Various ways to use Zvezdochka balm

Star Balm is an ointment, a pencil for inhalation or a liquid solution containing essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, cloves, and menthol. The products are successfully used for colds, bruises, inflamed joints, headaches and toothaches, itching from bites, fatigue, and calluses.

It is applied to problem areas or acupuncture points associated with diseased organs 1-3 times a day, rubbed in gently. For a runny nose and dry cough, steam inhalations with a pea of ​​balm and 1 liter of hot water help. Do not use the products if you have allergies, pregnancy, children under 2 years of age, or on damaged skin.

Features of balm Zvezdochka

A balm called Zvezdochka, or more precisely “Golden Star,” is known as an antiseptic, warming agent, but for some time now it has existed in three forms: ointment, pencil for inhalation and solution. Each version of the Vietnamese Star has the following features:

Product type Ointment "Golden Star" Pencil "Golden Star" Solution "Golden Star"
  • crystalline menthol – 455 mg,
  • camphor – 910 mg,
  • mint oil – 0.59 ml,
  • eucalyptus oil – 0.14 ml,
  • clove oil – 0.228 ml,
  • cinnamon oil – 0.053 ml,
  • Vaseline – 230 mg,
  • wax – 360 mg,
  • paraffin – 750 mg,
  • lanolin – 460 mg,
  • Vaseline oil – 0.1 mg
  • crystalline menthol – 658 mg,
  • camphor – 124 mg,
  • peppermint oil – 258 mg,
  • eucalyptus oil – 65 mg,
  • clove oil – 5 mg,
  • cinnamon oil – 6 mg,
  • Vaseline – 184 mg
  • crystalline menthol - 28 g,
  • camphor - 8.88 g,
  • peppermint oil - 22.9 g,
  • eucalyptus oil - 0.1 g,
  • clove oil - 0.46 g,
  • cinnamon oil - 0.38 g,
  • Vaseline - up to 100 g
Preferred Use For bruises, joint and muscle pain, runny nose, cough, bites, swelling, calluses, headaches and toothaches For inhalation through the nose for rhinitis, bites, migraines, fatigue For steam inhalations, rubbing for migraines, radiculitis, swelling of the legs

The advantage of Golden Star balm is its natural composition and ability to help with various problems with a minimum of adverse reactions when used correctly. The downside is a pungent and rather unpleasant smell that not everyone can tolerate.

Composition, release form

Traditional balm Zvezdochka contains:

  • camphor, which is an antiseptic;
  • essential clove oil, which has disinfecting properties;
  • menthol in crystals, relieving pain;
  • cinnamon oil, which also fights germs;
  • mint and eucalyptus essential oils, which ease breathing and have a beneficial effect on the nerves;
  • lanolin, which softens the skin;
  • petroleum jelly and oil based on it, promoting hydration;
  • paraffin and beeswax, which give the product a soft consistency.

The ointment is a dense substance of yellowish color with a characteristic strong aroma. Pencil for inhalation and liquid balm Zvezdochka, that is, a solution, are made mainly from the same components, except for paraffin, lanolin and petroleum jelly.

We recommend reading about how to choose an ointment for bruises. From the article you will learn why and how to use ointment for a bruise, recommendations for use, contraindications. And here is more information about what ointment will help for wound healing.

Composition and release form

The drug is intended for external use. Dosage form – balm for local application to the skin. Packaged in a round metal jar of 4 g. The pharmaceutical product is sold in cardboard packaging with attached instructions inside.

The base of the Star is completely natural. The composition includes the following components:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • camphor;
  • menthol;
  • clove oil;
  • beeswax;
  • mint oil;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • cinnamon oil

Thanks to its natural composition, the balm has a complex therapeutic effect and is effective against many diseases.

Dispensed without a medical prescription. The shelf life is no more than 3 years.

Why is it useful?

The asterisk has been used for a long time because it is useful for several properties:

  • disinfects;
  • enhances local blood circulation;
  • makes breathing easier;
  • warms up the muscles;
  • nourishes the skin, eliminating the stratum corneum;
  • relieves itching;
  • eliminates pain;
  • relieves increased irritability;
  • stops nausea and dizziness.

In each case of illness, the remedy is used differently. Sometimes the smell of the balm is enough to feel an improvement.

How to open

Opening a flat jar with thin walls can be difficult, but you can use one of the following methods:

  • remove the cap using a small kitchen knife;
  • place the container with the balm on its side and roll it like a wheel, eventually both halves will separate;
  • take the base in one hand and try to unscrew the lid with the other, turning it back and forth and pulling up.

In the most severe cases, you have to use pliers to open.

Application of balm Zvezdochka

The use of Vietnamese balm Zvezdochka is advisable if you need:

  • relieve muscle and joint pain;
  • ease breathing when coughing caused by ARVI;
  • prevent your nose from getting clogged, relieve congestion;
  • heal insect bites faster;
  • relieve pain in the tooth, head, ear, back, muscles, joints.

For each problem, a small amount of the product is rubbed into the areas on the skin where it is localized. A slight redness and a feeling of warmth and tingling should appear in these areas. The inhalation pencil is brought to the nasal passages and inhaled, but there is no need to insert it deeply.

Advantages over drugs

  1. Naturalness. All components of the ointment are of natural origin. Even the excipients are made without the participation of dangerous chemical compounds.
  2. Complex effect. When used correctly, “Zvezdochka” can not only relieve troubling local pain, but also improve overall well-being.
  3. Positive effect on the nervous system. Unlike many medications, Vietnamese balsam will only benefit the nervous system. Its composition helps reduce fatigue, prevents the negative effects of stress, and helps you relax after a hard day.
  4. Activation of thought processes is to increase performance, improve memory and accuracy of perception (perception).
  5. Availability. Anyone can afford this simple remedy. It differs from many drugs in its low price and wide availability in pharmacy chains.
  6. No harmful effects on the body. Most painkillers (especially tablets) harm the stomach, liver, and kidneys; worsen the condition of the mucous membranes; undermine the functioning of entire systems. This will not happen with Zvezdochka.

How to use Zvezdochka balm correctly for illnesses

To use Zvezdochka balm correctly when you feel unwell, this means using it no more than 3 times a day. It is effective for:

  • temperature up to 37.5 degrees, if caused by a cold;
  • rhinitis;
  • dry cough;
  • headache and toothache;
  • bruises, sprains;
  • pain in the joints and spine;
  • sore throat;
  • insect bites;
  • calluses;
  • swelling and fatigue of the legs.

The product is used mainly externally, applied to acupuncture points or sore spots. But you can do inhalations with a pencil for a runny nose and steam inhalations for a cough.

For colds

For a cold with a runny nose, the product will help if you apply it to the edges of the nostrils and wings of the nose in a thin layer. This prevents congestion. If you have an inhalation pencil, you need to put it in each nasal passage in turn and inhale 1-2 times. They do up to 10-15 sessions per day.

Cold medicine is used when breathing through the nose is no longer possible. In this case, the product is also applied to the bridge of the nose, lightly massaging it. And it is useful to breathe in the aroma of the balm by holding the open jar to your nostrils for 1 minute.

At a temperature

At temperatures up to 37.5 degrees, you need to apply the product to your wrist and under your chin, this will help bring it down to normal within an hour. But if the fever is strong, the balm is useless, you will have to take pills. In this case, you should also not smear it on your temples to get rid of headaches. This may make the symptom worse.

In general, at high temperatures, you cannot apply the Star over a large area of ​​the body due to its warming properties.

For toothache

For toothache, the drug is applied to the skin of the cheek on the problematic side. You can also spread a little on your earlobes and massage them on both sides. But this solution is temporary to relieve the symptom, because the remedy will not relieve caries or pulpitis. You should not use it if there is an accumulation of pus in the gums.

For sore throat

For sore throat, the product is applied to the following points:

  • in the dimple between the collarbones;
  • on the front surface of the lower leg at the base of the foot;
  • on the lower phalanx of the middle toe;
  • on the side of the thumb joint.

The ointment is rubbed into the skin 2 times a day. It should be used in conjunction with other remedies for sore throat, but will help get rid of the disease faster.

Against cough

Treatment with a cough star involves applying it:

  • on the neck,
  • the chest area, excluding the area where the heart is located;
  • upper back.

The procedure is done in the evening, so that after using the ointment you can wrap yourself up and lie down.

For inhalations

For dry, obsessive coughs, steam inhalations with Zvezdochka are useful. Add a pea of ​​the product to water heated to 50 degrees (1 liter) and stir if possible. You should breathe through your mouth, shallowly, exhale through your nose. During the procedure, you need to cover your head with a towel, leaving a tiny gap. The session should last up to 10 minutes.

For muscle and joint pain, sprains

The product helps well with muscle and joint pain if you apply it in a thin layer to the area that is bothering you with unpleasant sensations, rub in and wrap it up. After this you need rest, so it is better to do the procedure at night. Regular use of the balm will help get rid of pain or make it less severe. A remedy with the same features of use is also indicated for injury, if a sprain occurs.

For swelling and calluses

The asterisk also works against fluid retention in the soft tissues of the legs if you rub it daily into problem areas. Usually these are the shins. The product begins to be applied from the feet to the knees. You shouldn't take a lot of it.

For calluses, Zvezdochka is used after a bath, when the skin is steamed. At this time, it is easier to influence and softens under the influence of the balm.

From bites

If an insect bites, rub the ointment into the reddened and itchy area 2-3 times a day. It relieves puffiness, returns the skin to its normal color, and eliminates the desire to scratch this area.

But you should not use the product if a noticeable wound with blood or lymph has already appeared at the site of the bite. In this case, the ointment will only irritate the skin and cause a burning sensation.

For depression and fatigue

Bad mood, apathy, and fatigue can be cured with ointment if you breathe it in, simply by holding it close to your nose for a couple of minutes. It is useful to add the product to an aromatherapy lamp. The essential components that make up Asterisk have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help to cheer up.

Watch this video on how to properly open and use the “Star” balm:

pharmachologic effect

Zvezdochka balm has pronounced therapeutic properties. Helps fight the causes and symptoms of diseases. Particularly effective against colds and viral pathologies. The medicine relieves signs of irritation, relieves itching, pain, and is effective for relieving inflammatory processes and treating ENT pathologies.

You can use Zvezdochka for insect bites; the product suppresses unpleasant symptoms, eliminates burning, swelling and local hyperemia. It also relieves nasal congestion, repels insects and reduces headaches.

Pharmacological activity is due to the natural composition of the drug:

  1. Peppermint oil – effectively copes with inflammatory phenomena, has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.
  2. Beeswax has a number of therapeutic properties. A substance of natural origin helps speed up regeneration, removes signs of inflammation and suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Eucalyptus oil is a strong antiseptic, relieves pain, and promotes expectoration when coughing. Used for skin diseases, including infectious ones. Effective for the treatment of burns and ulcerative processes.
  4. Clove oil is a universal ingredient that has analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effects. It is used to relieve signs of skin disease, musculoskeletal system, infections and ulcers. Helps strengthen the body's defenses, increases regeneration, and has a warming effect.
  5. Menthol - irritates nerve receptors, helps reduce pain, and has a slight antiseptic property. When applied to the surface of the skin it causes a cold, slight tingling sensation.
  6. Camphor – has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  7. Methyl salicylate – due to its chemical structure, it is quickly absorbed into the skin and tissues, relieving signs of pain, swelling and inflammation. Normalizes the body's circulation.

For acupuncture points

The asterisk is also effective in treating various diseases using acupuncture:

  • for the flu, the ointment is rubbed into the points at the base of the thumb on the outside, on the back of the wrist, in the area of ​​the cervical spine;
  • for abdominal cramps - above the navel and to the right of it, as well as on the leg below the kneecap;
  • for pain in the area of ​​the facial nerve - on the forehead in the center above each eyebrow and above the upper lip;
  • if the elbow joint is bothering you – on its bend and wrist;
  • for ear pain, rub the product into a point above the tragus, massage the lobe, the base of the thumbs and toes;
  • for knee pain - in the bend of this joint, below the cup and in the middle of the calf;
  • for radiculitis, the ointment is rubbed into points above the coccyx and in the lower part of the thoracic spine, as well as the knee joint and on its bend.

Instructions for use

10 application points

Infographic: oxanakot.

  1. Slightly above the outer edge of the eyebrows.
  2. Center of the temporal fossa on both sides of the head.
  3. Above the bridge of the nose, between the inner edges of the eyebrows is the so-called “third eye”.
  4. On the temporal bone, 2 cm above the upper edge of the ear.
  5. The place where the first and second metacarpal bones meet (between the index finger and thumb).
  6. Just above the carpal fold is a depression between the ulna and radius.
  7. Two centimeters from the nail on the second toe.
  8. 1 cm above the depression between the little finger and the 4th toe.
  9. A depression near the highest point of the arch of the foot, on its inner side.
  10. 1 cm above the shin bone, on the inside of the leg.

Rules of acupressure

  • Rubbing is done in a circular motion clockwise.
  • The areas located on the head are treated first. Here, short point pressure is sufficient, without active circular movements or rubbing.
  • Symmetrical points are massaged either simultaneously or alternately, but in one approach.
  • In one session, 3–5 points are affected.

Attention! Apply the product carefully and in small quantities to areas near the eyes. Make sure that the ointment does not accidentally get on the mucous membranes and does not leave a burn.


  • For the face area, a volume of ointment comparable to a match head is sufficient. Excessive application will not enhance the effect, but will create discomfort: the vapors of the balm can cause lacrimation.
  • For points located on the limbs, you can use a little more “Star” (the amount should fit on the tip of your finger).

Important! In one session of pain-relieving massage, you should use no more balm than can fit on the tip of a teaspoon.


From the moment of application to the feeling of the effect of the procedure, it usually takes about 20 minutes.

For beautiful legs

The asterisk helps make your legs more beautiful because:

  • gently stimulates local blood circulation, normalizes lymph outflow, that is, makes veins less noticeable in the initial stage of varicose veins;
  • eliminates calluses, softening the skin, preventing excessive keratinization;
  • relieves fatigue.

Each problem has its own treatment method:

  • when tired, apply the product to the legs, calves in the direction of the lymph flow, massage lightly;
  • They do the same thing if small vessels are visible, heaviness bothers you;
  • apply a thicker layer to the calluses and put on socks (it’s more convenient to do this at night).

Contraindications to Zvezdochka

Contraindications to the use of Asterisk:

  • allergy to some of its components;
  • skin damage in the application area (wounds, pimples, ulcers, large scratches);
  • dermatological diseases, if their manifestations are in places where the drug is rubbed;
  • pregnancy (due to the strong odor of the product that can cause nausea);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • bronchospasm.

For any of these problems, the balm can seriously worsen your well-being.

special instructions

It is not recommended to use the asterisk if you are intolerant to the components, have a tendency to bleed, or have dermatological diseases at the site of application of the drug. Also should not be used for thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Treatment of children with the drug is allowed from 5 years of age

It is strictly forbidden to rub the balm onto areas where there are birthmarks and various neoplasms.

It must be used carefully, avoiding contact with the mucous surface of the nasal cavity, eyes and inside. In the latter case, dyspepsia and other disorders of the digestive tract and nervous system are observed. Treatment in this case is symptomatic, medicinal.

Possible complications

Due to the strong and unpleasant odor, as well as the warming effect, the drug can cause:

  • burns, if the skin is sensitive, or too much product was taken, it was used unreasonably often;
  • nausea, headache, dizziness;
  • poisoning due to excessive intake in the form of pencil inhalations.

Many components of the balm are known to provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, if severe redness appears on the skin, burning, shortness of breath, or excessive lacrimation, you need to wash off the product and take an antihistamine.

Are there any analogues

There are no complete analogues of the balm in composition, but there are products that are similar in effect for some diseases:

  • Fenistil for pain in muscles, joints, limb injuries;
  • Menovazin for the same problems;
  • Balm Strong for rhinitis, cough, sprains, migraines;
  • Vixactive for colds.

We recommend reading about the most effective ointments for scars. From the article you will learn about how ointment for scars works, the best ointments for the face, body, after surgery and new generation ointments. And here is more information about which ointment to choose for joint diseases.

“Golden Star” not only relieves discomfort and improves well-being, but also makes it possible to sometimes stop taking pills or reduce their number. But do not overestimate the medicinal properties of this remedy. And there is no need to enhance the positive effect of it by exceeding the dosage.

Historical reference

The composition of the well-known balm was developed by Vietnamese pharmacological specialists.

The ointment was produced in large quantities in the country's factories, which led to the name “Vietnamese Star” being assigned to it. A literal translation from the native language, carried out by American pharmacists, offers a different interpretation: “Golden Star Balm.”

An odorous ointment appeared on the shelves of pharmacies in the USSR in the 70s. 20th century and quickly gained popularity thanks to a triad of advantages: effectiveness (sometimes even irreplaceability), versatility and affordable price. According to another version, the authors of the product were Soviet scientists, from whom Vietnam borrowed production technology. Then factories in China got down to business, where the characteristics of the product were improved, so you can often hear about the “Chinese star”.

Another common name is “Tiger Ointment.”

Interesting fact. At a certain point, the balm disappeared from pharmacies in the Soviet Union. But Russian pharmacologists, impressed by its healing properties, contributed to its return to sale.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to properly use the “Star” balm:

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