Sudocrem: will help cure skin diseases

Composition and release form

Cream for external use1 jar
zinc oxide15,25%
benzyl benzoate0,83%
benzyl alcohol0,39%
benzyl cinnamate0,15%
excipients: distilled water; liquid paraffin; paraffin paraffin; microcrystalline paraffin; sorbitan sesquioleate; synthetic wax (JBE 40 wax); propylene glycol; lavender oil; linalyl acetate; citric acid; butylated hydroxyanisole

in polypropylene cans of 60 or 125 g.

Composition and pharmaceutical form

Sudocrem is a homogeneous plastic mass with a slightly oily texture with a characteristic medicinal odor. The drug is packaged in polypropylene jars weighing 60 and 125 g and is intended for external use.

The cream contains a combination of several therapeutic components:

  • zinc oxide;
  • lanolin;
  • benzyl benzoate;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • benzyl cinnamate.

In addition to active compounds, the drug contains formative and stabilizing components: distilled water, solid and liquid paraffins, wax, lavender essential oil, emulsifiers.

Component Properties

It is an effective remedy for eliminating diaper dermatitis and preventing it; it has a soothing, restorative and protective effect on delicate skin.

The water-repellent base of Sudocrem forms a protective barrier, preventing contact of irritants, urine and feces, with the skin. In addition, the emollient effect helps to soothe sensitive and/or inflamed skin.

Sudocrem can be used for various types of skin irritation (cuts, abrasions, bedsores), when a soothing, protective, restorative effect with additional healing, antibacterial and antifungal properties is needed.

Contains the following therapeutic ingredients.

Zinc oxide: has an astringent, soothing and protective effect.

Benzyl alcohol: has a local anesthetic effect and has antiseptic properties.

Benzyl benzoate: stimulates the growth of epithelial cells, promoting the regeneration process.

Benzyl cinnamate: a reaction product of benzyl alcohol and cinnamic acid, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Lanolin is hypoallergenic: a substance similar to the fatty secretion of human skin, obtained by removing many of the sensitizing components of lanolin.

How Sudocrem works

The product has antimicrobial, astringent and anti-inflammatory effects for various skin diseases. Its properties are determined by the active substances it contains:

  • zinc exhibits antioxidant properties, has an adsorbent, astringent, drying effect, blocks the proliferation of infectious cells, forms a thin breathable protective film on the surface of the skin, helps eliminate irritation, burning, redness, relieves physical discomfort, relieves itching;
  • benzyl compounds have an antifungal effect, destroy proteins of pathogenic bacteria, promote tissue regeneration, accelerate the healing of mechanical damage, inflamed and weeping areas;
  • Lanolin has a general restorative effect, softens, moisturizes, disinfects the skin, eliminates inflammation, and relieves pain from minor injuries or burns.

Versatile medicinal properties allow Sudocrem to be used for skin problems of various origins. When used correctly, the substances of the drug do not penetrate into the body and do not cause any systemic reactions.

Directions for use and doses

Externally, with each diaper change (diaper dermatitis) or as needed.

You should use a small amount of cream, applying it in a thin layer. Rub Sudocrem in small circular movements until the cream is absorbed, leaving a transparent film. If the film does not cover the affected area, apply a little more cream. If the treated area remains white - too much cream has been applied - the excess cream should be removed.

Indications for use

The list of purposes for using Sudocrem includes:

  • irritation, diaper rash and diaper dermatitis in newborns and infants;
  • consequences of insect bites;
  • dermatitis, eczema in children and adults;
  • teenage acne vulgaris;
  • various forms of acne;
  • superficial scratches, shallow abrasions, abrasions, cracks;
  • fungal and bacterial skin infections;
  • solar, chemical and thermal burns;
  • shallow frostbite no more severe than first degree;
  • inflammation and cracked nipples in nursing women;
  • bedsores and skin irritations in bedridden patients;
  • skin manifestations of allergies: itching, urticaria.

Sudocrem is great for applying to problem areas of various parts of the body. The drug is classified as hypoallergenic and rarely causes unwanted reactions. For this reason, it is approved for use on sensitive areas, including the face and chest. And also in case of violations of the integrity of the epidermis, its inflammation and loosening.


The description of the drug Sudocrem on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Popular questions about Sudocrem

What does Sudocrem help with?

The medicine is prescribed to: newborn babies who suffer from diaper dermatitis and diaper rash, adults with mild thermal burns and first-degree frostbite, acne, bedsores and eczema.

What can replace Sudocrem?

Dermatological creams that contain zinc oxide, Desitin and Zinox. The imported drug - Bepanten and Ukrainian analogues - Pantekrem and Happy Derm, which are produced in the form of a cream, contain dexpanthenol and are prescribed for skin irritations and damage, are sold in pharmacies of the retail pharmaceutical network 9-1-1.

Sudocrem, how to use?

The medication is prescribed for external application. A thin layer of cream is applied to adults and children on clean, damaged skin up to six times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

How quickly does Sudocrem help?

Reduction of redness and inflammation of the skin occurs on the second day of therapy.

Indications for use

The medication is used by pediatricians for infants from birth with diaper dermatitis and diaper rash. For adults and children, the medicine is used for:

  • thermal and sunburn without complications,
  • cuts and insect bites,
  • shallow wounds,
  • first stage frostbite,
  • acne,
  • bedsores and eczema.

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding. Sudocrem for bedsores helps in the treatment of bedridden patients. For skin redness, the medicine is applied twice a day, for severe stages - four times a day. The cream reduces inflammation and prevents the development of tissue necrosis. Sudocrem for burns is used immediately after injury, as the effect of the drug slows down. The victim’s burning sensation stops ten minutes after the medicine comes into contact with the skin, redness decreases, and the wound heals on the second or third day. Sudocrem for prickly heat reduces the frequency of rashes in children, dries out pimples and prevents the development of complications. Sudocrem for dermatitis relieves babies from redness and flaking of the skin that diapers cause. The drug is used in the complex treatment of atopic dermatitis, which occurs in young patients with food allergies. The medication is applied during the day and before bed in combination with Bepanten ointment, which is used in the morning and evening. Sudocrem for allergies is prescribed for bites and skin rashes that occur when interacting with an allergen, to eliminate itching, swelling and prevent bacterial infections. A decrease in the patient's rashes is observed on the third day of therapy. Sudocrem for psoriasis reduces redness and itching and accelerates skin exfoliation, which leads to maintaining the barrier function of the skin.

How to use Sudocrem

In some cases, the drug helps prevent the formation of deep lesions, such as blisters or ulcers. For this reason, it is important to begin application immediately after skin damage. Sudocrem can be applied in different ways, depending on the nature of the disease or injury:

  • spot: on vesicles, mosquito bites, pimples, blackheads, boils, abrasions, scratches, blisters and calluses;
  • Evenly cover large areas of the body with the product: for dermatitis, diaper rash, bedsores, sunburn and other massive injuries.

The main condition before using the drug is to cleanse the skin as much as possible from cosmetics, impurities, fatty secretions and sweat. Severely damaged or wet areas should be carefully blotted with sterile wipes or medical cotton swabs.

The required amount of cream must be applied to the skin; if necessary, carefully spread in a thin layer over the damaged area with a clean palm or swab. It is not necessary to rub the product until completely absorbed, like a cosmetic product. Covering the skin with bandages after applying the cream should only be done in exceptional cases: to protect the skin from the aggressive effects of the sun or dust.

You can apply the cream as often as the physical condition of the skin requires. Residues from previous procedures do not need to be washed off. Usually 3-4 applications per day are enough, if necessary it is allowed to do this more often.

According to reviews, Sudocrem perfectly helps to get rid of acne on the face, prevents the subsequent formation of scars at the site of inflamed pimples, and helps restore the smoothness of the skin. Babies also respond well to the application of the cream. Among children's medications, it has a fairly high rating and popularity, since it does not show side effects, quickly relieves irritation and treats diaper rash.

The medicine consists of

  • zinc oxide, which reduces exudation and inflammation in damaged areas of the skin and tissues, creates a protective barrier that prevents irritation of the skin with feces and urine, and has five pharmacological effects:
  1. anti-inflammatory,
  2. antiseptic,
  3. astringent,
  4. drying,
  5. adsorbing.
  • lanolin, which prevents moisture from entering, soothes and softens the skin,
  • benzyl benzoate - under the influence of which tissue regeneration is accelerated, which leads to the growth of epithelial cells.
  • benzyl alcohol - a local antiseptic, which reduces pain and skin irritation,
  • benzyl cinnamate, which has antibacterial and antifungal effects, as a result of which the penetration of microbes and fungi into the affected areas of the skin is slowed down. The components of the cream act comprehensively, protect and dry the skin.

The medicine contains lavender oil, which disinfects the skin and improves blood circulation in inflamed areas.

Mode of application

Pediatricians prescribe Sudocrem to children from birth to ensure daily hygiene and protection of the skin from exposure to irritants. Before using the cream, the skin is cleaned of dirt with wet wipes and allowed to dry. A thin layer of the dermatological product is applied to the damaged areas each time you change a baby's diaper or an adult's diaper with light massage movements around the inflamed area and wait for the cream to be absorbed, which is characterized by the appearance of a white film on the skin. The remainder of the medication is removed. Doctors allow the medicine to be used six times a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the patient’s diagnosis.

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