How to use levomekol for conjunctivitis? Instructions for adults and children

The benefits of proper nutrition

Nothing will help prevent exacerbation better than trying to eliminate or minimize risk factors for the development of pathology. The list of non-drug methods opens with diet correction. We are not talking about any frightening restrictions for hemorrhoids. It is enough to follow the following simple recommendations from doctors for treatment by correcting nutrition:

• Consumption of foods containing fiber. It is this substance that retains fluid in the stool. Constipation and the need for significant straining in the toilet disappear. This is important in protecting against hemorrhoid attacks.

• Don't forget about water. The average volume of fluid consumed for hemorrhoids is 1.5-2 l/day.

• If you have hemorrhoids, you should eat frequently (every 2.5-3 hours), but in smaller portions.

• Avoid foods that cause constipation: marinades, smoked meats, pickles. Alcohol consumption is significantly limited.

Remember that a small amount of a prohibited product eaten will not cause significant harm if the portion is compensated by an adequate amount of vegetables, fruits, and grains. However, systematic use of foods from the list of prohibited items will aggravate constipation and cause aggravation.

Levomekol - instructions for use

For small wounds, the ointment is applied to the damaged area, covered with a sterile napkin and secured with a bandage or adhesive tape.

For large purulent wounds or burns, first soak a sterile gauze pad with ointment, place it deep into the wound, and secure it with bandages on top. Dressings should be done daily.

It is possible to use a catheter to introduce ointment into body cavities.

The course of treatment with Levomekol is 5–10 days, depending on the severity of the damage.

Need for movement

Everyone knows the saying that movement is life, but only a few follow it. Few people can force themselves to exercise regularly, but reasonable physical activity eliminates the second of the factors leading to hemorrhoids - stagnation of blood in the veins of the small pelvis.

It is believed that the most beneficial types of physical activity are gymnastics, walking, exercise on an exercise bike, and swimming, but exercises involving weight lifting, on the contrary, will lead to exacerbation or development of hemorrhoids. It is better to cross out weightlifting from the list of suitable sports that can cure hemorrhoids without medication.

For people who want to treat the manifestations of the disease by changing the motor mode, even special gymnastics have been developed. List of the simplest exercises against hemorrhoids:

• Alternating tension and relaxation of the gluteal muscles in a standing position with crossed legs.

• Alternate contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles while sitting on a hard chair with the torso slightly tilted forward.

• A whole list of exercises called “Kegel exercises” has been developed for women. More often they are prescribed for gynecological problems, after childbirth, but are no less effective for training the muscles of the anus for hemorrhoids.

Analogues of Levomekol

Levomekol ointment can be replaced with drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect.

Analogues of Betadine, Miramistin, Dioxidin, Fucidin, tetracycline, synthomycin and streptocidal ointments will have an antibacterial effect. Bepanten, Methyluracil ointment, Panthenol in the form of an ointment or spray have a reparative effect.

The best analogues of Levomekol are complex preparations containing both healing and antimicrobial components, for example Levosin, Oflomelid, Levomethyl.

Among the substitutes for Levomekol there are also cosmetics, for example, Eplan or Rescue balm.

Antifungal drugs can be used together with Levomekol, thereby expanding the spectrum of its action. For example, Clotrimazole, Triderm.

List of Levomekol analogues with prices

AnalogueCompoundAverage price, rub.Country of origin
LevomekolDioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine + Chloramphenicol120Russia
Balsamic liniment according to VishnevskyTar + Xeroform35Russia
BaneocinBacitracin + Neomycin200
LevosinDioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine + Sulfadimethoxine + Trimecaine + Chloramphenicol150Russia
OflomelidOfloxacin + Methyluracil + Lidocaine150Russia
Syntomycin ointmentD,L-chloramphenicol70Russia
Methyluracil ointmentDioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine80Russia
Stellanine PEGDiethylbenzimidazolium triiodide380Russia
Ichthyol ointmentIchthammol80Russia
Tetracycline ointmentTetracycline80Russia
LevomethylDioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine + Chloramphenicol50Russia
SolcoserylDeproteinized dialysate from the blood of healthy dairy calves400Switzerland/Russia
ArgosulfanSilver sulfathiazole400Poland/Russia
Streptocide ointmentStreptocide100Russia


Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany
Release form: ointment and cream for external use

Active ingredient: Dexpanthenol

The Bepanten analogue is used for skin damage, such as burns, including sunburn, wounds, cuts, cracks, dry skin. Used to treat mother's nipples during breastfeeding, as well as to care for babies.


Manufacturer: Meda, Switzerland/Russia
Release form: ointment and gel for external use

Active ingredient: Deproteinized dialysate from the blood of healthy dairy calves

The analog Solcoseryl is a drug of animal origin. It has a regenerating, membrane-stabilizing, wound-healing effect, and stimulates collagen synthesis. It is used for wounds, burns, frostbite and long-term non-healing ulcers.


Manufacturer: Elfa, Poland/Valeant, Russia
Release form: ointment for external use

Active ingredient: Silver Sulfathiazole

The analogue of Argosulfan is an antibacterial drug that helps prevent infection of skin lesions and accelerates the healing process.

It is used for wounds, burns, ulcers, frostbite, bedsores, infected eczema and dermatitis.


Manufacturer: EGIS, Hungary
Release form: ointment and solution for external use, vaginal suppositories

Active ingredient: Povidone-Iodine

Analogue Betadine contains iodine in a bound state, due to which there is no irritating effect while maintaining antiseptic and disinfectant effects.

It is used for wounds, abrasions, burns, as well as fungal infections of the skin.

Available treatments for hemorrhoids

Non-drug therapy does not work as quickly as desired, and surviving an exacerbation is quite difficult, given the nature of the symptoms. It is the medications that will help to quickly relieve the signs of the disease.

The list of medications is long. The following may be prescribed for treatment:

• Suppositories for early hemorrhoids.

• Ointments or creams to relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids.

• Tablets or capsules for severe hemorrhoids.

A list of the most popular treatments is presented below.

Levomekol or Baneocin - which is better?

Manufacturer: Sandoz, Austria
Release form: ointment and powder for external use

Active ingredient: Bacitracin + Neomycin

The analogue Baneocin contains two antibiotics that are active against various microbes. Complex use provides a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action.

The drug better heals wounds infected with staphylococci. Convenient to use as a powder on wounds.

The Baneocin analogue is used to treat eczema, trophic ulcers, diaper dermatitis, with additional infection of viral skin lesions, and for disinfection of the umbilical cord in newborns. Can be used in infants from the first day of life.

Surgical methods for treating hemorrhoids

Drug therapy helps block incipient hemorrhoids. In cases where stages 3-4 are diagnosed, it is difficult to treat exclusively with medication. In this situation, they resort to surgical correction, that is, an operation to remove hemorrhoids.


The most applicable procedure for hemorrhoids. The intervention was developed by surgeons of the last century Morgan and Milligan. There are several modifications or methods of performing the operation:

• Classic. It involves complete removal of the nodes using available surgical instruments (nowadays, lasers and electrocoagulators are more often used to reduce blood loss). Not only the nodes themselves are subject to excision, but also the underlying mucosal tissue, which increases the healing time and makes the operation more traumatic. Rehabilitation with the classical method of intervention can take about 1 month.

• Closed. Introduced somewhat later by Ferguson and therefore bears his surname. It differs from the first option in that the intervention ends with tissue suturing, which shortens the rehabilitation period.

Ligation and coagulation

Hemorrhoidectomy is not the only option for surgical removal of hemorrhoids. The list is long. One commonly used method is ligation. It is performed using special rings made of latex, or by applying sutures. As a result of the procedure, the blood supply to the node is stopped, its walls collapse, and over time it falls off, leaving a scar. After the node falls off, the latex ring is excreted in the feces.

The list will continue with coagulation. Electro- or photocoagulation is used. The first procedure for hemorrhoids is performed using electric current. Intervention, unfortunately, does not provide a 100% guarantee of recovery.

Without taking adequate measures to prevent recurrence of hemorrhoids. In some cases, scar deformation, pain, and sphincter spasms may occur. Photocoagulation is good for primary hemorrhoids. Bleeding is considered a complication of the procedure, and the disadvantages include the fact that only 1 node can be treated in this way per 1 intervention.

Sclerotherapy, disarterization and cryodestruction

Sclerotherapy consists of introducing a special substance into the lumen of the nodes - sclerosant. As a result of treatment, the lumen of the vein “collapses”. Complications are rare.

Hemorrhoids can also be removed using cryodestruction. The method is based on the effect of low temperatures on the pathological focus. Cryodestruction will help eliminate the disease at any stage of the disease. For initial hemorrhoids, it does not require hospitalization.

Currently, a method such as disarterization is often used. During the intervention, the blood vessel feeding the hemorrhoids is ligated. Blood no longer flows into the pathologically dilated veins and they gradually “collapse.” The procedure does not require long-term rehabilitation and allows you to relieve hemorrhoids in the shortest possible time.

The list of radical treatment methods will be completed by Longo surgery. The intervention is carried out using a specially created device, and the time spent on the procedure rarely exceeds 25-30 minutes. Unfortunately, the method is only suitable for relieving internal hemorrhoids.

Levomekol or Oflomelid – which is better?

Manufacturer: Sintez, Russia
Release form: ointment for external use

Active ingredient: Ofloxacin + Methyluracil + Lidocaine

Oflomelid ointment is produced only domestically. Contains three components: a broad-spectrum antibiotic, a regeneration stimulator and a local anesthetic.

Thanks to the optimally selected composition, the drug is effectively used to treat wounds and burns. Unlike Levomekol, this analogue will have a local anesthetic effect.

Troxevasin ® for hemorrhoids

The product has been used for a long time and has proven its effectiveness. The active component of the product is troxerutin, which is associated with all of the following properties of Troxevasin:

• Anti-inflammatory.

• Decongestant.

• Venotonic.

• Anticoagulant.

• Antioxidant.

It is recommended to apply ointment for hemorrhoids 2 times a day. For external hemorrhoids, you can make compresses or bandages from gauze soaked in the product. The doctor will tell you how much to treat the pathology in each specific case.

Levomekol or Sintomycin (Syntomycin ointment) - which is better

Manufacturer: Dalkhimfarm, Altaivitamins, Sintez, Russia
Release form: ointment for external use, vaginal suppositories.

Active ingredient: D,L-chloramphenicol

Syntomycin ointment has an antimicrobial effect. This analogue is used in the second and third phases of the wound process, when there is no purulent discharge, and for long-term non-healing trophic ulcers.

In the form of vaginal suppositories, it is used in gynecology for various infectious vaginitis and cervicitis.

Indications, restrictions on medication use

Levomekol has its own indications and limitations for use. When prescribing the drug, the doctor must take them into account. Before carrying out therapy with Levomekol, the doctor must conduct an examination and do the necessary examination. Levomekol is used for surgical pathologies (wounds, complicated course of postoperative wounds). This is the main indication for the drug.

Minor indications for the medicine:

  • treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids, especially after trauma and the addition of bacterial flora;
  • treatment of herpetic skin rashes;
  • treatment of acne (pimples, acne);
  • therapeutic measures for runny nose and sinusitis, complicated by bacterial pathogenic flora.
  • therapy for suppuration of the ear canal and auricle;
  • treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Levomekol is not used for eczematous lesions of the skin. The drug is not prescribed to patients with psoriasis or fungal skin infections. In pediatric practice, Levomekol is used from the age of 3 years. Liniment should not be used if you are allergic to any of the components of the medication. The medication cannot be combined with cytostatic, sulfonamide drugs, or pyrazolone-based drugs. The cost of Levomekol is from 140 rubles.


The description of the drug Levomekol on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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