How quickly does a glycerin suppository work, rules of administration, therapeutic effects

Intestinal obstruction is a problem that is often present in people's lives. Constipation occurs for various reasons and in some cases it is difficult to prevent. To quickly restore the functioning of peristalsis, as well as dilute stool, various medications are used, including glycerin suppositories. During the treatment process, it is necessary to control the process of the drug’s influence, so it is worth knowing how quickly a glycerin suppository acts on the patient.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Glycerol ( glycerol ) is an osmotically active substance that increases excessive hydrostatic pressure. In medical practice, such properties of this compound are used to facilitate the transition of fluid from the extravascular bed to the blood serum.

When used parenterally and orally at a dosage of 1-2 grams per kilogram of body weight, glycerol, due to its dehydrating effect (increasing plasma osmolarity), helps reduce intracranial and intraocular pressure. In these cases, how quickly glycerin acts and how long it takes to act in adult patients depends on the direction of its use.

Maximum effectiveness when using the drug to reduce intracranial pressure is observed within 1-1.5 hours after its use. The onset of action to reduce intraocular pressure is observed after 10 minutes, maximum effectiveness develops after 1-1.5 hours, duration of action is about 5 hours.

Glycerol is used for dehydration therapy, indicated for cerebral edema , which occurred due to various reasons (including cases of acute poisoning), on the eve of or after ophthalmic surgery (to reduce intraocular pressure), as well as to relieve negative symptoms of an acute attack of glaucoma .

As an external remedy, Glycerin is useful for its dermatoprotective and softening qualities, as well as pronounced lubricating and hygroscopic properties. When applied to the skin, metabolic processes are activated in it, and a protective film is formed on its surface.

In pharmaceutical practice, glycerol is often used to make an emollient ointment or cream for hands and/or feet. Quite popular in cosmetology are an anti-wrinkle face mask and a hair mask, as well as glycerin soap and glycerin oil with the addition of vitamins and other useful ingredients. However, you should avoid frequent use of glycerin oil and glycerin soap, the benefits and harms of which, especially for people with oily skin, may not be as expected (excessive skin whitening and acne ).

Glycerin rectal suppositories are a laxative remedy designed to soften previously hardened fecal matter, which leads to easier passage through the lumen of the colon. Also, this local drug is characterized by an irritant effect on the intestinal mucosa and reflex stimulation of the motility of the lower gastrointestinal tract.

When used rectally, glycerol undergoes fairly rapid resorption in the intestinal mucous membranes. How long it takes for glycerin suppositories to take effect depends on the individual characteristics of the human body; on average, the laxative effect develops within 15-30 minutes. The main biotransformation of the active ingredient occurs in the liver. Excretion is carried out by the kidneys (7-14% of glycerol is excreted in unchanged form).

The mechanism of action of suppositories with glycerin

The medication belongs to the group of laxatives with dehydrating and dermatoprotective effects.

The therapeutic effect occurs due to the action of the active component - glycerin, which softens fecal stones and facilitates their movement through the large intestine.

The substance irritates the mucous membrane, thereby activating intestinal motility.

After insertion into the rectum, glycerin suppositories quickly melt, so the laxative effect of their use occurs in 15-30 minutes or earlier, depending on the condition and personal characteristics of the body.

Indications for use

As a therapeutic agent, the drug is indicated for use in cases of difficult bowel movements or its complete absence, in other words, these suppositories are prescribed to patients suffering from constipation of various origins (functional, age-related, psychogenic, etc.), including similar negative phenomena in nursing mothers and pregnant women .

As a prophylactic agent, the drug is used to prevent constipation in patients for whom physical stress is contraindicated, including that which occurs during the act of defecation: anorectal abscess , thrombosed painful hemorrhoids , anorectal stenosis , a history of anal fissures myocardial infarction and other similar painful condition.


The use of Glycerin suppositories is prohibited when:

  • pain in the abdomen of an uncertain nature;
  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • tumor formations of the rectum;
  • renal failure;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the rectum ( proctitis , paraproctitis );
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal bleeding ;
  • presence of anal fissures ;
  • manifestations of diarrhea ;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids .

Glycerin suppositories, instructions for use

Suppositories with glycerin are intended exclusively for rectal administration, which is best administered 15-20 minutes after a meal (usually breakfast).

Instructions for the use of glycerin suppositories for children over 7 years of age and adult patients involve the use of a dosage of 2.11 grams (1 adult suppository), administered once every 24 hours.

Instructions for use for newborns recommend using children's glycerin suppositories in a dose of 1.24 grams, with a single daily administration of ½ suppository for children under 3 years of age and a whole suppository for children 3-7 years of age.

Instructions for use during pregnancy correspond to the recommendations given for adult patients. Suppositories can be administered to pregnant women only after a comprehensive examination by a gynecologist and with his consent.

How long it takes for a glycerin suppository to take effect in an adult and a child depends on the dose and the individual response of the patient’s body to the effects of glycerol. As a rule, no more than 30 minutes pass from the moment the suppository is introduced until the act of defecation.

If absolutely necessary, adult and pediatric doses can be doubled.

Method of using rectal suppositories

  • Before using glycerin suppositories, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap, after which, in order to cool, it is advisable to hold them for some time under cold water. Since the base of rectal suppositories quickly melts upon contact with warm hands, in addition to cooling the hands, it is also recommended to cool the suppository itself by placing it in the refrigerator for a few minutes before using it or also holding it under cold water (do not remove the primary wrapper from the suppository follows), which will make it more durable.
  • After the procedures described above, you must carefully remove the primary packaging from the candle, using a sharp object (knife, scissors) if necessary.
  • If it is necessary to use ½ candle, cut it lengthwise into two equal parts using a disposable razor blade.
  • The suppository removed from the wrapper should be taken with clean fingers or hands wearing disposable gloves.
  • Lubricate the tip of the candle with a water-soluble lubricant (without Vaseline ) or moisten the anus with cool water.
  • Take a lying position on your side with your lower leg fully straightened and your upper leg bent towards your stomach.
  • Lift your upper buttock with your free hand, thereby opening the rectal area.
  • Insert the suppository into the anus and insert it into the rectum using your fingertips beyond the muscular sphincter to a distance of approximately 2.5-5 cm in adults and 2.5 cm in infants.
  • Bring your buttocks together and hold them in this state for several seconds.
  • Remain in a side-lying position for 5 minutes, which will prevent the suppository from coming out.
  • Throw away the used packaging and wash your hands thoroughly.

Causes of stool retention in infants

Glycerin suppositories as a laxative

Glycerin suppositories for children are a laxative drug that is freely sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Doctors often prescribe these suppositories to infants whose stool retention occurs due to a change in diet, for example, the transition from breastfeeding to solid or artificial nutrition.

Children switched to artificial feeding not only defecate less often, but have harder stools. These changes are due to the introduction of solid foods into the baby's diet. During normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nutrients and water are sucked out of food that enters the intestines, and the remainder is excreted from the body in the form of feces.

In order for the stool to be soft, the excreted products must contain the required amount of water. In addition, for a problem-free withdrawal there should be no disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (rectum, lower intestines) function ineffectively or when there is insufficient water, constipation occurs.

special instructions

You should not resort to systematic use of this remedy. The use of suppositories should be discontinued immediately after restoration of typical physiological intestinal motility.

Do not lubricate candles or the anus with solid or liquid mineral oils .

Glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids are indicated in case of complications of this disease with constipation , lasting for 2-3 days. The use of suppositories is contraindicated for hemorrhoids in the acute period ( bleeding , bowel prolapse , etc.).

After childbirth, glycerin suppositories can be used if there is no stool for 2-3 days. These recommendations are appropriate especially after childbirth with stitches, when hard stools or physical stress during defecation can damage their integrity. Suppositories can be used only after consultation with a gynecologist and in the absence of mechanical damage to the anus.

Is it possible for pregnant women and children

The drug is contraindicated for women during pregnancy due to the risk of stimulating the uterus and provoking miscarriage or premature birth.

During lactation, it is allowed as prescribed by a doctor and when assessing the possible risks for the child, since no studies have been conducted on the penetration of glycerol into breast milk.

Children from birth to three years old, with the consent of the pediatrician, are allowed to administer ½ suppository for children once a day. At the age of 3-7 years, a suppository for children in full can be administered once.

Children starting from school age are prescribed suppositories for adults.


Level 4 ATX code matches:



  • Dexeryl
  • Norgalax
  • Glycelax
  • Normacol
  • Enema
  • Ready-Tu-Uz
  • RectActive

Glycerin suppositories for newborns

The instructions for glycerin suppositories for newborns suggest their use from the first days of a child’s life. Glycerin suppositories for infants are usually indicated in a daily dosage equal to ½ suppository weighing 1.24 g, administered once every 24 hours (whether whole baby suppositories can be administered to newborns is decided by the pediatrician, based on the observed situation).

To properly administer the drug to newborns, you should first place the child on his back, bending his legs close to his tummy, and carefully, slowly insert a glycerin suppository (with the rounded end forward) as deep as possible behind the muscle sphincter. You can also lay the baby on his left side and bend his legs at the knees towards the tummy.

After this, you need to close the baby’s buttocks and hold them in this state for some time (about 2 minutes). This manipulation is carried out in order to prevent the suppository from slipping out and its immediate effect.

Reviews from pediatricians say that when the administration procedure is performed correctly, the laxative effect in infants occurs within 5-10 minutes.

Rules for using the drug

It is recommended to store glycerin suppositories unopened at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees.

It is not recommended to allow the product to overheat - when removed from the package, the candle may break or difficulties may arise during administration.

Some people advise storing candles in the refrigerator door or leaving them there for a while before using.

The suppository should be administered in the morning after breakfast. For severe constipation, use at any time of the day is allowed.

The main thing is to provide yourself with the opportunity to use the toilet when necessary.

In normal cases, one suppository is sufficient. It is inserted into the rectum, for this you can take any position convenient for you - lying on your side and bending your knee or standing.

If a single injection does not produce results (the person is overweight or constipation is too long), then the use of a second suppository is allowed.

The frequency of use of the laxative should not exceed one knock. Frequent use can lead to addiction and the development of intestinal dysfunction.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy and lactation

The official instructions do not describe any restrictions on the use of the drug for constipation during breastfeeding and pregnancy , which, in principle, is confirmed by numerous reviews of women using this remedy during these periods.

However, some gynecologists do not recommend the use of glycerin suppositories during early pregnancy, since at this time the uterus is quite close to the rectum and the relaxing effect of the drug can also affect its tone. During late pregnancy, the above-described contraindications and the threat of miscarriage .

Reviews of Glycerin suppositories

The vast majority of reviews about this remedy for constipation, including reviews of glycerin suppositories for newborns, children and adult patients, are positive. A significant portion of people using this drug have experienced its rapid and relatively long-lasting effect in the absence of significant side effects and are completely satisfied with the results obtained.

Reviews of glycerin suppositories during pregnancy are not inferior in their positive assessment to the prevailing opinion and also position this drug as quite effective and inexpensive.

However, it should be remembered that the use of glycerin suppositories only facilitates the act of defecation and in no way affects the cause of constipation, which simply needs to be correctly diagnosed and effectively treated.

Price of Glycerin suppositories, where to buy

The average price of Glycerin suppositories in Russia is about 200 rubles.

In Ukraine, the price in pharmacies for Glycerin suppositories No. 10 is approximately 70 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Farmina 1.5 g N5 suppositories glycerin suppositories Farmina Ltd., Poland
    50 UAH. order

What can be replaced

Glycerin suppositories for the treatment of constipation have an analogue in the active component - these are Glycelax rectal suppositories. Glycelax suppositories for children include 750 mg of glycerin, and for adults - 1500 mg. Indications, contraindications, method of use and side properties of this drug are the same as for suppositories with glycerin. But the cost of the product is lower:

  • 10 suppositories of 750 mg - from 99 rubles;
  • 10 suppositories of 1500 mg each - from 114 rubles.

Glycelax - rectal suppositories against constipation based on glycerin

For constipation, you can also use medications with different compositions and different forms of release.

Table: analogues of glycerin suppositories by action

NameRelease formActive substancesIndicationsContraindicationsAt what age can the product be used?Price in pharmacies
MicrolaxSolution for rectal administration.
  • Sodium citrate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate 70%;
  • sorbitol solution 70%.
  • Constipation;
  • preparation for endoscopy or x-ray of the rectum.
Individual hypersensitivity to the composition.From birth.Packaged:
  • 4 microenemas (5 ml each) - from 279 rubles;
  • 12 microenemas (5 ml each) - from 734 rubles.
GuttalaxTablets and drops for internal use (orally).Sodium picosulfate monohydrate.
  • Constipation associated with the absence or insufficiency of colon tone;
  • constipation caused by side effects of certain medications (for example, after antibiotics);
  • irritable bowel syndrome with regular constipation;
  • constipation of other origins.

Guttalax and Guttasil are also prescribed to patients who cannot push. The drugs are indicated in the complex treatment of proctitis, hemorrhoids and anal fissures to soften stools and simplify the act of defecation.

  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • inflammatory diseases localized in any part of the intestine;
  • dehydration;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  • 20 tablets - from 196 rubles;
  • 50 tablets - from 395 rubles;
  • drops (15 ml in a bottle) - from 271 rubles;
  • drops (30 ml in a bottle) - from 349 rubles.
  • 30 tablets - from 179 rubles;
  • drops (15 ml in a bottle) - from 133 rubles;
  • drops (30 ml in a bottle) - from 244 rubles.
BisacodylTablets for oral administration (orally) and suppositories for rectal administration (into the anus).Bisacodyl.
  • Constipation of various origins;
  • preparation for endoscopy or x-ray examination of the rectum.
  • Tumors and polyps in the intestines;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • disturbances in the movement of food coma through the intestines;
  • dehydration;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase.
  • From 2 years (for suppositories);
  • from 5 years (for tablets).
  • 30 tablets - from 15 rubles;
  • 10 candles - from 40 rubles.
RegulaxDrops for internal use (orally).Sodium picosulfate monohydrate.
  • Atonic constipation;
  • regulation of stool (hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures);
  • preparation for surgical operations, instrumental and x-ray examinations.
  • Pregnancy in the 1st trimester;
  • age less than 4 years;
  • acute inflammation of the bladder (acute cystitis);
  • rectal and uterine bleeding;
  • severe dehydration;
  • stomach ache;
  • inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal tract (in the acute phase);
  • strangulation of the umbilical hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the composition.
From 4 years old.Bottle with drops (20 ml) - from 275 rub.
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