Hormonal drugs Gedeon Richter Lactinet - reviews


In the absence of previous use of hormonal contraceptives (within the last month), taking tablets begins on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, 1 tablet per day, if possible at the same time of day, following the direction indicated on the package, so that there is a break between doses two tablets was 24 hours, if necessary with a small amount of liquid. This drug does not require a break in use. Each subsequent package should begin immediately after the end of the previous one.

First dose of the drug

Women who did not take oral contraceptives in the previous month

The first tablet should be taken on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle (menstruation). In this case, the use of additional methods of contraception is not required.

You can start taking pills from the 2-5th day of menstruation, but in this case, in the first cycle, you must use additional methods of contraception in the first 7 days of taking the pills.

Women who switch from another combined oral contraceptive (COC) to Lactinet®

If possible, the day after taking the last tablet of the previous COC. In this case, the use of additional methods of contraception is not required.

Women who are switching from progestogen-only medications (mini-pills, injections, implants, or progestogen-releasing intrauterine devices)

When switching from a mini-pill, you can start taking the drug on any day, in the case of injections - on the day when the next injection should have been given, in the case of an implant - on the day after its removal.

In all of these cases, it is recommended to use barrier methods of contraception during the first 7 days.

Taking the drug after an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy

After an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to start taking the drug immediately after the abortion; in this case, there is no need to use additional methods of contraception.

Taking the drug after childbirth or after termination of pregnancy in the second trimester

The drug should be taken no earlier than 21-28 days after termination of pregnancy in the second trimester or after childbirth. If you plan to start taking the drug later, you must use a barrier method of contraception for the first 7 days. In addition, if unprotected sexual intercourse occurred before starting to use the drug, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy or postpone the start of taking the drug to the first day of the next menstruation (when the menstrual cycle is restored).

Missed (forgotten) pills

The effectiveness of the contraceptive is reduced if more than 36 hours have passed between taking two tablets. If the break does not exceed 12 hours, the contraceptive effect is not reduced, and the use of an additional contraceptive method is not required. The remaining tablets are continued as usual.

If there is a break of more than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect may be reduced. To achieve effective blocking of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, it is necessary to take the drug daily for 7 days. Thus, after a break of more than 12 hours, the drug is continued as usual, however, in the next 7 days it is necessary to use additional (barrier) methods of contraception. If taking the pill was missed in the first week of using the drug and unprotected sexual intercourse took place in the previous 7 days, then the possibility of pregnancy cannot be excluded.

Measures to be taken in case of vomiting

If vomiting develops within 3-4 hours after taking the tablet, the tablet is not completely absorbed. In this case, you should proceed in the same way as in the case of missed pills. The required tablet(s) must be replenished from another package.


Despite taking the pills regularly, menstrual irregularities may occur. If menstruation occurs very frequently and irregularly, you should consider using another method of contraception. If disorders persist, an organic cause must be excluded.

Tactics for amenorrhea that occurs during use of the drug depend on whether the tablets were taken in accordance with the instructions or not; a pregnancy test may be required.

If pregnancy occurs, the drug must be stopped.

It must be remembered that taking Lactinet® does not protect against infection with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, spotting/bleeding from the vagina.

Treatment: there is no specific antidote. Symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Hormonal drugs Gedeon Richter Lactinet - reviews


I didn’t particularly select contraceptives; the pharmacy simply recommended Lactinet. At that time I was breastfeeding, and I couldn’t drink the other OK ones. They suited me, everything was fine with me and with my body. My period arrived 3 months later and my cycle quickly recovered.



After the first birth, I did not plan another pregnancy; before pregnancy I took another oral contraceptive, but the pregnancy still occurred. After consulting a local doctor, we decided to try the drug Lactinet. The drug is available in tablet form. It is necessary to start taking it for the first time on the first day after the last day of menstruation. I did not experience any adverse reactions to taking it, except that menstruation became irregular. I have been taking the drug successfully for two years now. Also, one of the minuses, I would like to note that after taking the drug, the level of libido decreased significantly and there was less lubrication during sexual intercourse.

Victoria V


if you take mini-drinks (lactinet) at the same time, there will be no pregnancy, their contraceptive effect is 95%, with regular OCs the effect is 99%, there are women who take mini-drinks even after stopping breastfeeding, they have fewer side effects than with regular OCs , but I repeat strictly at the same time, otherwise the contraceptive effect is reduced, I started drinking them without visiting a gynecologist, but I am a doctor, I know all their pros and cons. Why do you need to take any tests at all, these are contraceptives with a very low dose hormones, you don’t need to be tested to take them.

Mamapirozhkov (MouseSonya)


It's not the first time I've taken pills, because... Due to health reasons, the spiral does not work, I understand pharmacology, I compared the composition with the previous ones, everything was fine! and G talked about them at the beginning of my pregnancy, I can’t go to the doctor because... There is no one to leave the baby with, so I made the choice on my own, and sending children to the “trash heap” is not for me!!!!!



I drank while I was breastfeeding. Everything is fine, no side effects have been identified. The tablets are taken without a break, the first pack ended, I immediately started the second. My daughter is almost 3 years old and I’m still taking them, I don’t know, maybe I need to switch to others because... I don't breastfeed anymore. but they suit me quite well

Svetlana T.


I took Lactinet immediately after giving birth as prescribed by the doctor. Because it can be drunk during lactation. There were no side effects, I didn’t gain an ounce. But after a year and a half, the last cycle lasted 2 weeks, after which I finished the package and stopped taking them. My husband and I decided to have a second child. I was afraid that there would be problems due to the failure. But no, pregnancy has occurred. Therefore, there are no complaints about Laktinet.



I had never taken birth control, and was wary of them, because the reviews about them were very different. I decided to take them only after giving birth; my gynecologist recommended Lactinet. Later I realized that I worried in vain. I didn’t have any major changes in my body, I felt good, and, moreover, I fed the baby without fear. Now I only use OK protection.



I was prescribed this drug for contraception when I was breastfeeding my daughter. The doctor assured that this drug does not affect the production of breast milk, since it contains only one hormone - desogestrel, and other tablets contain another hormone that can reduce the amount of breast milk or even cause the milk to disappear. So I agreed to take this drug and I was happy with everything, my milk really didn’t decrease and I ate well, I didn’t feel any terrible side effects - no increase in everything, no mood changes, and so on.

The only thing that was a little embarrassing was that my periods came several times a month, but only a little, for two or three days, and this was annoying. We ended breastfeeding naturally, so I will change the pills for others without getting attached to breastfeeding.




Effective drug


Personally, it didn’t suit me; quite expensive

My gynecologist prescribed these pills to me after a caesarean section. 40 days after giving birth I started taking Lactinet. According to the doctor, you can take them while breastfeeding. The packaging is very convenient, the blister itself fits in a separate cardboard “purse”, so to speak, in a handbag, in a cosmetic bag, in a first aid kit - it’s appropriate everywhere)) The drug is convenient because you only need to take it once a day. But with my postpartum uncollected mind, I needed daily reminders in my phone. The first month of taking it I did not notice any changes, the described side effects were not observed. More precisely, I did not realize that excessive sweating and frequent attacks of aggression are a side effect of Lactinet. It was summer, I was breastfeeding, I considered sweating as part of the hormonal postpartum changes plus the heat outside. Argesion - the same hormones and life with mother-in-law. Well, I didn’t sin on the pills. It turned out in vain. They just didn't suit me! I didn’t consult a doctor (I just didn’t find the time to get to her, two children a year apart, who cares!), I stopped drinking them on the advice of my husband, who just suspected something was wrong))). Literally a couple of days after stopping the drug, the attacks of aggression began to recede (I am a kind person by nature, I rarely get angry). Now I don’t take any pills, I just use condoms with my husband.




inexpensive, safe for nursing


you can't buy it everywhere

After the birth of my second child, I started thinking about contraception. My doctor prescribed Lactinet because it can be taken during lactation. The packaging with the pills turned out to be not very convenient since there were only numbers and the days were not signed, and this sometimes made me confused. In general, my weight did not increase while taking them, but on the contrary, I lost a little weight, but the cycle has not yet been established.



Good day to all!

Now I have medical confirmation that I am healthy and Lactinet did not harm me, therefore, with a clear conscience I can write a review.

Lactinet is OK based on desogestrel; it can also be used during breastfeeding. I prescribed it to myself (don’t do that ❌).

So, for approximately 900 ₽ we get this:

The tablets themselves are located inside a bag, foil-lined on the inside to protect from external influences.

the tablets are small, which on the one hand is good, but on the other hand... I accidentally dropped them twice and then spent a lot of time trying to find them)))

An envelope-case is also included, inside which you can store tablets.

My usage experience.

At the initial stage, not everything was smooth. Everything was fine for about a week in a row, but then spotting started. But I knew that hormones are hormones, even such “light” ones, and the body is rebuilt. Then everything got better.

What happens if you exceed the dose.

One day I took a pill and forgot. Then I remembered that I should take a pill and took another one. I began to develop a frantic tachycardia and tremors of the limbs. This never happened to me. And only then did I remember that I had taken too much medicine. Therefore, write down the start date of packing.

Side effects.

They exist and everyone can have their own. Personally, I encountered the following:

❗️ My nerves were very shaken. Everything infuriated me: my husband’s breathing was too loud, the tea was hot, and the water was wet. Time has passed.

❗️ Leather. Pimples appeared here and there, but not significantly.

❗️ My period disappeared. At all. Personally, this suits me. Yes, and there is an ultrasound, in which everything is ok, which means I don’t have to worry.

Now about the pros:

The libido has not disappeared, and the acts are now devoid of unnecessary worries about the possibility of being “bubbled” by another “belligerent”. This plus, perhaps, outweighs everything else.

Overall, I am satisfied with OK Lactinet. Of course, the selection should be made by a doctor, but I’m glad that they suited me!



About 2 months after giving birth, when my body seemed to have recovered, my doctor advised me on these contraceptives, which are specifically designed for nursing mothers. The doctor immediately warned that after starting to take these pills, bleeding may begin, which will go away in a few days. I already had a negative experience with Janine’s tablets, which caused terrible weakness, dizziness and nausea, so the possibility of slight bleeding did not scare me.

I will say that I didn’t find these pills right away, only at the 3rd pharmacy for 981 rubles (then I was simply shocked because I read the reviews and looked at the approximate price). 4 months have passed, now they cost 697 rubles, apparently they were from purchase when the dollar jumped.

I was very pleased with this envelope for storing pills, you can take them out quickly and it doesn’t take up much space.

The pills must be taken every day at the same time, no breaks are taken between courses, and it is advisable to use condoms for the first 2 weeks.

A week after starting the treatment, the “promised” bleeding began, it was just some kind of horror, it poured for 10 days like from a slaughtered pig (I apologize for the details). After that, everything stopped, no frigidity or mood swings, if there was anything, it was simply from fatigue, nothing bothers me (and it’s good), because the drug has a lot of side effects, you can read

here (too many letters for a quote).

I can’t say unequivocally: “Yes, buy only them,” because a doctor must prescribe, and each body has its own reaction.

I wish you good health, I hope the review was useful.

How to protect yourself after childbirth

What kind of research is not being carried out in the world. At the University of Michigan in 2012, they studied the characteristics of the sexual life of women in the postpartum period. The research result was not surprising - already within the first 6 weeks after childbirth, 26% of women resume sexual relations. 61% of women maintain the required 6-week period of abstinence, and 13% risk resuming sexual activity only 12 weeks after birth. At the same time, it is unlikely that women seek to repeat the miracle of pregnancy and birth in the very near future.

Back in 1970, WHO developed a program to reduce maternal mortality through the use of family planning methods. Even then it was well known that increasing the interval between births to 2 years and stopping childbirth after 40 years (at least after 45) reduces maternal mortality by 2 times and child mortality by 4 times.

It is especially dangerous to become pregnant soon after surgical delivery - there is no “good” way out: both abortion and prolongation of pregnancy are fraught with the development of severe, often fatal complications.

Natural defense

Nature has taken excellent care of us: breastfeeding (BF) effectively prevents the onset of a new pregnancy, giving the mother the opportunity to recover from pregnancy and childbirth and pay enough attention to the growing baby. In this regard, it is gratifying that a confidently dominant breastfeeding ideology has emerged in society. Everyone already understands perfectly well: breast milk is the best food, always sterile and heated to the right temperature, individually adapted to the needs of a particular child.

Read also: How to breastfeed your baby

The concept of shared stay in maternity hospitals makes it possible to provide exclusive breastfeeding from the very first minutes - without supplements, nipples, pacifiers and horns, when the child receives breasts on demand without night breaks.

Scientific studies have confirmed that breastfeeding can protect a child from infectious and non-infectious diseases due to the unique component HAMLET (Human Alpha-Lactalbumin Made Lethal to Tumor Cells). This is the name given to the substance that is formed during the processing of breast milk in the baby’s stomach. HAMLET works as a “universal killer”, destroying the vast majority of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, including MARS - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Lactational amenorrhea method

Hepatitis B reliably protects a woman from pregnancy (98% effective) if three conditions are met:

  1. Exclusive breastfeeding, without supplements, supplements or complementary foods. Daytime intervals between feedings should not exceed 3–4 hours, nighttime intervals should not exceed 5–6 hours.
  2. The child is no more than 6 months old. WHO recommends introducing complementary foods during this period, so the frequency and duration of breastfeeding may decrease, and the effectiveness of protection against unwanted pregnancy will accordingly decrease.
  3. After giving birth, there was not one menstruation. The appearance of menstruation, even if the first two conditions are absolutely met, means that the ability to conceive has been restored and breastfeeding can no longer be used as effective contraception.

Unfortunately, in our country we rarely practice exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months, eager to treat the baby to purees, cereals, juices and curds. But other women will also need additional protection from pregnancy six months after giving birth. Therefore, we recommend that in any case you think about switching to another method of contraception when the child is 3-4 months old.

How can I protect myself if I can’t breastfeed?

There are few situations in which breastfeeding is prohibited. In any case, there are much fewer of them than during the years of my studies and the beginning of work.

According to WHO, complete cessation of breastfeeding is justified only if the mother is HIV-positive; however, alternative nutrition must be “acceptable, feasible, affordable, reliably provided and safe; otherwise, exclusive breastfeeding should be maintained for the first 6 months of the child’s life.”

There must be compelling reasons to temporarily stop breastfeeding for medical reasons:

  1. Severe illnesses of the mother that do not allow her to care for the child (preeclampsia and eclampsia, massive bleeding during and after childbirth, sepsis, severe chronic extragenital diseases).
  2. Exacerbation of herpetic infection, provided that the herpetic rash is on the skin of the mammary gland. You can feed your baby expressed breast milk until the rash disappears.
  3. Newly diagnosed active form of tuberculosis (all anti-tuberculosis drugs are compatible with breastfeeding, but in this situation breastfeeding should be temporarily stopped until the course of chemotherapy is completed).
  4. Brucellosis before treatment.
  5. The mother is taking certain medications.
  6. Pathological conditions or developmental abnormalities in newborns.

Contrary to popular belief, neither acute respiratory viral infections in the mother, nor mastitis or breast abscess are grounds for even temporary cessation of breastfeeding. When conducting therapy, the doctor takes into account the situation and selects medications that are compatible with breastfeeding, checking the possibility of use during lactation using databases.

But anything can happen in life. Sometimes breastfeeding is impossible not for medical reasons, but for social reasons. Some people have to go to work very early or go on business trips. You never know the reasons that make exclusive breastfeeding impossible.

Tablets for nursing mothers

Women who breastfeed but do not use the lactational amenorrhea method can reliably prevent unwanted pregnancy with progestin-only oral contraceptives. These are tablets that do not contain an estrogen component. Numerous studies have proven that such drugs do not affect the quality and quantity of breast milk, do not harm the baby’s health, do not affect its growth and development, and do not change the hormonal balance in the baby’s body.

The old “mini-pills” (Exluton, Microlut) have been replaced by progestin preparations containing desogestrel (Charozetta/Lactinet). The main mechanism of action is reliable suppression of ovulation.

The contraceptive failure rate (Pearl index) is 0.41 with typical use and 0.14 with ideal use of the drug. The advantages include the recently discovered ability of Charozetta to reduce the frequency and course of migraine attacks.

Charozetta/Laktinet is quite resistant to missed tablets for up to 12 hours (old mini-pills - up to 3 hours). If you are more than 12 hours late, you will have to use additional contraceptive methods for at least 7 days to restore the contraceptive effect.

The drug is taken continuously - no “rest breaks” are provided here.

You can start taking pills against the background of lactational amenorrhea on any day, but not earlier than 3-4 weeks after birth. If the patient resumes sexual activity after 6 weeks, then a condom should be additionally used for the first 7 days to allow the drug to reliably block the possibility of ovulation.

If menstruation has resumed, contraception should be started on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle. In this case, additional protection will not be needed.

I gently remind you that most patients do not need to take any tests or undergo a special examination before starting such contraception. A simple conversation with a doctor will be enough.

What if I forget to take my pills?

It is not surprising that in the cycle of worries and affairs, mothers do not always take pills regularly, significantly increasing the risk of pregnancy. Such forgetfulness is especially dangerous if the pregnancy ended in a cesarean section. That is why, after surgical delivery, doctors persistently push patients to choose highly effective methods of prolonged contraception.

Nursing mothers should take a closer look at the progestin-only contraceptive implants Implanon and Implanon NKST. The implant can be inserted under the skin in the area of ​​the inner surface of the shoulder for 3 years already 4 weeks after birth. The contraceptive effect is formed in 7 days and lasts 3 years.

Intrauterine contraceptives, including the Mirena hormone-releasing system, can be installed 4 weeks after birth, regardless of the method of delivery. Reducing the volume of menstrual blood loss is a wonderful bonus from Mirena, which allows you to help eliminate iron deficiency anemia.

If reproductive goals are met

A highly effective, but, unfortunately, irreversible method of contraception is voluntary surgical sterilization. In Russia, the right to sterilization is granted to citizens who are at least 35 years old and have two or more children.

The wise use of simple and effective methods of family planning can not only avoid abortion, but also provide the child with the best food in the world, the most complete care and a healthy, loving mother.

Congratulations to you, women!

Oksana Bogdashevskaya

Photo thinkstockphotos.com

Products by topic: [product](Charozetta), [product](Laktinet), [product](Implanon)

_____________ 1 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225277628_Exploring_Women%27s_Postpartum_Sexuality_Social_Psychological_Relational_and_Birth-Related_Contextual_Factors 2 https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/85457/1/9241562218_rus.pdf 3 https ://www. researchgate.net/publication/275717132_Positive_effects_of_the_progestin_desogestrel_75g_on_migraine_frequency_and_use_of_acute_medication_are_sustained_over_a_treatment_period_of_180_days

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