergies, urticaria, hay fever, atopy Dissolve the powder at the age dose in ¼-1/2 glass of water Drink before meals 3 times a day 10-14 days
Poisoning Gastric lavage with 0.5-1% solution of Polysorb MP (2-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) Next – oral administration of a suspension of Polysorb MP in an age-specific dose 3 times a day 3-5 days
Intestinal infections Dissolve the powder in an age-specific dose in ¼-1/2 glass of water: 1 day - take every hour. Day 2 – dose four times a day. Reception as part of complex treatment 3-4 times a day 5-7 days
Viral hepatitis From the first days of illness, dissolve the powder at an age-specific dose in ¼-1/2 glass of water Reception as part of complex treatment 3-4 times a day 7-10 days
Cleansing the body Dissolve the powder at the age dose in ¼-1/2 glass of water One hour before meals or one hour after meals 3 times a day 7-14 days
Chronic renal failure Dissolve the powder at the age dose in ¼-1/2 glass of water Reception as part of complex treatment 3-4 times a day 25-30 days
Toxicosis of pregnant women Dissolve the powder at the age dose in ¼-1/2 glass of water One hour before meals or one hour after meals 3 times a day 10-14 days
Hangover Day 1 – take 5 times a day every hour. Day 2 – take 4 times a day every hour. Drink more fluids 1 day – 5 times. Day 2 – 4 times. 2 days
Hangover prevention Take 1 dose: before the feast, before bed after the feast, in the morning. 1 per day 3 days

There is no confirmed data, but theoretically allergic reactions are possible. Constipation rarely occurs; to prevent it, you should drink more water. Long-term use (more than 14 days) may impair the absorption of vitamins and calcium, which can be corrected by taking multivitamins and calcium. Interaction with medications and microelements and vitamins from food: to eliminate the possibility of reducing the therapeutic effect of simultaneously taken medications and food, Polysorb MP is drunk either 1 hour before taking medications or 2 hours after meals.


  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase;
  • Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Intestinal atony;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects from taking Polysorb

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients. In some cases, the following side effects may occur:

  • constipation (its risk occurs with atony of the digestive tract);
  • acute allergic reaction in the form of rash, swelling, itching of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (most often manifested in the form of nausea, discomfort, or pain in the upper parts of the digestive tract, early satiety with food, flatulence, a feeling of constant fullness in the stomach when eating even a small amount of food;
  • constant unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Polysorb has a non-selective effect. This means that it removes from the digestive tract not only poisons, but also substances necessary for the body. Therefore, doctors do not recommend long-term use of this drug (for more than two weeks in a row). Otherwise, the absorption of microelements, vitamins, and essential nutrients is impaired. If further use of Polysorb is necessary, patients will be prescribed supplements containing vitamins and microelements.

Compatibility of Polysorb with other drugs

Most drugs in the enterosorbent group reduce the effectiveness of any drug if taken simultaneously. Polysorb and its analogs are capable of adsorbing inorganic compounds. To avoid this interaction, it is recommended to use Polysorb one and a half to two hours before or after taking the main medications. If treated in a hospital, the responsibilities of medical personnel include monitoring the patient’s correct intake of Polysorb and other medications. Usually, in a clinical setting, errors with taking sorbents and other medications are completely excluded.

Polysorb is an effective and safe remedy for the treatment of hangover syndrome. It is a first aid drug for alcohol intoxication: headache, hand tremors, facial swelling, thirst, irritability. However, you should not use it often, because in this case useful substances are removed from the body. If it is necessary to use Polysorb for a long time, then it is necessary to additionally prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes. They will help restore water and electrolyte balance in the body and prevent the development of chronic pathologies of the digestive tract.

But treating alcoholism with Polysorb alone is inappropriate. This is only a symptomatic remedy that temporarily relieves the symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption. If a patient suffers from alcoholism, then he needs specialized treatment.

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