Instructions for use of the drug Sialor drops

pharmachologic effect

Silver preparation (silver proteinate contains 7.5-8.5% silver). Has an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Dissociates to form silver ions, which bind to bacterial DNA and prevent their proliferation on mucous membranes when applied topically. The mechanism of action of silver proteinate is based on the fact that silver ions precipitate proteins and form a protective film on the damaged mucous membrane, which helps reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings and narrow blood vessels (this leads to a decrease in swelling), which in turn inhibits inflammatory reactions. Silver ions also inhibit the proliferation of various bacteria. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms: B. cereus, C. albicans, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, A. niger, S. Abony and others.


When applied topically, it is practically not absorbed.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment of acute nasopharyngitis, sinusitis; acute rhinitis (runny nose).


Hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, atrophic rhinitis, children under 3 years of age.

Sialor (Protargol) tablets 2% 10ml + solvent spray

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.


1 tablet contains: silver proteinate (protargol) 200 mg, polyvinyl-N-pyrrolidone.
Solvent: purified water.

pharmachologic effect

Sialor is a hygienic product for topical use. The main component of Sialor® is silver proteinate, which has an astringent effect with a pronounced antiseptic and protective effect. The antibacterial effect of silver proteinate is observed against Staphylococcus spp. Streptococcus spp, Moraxella spp., as well as fungal flora. Silver proteinate prevents the penetration of microorganisms by forming a protective protein film.

Indications for use

- adenoids, acute, allergic, vasomotor rhinitis, chronic diseases of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, incl. accompanied by dryness of the nasal mucosa; — prevention of nasal cavity infections in the autumn-winter period, with changing climatic conditions (rooms with air conditioning and/or central heating), the presence of polluted atmospheric air (smokers, vehicle drivers, hot and dusty workshops); — washing wounds of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses before and after surgical interventions; - hygiene procedures for the nasal cavity.

Mode of application

To prepare a 2% solution, dissolve 1 tablet (200 mg) in 10 ml of the supplied solvent. Before using the 2% solution, rinse and clean the nasal mucosa. Apply 1-3 drops 3 times a day for 5-7 days. Method of preparing the solution: Pour the solvent into the bottle. Add a Sialor tablet to the varnish. Shake until the tablet is completely dissolved (8-10 minutes).


Before using Protargol, be sure to tell your doctor if you are using other medications. In most cases, Protargol can be used in combination with other drugs (there is no data on the interaction of Protargol with other drugs).

Side effect

Burning, itching.


— individual intolerance to individual components; - pregnancy; - lactation period.


As a rule, when using the drug Protargol, there are no signs and symptoms of a drug overdose.

special instructions

Before use, apply a small amount of the product to the elbow to identify individual intolerance. If symptoms of individual intolerance to the components of the product occur (irritation, burning, itching of the skin, mucous membranes), rinse with plenty of water for 15 minutes, and if necessary, consult a doctor. The simultaneous use of products containing alkaloid salts and organic bases (adrenaline) is not recommended.

Directions for use and doses

Locally, in the form of a 2% solution.

Prepare the solution immediately before use.

Store the prepared solution at room temperature. Use the solution within 30 days after preparation.

To prepare a 2% solution, 1 tablet of the drug (200 mg) is dissolved in 10 ml of solvent (water for injection).

  • children under 3 to 6 years old – 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day;
  • adults and children over 6 years old - 2-3 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day.

Method for preparing the drug solution before use:

Before using the drug, it is recommended to rinse and clean the nasal passages. The duration of the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

If after 7 days of treatment there is no improvement or the symptoms worsen or new symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor.

Use the drug only according to the indications, method of administration and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

Nasal drops Sialor (Protargol) - reviews

Albina Karelina

Advantages: no need to run around looking for protargol, convenient pipette, good antiseptic

We have been suffering with our daughter’s adenoids for two years now. For our treatment, the ENT doctor prescribed protargol. His searches were constantly very tiring. There’s definitely one in the pharmacy that you can’t run into because it’s far away. And in the nearest ones he appears very, very rarely. Or rather, it was there once and disappeared.

The last time we called pharmacies for protargol, they told us that there is a substitute - sialor.

Sialor is a set of a bottle with a pipette, a tablet in a blister and a can of purified water.

Pour liquid into the bottle. We throw the pill. let it dissolve, stirring. And voila! You have a vial of protargol.

My husband suggested diluting it in halves for freshness and economy.

How convenient this is - it is available in every pharmacy.

We bought this miracle for 209 rubles at a pharmacy near our house.

I read reviews about the ugly color, smell and short shelf life. People! Everything should be sweet and beautiful and last for three hundred years???

I don’t understand this kind of talk about medications at all. Like children, really! The main thing is that the remedy is effective.

If the shelf life is short, it means natural ingredients with a minimum of preservatives. A bottle is just enough for the course. There is essentially nothing to store! What are we talking about then?

The main thing is not to use it as a cure for all diseases. Still, simple snot can go away on its own, and for adenoids it is a very effective remedy. But everything requires a doctor’s consultation.

Inga, Kazakhstan

Sialor is used to treat rhinitis of bacterial origin. It is an antiseptic and primarily acts on bacteria.


Sialor is not registered as a medicinal product; it belongs to perfumery and cosmetic products that cannot be used on mucous membranes!


Unexpected information that nasal drops are not nasal drops. We were also prescribed Sialor, and I read about all the unfamiliar medications. Because the instructions confused me. I went online, and here it was ((it’s good that they didn’t start dripping, my child is allergic, I’m even afraid to imagine what could have happened(((.

Tatiana Volodina

I bought it today, checked for allergies, as it says inside the package, everything is fine, I’ll start dripping it for my daughter (she’s 2 years old), if it gets better, I’ll try dripping it for my youngest (5 months old). I dropped some on myself, it didn’t seem to be anything bad, it tasted like broccoli when it flowed down my throat. I’ll write in three days what the result is

Anastasia, Novy Urengoy

When the child’s snot became thick, the doctor prescribed Sialor Protargol. At first I had fears, because I heard that it was harmful. But on the 3rd day the child’s runny nose went away and everything got better! There were no negative consequences


Same active ingredient. Protargol is prepared in a pharmacy and has a shelf life of a month; it costs 2.5 times less. Sialor comes immediately with a pipette - it’s more convenient to use, it can be stored until preparation for at least a year, and once diluted, it can also be used for 1 month. In general, Sialor is more convenient to use, and Protargol costs less.


We are only prescribed it for thin snot, it makes it thicker. and I relieve congestion with ordinary vasoconstrictors, usually vibrocil. Before doing this, you need to rinse your nose, with aquamaris, for example, blow your nose and put some drops in it. the child breathes half the night. then another drop - and again the child sleeps peacefully. use no more than 5 days


My nose started running in the morning. Sialor Protargol was recommended by a kind pharmacy employee. I put two drops into each nostril at night. Amazing! The next morning my nose was dry! This is the first time in my life. Usually I have a runny nose for 3-5 days with a fever.

Sidorenko Olga

Pros: natural composition

Cons: expensive

Very often, especially in winter, I was very worried about a runny nose and I didn’t understand how to get rid of it, so I took pills and tried traditional methods, but there was no result. But this remedy helped me forever forget what a runny nose is. It has many advantages:

natural composition

can be used by children

no side effects

ease of use

helps to heal quickly

I bought it for a low price, which made me happy. In just a couple of days I felt great. I could breathe at night and didn’t constantly wake up wanting to blow my nose. You could have been walking outside for a long time, if you are worried about such symptoms, then you need this remedy. I really like it, I hope it suits you too.



effective drug for both adults and children


high cost, the finished solution is stored only for 30 days

Today I decided to write not about cosmetics and stores, but about the most pressing issue - medications for children. The fact is that this fall has become a whole test for our family. In September, my child went to a short-stay group. At first I was happy about this event, but now I don’t know if I will drive it again. The fact is that in three months we attended these classes only four times; all other days my baby was on sick leave. First, acute respiratory viral infection, then rotavirus, then obstructive bronchitis and ending up in the hospital. Now he constantly has non-stop green snot (it’s good that there is no fever or cough).

After going to the otolaryngologist, we were given a verdict - adenoviral infection. In addition to other prescribed medications, we were recommended to buy Protargol nasal drops. This medicine is well known to me, since I remember these “black drops” that my mother dripped into my nose back in my childhood. I also remember that these drops were made to order, according to a recipe, and they contain silver.

As practice has shown, in our times it is not easy to buy Protargol. I had to go to about four pharmacies, where I was constantly told that “this drug is out of stock” or “ask at municipal pharmacies.” I was lucky in one of these state pharmacies and ended up buying this Protargol.

The product that was sold to me was called “Sialor”, and in brackets on the package there was the inscription “Protargol”. Cost – 198 rubles per 10 ml.

The box contained a whole kit for making these drops yourself and instructions. The procedure for making drops was not difficult:

— first you need to pour the solvent into the bottle;

- then add a black tablet to the solvent;

- Shake the bottle for 8-10 minutes until this tablet is completely dissolved.

These drops are based on silver proteinate, which has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. Sialor can be used by both children and adults. The drops are stored in a very convenient bottle with a pipette.

I gave my child two drops of Sialor in each nostril twice a day for five days. Improvements have already appeared after the third day of use - the green snot was replaced by transparent ones. And after the fifth day of use, even the transparent ones no longer flowed. I did not find any adverse reactions or allergies.

It is worth noting that this form of release of Protargol is very convenient. And do not forget that ready-made drops must be used within 30 days from the date of their preparation. The solution itself must be stored in the refrigerator.



droplets super +5


no cons

Good day to all. We had this problem. My baby had a very bad runny nose. at this time they handed us a parcel from Russia, since we live in Ukraine. and my relative, having learned that the little sniffles often, sent us drops of Renewal Sialor. and said on Skype that she bought it for her child. I didn’t believe it right away. but then I decided to try it. and voila, my baby began to breathe freely. It’s a shame that we don’t have such drops in my city.



efficiency, price


Stores for 30 days when diluted

Sialor is available in the form of drops and spray for adults and children. Sold in any pharmacy, diluted easily and clearly. First, put a tablet in the bottle and pour in a little solvent, let the tablets dissolve and add solvent. Stored for 30 days at room temperature. Apply 1-2 injections 1-3 times a day, as prescribed by the doctor. They suck out mucus from the nose well. Only this drug helps the child during periods of illness. I advise you to pay attention to this drug.





the color and taste may be off-putting

Good day, dear readers of Otzovik! And so we got sick again, having gone to kindergarten for exactly two weeks. Adaptation - damn it! First a fever appeared, and two days later it gave way to a runny nose. The sniffles flowed like a stream. We decided to use our own methods to treat ourselves. We just haven’t tried: Viferon suppositories, Suprastin, washed the nose with chamomile, dropped interferon, Nazivin and then drops into the nose. This whole set has always helped us with a bang with a runny nose, but apparently not this time. In this regard, after a week and a half of unsuccessfully fighting a runny nose, we immediately went to the ENT specialist without hesitation. She prescribed us drops that were not available at the pharmacy. Only for orders that would arrive on the next day. appointment with an ENT specialist. Then we were offered an alternative, these drops “Sialor”. The drops came in an unusually large box. The set included an empty bottle with a pipette, instructions, a bottle of water for dilution and a tablet. Everything was dissolved according to the instructions. The droplets turned out to be brown. I got the feeling that it contains iodine, but it doesn’t. The drops are bitter and not pleasant. It should be dripped 3 times a day for 5-7 days. The pipette is convenient. The child does not really like these droplets. Usually we drip the drops calmly, but here we get hysterical. The result was already the next morning, the sniffles became less after a night's sleep. Now we're on day 4. The runny nose can be said to have gone away, and occasionally it leaks a little. I don’t know if the runny nose will be cured completely, but yesterday the ENT specialist said that there are improvements. I will definitely recommend it, because in our current situation they were the only ones who helped us in any way.



There is nothing worse when a child is sick and his nose is blocked, Sialor really helps, I recommend it to everyone!


Of course there are no downsides and there cannot be any, the drug is great

The doctor prescribed the child to rinse his nose with Aqualor and then take 2 sprays into the nose, nothing helped the child with a runny nose, but this drug is irreplaceable, it is always in our first aid kit! very good!


Good evening! To be or not to be? To write or not to write... 150 review in this thread? To be a review, because my opinion, I’m sure, will be interesting, especially to mothers of small newborn babies. I’ll say right away, in my review you will not find a detailed analysis of the composition , photos of boxes and instructions up and down. This is enough in the previous 149 reviews. I will describe my impressions of use, tell you the subtleties of use that were important to me before the first use.

So, it so happened that before he was six months old, my son caught a runny nose twice. When this happened for the first time, my husband and I were scared, of course we called an ambulance. It was in the evening. The doctors who arrived did not say anything intelligible regarding treatment, recommending that I visit a pediatrician after the weekend. Hmmm...what should I do? What should I do? A friend came to the rescue with two babies, who had just recently been prescribed treatment for a runny nose by her pediatrician for her newborn baby. It consisted of washing the noses, instilling Sialor and Vibrocil. And also in taking antiviral drugs for prevention. The only thing missing from home was the outlandish and unfamiliar Sialor. She sent her husband to the pharmacy, and she began to study the Internet. I admit, a lot of things scared me:

  1. Questionable effect;
  2. Extremely unpleasant sensations after instillation, someone wrote that it was terribly painful;
  3. Incomprehensible breeding scheme. Also, some do not dilute according to the scheme, but make the concentration half as much.

I call my friend, she tells me that this is a very effective medicine, which modern doctors often prescribe for children and not only. Take according to the dosage indicated on the label, but as little as possible.

Maybe someone will judge me, saying, how can you engage in amateur activities, but I am a mother, I always know better how best to treat my child. Moreover, it was the weekend, late evening, and the nose was not breathing, and the child, therefore, was not sleeping.

So, the medicine is at home. I diluted it as indicated on the box: one tablet for a given amount of solvent. Shake very thoroughly. To avoid allergic reactions, I try it on the child’s wrist. I'm waiting. I instill it for myself, I don’t feel any sensations. It’s convenient to instill, there’s a good glass pipette inside the glass flask. The medicine itself is similar in color to iodine. It has no special smell. It's time to give my son some medicine. First, I rinse my nose with saline solution, then two drops of Sialor. The kid took it calmly. Literally immediately my nose began to breathe. The remnants of the sniffles slipped through. I removed the remaining medicine on the mucous membrane of the nose with a cotton swab. The child fell asleep. This is the main thing. This is important. Because you need to fight a runny nose, any kind. This is my personal belief, and the well-known Komarovsky said that small noses should always breathe. Therefore, I don’t understand those who are treated only with rinsing. We are not one of them. In my opinion, Sialor is the very medicine that allows you to get rid of a runny nose without harming your health. At the end of my review, I will try to break down the final impressions point by point. So, why do I choose Sialor:

  • He helps. It has an astringent drying effect with a bactericidal effect. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to dry out the mucous membrane, otherwise the sniffles will dry out in the sinuses and will not be able to come out either from the nose or down the throat. This happened to us once. Therefore, when you see that the flow from the nose has noticeably decreased, stop using it. A couple of days of application twice a day is usually enough for us. During the acute period, I drop two drops, but if possible, I try to use one drop.
  • Affordable price. About 350 rubles.
  • It wins compared to the same Vibracil, I try to use the latter as a last resort, since it has a weak effect and the effect does not last long.
  • It does not cause, at least for us, any sharp unpleasant sensations in the child.
  • Can be stored at room temperature. But a certain number of days. They need to be calculated, and the expiration date of the medicine must be indicated on the jar.

By the way, I confess, I forgot to throw it out in time. But there was something to photograph for review

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