Karipazim for spinal hernia: effect, statistics, research, application

Papaya is not only a tasty fruit, but also a source of a lot of useful substances and microelements. These include the plant enzyme papain, which accelerates the interaction of substances with water. It promotes the breakdown of proteins, peptides and complex amino acids.

Papain is present in large quantities in unprocessed papaya. Traditional healers fell in love with the fruit for its ability to improve digestion, reduce pain and stop inflammatory processes.

How to use

Papain-Active ointment is applied with massage movements to the back, shoulders, lower back and neck. It is necessary to rub until the gel is completely absorbed.

The procedure is carried out before bedtime. Ideally, an electrophoresis procedure using Karipazim solution was carried out before this.

When using papain gel externally, there is no risk of overdose. The only possible side effect is an allergic reaction due to personal intolerance to the substances in the gel.

Papain tablets are a type of dietary supplement. It is not considered as an independent drug and is used as part of complex therapy.

The maximum dosage of papain for an adult is 500 mg, the minimum is 45 mg. Taking tablets should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, and depends on the concentration of the substance in 1 tablet; take 1-2 pieces 3 times a day, regardless of meals.

Papain: where is it?

The compound is found in large quantities in the exotic papaya fruit, which grows in Hawaii and on the Indian Sea coast. The second place in quantity is occupied by: mango, pineapple, banana and kiwi.

But in order to get the required amount of papain from fruits, you will have to eat at least a kilogram a day, and this is not very healthy, to put it mildly.

To ensure that the consumption is beneficial and the doses are easy to control, use dietary supplements, such as Toxic Free!

Why is it useful?

Papain is a valuable discovery for modern man. Why do experts love this plant enzyme so much?

  1. Breaks down proteins to a state suitable for easy digestion. This is especially important for gastrointestinal diseases and recovery periods after surgery.
  2. The active substance accelerates healing and has a positive effect on tissue regeneration.
  3. The enzyme has antipyretic properties and is part of natural remedies against fever.
  4. Papain destroys harmful microbes and can be taken orally or externally.
  5. It has a pronounced anthelmintic property.
  6. It is an effective laxative, as well as a bile and diuretic.
  7. Due to the fact that the enzyme improves intestinal function, it is compared with pro- and prebiotics.
  8. Papain stimulates the immune system, increases the body's resistance to diseases and viruses.
  9. It is actively used in cosmetology due to its rejuvenating effect.
  10. Promotes weight loss.
  11. Helps build muscles.

Papain is used in cosmetology, pharmacology and food production.

Papain and pancreatin

What to do if your digestion needs support? Pancreatin is a medicine that is prescribed by your doctor, and self-medication is known to be dangerous. In this case, papain will be an excellent solution.

What to choose: pancreatin or papain

Pancreatin has been on the market for more than 10 years. The domestic, cheap drug is not inferior in effectiveness to new drugs. But, it gets it from materials of animal origin and has a number of side effects.

Papain is a new plant-based analogue of an enzymatic agent, which reduces the risk of side effects.

Conclusion - make an informed choice! For prevention and improvement of well-being, you can and should resort to taking papain, and we have already written about bonuses above. If the situation is related to the doctor’s prescriptions, then we recommend that you adhere to them and discuss the issue of replacing pancreatin. Remember, the choice is yours - consider side effects and think strategically about your health!

For what diseases is it used?

Medicine is the main area of ​​application of papain. The enzyme can be prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis, ulcer, flatulence, constipation;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections.
  • diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, adhesions.

Papain is used in the treatment of hernia. The enzyme has a beneficial effect on connective tissue, relieves pain and reduces inflammation.

The enzyme is added to toothpaste and even to cream after hair removal.

Enzyme release form and rules of administration

You can find several forms of papain on sale:

  1. Liquid extract . It is most often used to add to skin and hair care cosmetics. The extract is absolutely safe and does not irritate the epidermis.
  2. Chewable tablets and lozenges . They have a pleasant taste, you can either chew or suck them until they are completely dissolved, or swallow them with a sufficient amount of water.
  3. Capsules . A form of dietary supplement familiar to most users that is tasteless and odorless. Papain powder is enclosed in a cellulose or gelatin shell that easily dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract.

Papaya enzyme in chewable tablets (photo by blog editor)
Exact instructions for using papain should be found on the manufacturer's packaging or follow your doctor's recommendations. Typically, the drug in the form of hard tablets or capsules can be swallowed before meals. Lozenges and chewable tablets should be swallowed during or after meals.

What results does the treatment give?

Karipazim is a herbal preparation that accelerates the restoration of dead cells and thins the blood.

The drug is used for intervertebral hernia and gives the following results:

  1. The cartilage and hernia become softer and more pliable.
  2. The pain syndrome goes away.
  3. Pinched nerves are released.
  4. Accelerated regeneration of damaged tissue occurs.

When treating a hernia, do not neglect gymnastics, swimming and the use of other medications.

Treatment of spinal hernia with Karipazim

Treatment (more precisely, an attempt to influence something) on ​​intervertebral hernias with the help of Karipazim is carried out by electrophoresis. No injections or pricks are used. Electrophoresis is a physical procedure in which a solution of a medicinal substance is able to move in a given direction in biological tissues, according to a potential difference under the influence of a direct electric current.

Electrophoresis procedure.

The duration of the course, which is recommended as the best and most effective, is 3 courses of treatment (30 procedures every day in each course), the break between courses is 1 or 2 months. Thus, the total duration can reach 9 months!

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the electrodes are immersed in warm water at body temperature;
  • one bottle of Karipazim dissolves in 10 ml. isotonic solution, and applied to the positive electrode, where two drops of Dimexide are added;
  • 10 ml is poured onto the negative electrode. Eufillin solution, 2.4%;
  • the electrodes are placed in different ways. Thus, in case of a hernia of the lumbar spine, the electrode with Karipazim is located on the lower back, in the projection of the hernia, and the negative electrode with aminophylline is located on the stomach. This technique is called transverse;
  • the electrodes are fixed on top;
  • the electrodes are connected to the device, and an electric current of 5 to 10 milliamps is applied for an exposure time of 10 to 20 minutes.

Each session the duration gradually increases. The course starts with a 10-minute exposure and ends with a 20-minute exposure. During the procedure, according to the laws of physics, current flows “from plus to minus” and carries papaya extract deep into the tissues. First through the skin, then through the subcutaneous tissue, fascia, back muscles, reaches deep ligaments, vertebrae, penetrates the intervertebral foramina, then into the intervertebral discs. No one knows where Karipazim is moving next. How deeply it penetrates is also unknown.

The source of such a technique, which is not related to the official testimony of Karipazim, is the department of neurorehabilitation of the N. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery, or more precisely, prof. V.L. Naidin and co-authors (Bobkov Yu.G., Yurischev P.E.). The corresponding patent No. 2141359 was published on November 20, 1999. What does this document say?

Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after N. Burdenko.

Patent examination

The authors of the patent application stated that:

  • electrophoresis with Karipazim increases the effectiveness of treatment. Accordingly, the procedure is not the main method of treatment, as follows from the document;
  • this invention (methodology) is used for the treatment of pathology in which the scar-adhesive process is active (when a hernia is formed, cartilage is destroyed, that is, a process of a completely different kind);
  • accordingly, we are talking about soft tissues, for example, the ligaments of the spine, the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves or roots. In this case, keloid or cicatricial adhesive tissue actually contains a large amount of protein, since the inflammatory exudate, consisting of proteins, is gradually organized and a scar is formed. There was no mention of cartilage tissue in the application;
  • the authors of the application studied options for using electrophoresis for radiculitis, pain syndromes of osteochondrosis, neuritis of the facial nerve, cerebral arachnoiditis and other pathologies;
  • The authors found that: (quote with spelling and style preserved) “when conducting a course of less than 20 procedures, due to the slow action of Karipazim’s proteolytic enzymes, it is ineffective; more than 30 procedures can cause allergic reactions.”

Accordingly, the therapeutic scope of this method is quite narrow. The authors of the patent application thereby indirectly confirm that if a patient undergoes 19 sessions, it will be in vain, and if the number of procedures exceeds 30, then they can be harmful.

Allergic reactions mean such side effects as the presence of skin itching at the site of attachment of the positive electrode, increased body temperature, and burning. In this case, it is recommended to stop further sessions and treat the electrode location with hydrocortisone ointment.

Translating this into the language of pharmacoeconomics, taking into account the average cost of packaging, we can calculate that:

  • if a patient spends less than 2876 rubles on treatment, then the money will be wasted, and if he pays more than 4300 rubles for treatment, then he may experience complications in the form of allergic reactions. If you take three courses, then the optimum is from 8,600 to 12,900 rubles.

Next, the authors of the patent application give five examples of the use of this technique, in which “as if by chance” facts of strange behavior of disks are given:

  • in the first case, the patient’s neurological symptoms disappeared, the height of the L3 - S1 discs increased, the size of the L5 S1 hernia decreased, from 8 to 4 mm;
  • in the second patient with cervical osteochondrosis, the C6-C7 disc herniation decreased from 6 mm to 4 mm.

In the future, the authors of the patent do not comment or explain these two facts, which, of course, cannot in any way serve as evidence of the effect of the drug on the hernia. Even if we remove all other arguments and arguments (lack of targeted studies, recruitment of a control group, MRI - high-resolution tomograph, etc.), then any substance cannot simultaneously increase the height of the intervertebral discs, that is, work “plus”, and at the same time reduce the size of its parts, that is, the hernia, working “in minus”. Simultaneously, the opposite effect on the same structure with the same substance is logically impossible, under the same conditions of existence of the hernia and the disc.

Based on logic and common sense, what effect will there be if you perform electrophoresis with Karipazim on the area of ​​a healthy intervertebral disc? It turns out that it will also decrease? Or, if a healthy disc increases in size, why then does the part that makes up the herniation not increase?

Papain[edit | edit code]


) is a plant proteolytic enzyme that breaks down proteins into amino acids.[1] It is found in significant quantities in the melon tree, papaya (Carica papaya). Obtained from the sap of the melon tree.

It is used in the food industry to soften meat, clarify drinks, and also in pharmacology for the treatment of the spine (effectiveness has not been proven) and local treatment of wounds; in particular, papain is proposed to be used for healing wounds from insect bites.

  • Local remedies for the treatment of the spine:
    “karipazim”, “karipain”, “karipain-plus”, “karipain cream”, “karipain ultra gel”
  • Topical wound care products
    : Accuzyme, Allanfil, Allanzyme, Ethezyme, Gladase, Kovia, Panafil, Pap Urea, Ziox
  • Digestive enzyme preparations
    : Pepphysis (60 mg), Unienzyme (30 mg), Wobenzym (90 IU FIP), Phlogenzyme.
  • Toothpastes

In 2008, the FDA banned the use of papain in topical (creams, ointments, gels) and ophthalmic products due to the fact that these drugs “may cause harmful or near-fatal effects, including hypersensitivity leading to anaphylactic reactions.”[2]

Supplements and sports nutrition[edit | edit code]

Papain is often found in sports nutrition and dietary supplements as a digestive enzyme. In addition, it is reported to have the ability to destroy or neutralize toxins in food. Papain, when combined with bromelain, is often added to weight loss supplements but has no effect on body weight.

False and unproven effects of papain:


  • Neutralizing food toxins
  • Normalization of digestion
  • Losing weight and burning fat
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Anticancer and anthelmintic effects

Papain: in cosmetology

Enzymes, or enzymes, are widely used in various areas of health and beauty. Papain is one of the most popular enzymes used in cosmetology. First of all, it is included in facial and body skin care products, especially sensitive and aging skin. In addition, papain is an important component of the so-called. Enzyme peelings aimed at gently cleansing the skin and removing dead skin particles. papain to cleanse the scalp , since it has the ability to slow down hair growth and get rid of it, so this component is included in many hair removal products.

Papain: for skin

Why is papain needed for the skin? The first and main answer is to clean it carefully and not damage it. Papain effectively removes impurities and dead epidermal cells, cleanses pores, moisturizes the skin and refreshes the complexion. Enzyme peels with papain can be used for any skin type and such procedures can be carried out even on very thin and sensitive skin of the eyelids. Cosmetologists note that papain extremely rarely causes allergic reactions, in addition, after such a procedure, skin irritation and minor inflammations never appear.

Papain: for hair

Modernity dictates its own conditions to a woman, including smooth skin and the absence of hair where it is not needed. You can get rid of unwanted hair with papain . It is best to use special creams. Which are applied directly against the hair removal or depilation procedure. How does this substance work? Penetrating into the hair follicle, papain destroys protein bonds and prevents the growth of new hair. If this enzyme is included in a cream for daily body care, it acts similarly, but the result is somewhat slower - the hair gradually thins out and becomes lighter and less noticeable.

Papain: in toothpaste

Proper oral care is important to maintain dental health. Typically, teeth are brushed with abrasive pastes that damage the enamel. Few people know that papain in toothpaste fights plaque and tartar much more effectively. This substance dissolves plaque and acts even where the brush cannot reach. Owners of braces will also appreciate such dental care products, because they have to spend twice as much time brushing their teeth, and plaque and tartar appear everywhere, including in places of contact with parts of the systems.

Typically, toothpastes with papain have a carefully selected composition of components; they all act gently and do not injure the teeth and gums. The only thing that papain does not do is not whiten teeth, but even with a special whitening paste it will not be possible to achieve a stunning effect; it is better to contact a dentist who will carry out qualified treatment of tooth enamel.

Papain: in the pharmacy

In a regular pharmacy you can buy fairly cheap drugs containing papain . But the question of quality and effectiveness remains open, so it is better not to chase a low price, but to buy a really high-quality drug, albeit at a significant price. But you should not order papain at the first online pharmacy you come across; there you may stumble upon a low-quality counterfeit or, at best, an unreasonably high cost of medicine. It is better to buy the required drug in a trusted place - on iherb.com.

Papain: tablets

Papain supplements are available in several forms - tablets, chewable tablets, lozenges and, less commonly, capsules. It is most convenient to take chewable tablets; they can be washed down with water or chewed or dissolved until they are completely dissolved. Plus they taste good.

2). On the website you can order papain from different manufacturers; all dietary supplements are of high quality and effectiveness. But if you are getting acquainted with papain for the first time, then you can opt for the drug “Original Papaya Enzyme” from American Health . The package contains 600 chewable tablets, each containing 15 mg of papain . The composition also includes calcium, amelase, protease and papaya extract. A minimum of 3 tablets should be taken per day after meals. Regular use of this drug will help the body correctly and effectively absorb nutrients and maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

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